It's over? W-What about me?

"Arggh... What happened" Zoran asked himself as he massaged his head.

"Hmm…?" Zoran stopped as he stared at the projection. He found it strange.

There was a middle-aged man with a serious expression on the big TV screen hanging on one of the buildings. Zoran seems to recognize him, he was the news reporter from West defense Safety Zone, quite the popular dude.

"Breaking news! Somebody found a new portal at 110 kilometers western part of west gate No. 4D110. There's a high possibility of a monster invasion. Those who reside in that area, please be aware. Do not leave the foothold, stay indoors for now!"

After watching the video, Zaron frowned as the area number, No.4D110 was the official code of Bill road district.

"No. 4D110? what's this what is happening?! What in the worl-"

Before he could finish the reporter continued his report.

"Hunters have arrived at foothold No. 4D110, close to the portal to hunt down the monsters."

"Level 2 Warrior Hunter Salbo appeared near foothold No.4D110!"

"Warrior Hunter Salbo led hunters to hunt down the monsters."

"After more than an hour of hunting and killing, all monsters level 2-9 apprentice warrior monster and above within 100 kilometers of No. 4D110 were eliminated. More hunters joined the hunter troop to continue the mission within the area."

Hearing the latest news, Zoran was dumbfounded and sigh in relief thinking about what could happen when monsters arrived in the area.

Zoran frowned as he digests the following event that happened.

Around the area many people still looking at the big screen cheering. As if it was so normal and common having a monster attacking the city.

Zoran looked again at the big screen looking at the right side of the screen. There was a date being projected.

"Y-ear 2200?! Does that mean that I went to the future? F-for 200 years?! Or I mean... I mean in another world?"

Zoran cannot help but shocked. 'What in the did that mysterious done?' Zoran thought.

"What about my son?!"

Zoran cannot help but worried. He didn't know what to do now he was helpless. He couldn't think properly and could only gaze at the horizon thinking that God would take care of his son living a smooth and healthy life.

"Today, I proudly introduce to you the man who made changes to our nation a miracle that no one could achieve what he had done. He was the one who invented the serum who allowed us to do the impossible. Since the era of peace, we humans are easy going and we cannot predict what is the outcome of our future. Who could have thought that a new ark arrived monsters and different species appears making us humans became their food"

"But fortunately Mr. Kenzo showed up! Presenting his serum that made us what we are now!"

"Please give us a round of applause! To our hero Mr. Kenzo Lee!"

Zoran was busy thinking about other things so he didn't hear the reporter but when the guest spoke Zoran shuddered.

"Thank you! Hello, citizens of Dragnia!"

Kenzo smiled while doing a sign where he formed a fist then put it near in his heart seems likely to have been famous just like a salute to a soldier.

Many citizens cheered as if they meet their idol or something. Zoran could even see someone kneeling while praying while others copying what Kenzo has done.

"K-Ken?!... What in the world? How come he's still alive?"

Zoran shockingly said at the same time happy.

"Hahaha... My son still alive!! Hahaha!" Zoran laughs maniacally.

Many people look at him as if he was a crazy old man.

"Shut up old man! You're disrespectful to Lord Kenzo!"

"Yeah get lost!"

Many people around the area glared at him. But Zoran did not care what the people said and still laugh but this time his laugh halted when Kenzo answer one particular question.

"Mr. Kenzo with your talent we would like to know what was your motivation and inspiration when making this precious serum?"

"Ahm... That's a good question you have there Mr. Reporter," said Kenzo as he poses an exaggerated smile.

Many people laugh while listening even Kenzo laughs and anticipated what his son would say.

"A special thank you from my heart. To a person so special in life. To a person who means a lot. A special thank you from me to you. For making it feel like new. For being the reason I continue to live.

If I would buy a special gift to appreciate your help and support, I would go bankrupt."

Kenzo said it was funny but true if you think about how your life in the past compared to now.

Full of waves of laughter vibrated around the corner of the city when Kenzo said the last sentence. Go bankrupt you say? People wondered.

One person could help but speak, "How can it be?"

Zoran also wanted to know even though one of them was him and Eliz he still nervous.

"Not many people can do what you do for me. Not many people can love and care for me this way. I must have been favored to have someone like you. You are so special to me... Thank you miss Eliz!"

Zoran sigh he thought he was the first but Zoran knows that miss Eliz helped Kenzo the most.

"If there exists a special place in my heart, that is where you are qualified to be. No other place could have suited you because you are more than a darling to me.

So easy are my ways. So pleasant are my acts. So lovely are my smiles. And it's all because of you. I love you. Neng'er!"

After that Kenzo finish and the reporter thank Kenzo for being their guest. Meanwhile, Zoran stood in the corner rooted while looking at the big screen.

"It's over? W-What about me?"

Zoran feels like the strength inside his body leaving he cannot accept the fact that his cherished son only thanked those people but not his father or should we say, stepfather.