The Wedding (4): Blue Velvet

Mirae was getting more impatient by the minute. She had been trying to call KJ and Somi for the past few hours but none of them were answering her. The first time she tried to reach KJ that morning, Dasom picked up and told her that he was at a shoot. When she called Somi, her assistant said that she was not taking any calls for the day.

Irritation rose within her as she tried calling both of them again but none answered.

"What is going on?" she snapped. She dialed Hyun Jung's number. He picked up on the third dial.

"Hyun Jung!" she said at once. "Where is Somi?"

"Uhh...she's at a drama shoot," he lied.

"Stop lying!" Mirae scolded him. "I know she doesn't have a shoot today!"

"A last minute schedule came up," he replied. "She's there."

"And KJ? Where is he? I know that you know!"

"He's...with me," Hyun Jung said in an attempt to mislead her. "I've joined him for lunch but he just went to the washroom! I'll tell him to call you."