Family Guy (2)

"Are you really going to follow him?" mihyo's worried friend eren tailed her around as she packed. Mihyo kept nodding to his every statement and vain attempt to persuade her not to go by herself, in fact not to go at all.

"What would your dad say? you're leaving home to chase after a man that's almost the same age with your father"

Mihyo stopped to give the kid a harsh look before she proceeded with what she was doing. Eren couldn't believe she'd end up doing something like trying to runaway with a man that has kids elsewhere, probably a wife too.

He knew nothing about Haru but his mental portrayal of the man came from Mihyo's narration and the pictures he saw on her phone. She was obsessed with him. He was able to help her conquer her drugs addiction but her new addiction is him.

The girl stuffed clothes into her bags and moved them all to the door "Going to help me out or sit idle all day and stare?" He shook his head and left.