Family Matters (2)

Li wei looked out for the kid in his office. It'd been two weeks since he had a fight with his wife and stopped by her home

All Zhen did was draw, however his drawings weren't so good to take a gander at. He'd draw on a same spot again and again. Honesty, li wei had no clue about what he would do with the kid. He thought about whether it'll be ideal to enlist him back in the school, or leave him in a therapist care.

His eyes didn't leave the boy and the table he was drawing on. He'd never heard his child's voice and he doesn't think Zhen had ever said a word. His solace was in his trivial drawings and the time he spent away from mingling.

"Zhen" He muttered but the boy didn't stop what he was doing. "Zhen I'm taliking to you!" The boy shook his head still not lifting his hand from the table and also refused to let go of the pencil.