Open Season

Two olive garbed individuals slogged themselves across the marshy grounds of the Verden Valley Forest. They were both armed with hunting gear ranging from a rifle, high caliber pistols, a shotgun and their camouflage garments. And they were on the prowl for the creatures dubbed 'Seadevils'.

Having to relinquish his normal Carbine to the armory that day, Diaz was left slightly annoyed not being able to wield his preferred firearm and resort to using Obediah's spare KSG shotgun with Slug ammunition that he lends to him for the day. The swamp the two UFE soldiers who happen to be taking one of the Adventurer's Guild's 'Quests' today on their day off for some money that the two agreed to split their whatever earnings they can obtain today.

"Shit Obed, the stench." Diaz complained. He covered his nose by pinching it with hit fingers as he continued moving forward.

"You're such a City Boy kid. Take some of the outdoor smell." Obediah replied.

Their surroundings were of large fungus infested trees whose roots look like they were tip toeing away from as much swamp water from their feet. Swamp Reeds and Lilly pads painted the water in a murky green that with the naked eye, nobody could see anything beyond an inch. It was a dreary locale that would naturally be home to such a vile creature named 'the Seadevil'. The only comforting sight in this God-forsaken place were the glowing flora and fauna found beneath the trees ranging from mushrooms, flowers and what looked like fireflies that glow a bright blue rather than the earth native orange color that the UFE are familiar with.

"Keep you eye on the scanner boy. I don't want any surprises you hear me." Obediah instructed.

"Yeah got it" Diaz nodded. He looked on to his attached scanning equipment next to his shotgun and observed the device.

It worked as both a Sonar Device and a Parabolic Heartbeat sensor that can detect the faintest of heartbeats from the bradycardic (slow heartbeat) Sea Devils, if their similarity to Alligators and Crocodile is correct.

"Hang on, hundred meters, East. Something big is happening." Diaz said spotting a disturbance from his scanner.

Alarmed by the detection, the two slowly moved east with their fingers on their triggers. Every second they are inside the swamp and every step they took could risk the possibility of one of the vile beasts ambushing them. Any form of help will likely be factored as irrelevant due to the hostile nature of the swamp when it comes to navigation. The survival of the two hunters rest upon their equipment and their own wits.

After a grueling stretch across the soft and watery ground, Obediah raised his hand signaling his partner to halt. The two knelt down and hid behind a tree that concealed their positions as they looked forward. The Hunter silently gestured his fingers to his two eyes and then pointed forward signaling his inexperienced partner to observe what is ahead of them.

Diaz peeked over the tree and spotted what the pair came to this secluded hellhole, it was a singular Seadevil standing alone in some wet land. It's back was turned against them as it was eating the corpse of an unfortunate stag.

"Take the shot." Diaz whispered.

Obediah strafed to his right under the cover of the Swamp's Trees to get a better shot at the beast. He re-positioned himself until he got a full view of the creature's right side without getting detected. Peering through 'Leah's' scope, Obediah held his breath to aim. His crosshairs aimed center mass hoping to land a devastating lung shot to the creature on his first shot. He carefully squeezed the trigger and…



The sudden sound of sharp flight erupted from across the left side of the monster at the same time Obediah pulled the trigger. In one instant, the Seadevil collapsed face first dead on the ground.

"What the hell?" Obediah questioned himself as he stood up from his hiding spot and approached the Seadevil corpse. Vincente also emerged from his position to observe the kill with him.

"Hey you heard that?" Diaz asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what that was though?" Obediah commented. He looked at the corpse to get his first real look on his quarry. The entry point from where Obed shot him was a about an inch in diameter and the hunting ammo that he used should have made quick work of the monster's vital organs the instant the kinetic energies of that .308 Lapua bullet made contact.

"Look over here! What the…" Diaz stuttered.

Crossing over the corpse, Obediah soon found what was the Penal Soldier was looking at. It was an arrow that punctured around the same mirror imaged area where he shot the Seadevil. However, the arrow was of a strange design. It wasn't made of a primitive wooden body nor the aluminum kind, no it was made from some sort of sort of glass like body with its translucency. The arrow emitted the same kind of magical energy patterns that Obediah and Diaz observed seeing from Iris and other mages that inhabit the planet. As the two continued to curiously examine the affixed projectile, the mushy sounds of footsteps walking on swamplands harkened behind them.

"I believe that is my Seadevil. Move along Firen." Said an elegantly feminine voice.

The two turned around to see a young lithe woman standing behind them. She was proudly parading herself in her blue colored garments that almost seductively (in an impractical sense by Earth Standard) 'V-neck' that exposed the woman's cleavage and breastbone. There were several sections in her garbs that sported leather for protection, not that it the flimsy clothes can protect her from anything, perhaps the clothes were meant for speed and maneuverability over safeguards to one's vital organs. The woman also wore a hood that hid her face adding to hear mysteriousness ever since she unexpectedly made her presence known to the two questing hunters. For someone like them to be seeing a person dress like this, the only time they could ever recall someone else wearing clothes like that was in a Cosplaying Convention. Diaz couldn't help but keep his eyes on the woman in alluring clothes as she walked towards them.

"Your kill? No, I killed this thing first. The tongue is mine." argued Obediah.

"Excuse me? But have you heard the most magnificent sound of my Starfire Bow? That creature would easily fall down in one hit by the grace of my arrows." The woman answered back.

"Well so those my Rifle! Point Three Hundred and 8 Lapua rounds! Will pretty much kill anything short of an elephant." Obediah rebutted.

As the two continued to argue over who rightfully earned the recently slain beast as a trophy. Diaz looked down on his scanner to search for more Seadevils to hunt down. So far, no disturbances at the moment.

