Chapter 6

"I'm from where?" asked Estefani as she sat down on her pastel blue couch, dumbfounded.

The young man sighed moving his hand through his platinum blond hair, "Okay. Let me explain again." He pointed at her and said, "You're magical," then pointing to himself, "I'm magical. We both can do— well, perform magic."

She looked at him and when his pale blue and amber brown eyes made eye contact, she shyly looked away. "Magic doesn't exist," she insisted, refusing to believe what he was saying.

"And you're correct. In this world, magic doesn't exist, but we're not from this world."

She looked at him and then took a deep breath. "Don't you think I would know if I wasn't from this world?" her voice started to go an octave higher. "I don't have any memories from my childhood that I lived in a different world."

"No. Your memory was erased and given false memories."

She gave a strained laugh as she looked away, "Right." Focusing her attention to the white coffee table in front of her, then at the light grey rug under it.

"Okay, so you don't believe me. Then why haven't you contacted your childhood friends or the people you went to high school with?"

Estefani didn't respond.

"See? It's because they never existed how can you contact someone who doesn't exist"

Estefani covered her ears, trying not to listen. "Then I'm not even Latina. I never had a quinceanera one of the most important experiences as being a Latina. That can't be true. "

"It is." The young man crouched down next to her. "Accept it."

"No, no, no." Estefani started rocking herself.

"Isla, please."

"My name isn't Isla," she snapped.

"That's your real name." The young man's face saddened. "It's Isla."

"My name isn't Isla! It's Estefani it's the name my parents gave me" she screamed then gasped. "No it can't be, are you saying who I thought were my parents they don't even exist ."

Liam nodded.

"It's not true! You don't know me and my parents do exist." The room started to shake, "Please just go away, bring my dog back, please bring Liam back to me."

" I am Liam," he said

Estefani's head began to throb. Sweat trickled down her nose as she tried to remember her parent's phone number to prove him wrong but she couldn't. As hard as she tried, she couldn't remember anything and somewhere deep down inside of her, Estefani felt like what he was saying could actually be true.

"No!" she denied, the young man came closer to her, "Don't come any closer!", Estefani stretched her arm to push him away and a gust of wind threw him flying to the other side of the room. The whole ground shook as the white cabinet on the other side of the room started to float in mid-air. "The furniture started flying out of control" Estefani screamed as the two white chairs that were in front of the coffee table came flying towards her. She threw herself to the ground and started to scooch back, she could feel the soft rug on her sweaty palms as she kept moving back. Once she was off the carpet and onto the ash wood, the rug, coffee table, and sofa started to float.

Her heart started to beat faster as she slowly scooched over to the corner room avoiding getting hit by the furniture. She curled herself up at the corner of the room looking at the furniture moving chaotically. She could barely see the open concept kitchen with the white table lamp, light blue pillows, and the coffee table moving all over the place near it. Estefani looked over at the young man laying on the floor as he started to regain consciousness then looked at the door cabinets as they rattled.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she rocked herself. The young man got up from across the room and headed towards her. Dodging the flying furniture and embraced her and softly said, "It's okay, Is—Estefani."

To Estefani, the young man's embrace felt familiar. As her whole body relaxed, everything that was floating fell quickly to the floor.

She looked at him as tears trickled down her cheek, "What am I? Who am I, really?"

He sat next to her. "As I said, your real name is Isla 04376...," he faltered. "The number goes on forever. You're from a different world. I am your guardian Liam, though I'm usually in dog form so I can go with you everywhere. I also just used magic on you so you could accept the things I'm telling you right now"

"I see," Estefani said wiping off her tears with the side of her hand and took a deep breath. "Why was my memory taken away?"

"Sorry. That I can't tell you. Let's just say this wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to be able to do magic in this world. You see, your magic was sealed away just like your memories. Over these past five years, nothing happened, and I don't know why it started now."

"What am I going to do? What if I lose control at work?"Estefani panicked.

"That won't happen," Liam said calmly

"How can you be so sure? What if..." she started and took a deep breath "What if I go out of control and kill someone?"

"I'll be right next to you to help you control your magic. I can at least teach you the basics."

"How do you know that it will be so easy to teach?" her voice cracked " Don't you know it's harder to learn things when you get older? I'm not a child anymore. How can you be so sure that I'm going to grasp it fast enough before I harm someone?"

"I don't." He looked at her, at first she couldn't help but shy away from his gaze, she never noticed that his eyes were so hypnotizing that one couldn't get away from his gaze. "But you can't just live in fear your whole life. Sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn."

"Even if it kills someone?"

"I'm telling you-you're not going to. If it makes you feel better I became your guardian because I am the best in defense magic."


"Just like it sounds defense, I help protect my partner from harm and I am a good healer as well. If I need to protect the people from you I will, but let me tell you one thing that you are my top priority so I will protect you at all costs."

She nodded. "Okay." She got up on her feet. "So I am from another world." She chuckled nervously. "That's cool."

"Do you have any more questions?" he asked.

"If you've been a dog this whole time, then does that mean that you've seen me, well, you know..."