God of war system

In ancient times when mankind was made, they learned how to use fire and began making sharp blades, invented transported vehicles and started paving paths, and finally learned to plant seeds and settled in one place.

But the world did not have a nation or a king. Ancient mankind doesn't have dreams and has not yet reached the top of the 'Great Pyramid' of nature.

The glorious ancient land. This place, Ark.


Zoran is baffled by the event he was now sitting at the corner of the street. Looking at the masses.

Suddenly, information streams as thick as a waterfall flows in front of his eyes, creating a clear-black and white, tide-like filter.

Click –

A message pops up immediately.

"The current time is confirmed to be the Ark era"

"Time flow is stable, confirmed to have traveled from space-time vortex"

"Successfully traveled with no problem"

"Identity reestablished, current identity: Human, Citizen of Dragnia, 60 years old"

Zoran jumped in surprise when a projection-like screen entered his vision. Stumbled as he looked at the projection he tried to touch the screen but it didn't work and his hands went through the screen which amused him. He looks at the people around finding if they could also see the miraculous screen projection but no one seems to care about it or simply they cannot see what Zoran can do.

Another message pops up.

"God of war system at your service. You are picked by the system as its host and your will and longing has been met with the condition and rules. The system, as it calls, will help the host become one of the strongest warriors known.

"The system takes measurements of you. Seems like the hosts are not knowledgeable about advanced technology and it is no wonder. You do not have to worry since the system only has one mission. Strengthening and building your foundation"

Name: Zoran

Level: 0

Experience Points: 0

Martial Skills: None

Zoran looks straight at the status panel while thinking, 'Seems like I'm all alone now... I guess it's time for me to enjoy the feeling of being free.'

Zoran sighs as he looks around and wants to find a place to stay.

"Where can I find a place to stay now? Hayss my old bones can't keep up with the condition of the environment I need to quickl-"

Zoran thought of something but he was not sure but who knows if that place was still intact.

He immediately started walking faster but then he stops his track and looks at the nearest bus stop station.

It was said that time and location a portal would appear were completely random. The number and level of monsters cannot be predetermined. If the number or the level of monsters were too high, they would definitely be able to kill more than what warriors could kill, including the knight warriors. The walls and shields in a small foothold like Falcon foothold would be insignificant, like tissue when faced with a massive crowd of monsters. It would be hopeless and useless to try stopping those monsters who can easily tear them apart.

Zoran scanned to see the bus had passed the bus stop and was headed toward the gate where the West gate is. That woke the hell up of him. He quickly rushed to get on. But he was too late. Looking at the bus schedule, it would be another 20 minutes until it would come back.

Zoran sat at the bus station's waiting shade. There was a female student with earphones on listening to music. And there was a middle-aged looking salaryman. There were also a group of elderly women sitting while waiting for their bus.

Several buses passed by and just as Zoran was about to yawn from the wait, the No. 00D bus he has been waiting for finally arrived.

Something was weird. The blue bus was jiggling around like it was dancing and didn't seem like it would stop.


Zoran could tell that there was blood all over the inside of the bus. Even he could easily see blood flowing from the bus door. A monster was going to West Gate in there. The driver looked as if he was already dead. The bus was speeding and the driver probably died with his foot still on the pedal.

Crash! Boom!

The rumbling bus crashed into a light post nearby. It overturned from the impact and the monster peeked out of the wide-open door.

Many screams and some people want to try to help those who trap in the store but...

Someone screamed at the top of his lungs.


A middle-aged man started to run with horror on his face, but the girl and the elderly woman who was behind him just standing there and the clumsy girl and her goddamn damn movement made me curse. Zoran cursed as he ran back and quickly got the elderly woman to get on his back and grabbed the girl's hand.

She was dumbfounded as she attempts to break free, but Zed did not want to as he quickly runs with all my might.

One thing that was on Zoran's mind right now was 'I have to survive!'

'Crap is this temple run?!'

