New game (3)

"Baby Haru" Ai jin cooed as she opened the door with a tray in her hand before she used the other to support. Haru didn't look her way. He kept looking through the window, his eyes peeled on the gate as he continued to wait for the so called 'Meilin' miracle.

"You don't eat properly Haru. Please eat" She said politely as she tried to persuade him to eat breakfast.

"Leave please" She didn't listen to him. He didn't look back to tell her that he just kept looking straight at the gate. "Don't disturb me, I don't want to miss the moment when Meilin walks in."

Whenever he said that Ai jin was triggered. Haru wasn't himself anymore. The guilt he felt made his life hell. He didn't like the idea of her moving with her husband and living him alone. He shouldn't have pressurized her, he should've been a bit patient. It was her love he aimed but during the course of striving to get it, he lost his way and ended up losing what he struggled to build.

He knew he didn't deserve her but he just wants that little opportunity to apologize. Ai jin took a step closer and tried convincing him to eat but his reaction frightened her.

He pushed the tray and everything on it broke creating a mess. Ai jin was hurt and she called the maids to clean everything she struggled to set up.

Haru's aunt wasn't impressed with his behavior and why he was treating Ai jin like trash just because Meilin left.

Haru knew she wouldn't understand, his aunt was being mother hen to Ai jin because she didn't get to know Meilin personally.

"Ai jin leave. Don't bother me when I'm waiting for Meilin, this should be the last time!" The look In his eyes made Ai jin note his warning as she left.

*"Get rid of it"*

Ai Jin's voice echoed in bao's head and he was pondering hard on his next move. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't do half of the threats he made.

His conscious was talking to him for the first time. He felt guilt weighing his chest each time he looked at the pills in the sachet. Ai jin sent it and he had to get the package on time.

"Bao...Bao...I'm pregnant!" Meilin said running towards him. "We're gonna be parents!?" He exclaimed sweeping Meilin off her feet as he locked a kiss on her lips.

He remembered how excited he was the first time they were going to have a baby. He wanted to triple their happiness by getting a job but no matter where he went, they weren't going to accept him because of his criminal record.

He was in jail for two years as a result of his gang robbing a convenience store. The truth hurt him, he was useless. How could he just watch his wife come home past midnight after multiple jobs. He couldn't tell her why he couldn't get a proper job, he was completely ashamed of himself.

That's when his obsession with drinking and drugs started. He didn't mean to but that was the only option for him. The only thing that could keep him busy.

He didn't like the idea of being a stay at home dad. He went to clubs or gambled with his gang just to keep his mind off his flaws.

He knew how irresponsible he was that's why he wished Meilin could just walk out the door when she had the chance but it became too later for that. His new mind set didn't want to let go, she was like a property even though he neglected her.

It's also a clear fact that Meilin couldn't be a mom because he ignored her struggles.

Why was he remembering all of a sudden? he questioned himself as he looked at the tablets in his hand.

Was it because he was about to do something bad or just a random reminisce?

He bit his lips as he put three pills into her glass. He proceeded to the room he put her in.

He handed the cup to her as he sat down in the far edge of the bed "Here's your daily vitamins" she nodded as she took it from him but she didn't take it immediately, she wanted to eat first.

The food was actually nice for the first time. She smiled a little, if she could have more she wouldn't hesitate.

"You like it?" Bao asked and she gave him a nod "Want more?" She nodded again.

He took the plate and headed for the kitchen. He served her more mapo doufo then retraced his steps to the room.

The plate was fuller than before, "I made it"

She was surprised. Not about him being a good cook, but he actually took his time to prepare her a meal. She didn't eat anymore, she didn't trust his good motive. That's if it was really good.

"I'm not hungry."

"Doctor said you have to put in weight. eat" When did he start caring all of a sudden? Bao also questioned himself. He was taking care of someone else's child.

"So, Meilin...were you sleeping with another man?"

There was no point of lying. They both knew the truth. She just had to come clean once and for all "I was sleeping with my boss."

He clenched his fist trying to calm himself. "Make sure you drink the milk after you're done eating. Doctor's orders."