Dragonic Fenrir Set


Zoran vomited seeing the scene he had made. He realized that this era was much more brutal than the era he had in the past.

"Well, it's not like I can go back there anymore. I'll just continue living here and explore more about this world."

"So... It seems like I've earned more points than the other day let's see..."

Zoran looks at the transparent screen projection without care if the boy he had saved looks at him like crazy while he mumbled out loud.

"E-excuse me!"

"Let's see hmm... how about this?... Mmm no not this one... ahh this one..."

Zoran was busy scrolling the pages on the projection excitedly while the boy Michael keeps on waving his hands to get his attention.

"Ahm... Thank you for saving me, mister!"

Michael said in a stoic voice as he bowed.

But Zoran did not even hear him and was still scrolling.


[Primordial Devourer Body Art: 10000

Heaven Breaking Body Art: 9500

Monkey King's Body Art: 9500




Gluttony Panda Body Art: 100


Zoran looked at the endless body arts regretfully because he knows that if he decided to cultivate the said technique worth one hundred points it would only hinder his growth and cannot continue on.

He sat as he decided to just wait a little longer until he can accumulate more cosmic points. He was about to disperse the screen projection but was stopped as he looked at the last part of the options. It was a box specifically about 30 boxes with specific different colors. ⅛ of the 30 boxes was platinum, ⅛ for the gold, ¼ for the silver, and lastly ½ for the bronze.

It was mind-blowing it made almost gulped saliva as he saw the name and what it was.

"For real?"

Zoran this time cannot help but gulp amidst his oddity, Michael still bowing waiting for his action. This time because of this, Zoran turns his head towards Michael.

"What are you doing?"

"Ehh? B-bowing?"

Michael said trying his best to endure the pain he had from wounds.

"Are you stupid? Doing such things don't help me you idiot, it's not like I help you totally, I just need points..."

This time Michael sighs it was the second time he heard this word from this person. He wonders if what could it be but cannot ask.

"Ah! I mean I just needed them for something hahaha."

Zoran laughs awkwardly as he scratches his head.

"Ah, you mean points for the mission right? Now I've got it so you're from the academy! Wow!"

"Y-yeah y-your right, so how did you know?"

Zoran asks pretending to be an all-knowing or whatsoever.

"I just got a brochure or something like that a few days ago and it has the information that a person needed if you really want to enroll you know?"

"Really? It's no wonder... you can go now and don't forget to treat your wounds. It would be a hindrance I mean problem if you leave it to be."

Zoran said concernedly. He knows a little bit about the situation that the kid was in even if he did not know the eyes would not lie.

"B-but I do not have a place to go now... C-can you bring me along?"

Michael said expecting.

"Nahh... You can't kid."


Step by step Zoran walks farther inside the forest as he began looking at the boxes again. But he was bothered by the silhouette behind him that was still following him.

"Kid... This as far as you go following me deeper can get yourself killed."

Zoran said looking at Michael seriously. But the kid still made his decision not to back down, which made Zoran sigh.

"Suit yourself if you left behind then that's your problem."

Along the way, Zoran mumbled from time to time lost in thought. Sometimes he will smile or frown. This continues until they finally reach the cave that Zoran stays awhile ago.

"If you have nothing to do, here make us some food we have a lot to do tomorrow."

After Zoran said those words he sat down and closed his eyes concentrating on the projection in front of him.

'A set huh... How cool was this?'

Zoran thought as he looked at the boxes lining up. It was a complete set of techniques and cultivation manuals that a person cultivated. An example of this is the complete set of Buddhavist Samsara Set which is known as the cultivator who cultivates the Buddha technique to destroy evil.

Zoran was looking at the list below, completely immersed in it.

[Buddhavist Samsara Set - Gold

Battle Emperor of the Sun Set - Platinum

Yin-Yang Set - Platinum

Moon Lord Set - Gold

Absolute Zero Set - Platinum

Lunar Destroyer Set - Gold

Abyss Reaper - Platinum

Valkyrie Set - Platinum

Chaos Mage Set - Platinum

Demonic Fate Warrior Set - Platinum

Blade Sorcseror Set - Gold

Mercenary Hunter Set - Silver

Warrior Set - Bronze

Barbarian Set - Silver

Pestilence Tinker Set - Gold




With so many lists and descriptions Zoran's mind was in chaos, especially because it is said that when you purchase one of the sets the first manual only costs 50-1000 points which makes Zoran happy because choosing a crude manual can definitely affect the path he would take in.

"Hunt... I need to hunt more!"


Freewich Forest outer area, last boundary between the outer and inner forest.

The wind howled and blew a bitter chill past the trees; it danced with the leaves and dragged them away unwillingly from the ground.

The ground was damp and stagnant with the odor of woods and blood of the weaker beast who died between their enemies.

The forest seemed to never end; tall silhouettes shadowing the ground, flying profound beasts circling overhead, and screams echoing through the wind.

Multiple red eyes hidden within the scattered tall grasses in the area. A pack of wild salamanders and bestial monsters at the apprentice warrior stage 5-8 lurked in the area.

These wild wolves were hunting weaker beasts while oblivious that they were preyed to a being looking down from the sky.

Behind the dark clouds, a dark squinted eye shone with murderous intent while surveying the entire forest.

When Zoran found a smaller herd of bears he tapped his feet towards the branch, he slowly descended to the ground.

A wild white bear with a dark countenance bit far away from the pack is currently staring at his prey, covered in grey fur. It slowly crouches down while its demonic eyes are completely salvaged with killing intent. It was about to leap from its location when a flash of light flickered

A red line slowly emerges from its neck, causing its head to slowly slide from the neck. A bear head dropped rolling on the ground leaving its body which is still crouching while blood spilled like a water fountain.

The whole process was so smooth and fast, not giving the wild beast some time to even release a sound.

A silhouette emerges from the shadow, standing beside the decapitated corpse.

With the help of the moonlight, the figure slowly came into view.

Aside from his face, which was covered with darkness, what can be seen is his body, blue cloak together with the white scarf hanging around his neck to his shoulder as a shawl fluttered along with the wind.

A stream of seemingly dark aura slowly emits from his body and rises into the air, dancing with the wind, creating swirling patterns. Raising his hand, a kitchen knife covered with blood can be seen, the sword was swung down and blood splattered on the ground. The rising dark smoke from his body flows with its surroundings, creating an eerie but demonic charisma.

That figure is none other than Zoran. With a flash, the surrounding beast's neck cut down every single one of them.