New game (2)

Day 1

She marked it in her mind. He really meant it when he said he'd break her legs. Bao kept saying it was according to instructions. Her cuffed her dislocated feet together and abandoned her in the house. He also made sure the doors and windows were Locked before he left.

He couldn't afford that happening so he had to make sure the environment was secured. Meilin crawled around looking for the bathroom, she'd be pressed for hours and her legs were useless to her.

She'd been dragging her legs around in search for the bathroom. Her knees were sore and her legs were pale. She was starving and weak.

She couldn't crawl anymore so she had to dispense right there. She didn't have a choice, there was no way she could climb the stairs without hurting herself.

Tears burst out and she banged her head on the wooden floor. "This is all Haru fault. If he didn't cheat I wouldn't be here" She wished she never met both Bao and Haru.

The door opened and for the first time in a while she saw this sunlight again. Bao walked in with food and saw her lower body soaked. "The fuq?" He cussed irritated by the sight.

"Did you...Oh my God" He said as he dropped the food on the floor. "Just know that I'm not cleaning that" He dropped a mop, locked the door then left.

She was a lone again. She knew this would continue for months. Haru wasn't the saviour that would come to her rescue, he wasn't the right one.

Two months passed with the same routine. Bao would come over and dump her food, give her a mop to clean up then leave again.

Meilin was worried about the noticeable changes in her body. She was scared. She missed her period. The same thing happened a few years back when she discovered she was pregnant.

She was still on the floor. Her legs were still sore from the crawling and broken bones. Bao wasn't going to take her to a doctor for a check up, he knew there was a chance that she'd tell them what he's doing to her. He wasn't willing to take that risk unless they negotiate.

Bao opened the door, the 70th day of his task. He noticed meilin was a bit bloated. He kneeled to her height level and examined her closely.

She hadn't showered for days and it was irritating to the both of them. "Fuck" He lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom. He took off her clothes and placed her in the tub. Ran water in it and helped Her wash up. she wasn't comfortable with him washing her but he assured her that he wasn't Interested in her body.

Once he was done giving her a bath. He got her dressed in new clothes. Clothes he would've given her since but he just wanted to punish her.

He carried her to his car and placed her in the passenger seat before getting in his and zooming off.

"You're gonna explain to me Meilin. I haven't made love to you for ages now. So how the hell did you become pregnant?"

Meilin was quiet "You better pray you aren't pregnant and if I find out the child's not mine. I won't spare you and your child. Whether it's been born or not."

She knew he was dead serious, he could actually do something to hurt her and her baby. she didn't want that to happen at all.

He carried her into the hospital building, informed a doctor about her case. They looked at her state and recommended admission.

She was taken to a ward and the doctor was already on her way to do a check up on her legs and also her inner system.

Bao was alone with her. He wanted to make it clear to her, give her a warning or two about exposing him. Meilin was always frightened by her husband. No matter how she tried to fight back there was always a strong force of fear.

"Don't say a thing until I get back.".

She nodded and he left. Few minutes passed and the doctor walked in. " Oh my, your legs are in real bad shape. She closely examined her wounds and each time the doctor touched her legs she'd scream but she muffled her mouth with her hands when her screaming became to much.

"How did this happen"

"i fell down" she said fast and the doctor noted it. "Want to know what I wrote?"

Meilin nodded and the paper was shown to her. Her eyes widened and she pleaded for the doctor not to show anyone her statement of domestic abuse. It was an assumption, but it was the only premise.

"My husband is a good person. He doesn't do anything bad to me I swear"

The woman squinted her eyes not believing a single word she said "Why are you covering up for him?"

"I'm not covering up for anything. I swear my husband is very good" Meilin said with a smile being forced up on her face.

The doctor sighed, tore the paper and got a new one. "I'll recommend crutches and vitamins. If there's anything don't hide it" The elder advised meilin one more time before helping her get to the bathroom. They had to walk slowly so that she'd feel less pressure and pain in her joints.

Her urine sample was taken and she sat back on the bed to wait. She wasn't thinking about the results of the pregnancy test. She was thinking about how she'd lie when the odds are against her. Bao was smart, he'd never believe that the child is his especially when they've had no sexual contact for almost a year.

She never thought that Haru would get her pregnant and do something so disgusting like sleeping with other women and not taking note of such risks.

"You're eight weeks pregnant my dear" She slightly smiled not sure of the reaction to give. Soon Bao would be on his way and She'd have to face the consequences of her actions.

Seemed like she was paying for her sins, whenever it was a females case the result would be different or was it the fact that she was careless? She was having unprotected sex with him but it didn't occur to her that she could get pregnant. Well after she lost her first child and the doctor listed out the outcomes, she assumed she wouldn't be able to carry kids all the way to the third trimester.

She placed her hands on her belly "I promise to protect you. You will be born no matter what I have to go through."

Bao stepped in and he saw both the doctor and Meilin. "Congratulations Mr Luan, Your wife is pregnant."

He pretended to be elated by the news but it wasn't even convincing enough. "So Mr Luan, you have to bring your wife here after every four weeks, it's very compulsory for her health and her baby's. I will give you a diet list, your wife has to put on weight and her present state isn't pregnancy approved. I beg you to please take care of her. Please"

Bao didn't want to. He only nodded and left after getting a handbook about pregnancy. Meilin followed in her crutches but waved at the woman goodbye. Meilin purposely gave her the house address in case she doesn't come back. She begged the doctor to not come alone, but she didn't state the reason why.

In the car Meilin was looking through the handbook and surprisingly Bao said she should read out the important details. He didn't ask who's child was it, or did it escape his mind?

He parked the car in front of the house, told her to wait while he goes make an important call.

"Hello Bao" Ai jin said over the phone.

"Meilin is pregnant. What now? I can't stay all day with her. We need a solution."

"The solution is written on her forehead you fool. Get rid of it."