"I do not know of this 'Rifle' you speak of but judging by that hideous thunder it produces it is just another crude magic staff." The woman dismisses

"Magic Staff? This is no Staff or of magic. This Sniper Rifle had a development period of over ten years in the making and made from the finest Gunsmiths in and from the Earth. Your bow is a weapon we have longed abandoned millennia ago!" He roared over the woman's offending statement.

"That thing looks like even a child can wield drunk and blind. My Bow takes skill to take. And what is this 'Earth' you speak of? Another nation of Firen Hîn that I never heard of? Step aside for this beast contains my rightful reward." She snootily replied.

The woman tried to move towards the deceased Seadevil but Obediah stepped into her way.

"No way you bitch. The United Federation of Earth has been active for over one hundred and fifty plus years. And we have been expanding across the stars and aren't going to be stopped now by some kill stealing bitch like you." Obediah asserted.

"United Feder--…Earth… you… you…" the woman began to stutter.

"You heard of us miss?" Diaz asked peering through his scanner's screen.

"Your… the people that the prince met…" she said.

"Indeed, we are lady. But we still have a problem with…" Obediah acknowledged the woman's questions but he and Diaz were greeted by a great flash of light conjured from the stranger's hands.

"Aer Galad!" she yelled in a strange tongue unfamiliar to them.

Iris' 'Language Spell' that she had provided to the UFE so that they can easily communicate with the natives and be able to listen to what they say, only covered the Slaegian Empire's dominant dialect called 'Vaikuri'. To hear someone mixing Vaikuri and another alien language was a shocker to the two. But not as the shock of the woman who blinded them in a flash bang like explosion.

Clearing his eyes, Diaz recovered from the blast thanks to being used to encountering such measures in his experience of being a thief and getting Flash banged by the local law enforcements. He even remembered being greeted to one the day he got arrested. As he restored the vision from his eyes, he can blurrily see that the mysterious woman drew her bow and loaded one of her 'Starfire Arrows' into the arrow rest aiming at the still befuddled Obediah.

With a quick reactivation of his Rapid Movement Booster augmentation, Vincent dashed towards the woman in lightning fast speed.

(Aliathra's POV)

At first, the Elven Princess thought that today was going to be another monotonous day of hunting down wild animals for food and money. She has been camping in the woods for a few days alone and is currently waiting for a reply from her colleagues back in the Empire to respond to her distress message. She has seen these 'people who came from the sky' as told by the native Tyr Rian locals with her own two eyes. The way their leader 'White' charmed the Prince of Tyr Rian with his honeyed words and their exorbitant promises of curing many of their world's various problems. Not even the greatest of mages from Ethuilen to Haringpoint can figure out such mysteries and yet these aliens simply dismounted from where ever in Gliesia or the Void that they all come from and start telling everyone they meet that they can solve all of their problems. It sure sounds like a demon's work in conducting their temptations of the faithful masses.

She will need to attempt an infiltration or the very least a scouting reconnaissance of this 'New Albany' location that the outsiders have made their nerve center in Tyr Rian. But for now, she will need to provide for herself. So, she has taken up this 'Quest' from the local Adventurer's Guild building in hunting down several 'Seadevils' a native monster of Ysanigrad the Human Continent's wetlands. She was told by the details of the 'Quest' that they only want the creatures' deaths and they will pay some good money for every tongue presented to them. She can freely keep some of the meat for herself for her own nourishment, it wasn't as glamorous as the specially prepared food that she used to eat in the palace but it would keep her going with the great calorie content it provides. She still groaned at her predicament, the Elf still longs for the piquant dishes her family's chefs would whip up to satisfy their cravings. Venision, Fruit Pies and Grilled Fish with sauce, she missed them all.

Despite being a princess of the Elven Royal Family, she was taught by the investment of her father to take care of herself. The Elves of Alfel-Nora have been split into two distinct factions for centuries and all of the children had to go through some sort of mandatory military service whether being a common foot soldier, Cavalry or even the more elite units such as the Ethuilen Rangers that Aliathra had received training from thanks to the influence of her father. She has learned, outside of her natural abilities to heal, altercation of her body and surroundings, illusions and creating alchemical potions on the move, she has been trained in Survival in hostile environments, Archery Proficiency and Scout Training.

So there she was, the Youngest Child of the Ethuilen Royal Family all alone in a gloomy swamp hunting down 'Seadevils' to make ends meet. She had claimed two tongues of Seadevils who funnily enough she caught both mating in a secluded tree. She easily dispatched them with one shot each from her Starfire Arrows, it would seem to her that today will just be another boring night of monster hunting. She just hopes that soon a Tweeter Bird from her Slaegian Colleagues can contact her before she metaphorically dies of boredom.

Thanks to her enhanced senses, Aliathra detected a lone Seadevil about a few hundred meters southwest from were she stalked. With her race's signature Elven Agility, she stealthily strides her way through the marshes to be at the monster's position in a mere half a minute. Placing an arrow on her bow she drew her weapon and let loose the brilliant light blue projectile at the unsuspecting beast. However as soon as she heard the graceful 'Whoosh' sound of her bow string, she could hear a large unearthly thunder sound from across her position. At first, she thought that it was Isolation that she has been living on for several days has started to perform tricks at her. She boldly emerged from her position and walked towards her kill.

However, that 'loud thunder' she thought was a hallucination was actually more concrete as she thought as she spotted two mysterious figures emerged from the other side. The strangers were of humanoid shape yet they wore green garments that almost reminded her of the Dryads and Sylvanite Tree People native to her homeland. Were these sent by her family? If they have to travel across an ocean and miles of land these 'Dryads' must have some very urgent news for her.