Zoran was dumbfounded at the monster who was chasing them. Although he was already prepared for the worst scenario but looking back at the monster, he couldn't help being nervous at how big it is.

"What, what are you doing?!"

"There's no time to explain! Just look behind us! If you want to survive shut up! "


"Iyaaa!! "

The girl collapsed to the ground. It looks like she lost the strength from her legs. What could I do? I just drag her up.

The problem now is, would he be able to outrun that monster?

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Zoran turned to look at the monster. Probably three and 1/2 meters tall. Had some thick black skin with a bulging body. Kind of had a humanoid body with two 20 cm claws. Its teeth looked sharp. A narrow jaw, rather than developed to better eat its food, it seemed like it was designed to slaughter.

(Think of it as a werewolf-like thing)

Zoran thought a moment about whether he could survive or go up against this thing. Even if it didn't have those claws and teeth, it had the advantage.

The answer was clear.

Run for our lives.


Crash! Bang!

The entire trees and ground crumpled like a piece of paper.

This creature was a scary fudge!

Would I even be able to defend myself to a monster such as this?

The answer was definitely fucking... No!



Shit. It jumped over me and landed upfront. The ground cracked and split from the impact. A chunk hit my cheek and made a long cut.

"The heck!"

It began to swing its claw.

Zoran jumped back to keep out of its reach. Then let the elderly woman go in the corner and the girl who was unconscious. Zoran then rolled at the corner to dodge the other incoming claw attack. The elderly woman he carried on his back earlier kept telling me what's happening. But to not keep worrying her, I just said that 'It's going to be alright'.

Are you curious why the old woman did not know what was happening? Well her glass probably was pulled out from her and seems like she can't see clearly so in order for her to relax without knowing, Zoran can only stay silent until it was over.

It only hinders him if these two people keep shouting and struggling. Of course, if that happens, then he would really need to let go of them. He's already old bones okay.

Crash! Bang!


My back. He could feel a cool and painful sensation. Zoran didn't have time to check his body.

The girl was on the ground near bushes crawling to move away. Zoran could see her white dress ripping from rubbing against the hard ground, and her smooth creamy legs could be seen wide open.

Although the view was good, Zoran had no time to admire her as he hurriedly got up and grabbed her by the arm again.



Maybe the monster that followed us was getting annoyed as the monster's claw randomly swiped at the area we were in without stopping.

'Ho! It began to slow down.'

If only there were more things that could hinder it. It would be good for us.

Compared to its strength and crazy jumping skills, its movements were on the slow side of the terrain that they ran to be able to hinder the monster. Otherwise, they would have been caught in this monster's claw right when the girl, the elder, and he attempted to run away.

Zorab took that small bit of hope and ran like hell. They just might get away. It thinks it will be a home run.

The fudge!

But in a mere minute of running like hell, the monster finally caught us up.

Zoran was so nervous as he stared up at the gigantic monster blocking their way. He could feel the heat from his body radiating onto my face.

The monster's nasty sharp claws rushed towards them as it swiped its claw.


Zoran threw both the girl and the elder he had been pulling and carrying along into an open hole of a nearby small thick bush that was able to fit the two. It took him time to find one as a boy scout leader, it seems like the experience he put into it got him a good chance to survive but who could have thought that it can only fit two people.



The girl and the elderly crashed into the small hole, and Zoran rebounded away from the force of my own push.


"Hide!" Zoran shouted. He doesn't have time to see whether they get inside or not as he needs to get the attention of the monster to drive it away from them.


That was the sound of the monster pulling its sharp claw from out of the ground where Zoran had been on just moments before. Shit. How the hell am I supposed to run away from this…

Boom! Bang!

Just then, big debris right in front of me flipped over on top of him. On reflex, he jumped and curled to protect himself. What else could he do? He's not a damn Superman of heroes, so he couldn't really jump over the big rock now, could he? Or face it head-on. The least he could do was get as low and as small as possible, so he could hopefully have a smaller mass when he gets hit.

