Chapter 7

Estefani woke up by the light seeping through a little opening between the grey drapes. Hearing the sound of the drapes, Estefani sprung up in panic, she looked down at the ash wooden floor looking for Liam, her husky. She moved her gaze to the drapery, where a young man with platinum blond hair, wearing a white knitted sweater and a pair of dark grey jeans was staring at her.

"Hey, you okay?" he said moving closer.

Estefani flinched and moved back, "Liam?"

"Yes? Is something the matter?"

She sighed, "No, I just forgot what happened yesterday wasn't a dream. That's all."

"Oh, really?" he said with disbelief, "You know you don't have to afraid of me. I won't do anything to you."

She got off her bed, "Why do you say that I'm afraid. I'm not afraid of you."

He stepped forward, Estefani quickly moved to her right, away from him. Every step he took forward she took backward until her foot hit her white princess bed frame. Estefani fell in pain, her ankle bleeding.

Liam quickly kneeled beside her. " Let me take a look at it"

Estefani tried to push him away. "Don't touch it!"

Liam's hand hovered near her cut, she could feel the heat radiating from his hand, slowly the blood started evaporating from her skin, her cut skin smoothed and it was as if she never had the cut.

Estefani kept staring at where the cut was located, mesmerized. She looked at him, avoiding eye contact. "Thank you."

"No problem." Giving her a soft smile, Liam said, "Now you should get ready for work or you'll be late."

She hesitated, "Yes, um, you can get food from the refrigerator because now that I know that you're human. I don't think giving you dog food would be very nice."

"No need to worry about me," he said as he walked towards the door and closing it on his way out.

Estefani sighed in relief, looking at her bedroom she quickly went toward the white dresser in front of her bed. She took out the first thing she touched, quickly going to the bathroom to change, then headed out to the kitchen.

"Ready?" she went to grab her shoes from the closet.

"Are you not going to eat?"

"I'll grab something on the way."

He shrugged, a light started radiating from him as he slowly shrank, his pale skin became fur and he was once again a husky. She got his vest but hesitated before putting it on.

At work, Estefani walked quickly to her office trying to avoid people. Her heart pounded faster as she got closer. Once she was safe in her office she closed the door quickly.

She sighed. "Thank goodness"

"What in the world was that?" said a voice.

"Who said that?" she said, looking around.

"What do you mean, who? I did." said the voice. Estefani kept looking around. "Look down."

She did so and all she could see was Liam. "Liam?"

"Finally, I know we've only talked for a certain amount but really. How could you not recognize my voice?" he said

"How are you talking?" She crouched down to his level, "What if someone hears you."

"Doubt it."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm talking to you through telepathy."

"Telepathy? Can I do that?"

"Yes, you just need to concentrate."

Estefani closed her eyes, took a deep breath, concentrating. She opened her eyes. "Well, was I able to do it?"

"No." He laughed, "It's alright, you can practice it at home but back to what I wanted to tell you. What in the world was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"You were basically running all the way to your office. Don't tell me it's because you think you will hurt them." Liam's voice sounded irritated.

"But what if I do?"

"I told you that you won't. As long as I'm with you your magic won't go out of control." He sighed.


"But nothing I told you that I would help you. I told you, I'll teach you magic so that you won't have to be in fear of yourself."

"Really? I guess I was so nervous I forgot," she said, giving a strained laugh.

"You should open the door, Gabriel is about to knock on the door."

"How do you know that?" she said getting up mesmerized.

" I've gotten use to being a dog so I have a good sense of smell and I have good hearing."

Estefani opened the door and there stood Gabriel about to knock.

"How did you know I was about to knock?" he asked surprised.

"I didn't," she said leaving the door open. "So... what brings you here?."

"Just came to see how you're pacing yourself with the assignment"

"Good I already finished the sketch of the concept, Miss Evans loved it," she said quickly. Then noticed Gabriel kept staring at her, she stepped back, "That's not what you came here for is it?"

Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, "You got me. I came to ask you just out of curiosity and I know it has only been around a week that you've been here." Gabriel's gaze started shifting downward towards the floor.

"Sorry, no," she said. "You're asking if I'm going to stay here? Then it's no, sorry. I didn't want to work here in the first place. Even though everyone has been so kind."

"That's what I thought. You haven't told Miss Evans, have you?" Estefani shook her head, "Don't tell her until the last week when you turn in your assignment. You still have time before then."

"But..." she hesitated. "Okay, I'll wait."

The last week of her trial period, Estefani was in the elevator with Liam, heading to Miss Evan's office to turn in her assignment. Estefani's palms started to sweat as she heard each ping. She was the last appointment of the day.

"Hey, don't be nervous," said Liam.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I don't want her to get angry. I don't want her to be angry at me."

"I know you hate people raising their voice towards you when they're angry."

The elevator opened and Estefani cleaned her sweaty palms on her nice jeans before stepping out. Walking stiffly towards Miss Evans' desk, Estefani couldn't help but play with the bottom frills of her laced blouse out of nervousness.

"Hey," started Miss Evans as she stood up. "I've seen the finished product that you sent me. I love it. I can't wait to see your next work when I send you your next assignment."

"About that," Estefani shifted her eyes to Miss Evans green dress, "I'm not going to stay here."

"What?" Miss Evans voice cracked. "Why not?"

"I just..." Estefani clasped her sweaty hands together. "Don't think this place is a right fit for me."

"Really?" Miss Evans folded her arms. "Why don't we have dinner and I can change your mind about that?"

"I don't think.."

"Come on. Say yes," said Miss Evans, cutting her off.

Estefani sighed. "Okay."

"Good, let me grab my things, take an allergy pill and we can head out," said Miss Evans.

Heading to the restaurant they passed a parking lot with hedges all around. At the corner of the sidewalk was a dark figure. Getting closer Estefani could see that he had strong built and was wearing a big white shirt and sagging jeans.

"Stop," said Liam.

Estefani halted. "What's wrong, Liam?"

"Something doesn't feel right."

Liam sniffed the air.

Miss Evans stopped and turned around. "Hey, why are you stopping?"

The dark figure came out and took out his knife out.

Estefani had her hand out and could feel it vibrate as a gust of wind came out of the palm of her hand.

"Isla!" Liam shouted in Estefani's mind.

By the time Liam shouted, the dark figure was already flying backward hitting the sidewalk. She walked closer to the man on the floor. His face was scraped badly but because of the bad lighting of the dim lamp post, she couldn't tell if he was alive or not. Estefani was about to shake him to see if he was alright.

"Don't touch him."

"Why not?" she said.

"You don't want to leave any evidence that you did this."

Estefani turned around to look at Liam. In the corner of her eye, she could see Miss Evans. Estefani looked at her. "Liam, I think we have a bigger problem."