Yet as she zoomed her turquoise eyes to the 'Dryads' she noticed that they were wearing shoes and wielded strange black colored staffs. Something a Dryad would never need to be equipped with. They must be the native Humans or Firen in her native elven tongue, off to hunt Seadevils for money too.

She can understand a majority of the words used in the Vaikuri language of the Slaegian Empire and base on what she is hearing, one of the men who sported facial hair on his chin claimed that he slew the Seadevil and he rightfully earns its tongue. His partner a man in who was similarly dressed as him in olive colored clothing is cleanshaven and had a tan, a color similar to the light brown oakwood of her Elven Homeland. He was simply standing next to him checking a mysterious light that emitted from one of his staffs. The Elf Princess observed closely.

'Is that Firen charging his magic?'

The bearded man began to argue over the rightful claim of the Seadevil Tongue yet the Elf Princess fought back. The argument soon descended into a right of superior armaments, as they fought over who's weapon was more superior than the other. Then the bearded man said a word that shook shivers down her spine.

"Younited Federashon of Erf" the bearded man said.

She had remembered hearing that from Prince Clovich in Castle Tyr Rian a few days ago when she disappeared to be undercover as one of Princess Aria's many maids. She knew from her nation's spy network that the Prince of Tyr Rian provides intelligence on Slaegian Empire border movements and fortification details to the Ethuilen Entente Elves in exchange for Elven Medicine to make his sister temporarily albeit very weakly walk again. Yet after she attended a conference with these foreign 'Younited Federashon of Erf' she saw giant cities that were hastily built made of cold hard metal and stone as if it magically erupted from the Earth, not even the best Magically Atuned architect can even hope to build something in a span of a week, the best could be under a year. Then she met the leader of the 'Federashon' by the name of 'White'. He whispered something at the Princes Ears that made him and his sister cry as if they were mentally broken then he promised from what she could be able to eavesdrop from the meeting 'to take care of them'. Were these Demons corrupting the mortals to do their bidding? And were these two men part of this 'Federashon'? Is it just another Demonic Ruse to infiltrate their world and turn it into their cornucopia of despairing souls? Were these demons disguised as...

'No, not on my watch, not that we can still fight.'

She conjured white holy magic from her hands in gathering of her Elven Powers "Aer Galad!" she exclaimed. A brilliant white flash erupted from her hand blinding the two 'Demons'.

Normally 'the Holy Light spell' she has learned from the Elven Paladins can dispel instantly lesser demons and for the stronger ones they would at least erupt in a silvery white flame. Yet as the bright flash subsided, Aliathra saw to her surprise that the two 'Demons' were physically unharmed and were merely stunned by the sudden lightning flash that addled their vision.

"They are stronger than I thought. Take this!" she said to herself. She drew her bow and placed an arrow to shoot down one of the demons while they were defenseless. She took aim and at the older bearded 'Demon' in the human disguise and drew her bow string.

It seemed like everything became slow motion in time as just as she drew her bow, the younger fair looking 'Demon' quickly recovered his vision and focused his face at Aliathra. He charged in inhuman speed at the Elf before she could react and deflected the bow away from the direction of the bearded man as she let go, the arrow narrowly missing him.

The fair looking demon soon wrestled away Aliathra's Bow from her grasp successfully prying it from her finger with his brutish strength before pushing her down to the dirty waters of the swamp before he tossed the bow away.

The Elf recoiled in shock as she roughly crashed her body to the murky waters. It was disgusting that her frame was polluted with such filthy that it drew her anger at the Demons to push her self harder to triumph against them. She maybe outnumbered 2-to-1 but the Astrals were at her side thanks to her blessed bloodline from her Family. She gnashed her teeth as she stood back up and drew her shorts word from her back and began to slash the blade towards the Demon.

"Die Demon!" she proudly yelled.

Her adversary dodged every swipe of her blade in a fiendish speed, demonstrating his Demonic Physical Attributes which are superior to any Mortal creature can even hope to obtain let alone surpass. Distressed, the Elven Princess began to push her body to dangerous levels of exertion as she redoubled her efforts yet the Demon effortlessly continued to dodge her attacks.

Then suddenly the Demon grabbed her arm after she tried to thrust the blade into the Demon's chest. Her enemy held her arm hand in place with his right hand before he kicked her in the abdomen with a strong 45-degree kick. Weakened by the sudden shock on her core, her grip on her weapon weakened making it easy for the Demon to pry it away from her.

Now completely defenseless, weakened and exhausted, the Princess was now at the full mercy of the Demon as the brute dragged her across the water and cornered her body forcefully against the fresh corpse of the Seadevil that they have fought over earlier.

'Is this it… am I going to… die?'

She began to cry, shedding tears tears from her face that fell down her fair cheeks. Pinned to the dead monster she could only pray that the Demons grant her a quick death. She closed her eyes to embrace her fate and ancestors.

Yet from the incoherent speaking coming from the two Demons she could feel… indecision from her empathic senses. Her elven heritage could from close range detect one's mood and feelings. This was how her ancestors tamed the wild animals to their will and how they, before the splitting of their nation ruled like masters before the time of Men rising into prominence. Could these 'Demons' have… feelings?

"Shit… what the fuck… happened?" the bearded one said after recovering his vision from Aliathra's previous spell.

"I don't know Obed, but this girl tried to kill us… Who the hell are you?" said the younger one.

The man gently removed her hood that concealed her head exposing her golden blonde hair, azure eyes and leaf shaped Elven ears.

"Whoa…" the fair one commented admiring Aliathra's features.

The princess doesn't know whether to feel flattered that a man is admiring her scared being the mad has her pinned and at his mercy.

