I will call you Alicia

Yin Ling was completely puzzled because there was in front of him a transparent screen where he could see something looking like a shop, but the buying option made him even more puzzled, he couldn't help but ask

What is this thing?

[Host this thing is the System's shop]

Ok… How do the so-called improvement work and what are the fame point?

[Like it suggest improvement simply improve yourself in the offered category. The fame point are point which could be considered as the system money, it can be used on the System's shop and can be earn when you become more famous]

Hmmmm, improvement is kind of unclear, could you explain it to me more precisely?

[As you can see by the maximal rank and the fame point cost the health improvement and the other improvement aren't the same. The health improvement will directly make your body healthier: less affected by diseases, tiredness, injury, and especially less affected by the continuous strain due to sport. The other improvement like strength improvement will add for each rank 1% of you actual capacity: if you can at most lift 100kg with rank 0 in strength improvement then you will be able to lift 150kg with rank 50 in strength improvement]

A little question, why did Zeraeph made all of this, I mean couldn't he directly improve my health, my strength, my speed, my dexterity and my stamina?

[Zeraeph said that if you ask this type of question I should respond: Little rascal if I don't make becoming famous your only option for having a sturdy body capable of sustaining your insane training, you will solely train and play some matches but never participate in something like the Olympic Games and really become famous, which is what you should seek for repaying me. You should stop being that focus in sport and discover the other thing life can offer you as well, don't make the same mistake you did in the past, or should I say in the future ahahah]

This bastard… Hearing this annoying message with this adorable sweet voice made Yin Ling mixed-feeling, he could swear that hearing this laughing just made him bewildered. It was the first time since a really long time Yin Ling was interested in another thing than sport, he was interested in who the voice belong to.

Who are you?

[Host like I said earlier I am Sport Star System]

How should I say it…? Do you have a conscience?

[Host how do we know whether we have a conscience?]

With this answer Yin Ling was completely at lost, He first thought that she was like an advanced IA. After all this was the most plausible answer, but does plausible thing work when we talk about a God creation? He thought about what differed between a real person and an IA for nearly 2 minutes then asked:

Do you have emotion?

[Host how do we know whether we have emotion?] Reply similarly

Expecting this answer Yin Ling did not despair but continued

Do you feel different from time to time or do you feel constantly equal, like never feeling a change in yourself, do you speak the way you want or the way you think you should?

After a long silence he heard

[I sensed myself the moment you wake up hence I don't really know if I feel different or not with time. If I have emotion or not I'm not sure, but I am sure that I speak the way I want, but strangely without knowing why It seems that the thing I want the most is helping you fulfil your mission]

It can be a strange question, but do you consider yourself as a person?

[I do]

Ok then how should I call you?

[Host like I said two times already I'm Sport Star System]

Yin Ling after hearing this wanted to face palm himself and thought that there was a long way to go

[Ok since you consider yourself as a person, I will do the same and I call you Alicia from now on]

Yin Ling didn't hear any response and thus carried on and said

Is it possible for you to consider yourself as a gi…? Wait wait wait he thought suddenly, with this beautiful voice I subconsciously associated Alicia as a young girl, if I called an Oldman Alicia no wonder he didn't responded.

Do you have a gender?

[I'm a girl]

How do you know?

[I just know]

Yin Ling was going to speak when he heard Alicia talk for the first time in her own will

[I think that I'm a girl because you are a boy]

You mean? Yin Ling thought that with Zeraeph personality it was indeed possible

[Zeraeph think that you are a sport freak with no equal, and… thought interesting whether or not you would be interested in me]

Yin Ling knowing that Alicia got her memory from her creator, Zeraeph himself, consequently if she badmouthed him then she was 100% sure of what she was saying. At this moment he didn't know if he should laugh or cry, is this bet even important for him or is he simply bored and want to tease me as a pastime. He tried to forget about this because he couldn't do anything about it anyway. He searched a way to change the subject

How old are you?

[I considered myself as alive the moment you wake up thus I will have 24 minutes and 46 seconds the moment I will finish my sentence]

So you will leave me at the end of the mission?

[I don't think so, if I leave you after the mission, it would be equivalent of Zeraeph taking back his gift. I don't wether a God would take back his gift, but I know that Zeraeph wouldn't]

That's a relief.

[Why is it a relief for you?]

I think that he saw my past, and created you this way to make me understand that not everyone is disgusting, mean and hypocrite; to make me open myself more. Yin Ling in his previous life when he was young himself saw numerous young being mean to him because he was obsess, and when he was a coach he saw even more young men and women being friendly with someone when that person was here but heard those same people criticizing and mocking them when there weren't here anymore. We could say that except for rape and murder, he nearly saw every disgusting part or humanity, and Alicia who clearly isn't a human being seems a light among darkness. Because of this although he wasn't always alone, he felt disgust towards everyone else, it was the kinda the same for him.

Because if he had the nerve to give me hope, but took it back once I am no longer useful, he would really be an ashore. And if even God are ashore I will really lose all faith.

He thought about all of this and ask:

How does this system work and how are you related to it?

[The system allow you to use fame point in order to buy those improvement, and using your world I suppose I am the system conscience]

You said that fame point are earnt by becoming known, could you be more precise?

[I suggest host opening profile]

Can you call me Ling from now on?

[Yes Ling]

Thank you, Alicia open the profile please

This was really the first time in his life that Yin Ling was feeling more human than another person, or even the first time he was leading a conversation, well if we could consider it as a conversation. He then saw once again a panel where he rode

[Yin Ling

Number of people who once knew you: 1785

Number of people who still remember you: 359

Number of people who trust you: 7 persons

Number of people who will never forget you: 2

Number of people knowing Zeraeph: 1

Number of people considering Zeraeph as a God: 1

Actual fame point: 21785

Super fame point: 0]