New game

Haru couldn't sleep. He twisted and turned in bed whilst he shivered from fear and cold. He felt like he was being consumed by ice, his emotions and thinking wasn't like it used to be.

Never did her think he'd hurt someone the same way he did to Meilin. He regretted everything he'd done, the words he said, he's actions and his deceit. She was right. There was not much difference between him and Bao. The only difference was the fact that he wasn't violent towards women and he never will.

He kept calling Her but she'd decline or it would just ring then be diverted to a voice mail. He was dead worried about her and he just wanted to be sure she was safe. He wanted to hold her like he used to. He needed her warmth. He needed her love.

"Haru you always mess things up. you always ruin all your relationships. Where will I find her now, I'm sure she's gone... and it's all because OF YOU!!" he punched his reflection in the mirror and got deep wounds as he kept hitting and physically harming himself.

He picked up his phone and texted Ai jin. He needed Someone to talk to. "Ai jin, please help me. Meilin left me, I don't know where I'll find her and I can't think of a plan. Call me or do something once you've read this message"

Later in the morning Ai jin woke up. She picked up her phone as she swiped through the screen checking notifications and updates.

Her mouth curved into a smile and she turned to look at Bao. "Bao, it's over." She got up, put on a large shirt and shorts then slid her feet into her sandals. Bao ran after her, caring a little that he was covered. He just wanted to find out why she decided to end their contract so soon.

"Ai Jin..." She tilted her head as she opened her car door "what?" She asked giving him a strange look. He was wasting her time. She needed to go to Haru as soon as possible.

"What happened? Bored of me already? Babe please?" She rolled her eyes "Go to your wife. I don't need you anymore" With those words she got in her car and zoomed off.

He knew that Meilin had something to do with it. He was mad at her for ruining everything, he couldn't wait to get his hands on her again for bringing bad luck into his life.

As for meilin, she spent her night in a motel. For the first time in half a year, Bao called. All he did was yell at her through the phone and he did nothing more nothing less.

"Bao I need a place to stay" she managed to him after she felt that he had calm down a little. She didn't really understand what his problem was and why he couldn't complete a sentence without insulting her. In the end, She'll live with him again.

"Thanks for coming Ai jin" Haru said feeling a bit relieved by her presence. "Meilin left me"

Exactly what she wanted to hear. Now she'd be the only one in his life, even of he had other women. She'd be his only option whenever the time comes to pick a wife. It took a while for meilin to leave Haru's life, she didn't need to do a thing. Although she did attempt to get her killed by hiring a gang to take care of her but it's all in past and her wound would've healed.

"What happened Haru?"

"I'm all at fault. I didn't mean to make her sad, I didn't mean to at all I swear." She rolled her eyes pretending to care but pulled him into a hug and whispered consoling words.

"You have to accept it Haru, she's gone and there's nothing you can do about it. By this time she'd be far away from Beijing." She knew this because she paid Bao to take Meilin far away, to a different state if possible.

She promised him that their extra affairs wouldn't stop. Ai jin loved Haru but she didn't think she'd get the satisfaction she'd want from him. Bao was one of a kind, there was no denying it.

"I won't give up Ai Jin, I will look for her no matter what I'd have to go through. At least let me apologize for everything I've done" He grabbed his keys and his phone.

Ai jin burst into laughter "You can try Haru but Meilin's gone and you might never see her again. Amen."

"Where are you taking me?" Meilin asked her reckless husband that was driving. He didn't answer her, his speed was increasing over time. She wanted to tell him to slow down but she was afraid of the consequences.

As far as she knew, they were leaving the capital. Maybe he was taking her to a distant town for a new start. She kept thinking about Haru. She hated him for everything he had done to her but she couldn't pour out her anger on anyone or anything.

She just stayed quiet throughout the long drive. She fell asleep after watching the road for hours. Once it was night time, Bao pulled over in front of a house. He woke Meilin as soon as he got there and ushered her to pack her things out fast.

"Here's the drill Meilin. You're never stepping out of this house."

She raised her brow in askance as he approached her and she slowly took steps back. "What do you mean Bao? What are you going to?"

He was only acting based on instructions.

"Don't worry about food and electricity bills. It's all under control. The first thing I'm going to do to celebrate our reunion is to break your legs."