"Please… don't kill me." Aliathra begged. "I---'ll be your slave. I can please you, pleasure you. Would you want to have an Elf as your pleasure slave? Just spare me and my family please." She pleaded in a last-ditch effort to survive her loss. The Princess felt so helpless. She had messed up and failed her mission and all she could do was await what her defeater has in store for her whether chains of slavery or the cold kiss of death, Aliathra lay down defeated.

"Whoa! Whoa! What? Slave? You and me? No! I am not THAT kind of person!" the faired one said loosening his grip and letting Aliathra go. She caught her breath but yet she was still surrounded by two physically imposing figures who has caught her drained of her energy both stamina and magics.

"First off we are only arguing about who killed this Crocodile right here and you thought you could get away with this by shooting at us?" the bearded man called 'Obediah' said to her.

"I… thought… I …. You…" Aliathra stuttered, her mouth dry and thirsty from the exertion of her previous fight. She wanted to accuse the two figures for the Demons that they were yet her parched mouth couldn't let her speak.

"Don't stutter on me woman. You tried to kill both of us. First you blinded us with some flashbang mumbo jumbo magic at are faces and tried to finish us with your fucking 'Star-something' whatever bow. Do you have any Idea… what we will…?" Obediah roared.

"Uhm… Obed!" the fair faced one exclaimed who stared into the light of his staff. His face plastered in Dread.

"What the Hell is it now Vince?" Obediah said.

"We.Are.Surrounded." the fair faced figure who is addressed as 'Vince' punctuated.

"What?" Obediah asked.

"Clicks, Spooks everywhere. We are surrounded." He informed.

Aliathra observed her peripheral surroundings. It was true, she has sensed 6 Seadevils surrounding them from all sides. She could feel the primal hunger that surged within monster's mind as they spotted their next meal. And that meal was their flesh.

"Shit! What do we do? And the girl too!" Vincent asked.

"For now, we fucking Survive!" Obediah yelled.

The Bearded man reached out into his pocket and grabbed a strange looking wand from the breasts of his shirt. It was a small handheld gizmo that at first glance, Aliathra could think it was some sort of harmless piece of art made from gleaming silvery metal. It had a curved black leather handle that Obediah held firmly on his palm and a long snout engraved with the words 'Elephant Killer' at its surface. The bearded man's index finger twitched inward to his hands to let out a deafening blast that recoiled the strange metal wand and letting loose a fiery chromatic flash.

The princess covered her ears as Obediah fired his wand at one of the Seadevils. A large detonation of blood spurted out from the monster's neck, then followed by another thunderous bang from Obediah and then a third one. After his first three shots, his target fell down dead on the swamp floor choking on its own blood. The Elven Princess couldn't believe such a meager weapon compared to her Starfire Bow can fell such a beast in such a brutally efficient manner. Most wands in terms of Magic Amplification power couldn't compete against Staffs and were normally relegated to more up close and personal assignments whilst Staffs were more for much larger tasks that requires heavy amounts of Mana to be expended.

She looked on to the fair faced one named 'Vincent' who in stark contrast to Obediah's weapon of choice was holding a significantly larger armament. It was a long staff life with a distinctly shaped snout compared to Obediah's hand held weapon. With a twitch of his fingers below his dark colored staff he let out a mighty thunderous roar that in one single discharge blew open the body of a Seadevil who managed to get close to melee range in a gory shower of blood and guts.

What kind of awesome magical powers does these 'Demons' possess that even the mightiest monsters can easily fall before them?

"A fuck it's guts all fucking over me!" Vincent exclaimed.

The fair faced one reached into his waist and began to pickup red colored shells from his belt and began to load it inside his magical staff from a hole below it.

Is this how they charge their magic? Through these shells? Is Mana contained within them?

As she spectated the two fighting against the batch of Seadevils, Aliathra observed that one of the beasts was distancing itself away from the three. Its throat began to bulge and the beast's eyes aimed straight for Vincent who is currently recharging his magical black staff with ravenous intent.

"NO!" Aliathra yelled out.

With a sliver of recovered vigour, she conjured a hastily albeit weakly conjured forcefield with her and Vince under its protected influence. The Seadevil let loose a waterjet from it's mouth aimed at the two. It impacted Aliathra's forcefield in full force. Although it dampened most of the dangerous physical force of the Water Jet, the Elf and the fair faced humanoid were still knocked back down to the ground by the remaining force of the jet but were ultimately unharmed except for a few bruises from the resulting impact.

Vincent, whilst he recovered from the blast briefly turned his head to Aliathra, face sketched in astonishment.

'Why did… I… protect him?'

The Princess, in a brief moment examined the 'Demon's' features. His face was indistinguishable from a Human Males in comparison. He had dark brown eyes a rounded nose and a firmly chiseled chin. When He grinned his teeth as he struggled to recharge his staff, instead of Ebony Colored set of Fangs compared to the common depictions of demons among the shared lore of the world, Vince's teeth were of a normal light-yellow glow with the teeth shaped ordinarily compared to the humanoid races of Gliesia such as Men, Elfs and Dwarves.

"Cover your ears and stay behind me!" Vincent yelled to her.

A loud clicking noise from a moveable part of his 'Black Thunder Staff' below its snout from a thrust down and then up with his hands. The fair faced one aimed his 'Black Thunder Staff' at the offending creature and discharged a mighty blast that just like his previous victims, inflicted a large explosion that created a giant bloodied cavity on the beast's center mass.

Adrenaline began to surge through the Elf's body rejuvenating her systems to fight for her life. Her Mana Energies slowly recharged within her with the Princess ready to fight for her life. She couldn't believe that her own safety now falls between the hands of these two 'Demons'. She doesn't know if she will have to report this back to her Slaegian colleagues over this predicament… if she survives at all today.

"Shit!" the voice of Obediah rang on her left side.

