RA NO. 9851

"I guess... I'll take that as a yes"

Zoran said while looking at the hunters surrounding them.

"I wonder if I could get points killing these mobs?" Zoran mumble as he ready himself.

Feeling the atmosphere the leader of the hunter gets tensed up by the sudden enemy. 

"Who are you! get lost!"

"Ohh? but I have a reason now right?"

Zoran lazily said while he stretches and yawns.



Multiple arrows immediately rained down on him while he was still doing his thing.

Fortunately, Zoran already predicted this outcome. He was prepared after he did his thing Zoran quickly took a stance bending his knees and ready to go for an instantaneous burst of speed and made a zigzag and twisting movement as he dodges and moving forward towards the enemy.

Many hunters could not help slack-jawed at Zoran's incredible movement although it was not as good as veterans at least one level higher than the hunters.

"Hey wake up! You people are such a pu**y"

Zoran spoke when he saw their expressions.

"Fuck! Kill him! Saea lets get him!"

"Shut up! I know what to do!"

The leader howled at his comrade while he slapped him on the face. He then said, "Surround him don't let him get you!"

Hunters circled the two people. they were in a tight spot Michael on the other hand lost seems to last all hope. Even if this person in front of him seems to be strong but looking at the killers surrounding them it was impossible unless you're at least 2 levels higher than them.



A burst of red light shoots up quickly sped towards Zoran and Michael's direction.

'Were finished were going to die!'

Michael thought at the moment as he looked at the blazing arrow flying directly at them.

Gathering his courage, Michael shouted.

"Run! Your no match for them at least save your life! Just leave me alone!"

Shouted Hysterically.

Hearing this, Zoran raised an eyebrow.

"Ahh? Are you an idiot? You just agreed right? Don't make broken promises"

"Who said I agreed! Did I make promises!?"

"Ehhh!? I thought silence means yes. Haaa scratch that"

Zoran extended his hands while using his ki as he parried the arrow resulting in a banging sound as it pierced on the ground behind them.

Zoran quickly charges to them. However, before he could reach them, the other two hunters dashed towards him slashing their swords directed to his neck and tight. But Zoran easily evaded the attack by sliding himself to the ground and twisted his whole body upwards while spinning as he slashed his small kitchen knife towards the two necks of the hunters while he was still in the air.

"No way..."

They could only stare at Zoran in stupefied expression after they couldn't follow his movement.


The leader cursed who is standing in the middle of his team. 15 meters away from Zoran.

With no other choice, the leader himself confidently charges on Zoran.


A booming sound echoed as the two collided that also caused a small pressure wave in the air the blasted the other away.

Fortunately for Michael, since he was at the back of Zoran, he got covered and still in good shape but his ears are now bleeding by the booming sound.



Then with a quick turn to the left Zoran uses his right elbow to make a blow on the leader's neck and finishes him by twisting his neck right when he was still aching for the sudden blast.



All of the hunters shouted worriedly ou by the subordinates of the man who was now lying on the ground. 

They yelled out but there was no movement from their leader.


[You have acquired 20 cosmos points]

"Hahaha, 20 points! Good... with the 8 remainings here, it's worth much more than I expected"

"Why did you kill him!"

"What? Is it wrong to kill him? Which rule states that I have no right to kill him?"

"Republic Act NO. 9851... States that internationally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking a direct part in hostilities. Launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians shall be prohibited"


The people hear him stating the law about the act of crime was taken aback. they can't help but think that 'Did you just state the law? fuck there is no law here!'

"If you're angry then come and try don't worry I won't escape"

Zoran retort as he scoffed at their accusations.

The hunters crumbled after Zoran finished what he said. They couldn't help but stunned.

But thinking of fighting Zoran right now is wishful thinking that was what they thought right at the moment. What could they do with him? Even their leader couldn't do something to him then what about them? it was even the worst.

As they look at each other, they eventually hinted and nodded in unison, which seems like they already had understood.


They ran like a cat and a mouse escaping for their lives in different directions.

Zoran was a bit taken aback at the quickness they had.

'That's a killer for ya! quick in making decisions'

They ran into different directions so that one who got followed by Zoran could only blame his bad luck.

Zoran smiled slightly and 'Swoosh!' Zoran instantly appears at the person who's already far away from the other escaping hunter.

The man who's rapidly running with a bow on his back felt an ominous feeling as he was about to look to the rear. However, Kim Shin's knife pierced the man's back through at his fast thumping heart with just a flashed.


[You've obtained 20 Killed Points]

Zoran didn't look at system notification. He just took off his kitchen knife from the man's heart as he swiftly arrived at the other man.


A loud booming sound reverberated as he blasted the man's head into meat paste.


[You've obtained 15 cosmos points]

Afterward, Zoran also disposes of the two that really got far away and then his ki almost empty.


Zoran heaved a sighed of relief. He could finally relax a little after he completely checked the surroundings.

"Haah. I've finally got time to relax."

He muttered in satisfaction as he approached and collected every thigh he could get from the corpse.

But before he could do that cannot Zoran couldn't help but vomit from the gore scene he had done.