The story of the boy too close — 2

"Meilin, can you come up to the rooftop. There's something we need to talk about." Meilin read through the short letter and tossed it into a trash can. 

Mr anonymous wasn't sure if she'd come but he didn't mind waiting till sundown before he concludes. His stomache growled and ate as he waited. He didn't have any money to by himself lunch and he didn't want to bully the juniors for food because if he did he'd get expelled and his father would use his belt on him. 

More hours passed and he kept waiting, he hadn't even attended any of the classes right from first period. "I guess she's not coming" he placed a hand on his belly and turned to leave. He gasped the moment he saw her, "it's lunch time" she said then took a seat on the same bench of the week before. 

"why did you ask me to come?"

To say it straightforward would be embarrassing, he'd prefer beating around the bush. "Well, you're a nice person you know..."