One of the Seadevils managed to get close to the bearded humanoid and managed to slips its claws at his right thigh, lacerating it before narrowly dodging away from a complete amputation of his leg. Reflexively, Obediah fan fired his strangely shaped metal wand at his attacker and gave a clean headshot to the Seadevil, killing it instantly. The bearded one then leaned over to the Seadevil Carcass from earlier in pain. His hands began to remove the gloves he wore exposing his fleshy white skin and pressed on his wound. Blood was beginning to spurt out of his wound like a geyser tainting his hands as it desperately tried to impede the bleeding.

This 'Demon'… is bleeding? But I thought Demons can't feel pain?

Aliathra's eyes widened as she looked at Obediah's wound. It was bleeding profusely and if he doesn't get attention now he will pass out or even die from blood loss.

Should I save this one?

The 'Demon' was unlike anything she had ever read. Was her hypothesis of these Aliens who set foot on the Empire's lands wrong? Her head tells her to save herself and flee away yet her heart says to help the wounded and bleeding. Her thoughts splitted into two directions. Show compassion to these 'Demons' who could have easily killed her but chose not to and even one of them went out of his way to protect her by yelling to stay behind her while he valiantly fought the monsters or flee with her back turned and leave them to their fate?

"Aaagghhh!" Obediah Groaned in agony as he clutched his wound. The bearded one could barely stand straight as he pushed the weight of his back to the carcass and opened fire with his metal wand.

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes my lie down in green pastures and the quiet waters of heaven. Refreshing my weary soul." Obediah began to pray, fighting back the painful tears inflicted by his wound. His voice began to fall into soft grogginess with every breath he exhaled.

"Even though… I…. Fucking hell… walk into the Valley of… the Shadow… of Death… I will fear no evil!" Obediah continued. He let loose a couple of shot from his wand that took down another Seadevil, rupturing its flesh with it's explosive magics. "And aayyy! Will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever!" He finished his panicked praying and opened fire another couple of shots at another Seadevil, taking the beast down with his wand.

The strength of his arms began to waver as it shivered, struggling to be kept raised. The bearded one began to limply sink down his back on the carcass until he was now sitting on his hinds above the surface of the wetlands. Still covering his wounds and barely keeping his hands pointing his wand, Obediah turned to Vincent.

"Diaz! Vincent! If I die here today… tell my family… Leah…April… I… was thinking of… them…" he muttered faintly.

This… 'Demon'… has a family? No this can't be true. This is all a ruse to trick me into healing it. Don't go! Don't do it Alie!

"You are not going to fucking die in this shithole you hear me!" Vincent protested hoping his words can encourage give the bearded one the will to live.

'Don't Heal him!'

'Don't Heal him?'

'It is a Demon, leave him. Run!'

'But it has a Family!'

'So, what? They are just as Evil as he is. They tried to take what is yours!'

'But he will die if I leave him.'

'It doesn't matter.'

'I am no better… just as Evil as them if I leave him.'

'Don't you dare try! What would your family… the rest of your nation say if they find out that you HEALED a Minion of the Abyss?'

'This isn't fair!'

'Don't you dare Princess Aliathra Lareththor of Ethuilen! Don't! Cease this lunacy!'


Aliathra beat back her inner consciousness, moving aside the mental barriers of prejudice she has learned through out her life, the Haughty Pride of Elven Superiority and rushed towards Obediah who was slowly succumbing to his wounds. She knelt down infront of him and caressed his cheek with her hands.

"Please, look at me." She gently spoke to the bearded one. "Stay with me. Everything will be alright." She lulled.

Obediah's debilitated eyes moved sluggishly until his grey old eyes met with Aliathra's ocean blue ones. A glimmer of hope has appeared in front of him as if an Angel miraculously descended from heaven to rescue him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Vince turned his head behind him.

"I can heal him. Shield me!" the Elf cried.

"Fuck me. Fine!" Vince roared. He continued to open fire from his 'Black Thunder Staff' covering the two.

With her security assured. Aliathra turned back to Obediah who was life is now hanging by a thin thread. His muscles began to fall limp and his body temperature turning cold as the blood of the reptiles whose corpses surrounded them.

"Oh Aethanielle, Mother of all life and creation, please heal this one of his ailments so that he may live to see tomorrow's sun and and bask in your wonderful garden that in your infinite love for all, gifted your holy blood and flesh so that we may live in harmony." Aliathra whispered.

She firmly placed her to hands and closed her eyes. Magical Energies began to concentrate around her hands in a radiant green glow. Her eyes also matched the colors of her magical energies as she repaired the rupture on Obediah's thigh.

"Be healed!" her voice rang like an angelic tone that resonated at his ears.

His leg began to mend itself back together. The broken blood vessels in his thigh reconnected with each other via rapid regeneration thanks to the healing powers of Aliathra. The incision that had breached his skin also reconstructed itself back to its original state, closing off Obediah's bleeding.

Aliathra scanned for the bearded one's vitals. With her magic she can see through the epidermis of Obediah and examine every nook and cranny of his body. To her surprise, this 'Demon' had the similar anatomy and physiology as any other humanoid race. The 'Demon' had a brain of its own complete with a nervous system, a respiratory system, a digestive system, a urinary system, endocrine system etc. things she has learned from her Restoration Tutors back at home.

No 'Demon' could ever be as alive as this one.

The Princess examined Obediah's Cardiac system and to her alarm she noticed that the heart was slowly failing to pump blood throughout the mysterious being's body. Placing her hand on his chest, Aliathra prayed to Aethanielle one more time before she expended more of her Restoration Magics. The energies began to flow out of her lithe hands and pierced through Obediah's chest harmlessly. Seeping into his inner body, the energies manifested itself through Aliathra's will into a hand that gently grabbed Obediah's failing heart. Aliathra willed herself to carefully resuscitate Obediah's heart, rebooting his blood circulation gently.

