The Land Of The Sun

Exciting news is what it was. I'd previously dismissed whatever possibilities lay in the Namibia or Comoros making contact to take me up on the deal I offered. Seventy-million dollars for the best quality cargo ship they had. But when I heard they'd made contact three days ago it'd been the highlight of my week.

Even more exciting was that they weren't just declaring that they were open for business, they'd formally invited me to their nation. This would mark another historic moment in Schelarian history, the first-ever State Visit.

Although I was ecstatic at the prospect of being so publically recognized, it would be the first time the I was outside of Schelar in this life, and to a country, I've never been to in previous lives either.

This action had me filled with mixed feelings. On one hand, it would be great exposure for Schelar, I would no doubt be seen, filmed and captured in the media of a country where the internet is freely accessible. The news of my presence in the country would spread like wildfire. The President of Schelar seen outside the Nation's borders for the first time.

Chuckled to myself as I could see the headlines light up one after the other in my head. Niaina looked up at me from the pile of work she was still busy with, her lips pulled upward at the smile threatening to become a full grin on my face.

I shake my head and wave her amused yet questioning look away and looked out the window. I saw only clouds presented before me, mashed with the blue of the skies and their bright white colour, the view gave me a rather odd feeling as it resembled a painting.

We were currently flying towards the Namibian capital, Windhoek for the State visit.

There it is again. Every time I remind myself of our destination and our intent and chill runs down my back. And that brings me to the other hand of things, and the reason I was so nervous.

Namibia was a country we hadn't set a spy in, quite frankly we were flying in blind. Schelar had limited to no information from the outside world and with how my last meeting with the Namibian President went, I wouldn't think it was too farfetched to think that the man was intent on handing me over to AU authorities after he and Nawab had properly slandered my name and government.

Thinking of the possibilities of such being actually being the case, I'd take precautions. Firm orders for Matthias and Luciano to take joint control of the nation in my absence and follow through with all the necessary deals and plans needed to transform the economy as well as protect against invaders. It would need to be business, as usual, the moment I was captured.

I wondered if it still counted as my achievement if Luciano and Matthias were the ones to direct the mission of world domination to success.

But this was a risk I was willing to take. The pros outweighed the cons quite heavily. A properly broadcasted and reported State visit to a fellow African nation, a notoriously democratic one at that meant the plan to infiltrate those western countries could be postponed as we waited to see the good results this visit would bring.

It even warranted the postponement of my trip to Russia as well. This was an unprecedented opportunity to better the nation without being any further trouble to the Russians. An opportunity I was willing to take in a hearts beat.


At the announcement, I indulge myself and peer out the window. The scene looks oddly familiar with square patches of different colours scattered all around. It reminded me of the time I flew above Mahe in search of Ralefy.


My eyes widen sharply with realization and immediately I activate my intel-ii before the clouds could get in my line of sight.

The intel-ii, one of the boons I'd chosen to be granted by the Being X alongside pain infliction. Although I'd neglected to use what I'd be pressed to call 'powers' it was only because so few avenues of use presented themselves.

I only ever used the intel-ii whenever I ate food brought in from the kitchen-you could never be too sure who was trying to get at you- and when I either needed to impress or intimidate someone.

Pain infliction was even more rarely used. I had no opponents and I wasn't a sadist yet so there was no point submitting prisoners to my endless torture. I had yet to find the time to fully explore its capabilities even.

But now I was presented with a pristine opportunity to make good use of my ability.

Looking out the window I got a chance to scan much of the country as we flew overhead, taking as much detail and information as the ability would allow before we landed.

As we landed I helped Niaina pack up and arrange her work so we could disembark, I set the numerous thought bubbles that were detailed bits of information regarding Namibia, not quite ready to go through the hordes of them I shrinked it all to a little sidebar at the edge of my view so it didn't hinder my sight.

As we disembark we are quickly greeted by a light-skinned but well-tanned and strong built man. He wore a pressed eye-catching suit and had many other men of similar dressing standing at attention behind him.

Further behind the man are even more men patrolling a tight barricaded line with what I could easily tell were hordes of reporters. I almost blush at their hunger to get a look at me. This was good.

Finally, upon completely getting off the plane I stood in front of the particularly charming and handsome looking young man. I could dare say he was almost as young as I was.

He steps forward to greet and one of the men beside him do so as well then they begin addressing me, "Your Excellency, it is an honour to have you as our guest in our nation, I am Sylvester Johannes, chief of staff to President Bernardor. We've have been sent to take you and your entourage to the ceremony, we will cater to any of the needs and wants you may have on the way."

The other man was a translator, translating Johannes words from English to French for my sake. I realized that not you wouldn't find many Malagasy speakers outside the Madagascar and Schelar.

French would suffice but I also spoke English so I replied in a fluent accent less Queens Tongue, "Yes, that will be fine do either one of you have an umbrella on hand? The sun here is scalding and I haven't any sunblock."