
To implement my rather ballsy plan I had to first discuss its feasibility with an expert.

And that was where Nizar Razafy came in once again. Not too long ago, I'd met him to discuss the possible need to extract our agents from the countries they monitored.

He sat before me looking just as brainy as the last we saw. That being the day of the chief's execution. Nizar had been chosen by Matthias as the most competent person to head up the ministry of information, I thought it was a terrific choice as well.

"Uhm…You needed me, sir?" he says, fear largely staining his voices as he shrinks into his seat, pushing up his spectacles as he avoids my gaze.

"Yes, I needed you, Matthias has briefed me on the RDOS proposal. You did a good job contributing quite largely to its feasibility." I say in praise, he lifts his head, now a lot more willing to meet my gaze.

"Thank you, sir, I was only doing my job,"

I nod, hurriedly dismissing the platitudes in favour of moving on to my major concern.

"Now, Nizar, I need you to do something else for me. I will be travelling soon to Russia to meet with the President and the success of my trip depends on your success with this task, do you understand?"

"If I may ask, what is the task, Sir?"

I frown at his precaution. Smart people were often a thorn as they were much harder to make subservient. I narrow my eyes into a glare and soon Nizar finds himself uncomfortable. It didn't take a moment before he corrected himself.

"Yes, I understand completely sir."

Good, fear always proved to be the best incentive for some people, myself included as the mysterious threat of an equally mysterious Being lingered over me.

"Good," I begin relaxing into my seat, pulling out a pringle can from the desk drawer, "Now, your task is simple. The forty men we have scattered all over the world will have to be reassigned,"

"Reassigned? To what?"

I wave a single pringle at him, silencing him, "Keep your questions until later." With a loud crunch, I swallow the delicious vinegar tasting pringle, "They'll be assigned to more important countries for this. The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, and Ukraine."

I take a moment to finish chewing my second pringle before going on the explain, "They will need to be divided as equally as possible between the mentioned countries, there are eight so with forty of our agents they'll equally be divided into groups of five." I set my gaze on him again, no longer bothering with the pringles, "They have a simple mission to accomplish and that is to infiltrate as many broadcasting networks in their assigned countries to play a simple one-minute video."

Nizar's eyes visibly widen at this; his mouth hangs open as questions build within his mind.

"And the messages need to be broadcasted in sync with the other eight nations. Questions?"

After a few stutters, he composes himself, still with an incredulous look on his face, "Sir, the scale of such an operation, on two continents sir, on countries with a tight security protocol on their media. The operation might as well be suicide!"

I wave my finger at him, Nizar didn't know what I knew about many of these countries, it was understandable he hadn't lived as long as I have. "Nizar, the countries I mentioned have the most relaxed laws on media, in fact, they are the poster boys for liberty as most of their media isn't run by the government. I chose these countries for the very fact that their media isn't seen as a liability but rather, an asset. We'll be turning that against them with this operation."

I'd deliberately chosen to steer away from eastern countries like China, Japan and India, they, in fact, had little care to do with us, and even if we mounted the operation against them, it wouldn't be broadcasted worldwide as it would if we did so with the western democracy-loving nations. I intended to use their liberty and will to shine a light on their hypocrisy.

"Sir, this could have us as a target of these eight, powerful nations, do we really want that?"

At this, my head snapped to him, glare in place, "Nizar, do you think I haven't thought of that?!" I asked, slamming my hand down on the desk. His condescending look fully irritating me.

"I'm sorry sir." He mutters quietly.

I let out a sigh and try to regain my composure. It was quite unlike me to lose my cool at all but with all that's been happening, and with the fears of utter failure lingering at the back of my mind, its more than just irritating to be looked down upon as a child who hadn't thought over his actions.

"These eight nations would sooner help us than go to war, especially seeing as the message we send will be one that turns their own citizens against them, their own laws, congress, assembly, parliament, whatever it is against them. They are not centralized in their power and that is a weakness this will exploit quite heavily."

I let out a tired, truly exhausted sigh as I wave him away, "You've been granted your ministerial budget, get the agents in place as well as an operational plan, I'm going to need these factors to convince the Russian President. You're dismissed."

With his head down, Nizar quickly took his leave. As he did, I thought I'd finally caught a break. But my plans for pringle, coke, couch and sleep were swiftly interrupted as Mireille barged in.


I barely hold back a curse as I turn to answer her with a smile, "What is it, Mireille? Barging in like that."

She had a grin on her face as she spoke words I didn't even consider, "Namibia has made contact, they want to sell!"