"Please stay with me…" she whispered quietly to his ears.

She continued to manually pump Obediah's blood, hoping beyond hope that he will live.

"Ack!" Obediah spatted as he jerked his body. His eyes returned to life as he quickly inhaled oxygen and grabbed his chest.

Aliathra successfully pulled out the 'Demon' from Death's door, saving it's… his life.

'It is done. You are safe now. I saved you…'

As Obediah slowly stood back up with the gentle aid of Aliathra, Vincent was able to kill off the rest of their monstrous attackers.

"Obed, thank God your alive!" he joyously exclaimed.

"You… you… saved… me…" Obediah turned to the angelic elf woman who rescued him from Death.

"Thank you…" Aliathra replied. She didn't dare say another word after whilst her mind was still clouded with the doubt of her decision.

The two strangers after they managed to get their bearings in order observed their surroundings. The swamp floor was littered with the cadavers of seven Seadevils who will no longer trouble the good people of Tyr Rian. From estimated what the bounty has promised, the monsters can fetch a over seven hundred Ducats in total.

"Fine day we had to day eh?" Obediah lightened the mood.

"Really? You almost fucking died for fucks sakes Obed. How am I going to tell you wife about this?" Vincent asked.

"We don't. I don't want her to stop me from going out to hunt if she finds out of this shit." Obediah answered.

"Well okay. Let's cut up these tongues and the get out of here. And maybe we can give some of the tongues to 'Blondie' here." Vincent pointed to Aliathra.

Quietly, the Elf leaned over to one of the corpses and recuperate herself while the strangers began to cut out the Seadevil tongues for the bounties. Aliathra reflected on her actions earlier as the thoughts began to fly around her.

Did I do what is right? The 'Demon' can go back to his family now.

Will the Gods punish me? Did I allow myself to be exploited by them?

Should I run? No, I can't… too weak… so… hungry…

"Aight! That's all of them." Obediah said. He carried over seven tongues from the monster's mouths and alongside Vincent, walked towards her. Yet Aliathra couldn't help but feel dread as they walked closer to her.

This it, they will tie me up and enslave me, have their way with me and maybe even extract my powers for their evil whims… I am sorry… everyone.

"Okay, two for you, two for me and three for the girl." Obediah said. Presenting three trophies to the Elven Princess. The scent of saliva and blood still fresh and dripping from the flesh.

She couldn't believe that she was given the largest share of the trophies. All she did was heal and protect the Demon's while they slay the monsters. Was this the 'Demons' way of thanking her? She didn't muster the courage to take her prize. She didn't even have the will to even move due to her exhaustion and panging hunger.

"You seem quiet." Obediah commented.

The Elf Princess subdued any emissions of sound from her mouth still too flustered of what she has experienced. Everything she knows about Demons are now coming into question with every moment she spends with Obediah and Vince. She couldn't think straight off of whether she should take what the bearded one is generously offering to her or pass it off as a Demonic Temptation trying to make her stray of the path of her principles and virtues she was taught by her mother when it comes to being a role model as a Princess. The hunger on her stomach emitted a gastronomic growl causing her to wince then pat her stomach to comfort it.

"You hungry?" Obediah asked her.


"We got some food on Obed's truck if you want. It's my way of thanking you if you would join us. It's not every day I get a pretty woman like you to dine for lunch." Vincent flirtatious said.

"Yeah, I think we got some food. Would you like to have lunch with us Miss?" Obediah asked again.

I can't take it anymore. I NEED NOURISHMENT!

"Yes. I would like to." Aliathra answered.

"Well good to have you. Get your gear and follow us." Obediah smiled.

(Later near the edge of the Swamp)

"Fuck, Obediah what would an Elf eat?" asked Vincent.

"I don't know? Aren't them fantasy snots are maybe vegetarians? I mean being hippies and all. Most of my food here is Chili and Chicken Soup really… hang on!" Obediah answered.

He reached into the trunk and grabbed a red colored can. Smiling, the bearded one walked to the fireplace that they set up a metal pot over. Placing some water from the canteen. He then poured out the contents of the can to the pot.

Aliathra can hear the simmering and bubble popping of the food being cooked inside the pan. Then she smelled the aroma that was released into the air. It was an earthy yet citric smell like freshly picked fruit from the orchards outside her home city of Ethuilen.

'Smells like home yet so exotic at the same time…'

For the first time after leaving her homeland, Aliathra felt delighted over the scent of lovingly made food. After ten minutes being teased by the smell. Obediah walked to the pot with a ladle and a bowl at hand. He used the spoon to bore through the metal cooking vessel and picked up a couple spoonful of the pot's contents. He then passed the bowl to her as she got a closer look at her meal.

The dish she was served was a wheat colored dumpling of sorts shaped like a person's belly button covered in a red sauce where the source of the 'earthy yet citric smell' came from.

'A strange cuisine these ones eat. It looked like one's belly button. And the sauce, it's like blood… Do they… eat… people?'

Aliathra perception caused her to nervously think over her pre-judged assumptions of the alien meal she has on her lap. Her sensory organs began to go into overload as she shivered frozen in fear. Then a loud thunder erupted to her ears.

"Achoo!" Vincent sneezed.

"AAAAGGGHHH!!!" Aliathra screamed, her sensory overload overwhelming her and nearly causing her to spill her over.

"Wha-Wha-What? Oh… sorry miss. I got a sneeze. It's okay!" Vincent reassured.

The elf began to shed tears in her eyes and her nostrils began to clog up as the princess desperately tried to regain her posture.

