EPHS-Chapter 500 Night Raid of the Girls

The whole day had been busy, with everyone taking the children on tours, attending classes, and resting while their familiars entertained them. Even the Undine Queen was summoned by Tenraku to perform dazzling water magic with Aqua's Divine Scepter for the children. 

Finally, as evening approached, the activities of First Heaven's orientation came to an end, and the parents and children were escorted to their accommodations by the staff. Tenraku and the girls, exhausted from the day's events, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Congratulations, Sona. The children and parents all seem to love it here. Your school is sure to gain even more recognition in the future," Rias said, offering her congratulations.

"Thank you, Rias. It's all thanks to your help," Replied Sona, her face filled with joy.

The orientation event for First Heaven had been a tremendous success, and Sona couldn't be happier. For her, the approval of the children and parents for the school she had founded was the highest honor and reward.

"We still have one more day tomorrow. Let's continue to rely on everyone," Sona said with a smile.

"Hehe, leave it to us, President-sama!"

Although everyone was tired, they felt extremely happy after the day's events and were full of enthusiasm.

In the evening, they enjoyed dinner together before soaking in baths and retiring to their respective rooms early.


The sound of a door opening, followed by three petite figures sneaking into Tenraku's room.

It was Ravel, Kunou, and Elmen.

"Ravel-chan, isn't this risky? What if Onii-chan finds out?" Whispered Kunou nervously.

"Hmph, don't worry. As long as we don't wake him up, it'll be fine," replied Ravel confidently.

"Besides, don't you both want to try it? Sleeping together with Onii-chan, I mean."

Although a bit embarrassed, Kunou and Elmen couldn't deny that they were tempted.

Moreover, at this point, Ravel probably wouldn't let them leave even if they wanted to.

With the lights off, the room appeared dark, but it posed no problem for the three Devil, Yōkai, and Vampire girls. They silently made their way to the edge of the bed.

"R-Ravel-chan, what should we do now?" Kunou asked, feeling nervous as she looked at Tenraku sleeping peacefully.

"Little fox, you go to the left."

"Elmen, you go to the right."

"What about you, Ravel-chan?"

"I'll take the middle. Onii-chan's chest belongs to me."

As Ravel asserted her dominance, Kunou and Elmen couldn't help but feel a bit exasperated. Why did the best spot have to go to her?

But they didn't dare to argue. While Ravel always appeared obedient and well-behaved in front of Tenraku, behind closed doors, she was the strong-willed princess of the Phenex family. Besides, with Ravel's sharp mind and numerous ideas, Kunou and Elmen had grown accustomed to following her lead.

Careful not to wake up Tenraku, Kunou and Elmen gingerly lay down on either side of him, while Ravel nestled herself comfortably on top of him.

"Your scent, Onii-chan, it's the best..."

With her eyes half-closed, Ravel nuzzled against Tenraku's chest, clearly enjoying the sensation.

Kunou and Elmen blushed, thinking that Ravel-chan was being too bold. But she had a point—Tenraku Onii-chan did smell really good, even though it wasn't the typical fragrance of a girl. It was incredibly captivating.

Like mischievous little foxes, the three girls sniffed around Tenraku, until suddenly...

"What are you three doing?"

Tenraku's voice rang out, and they realized that he had opened his eyes and was staring at them.

"O-Onii-chan, w-when did you wake up?"

Frozen in place, Kunou and Elmen didn't dare to move, while Ravel, feeling extremely embarrassed, stammered out the question.

"I woke up as soon as you three came in."

"Why aren't you sleeping in your own rooms at night? What are you doing in my room?"

Tenraku's tone was less than pleased.

"W-We wanted to sleep with you, Onii-chan!"

Blushing furiously, Ravel decided to throw caution to the wind and spoke out loud.

"You brat, how dare you think such things at your age? Kunou and Elmen were definitely influenced by you, right?"

"So what if they were? I wasn't thinking about anything dirty. I just wanted to sleep with Onii-chan."

"It's because Onii-chan does those things every night with Sister-In-Law-Sama and Yubelluna. This was a rare chance, and I didn't want to miss it!"

Seeing Ravel's unapologetic demeanor, Tenraku couldn't help but sweatdrop. Perhaps he was partly to blame for this... But wanting to sleep with him wasn't too unreasonable. They had slept together when they were younger.

"I won't send you back tonight, but no more strange behavior, understood?"

"We won't do anything strange. It's Onii-chan who's strange."

"Is that so? Then who were those three little dogs sniffing around me earlier?"

"Wh-We won't tell!"

Blushing even more, Ravel immediately covered Tenraku's mouth, and they playfully wrestled for a while before the three girls settled down on him again, panting lightly.

"Alright, let's go to sleep. We have work to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, good night, Onii-chan..."


The next morning, Tenraku woke up with a yawn. Feeling something heavy on top of him, he saw that Ravel was still tightly wrapped around him. This girl had clung to him all night long without letting go.

Kunou and Elmen were still lying on either side of him, their heads occasionally nuzzling against him as they dreamed sweet dreams.

Vampires were nocturnal creatures by nature, but since coming here, Elmen seemed to have adapted to sleeping at night and being active during the day. As for Kunou, she had even started to show her fox tail and ears after a night's sleep.

"Good morning, Onii-chan," Ravel greeted as she woke up.

"Morning. You should go back to your own room before your two Sister-In-Law-Samas find out," Tenraku advised.

"K... Kiss, Onii-chan, one more time..." Ravel's cheeks turned slightly red as she looked at him expectantly.

Tenraku chuckled and shook his head at her antics. This girl...

Leaning down, he gently kissed Ravel's lips, fulfilling her request.

Shortly after, Kunou and Elmen also woke up and caught sight of the two of them.

And so, they too received the same treatment from Tenraku.

Finally, when the three girls emerged from Tenraku's room, they were all feeling a bit dizzy and disoriented...

To be continued...

You can read ahead up to 90 chapters on my patreon and I've also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/darkshadow6395

As long as I reach 400 dollars on my Patreon, I will start posting 2 chapters per day of this novel.

I have also posted 2 new novels on My website and web novel. They are- 

1. I am not Interested In Devil Fruit 

2. Marvel Disassembler