A Little Plan

After a complete month in power without any armed men banging on my door with the intent to usurp me, I'd finally found myself feeling comfortable in my office.

Going as far as personalizing it to suit my rather unique tastes, I'd gotten a much larger fridge, stocked with my favourite drinks Coca-Cola especially. I had a closet installed as well, for days I didn't return to my room and I'd change the couch with that in mind as well. It was longer, wider, fluffier and all the more comforting and pleasing to my eyes with its purple colour.

Today, bright and early in the morning, I had Niaina and Matthias seated in front of me, ready to report on the assignments I'd given them a week ago. Although I'd much rather lie on my couch I daydream of finality, this had to be done. I had no idea what the consequence of my failure to unite the world under my rule would be, but I could be certain the devilish being that tasked me with the job would ensure to deprive me of whatsoever reprieve I might be looking forward to in death.

"Matthias, you go first."

A week ago I'd ordered Matthias to assemble a competent cabinet to help him bring a workable proposal to increase the standard of living in the country. A week ago I'd also executed the previous cabinet for their folly and I'd done so in the presence of their replacements.

After the execution, Matthias had done his best not to act the way Luciano had been, he'd tried his best not to be a hypocrite. Although I had no doubts that Luciano couldn't care less that I'd executed the chiefs, the man would have done so himself if I'd given him the chance, but as it stood it seemed he'd been sulking over what I'd done with President Nawab and Bernardor.

A week had passed since then and the two heads of state had long since vacated Schelar for their own country. I'd sent Niaina to inquire on their stance on my offer since I wasn't about to make things awkward and tense with my presence. They'd given a pending reply, saying they'd give it good thought and discuss it with their various advisors back in their homes.

I scoffed at this and simply considered the lot of them fools abound. I didn't give it any more thought after she'd reported that to me over the phone, nothing would come of adding unstable elements like themselves to my plans.

Relations with them might as well be dead. Luciano must have heard about these developments and ever since he did, his attitude towards me had been even colder, which was saying something for the stiff general he was a hundred per cent of the time.

"Sir, as you requested, I and your cabinet have brought up a proposal on how we could maximize the economic growth of the nation and thereby increase our general standard of living." He says as he slaps down one of the thickest files I've seen present in my office on my desk, it's weight alone causes minor items on the desk to jump up as it lands.

He keeps silent as he takes his seat, as though I was about to start flipping through every page of the enormous file and reading it in. "A summary if you would, Matthias." I grind out with a thoroughly exhausted look.

"Oh, yes of course sir."

Matthias takes Niaina and I into an explanation of the proposal that couldn't quite possibly be considered concise. Niaina saw fit to jump in at certain points, asking questions and correcting minor mistakes. Though she was one of the first members of the Cabinet and the only one spared from the execution of the chiefs, she wasn't an active part of the proposal, but she'd been made as she continued to work as my proxy to Russia.

To summarize his summary, the proposal insisted on infrastructural development acting as a means of providing rather temporary jobs for the unemployed so their net revenues increase to the point where having left of income is possible.

He made sure to emphasize the need for people to have leftover gain after purchasing necessities for their survival, namely food, water, healthcare and housing. This was important because we wanted to increase the chances of local investment in businesses which we would then tax.

Another major point was of course healthcare. It was one of the most expensive necessities the average joe in Schelar would be concerned about once receiving whatever income they gained.

Healthcare was poor and yet expensive, it's expensive nature couldn't be helped as of yet but its standard could certainly be improved. The prevention of diseases would be a tough battle to fight without the necessary resources, but I was confident that the Russian Federation would be eager to have a hand in the eradication of poor healthcare in Schelar, after all, they'd sent their best medical team to aid mine when I fell into a coma.

There was also farming subsidies. A large percentage of Schelar's quarterly revenue came from farms. Farming subsidies were one of the cheapest ways to ensure economic growth for the people as generally, farms had many hands working all around. Niaina pointed out it would be particularly helpful if the government spearheaded the project, placing larger, more organized and controlled farms all around the country whilst enlisting whoever might want a job on the government-run farms. An educational course would be needed for this alone of course, as there were just as many uneducated people as there were starving.

Matthias had listed a slew of ways to go about it and it all honestly got me excited. Properly implementing even one of these could change the way things are run in the country in a matter of years.

"Ah, thank you, Matthias. We will discuss this all at length with the cabinet all present, for now, you're dismissed." With a smile, he nodded, buttoned up and left the office.

Still daydreaming of the utopia I'd build on organized farm placements, I turn to Niaina with a bit of a grin on my face, she easily matches it and we share a laugh.

"The future is bright for Schelar Niaina and I'm excited to see it."

"So am I, sir."

"Ah, yes, so, what news have you brought for me from Russia?"

"Sir," she begins, losing her smile and shifting uncomfortably in her chair, "According to the Ambassador, the President has been rather occupied to authorize any transfer of arms to Schelar. This is the same thing he reported to me last week but I'd like to let you know of a slip up he made."

I raise my eyebrow at this but hold my tongue, letting her continue.

"While I tormented him with questions on the pending status of the deal, he mentioned something about the West putting pressure on the Federation for contacting us. It's easy to assume the US, UK and EU, aren't particularly pleased about it, we are still branded as a dictatorial regime and unrecognized by many countries in the world despite a recent wave of recognition in African and East Asian nations."

I sigh, "And the sanctions are still in place," she nods grimly at this. For whatever reason, the west had made close to no attempts at contacting or even researching the true nature of Schelar. With their paranoia, it would be easy to harbour distrust against the Russians as they make the first contact with a country they consider dictatorial.

"The Russians aren't at fault." I say solemnly, the idea that'd just come up in my mind was not one to be carried out lightly, "I'll travel to Russia and meet with the President myself. I have an idea, but I'd need his full cooperation. Set it up, this weekend."

She nods and takes my word as her cue to leave.

I slump down in my chair as I realize, even if with the RDOS (Rapid Development of Schelar) project, it would take years to revolutionize weapons strong enough to defend against the Malagasy, not to even think of conquering the world. Perhaps I should authorize the extraction of the spies we have placed in various countries. They still had the blueprints for various weapons.

I almost laugh as I realize that would be much less of a risk than what I was planning on using them for.

Taking over the as many broadcasting platforms in as many western nations as possible to send a message.

We Are Schelar.