Dream family (4)

Haru stood on the witness stand, his hands cuffed as he waited for the court heating to commence. Meilin was seated on the first row, her lawyer, Lilu fong beside her as she went through some documents.

"Mr Haru Yang has been accused of Parental kidnapping and posing as a threat to the Zhao family" The opening statement was an announcement made by a member of the jury concerning the civil case.

Haru knew he'd probably be charged, that's why he let the judge get an attorney for him. He had little or no regrets for what he did. If he could get God's life remote, he'd fast forward to the end of the whole boring trial to where he'll be convicted.

The attorney obviously knew it was hopeless because of Haru's reluctance to the help being provided for him. It would end sad, but it's inevitable.