"Hey, Hey! Girl don't cry. I hate seeing pretty ladies like you cry. Here." Vince soothed her. He grabbed a piece of cloth from his eating tray and placed it on Aliathra's eyes, gently rubbing away the tears.

"What… is this food you have given me?" she asked.

"Cheese Tor-ta-lee-nee with some To-may-toe sauce. If you're a vegetarian, don't worry. It's just wheat, cheese and To-may-toe fruit alright? No meats. Come on, try some." Obediah read the can then invited Aliathra to take a bite.

'Must… gain…nourishment…'

With a provided spoon in hand. Aliathra scooped the belly-button shaped dumpling and a few particles of the 'To-may-toe' sauce and slowly placed the utensil on her mouth. When the foodstuff made contact with her tongue, Aliathra felt an explosion of flavors that danced with her. The fruity and acidic 'To-may-toe' complemented with the viscous texture of the melting cheese heartened her.

The food, despite it's alien components felt just like she is eating back in the Royal Dining Table back at her home.

"You like it?" Obediah grinned.

"Yes, very much." Aliathra answered.

"So, uhm lady. I am sorry about earlier but if it wasn't for you I would be dead. Thank you…uhm… what's your name if I can ask?" Obediah asked her.

Should I lie? What if these 'Demons' can detect me lying? No point hiding… but I should hide my lineage unless… they know…

"Aliathra, my name is Aliathra" she answered.

"Wow, that sounds beautiful." Vince said.

"Well what do you expect from an Elf huh Diaz? An Elf calling herself Debbie, Fred or somethin'?" Obediah playfully chided.

"You are called Obediah… and you… Vincent… I never heard of these names before. Are you not from the Empire?" Aliathra asked.

"Oh shit. Uhm… yeah… Vince! Uh… how do we explain it to her?" Obediah asked his partner.

"I don't know. What if she can't take it?" Vince reasoned.

"I will try. Please indulge me about yourselves." Aliathra politely requested.

"Well… if you insist Elf-Lady. We'll keep this brief as possible. Obed you start." Vincent sighed.

"Okay, so me and Vincent come from a land… very, very, VERY far away." Obediah said.

"How far is it? Maybe I know this place." Aliathra stated.

"Uh… I don't think so miss. You see… we both come from ehm… you won't believe this but… we come from the Sky. We are like 'Sky People'." Obediah said.

"Surely you are jesting." The Elf blushed.

"No… we aren't… We DO come from the Sky…" Vince spoke honestly.

The Elf's playful mask descended into bewilderment as she his words.

"You come from THE sky?" she asked pointing upwards with her index finger.

"Yes, we do." Vince nodded.

"Are you… Gods? Angels?" she reluctantly and curiously asked.

"What no! We are as human as… uhm… yeah… as human as we can get." Vincent placed his arms on his hips in offended irritation.

"But your 'magics' and clothes are so… other worldly. Surely your Gods or some sort celestial being?" she pressed.

"God Damnit Obed, I don't think she understands shit." Vince snapped.

"Excuse me?!?! I am not some filthy peasant!" Aliathra roared.

"Whoa! Whoa hold it there. Hold it right there! We are friends here everyone." Obediah restrained them before it escalated.

"Miss Aliathra. I am sorry for my partner right here. How about we change the subject for now? I don't think we can properly explain to you our… uhm… 'Origins' without confusing you. So, let's engage in some small talk, shall we? So Elf woman, tell me, what brings you here? Do you live nearby?" Obediah asked.

"I am an adventurer. I live in a camp not too far away from here. I am on a… journey of sorts that I… cannot reveal the details of." Aliathra hiding the details of her mission to the two.

She has begun to express doubts that these people are Demons based on the events of the day. Yet she isn't so certain of her rationale right now. She needs to gather more intelligence of these strange people for now before she could push any kind of conclusions. The Princess wonders if she will get any word back from Haringpoint for further orders any time soon. But for now, she will play it safe before doing anything risky.

"Well must seem like a very grim life am I correct? You making ends meet?" Vince asked.

"Yes, but food is sometimes hard to come by in this part of the Empire. The Farms here barely get any yields in return. I am right now reduced to eating game meat and the occasional loaf of bread. But today, I really appreciate the food you made. A little break from my normal diet. Reminds me of the finer things in life." She sighed, reminiscing her home for a brief moment of absent mindedness until returning to the conversation at hand.

"You must be a long way from home if you spoke it like that." Vince said, sharply detecting her facial movements and eye contact.

"My home, Alf-el Nora. A nation of the Elves. It's a paradise compared to the Human Continent of Ysanigrad, which is here where we stand right now. Fertile fields, beautiful gardens and majestic cities oh how I miss my home." She loosened herself.

"Must be a really touristy place. Might actually wanna check it out if I get the chance." Vince suggestively said.

"Oh, I don't think they will let you in. We Elves tend to be very, protective of our lands." Aliathra denied.

"Fucking shame. I bet my boss Samantha would love to take her Camera and shoot the place." Vincent said.

"Your friend is an archer like me? I don't think we would let you hunt there let alone be there."

"Oh no! A camera isn't a weapon. It's a… uhm… okay this is much easier to explain. A camera is a device that is used to capture images so it can be transformed into what we call 'a picture'. It's like a very well-made painting that it can make in an instant. You following me?" Obediah said.

"It can 'paint' in an instant?" Aliathra asked.

"Yes, I have a camera on my smartpho- Uhm… yes I have a camera. Would you like me to demonstrate?" Vince proposed.

"Well sure. Please entertain me with this 'Camera' of yours." She said.