Bang! Bang!

Then another one came towards him and hit him before hitting a massive tree which stops him from being thrown far. Shit! Thankfully the debris above this mountain falls or else his life would be wasted.

"Ughh... Cough! Cough."

Zoran got to his feet painfully as his vision was getting blurred.

The girl and the elder woman from before seem to think it was over and came over.

"H-hey! Are you okay?!"

It seems like they didn't notice the monster coming. Zoran tried to speak, but he was too late as the monster lodged its claw to the center of the elder's lungs, which happened near the monster.

Zoran watched as the monster ate her head. He felt all sorts of selfish giddiness overwhelming his insides. Should he run? If he runs right now he could probably live.

"Shit! Crap! "


Instead of running away, Zoran ran towards the monster. If he just left this situation and the girl who was near the hole got eaten, then she would be doomed for sure. He couldn't do that in good conscience.

Shit, where is the help? How many hours does he have to wait to get away from here?

'Seriously your thoughts Zoran... Who can fight this thing? Poor old me cursing so much'

I had to get that monster's attention no matter what.

But how?

Can I even kill this thing?

Think Zoran... think!

Zoran looks around, and his sight stops at a mysterious looking flower who has pointed spikes everywhere in its body and roots. Seems like it was alive as Zed felt its small movements.

Zoran smirks as he lured the creature by shouting and taunting here and there. It was Zoran's only choice whether this will work or not, whether he lives or dies, then let's just gamble.


Maybe the mysterious plant fell into the creature's presence when it made its move and attacked being a predator it is.

The monster was thrown upon impact with a loud noise. No matter how strong a monster is, a plant monster must have a fighting ability thinking about that scary thorn it has. Of course, if something like that catches you, it would make you think it's dinner for a night.

Zoran hurriedly dodges some of its roots. Whether it was luck that the thorny roots had slammed its way to the bigger prey or kindness from the heaven that it grabbed the bigger one first, it didn't matter now. What Zoran needed now was to hurry and leave.

'I needed something to kill it. The plant creature can't hold on to shit!... How strong was that big guy!'

"The fuck!!"

Everyone had run away. Amazing. That was fast, is there any soldier in this world? Hayss is no one who can get rid of this monster in sight? After running through all the options, I came to just one conclusion. I need to kill it.

Zoran tried to think of just how could he do that. He was just a normal human. He was not able to witness a lot of monster killings. Though he knows in the novels, they are ridiculously hard to kill, it is definitely possible. If you cut their throat or brain, they will die because that was their critical weakness.

Hah. Haahh.

My breathing was ragged. Zoran kicked off a piece of broken stone with a sharp edge and weight. After a minute of waiting...


Zoran ran towards the monster that was now squirming enough to almost be able to come out from under the roots that were pinning it and let out a war cry.

Then he stabbed at its neck with the broken stone's sharp corner.


The first stab bounced off. As soon as the sharp side of the stone hit its head, it just bounced right off without doing any damage at all.


The monster had outstretched its neck and came towards me with its sharp teeth. It caught me by surprise and it came down with the sharp edge one more time.

"Ahhh!!! Die! Just die!"

Stab! Stab! Stab!

Though it was by reflect, this time was a success. My stab had landed the creatures right in the eye and burst. Zoran couldn't think anymore as his mind ran on its own.

Swoosh! Swoosh

Zoran could hear something in the background. He then stepped just a bit away from the monster's slain body and just collapsed to the ground right then and there.

"The thing had finally stopped squirming. I think it's finally dead. I couldn't really believe it. I had killed it with my own hands."

Zoran balled his hands into two tight fists.

'I killed it. I finally kill the monster beast.'

"What? Did this bastard die already?"

Right then, someone spoke as if he was truly annoyed. He was filled with equipment from head to toe. You could tell he was a hunter with just one glance.

"Go inspect the monster just to be safe."