The story of the boy too close — 1

It had been months since Meilin lost her best friend but she started to see her older brother often, running around the tracks, playing freestyle soccer and once in a while dancing with some kids at the alley. He looked sad but cool at the same time.

She'd always wanted to talk to him because she had a lot of questions concerning Yun.

She slid a note through an open space of his locker and left to avoid suspicion. She didn't know if he'd bother to read or if he'd even bother to stop by the roof top of the school.

She waited for him to show up that day, rubbing her arms to keep herself warm because of how chilly the weather was especially where she was. 

She sat on a bench eating her lunch. She couldn't wait for him to come before she ate, but she'd still give the bento she spent her time making to him.