EPHS-Chapter 499 Swords and Fists

The buses carrying parents and children who came to participate in the orientation were already visible, and at this moment, Sairaorg stood at the entrance of Auros Academy seeming somewhat conflicted.

"Kamiya Tenraku, do we really have to do this? It feels a bit inappropriate," Sairaorg voiced his concerns.

"Stop being so hesitant. Weren't you offering to help just now? You're backing out already?" Tenraku retorted.

"It's not that I want to back out, it's just... your idea..."

"Alright, I'll go first, and then you follow," Tenraku interrupted, taking the initiative. He immediately activated the power of his Sacred Gear, summoning the armor of the Two Heavenly Dragons, and striking a pose as he stood on the left side of the school gate.

Sairaorg's mouth twitched slightly. Kamiya Tenraku was really going all out for his wedding. But what exactly was he trying to achieve with this?

Nevertheless, seeing the other Peerage members suppressing their laughter but brimming with anticipation, Sairaorg could only grit his teeth and go along with it.

"Regulus, please," Sairaorg said, employing the Forbidden Move "Iron Skin of the Lion King - Regulus Rey Leather Rex." He then imitated Tenraku's posture, standing with his hands on his hips on the right side of the school gate.

"Hē Hē Hē..."

Unable to contain themselves, all the Peerage members burst into laughter.

The Great Lion King from the House of Bael and the miracle child of the Phenex family were dressed in armor from the "Tools that Destroy God - Longinus," playing the role of guardian statues. It seemed that only at "Auros Academy" could such a spectacle occur!

Blushing with embarrassment beneath their armor, Sairaorg decided inwardly that he would remain motionless and not give away that he was the real deal.

Before long, the buses arrived at the school gate, and one by one, the parents and children disembarked.

This time, there were 150 children who had come to participate in the orientation, along with over 400 parents. This exceeded Sona's initial expectations by quite a bit. The once quiet school gate quickly became lively.

"Look, it's the Great Lion King!"

"And the Red Dragon Emperor is there too!"

Soon, the children noticed Tenraku and Sairaorg playing the role of guardian statues. Excitedly, they ran over, touching and inspecting the two, completely surrounding them.

Not only the children but also the parents behind them were amazed. Where were these two statues of the Red Dragon Emperor and the Great Lion King made? They looked so real!

"Welcome, parents and children, to Auros Academy," Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Nimura Ruruko, dressed in uniforms, formed a tour group. They organized the parents and children who had just disembarked at the school gate, and then led them into the school for a tour.

After all the parents and children had entered, to the astonishment of the other staff members, the two statues at the gate came to life. The armor dissipated, revealing the figures of Tenraku and Sairaorg.

"Regulus has been complaining to me. I won't do this again in the future," Sairaorg sighed.

"Oh, come on, just this once, just this once. Didn't you see how well it worked? The atmosphere of the children has completely livened up," Tenraku chuckled, patting Sairaorg on the shoulder to comfort his wounded pride. Then, the two of them walked into the school together.

That little incident just now was just a spontaneous idea. Their real work lay ahead.

Inside the school, Asia and the others first led all the parents and children on a tour, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the surroundings. Then, Sona gave a welcome speech in the auditorium, explaining her educational goals and philosophy to the parents and children.

In addition to those children who came here to learn about the Rating Game, many others were here because they had been rejected by other schools due to their low background or lack of ability, or because they were not proficient in Magic Power. They and their parents had come here seeking a last ray of hope, so Sona's philosophy of admitting anyone regardless of background or ability resonated greatly with them.

After Sona's speech, it was time for the official classroom experience. The 150 children were randomly divided into three groups, and they and their parents would experience what it was like to attend classes here.

Apart from the Sensei originally hired by Sona, Yubelluna, Rossweisse, and several members of Sairaorg's Peerage would also serve as temporary instructors here. Even Rossweisse's grandmother, Göndul, had come over.

Tenraku and Sairaorg were also assigned teaching tasks, but it was impossible for these two Magic layabouts to teach Magic classes. Their task was to teach the children Swordsmanship and martial arts.

"Listen up! When throwing a punch, lower your stance and use your whole body to thrust your fist forward in a straight line!"


On the playground, Sairaorg was leading dozens of children in practicing their punches. Although they were still a bit inexperienced and their movements were awkward, every child was extremely earnest and filled with vitality.

After Sairaorg finished teaching martial arts, it was time for Tenraku to teach Swordsmanship. He handed out bamboo swords prepared in advance to each child, then stepped forward with his own bamboo sword.

"Many of you may not be proficient in Magic Power, and you may have been called worthless since childhood," Tenraku began. "But in this world, there are no naturally worthless individuals, only those who refuse to put in effort!"

"Even if you're not good at Magic Power, as long as you work hard to train your fists and practice Swordsmanship, you can still become strong!"

"Now, allow me to demonstrate my Swordsmanship to you."

Under the gaze of the children, Tenraku began his demonstration. He didn't showcase any complex sword techniques; instead, he merely demonstrated basic slashing and cutting motions. However, with each swing, sharp sword qi shot out, leaving long marks on the ground that gradually disappeared into the distance.

This was only the airflow generated purely from swinging the sword. If Tenraku were to add Spirit Qi, it could be a hundred times more exaggerated.

It seemed that it was the first time for many of them to witness such a thing. They were amazed to realize that one could become so powerful without using Magic Power, relying solely on fists and Swordsmanship. The children's eyes sparkled with excitement.

After the demonstration, it was time for the actual practice. With enthusiasm, the children followed Tenraku's lead, swinging their swords and shouting enthusiastically.

After several rounds of practice, seeing that everyone was getting tired, Tenraku let them take a break.

"Now, do you all understand? Even if you're not good at Magic Power, you can still become strong as long as you work hard and persevere. Sairaorg and I are the best examples."

"Great Lion King, Red Dragon Emperor Elder Brother, whose fists and Swordsmanship are stronger?" One child boldly asked during the break, intending to stir up some friendly competition.

"I think my fists are stronger," Sairaorg said, rubbing his chin.

"I believe my Swordsmanship is stronger," Tenraku chimed in.

Their eyes flashed with determination as they looked at each other.

"What do you say, Sairaorg? Shall we have a little contest?"

"I'm up for it!"

"Oh oh!!"

"Great Lion King! Great Lion King!"

"Red Dragon Emperor! Red Dragon Emperor!"

From the teaching building in the distance, Rias watched as Tenraku and Sairaorg got into it, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What are those two doing instead of teaching the children?"

"Isn't this fine too? The children seem to be enjoying themselves," Sona replied with a smile as she watched the children cheer for the two.

To be continued...

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I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler