Serious woman (2)

Haru got up yawning. He tried moving but he felt weak and a sharp pain in his back. He found Ai jin sleeping bare beside him. A smile on her face as he realised his hand was on her body.

He quickly pulled it away in surprise "Ai jin!" She murmured in her sleep "Why are you yelling. It's just 9am" It wasn't natural for Haru to wake up that late, especially when his health was fine.

"Why are we..."

"Don't you remember anything Haru?"

The male pondered deeply on how he found himself in such a mess. He got up and paced about frantically in his room.

Ai jin continued to sleep showing little concern to her husband's distress. There was no way he'd remember eating the food she prepared, absolutely no way.

"I wonder when I'll go have my pregnancy test" she asked herself as she bit her lip in excitement. Now Haru would never free himself from her webs of a marriage thrilled with the depths of despair.

She swung her legs and stretched as soon as her feet came in contact with the red rug on the floor. "I'm gonna go shower Haru. I'll let you know that I'm not birth control."

Haru bowed his head trying to control his anger. He never thought he'd touch Ai jin, and now he has to put up with her getting pregnant.

Ai jin thought of when she'd go for a checkup next month or there about. She couldn't wait to hit Haru with news of her pregnancy. She was sure she was one step ahead in Haru's life. She's married to him and soon She'll be the mother of his child.

All she had to do was wait.

After exactly thirty days she counted, she headed for the clinic to have a pregnancy test carried out. She was sure she'd be at least three weeks pregnant or a week more. Thinking about her success made her sing.

She knew she was pregnant. She missed her period, but she wanted to make Haru believe.

She did exactly what she was told and waited for the result. It took a while but once she got it, she was informed she was nine weeks pregnant.

Nine weeks was more than the thirty days she counted. She sat down to think. Exactly two months ago, Haru was never intimate with her. That means the baby she was carrying wasn't her husband's.

She wanted the test to be redone but then, the doctors had other people to attend to. She was pregnant, that's what she wanted but it was possibly not Haru's child.

She pondered more on what went wrong. She knew having sex while pregnant doesn't affect the DNA in any way, so the strange baby she was carrying was perfectly fine.

Who and when? There was no way it would be bao, they both hadn't seen for almost a year. That was a ruled out possibility.

She did remember when she was at a party in a club. She was drunk and didn't remember much from that scene.

What went down over the night was just a one night stand, she didn't think it would get her pregnant. She knew who she slept with but she wasn't so sure.

She was invited to the party by her old friend. He was one of her ex boyfriends when she was just a teen, she didn't expect to fall back into his arms and get pregnant. What would she do now that she knows it's not Haru's child and she doesn't know where the biological father is.

She was bound to lose Haru if he found out the truth. She had to come up with a new plan, the baby could either ruin her or make her succeed.

She drafted everything in her head. She trudged to her car and hit her forehead on the steering wheel countless times. She just prayed the outcomes of her plans would work out.

She pushed the start of her car then backed up a bit. Her eyes met with a familiar woman, a woman she didn't want to see ever again.

"Meilin?" She couldn't believe it. Why? Why wasn't she dead yet? Why does she always have to come back into her life at the wrong time?

She hit the steering wheel with her fist and poured out her frustration by throwing her hands around like the lunatic she already was.

Meilin only accompanied Da xia for her monthly check up with her doctors. She never thought that she'd see an old face but she pretended not to.

She heard that Haru got married to the actress/model. In fact it was all over the news. She assumed that her reason for coming to a clinic that was known for child care is because she had a baby of her own.

She didn't care. In fact she was happy. Now she could raise her kids by herself without Haru intervening in her life. Something good actually came out from his relationship with Ai jin. She was happy for them.

Ai jin got back to the estate and quickly headed to tell Haru the news.

"I'm pregnant! Haru in pregnant for your baby!" She barged into his room yelling those words over and over again.

Haru raised a brow in suspicion. He wasn't moved by her news, instead he simply just diverted his gaze from his laptop to look at her as he leaned back on his chair.

She sweat dropped by her mere reading of his facial expression. She knew he had his doubts but she also prepared for it.

"We're having a child Haru..." She stepped towards him, "The doctor already approves."

He got up then adjusted his tie as he circled her "Pretty Mrs Ai Jin Yang. We both know how many relationships and scandals you've been involved in. So what makes you think I'd believe your pregnancy story so easily. Even if I do, what's the assurance that's its my baby?"

She didn't know what to say. She mentally slapped herself for not preparing for Haru's fast thinking 'shit! I'm screwed'