Family matters

"Miss Zhao, you can't keep stressing yourself. The doctor said if you do it'll have severe effects."

"Doctors can't always be right. I need to go, I have an important business meeting" The argument was on and on. Meilin was unconscious until the following morning. Her doctor left prescriptions and warnings about how her health was deteriorating fast. She knew her health was at risk but she wasn't going to give in regardless of the dangers.

Mr Fu had tried to make her understand but he knew the woman would never listen. He had actually taken Mr Li Wei's number. The man was worried about her but couldn't stay over to monitor her so he need Mr Fu to inform him of any news.

Mr Fu excused himself and went to the corridor to call Li Wei over. An hour passed and Meilin managed to calm down and rest a little although she did time to get up promptly when it's eight.