The fair faced 'Sky Person' grabbed from one of his pockets of his olive colored clothes and picked up a rectangular object whose surface reflected the afternoon sunlight. He twiddled his fingers as if he was casting a tiny spell on the object to be able to cast the 'Aiwenor núr' magics. After a moment, Vince faced the rectangular gizmo vertically towards Aliathra's direction.

"Hey, face me." Vincent said.

Turning from the camping chair she sat towards the fair faced one. The Princess sat perfectly still as the 'Aiwenor núr' begins to paint her image.

"Can you if it's okay with you, smile? Even just a little bit? I mean you're a beautiful woman and all and it's our first time every seeing an Elf before. Not to sound too creepy but the picture I will be taking would look better if you smile, even just a little bit." Vince requested.

Nodding to his appeal, Aliathra gave a graceful but softly curved smile from her perfectly proportioned lips. Vince then zoomed his face closer to the rectangular gizmo and a loud 'clicking' noise followed.

"And done!"

"Really? You made the painting THAT fast?" Aliathra asked. She couldn't contain her surprise at the speed that Vincent said he would paint.

"It's picture miss. Picture. P.I.C.T.U.R.E. Picture okay? Here take a look?" Vince corrected.

He presented the opposite side of his gadget to the Elf. The image was a perfect copy of her body, attire and surroundings behind her. The Princess' face, the epitome of Elven Beauty from her homeland was slightly tainted by a few stains of dirt and sweat that Aliathra reflexively touched herself to wipe it off to maintain her superficial image. She was alarmed accuracy of how the camera painted Aliathra in such terrifying speeds that it's almost uncanny.

"It's perfect, too perfect. I look well… perfect… but it feels so… so…" Aliathra stuttered.

"Eerie?" Vince asked.

"Yes, It's nothing like a painting." Aliathra admitted.

"Oh okay. Gimme a second. I can apply a filter… Filter… Filter… ah yes. How about now?" Vince twiddled with his gadget for a moment and then presented again a new version of Aliathra's photo.

The new picture was much more art like with paint like strokes that detailed every inch of the Elf's elegance and background that she can easily mistake the image for a painting made by Ethuilen's most esteemed painters. Especially the one who painted her for her Royal Portrait that is pasted to the Palace's Walls.

"Much better! I… I… can't contain my… my…" she struggled to find a word to say to the 'Aiwenor núr'.

She had always thought that the people outside of her homelands were backwards in technological, magical, and cultural advancements but when she met Obediah and Vince. Her stereotypes were shattered into millions of pieces. She shed single euphoric tear that slowly fell down on her cheeks.

"You impressed?" Vince asked.

"I am very impressed. Thank you. Can I… keep this?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry now this Camera is only Digital right now meaning, it's not a 'Real' image, just a 'fake' virtual one. Although if you come to New Albany, I can arrange you a session with a Professional Photographer… I'm sorry, 'Painter' to make a 'Picture' of you." He proposed.

"I don't know, I normally have to spend my days hunting for my food in the forest. I don't know if I can get the time to go to your home. It's the strange looking 'Metal City' that the locals here call right?"

"That's what they have been calling New Albany? Well since you need food. How about this, I also happen to own a Farm in New Albany called 'the Root Family Farmstead' I grow grains and vegetables there. Just walk up to one of the guards and tell them I sent you and he'll point you to my place. Plus, my wife and daughter would love to see you. If we can make up a deal with the food, I think you could get yourself a healthy supply of my produce." Obediah presented.

"Plus, I can take you to a Photography Studio to get your picture taken that you can have for yourself. I can even tour you the town. Although me and Obediah can only do that during Saturdays when it's our day off of our jobs as soldiers." Vince said.

"What is a 'Saturday' and you also happen to be soldiers?" Aliathra questioned.

"First answer, we interpret time differently from you. To make a long story short, every seven days from now is a Saturday. For your second question, yes, we are soldiers. Uhm we are more of a Study and Observations team. We investigate and survey the lands but also fight any threats that come our way. It's a dangerous but very rewarding job." Obediah answered.

"I pray for your safety then." She softly gestured in a prayer. "But now I must turn in these Seadevil tongues now. Thank you for the hospitality and meal Obediah and Vincent of the Sky."

"Thank you so much for meeting you too Aliathra. So are you interested in visiting New Albany seven days from now?" Vince asked.

This is most fortuitous! An opportunity to infiltrate the 'Demon'… or 'Aiwenor núr' settlement. I can't pass it up.

"Yes of course. I will be happy to visit you." She bowed.

"Well farewell then Elf Woman. I can't wait to see you again. And remember, ask the guards for where I live since I technically don't have an address yet for my home. I'll make sure they know ahead of time of your arrival. We'll turn in ours probably much later after we take away the camp stuff here." Obediah hand waved.

"Your gonna love the Photo Studio too." Vince added.

The Elven Princess waved farwell to the two 'Aiwenor núr' and carried her trio of Seadevil Tongues and disappeared into the shrubbery of the forest.

For the Elven Princess, today was the day she truly opened her eyes to the outside world. Her naivety and innocence slowly degrading within her, forging her into maturity and experience. Her doubts about these 'Demons' invading the planet began to wane after she met Obediah Root and Vince Diaz. Were the Conclave's visions of a destructive future wrong? These 'Aiwenor núr' don't seem to be violent, they are, at least from her first impression, assertive but their hearts are in the right place when you get to know them better.

As for the two UFE soldiers on a Hunting Trip? All they could say was that meeting an Elf for the first time was the most charming moment of their lives for a very long time. To them, especially Vincent Diaz, it's like they have met a goddess thanks to Aliathra's sublime beauty. Little did they know that her beauty was inherited from a long line of Alf-el Nora's most prestigious family, the Lareththor Royal Family.

But now… what happened to the other half of Styrder Group you may ask dear reader?