Family Guy

"I made your lunch sweetie" Meilin said packing up a boxed lunch for her daughter but Li Na left with just her back pack and skipped out on the food her mother made. Meilin held the small box in her hands as tears rolled out. That's how it had been for the last six years since Haru got jail time.

Meilin was depressed and she had herself to blame. her daughters never looked at her, ate her food but would rather go out to eat with their allowance money. She even tried depriving them from money so they'd turn to her food and everything she had to offer but they kept their distance and didn't mind starving.

Meilin went through days in bitterness and her pillow was doused from the collected tears. She ended her relationship with Li wei, who is eventually living with his wife and only son. As for herself, she's all alone spending her best moments in despair.