Wedding (5): Panic

By the time it was 5 PM, Mirae was getting extremely worried. No matter how many times she tried, none of her calls were being returned. She tried Somi and KJ numerous times but they ignored her. Hyun Jung had at least replied until a couple of hours ago but he, too, had stopped responding. Even Psycho was out of reach.

She buzzed Shelley.

"Shelley, did you get a hold of Somi?" she demanded.

"Not yet, Madam," Shelley replied, feeling guilty. She had tried to reach Ms. Somi many times but to no avail.

Mirae picked up her phone and dialed Riggs. He picked up instantly.

"Riggs, Somi and KJ are not responding to my calls!" she exclaimed. "Contact their security teams and let me know!"

"Madam…" he started but trailed off.

"What happened?" Mirae asked. Her body stiffened at his tone. He sounded grim as if there was some bad news.