the Jubilation of King Caldell

Eodem Chapter 11: the Jubilation of King Caldell Slaegiac

It was mid-afternoon that day in Tyr Rian, or more specifically, in the Drunken Bastard. Lutheor Mirrien is currently busy coordinating his staff in establishing festive decorations for his establishment. The Pub was being adorned with colorful banners, paper lanterns and displays statuettes of the Empire's Pantheon of Gods. Samantha, Crocker, Kayin and Iris had to navigate through the half assembled main hall with the Pub Employee's scrambling to fulfill their duties on time just to reach the dwarf.

"Greetings again Mister Mirrien." Samantha greeted.

"Lieutenant Rose, what are you doing here now? The festivities won't start until sun set." He said turning his stout body to the Earthlings.

"Oh, we are not here for 'the festivities' we are here for some extra work. We are taking on your 'Bouncer Quest'." Samantha answered.

"Really? Does that Governor White Fellow approve of this? I mean you are professional soldiers after all." The Dwarf questioned.

"Well we got orders from Polonsky to take up these 'Quests' from the Adventurer's guild so we can immerse ourselves into the land and gaining the trust of the locals." Samantha replied.

"Well I will definitely appreciate the help. A lot of good men tend to be scared of being the muscle for my event. They will mostly be missing the festivities and no one else I know is willing to pass this day and be the Bouncers. I was getting desperate that I was paying quadruple the rate for anyone willing to be the security." He warned.

"What makes you say that? And second thought, what kind of job are we getting into?" Samantha asked.

"Well you see today is the Jubilation of King Caldell Slaegia, the founder of the Empire. Every five years we celebrate his triumph against Alboen the Steel Butcher. I have hired a bard and his actor friends who will do their thing. I need you to be security as this day tends to be much more of a ruckus then any other day here." Lutheor said.

"I agree, festivals are a hotbed of crime. What can we expect?" she asked.

"Well there's the usual drunken brawling as the bar will be open. There might be a cutpurse lurking in the crowd trying to steal someone's coins. Oh! And there might be a heckler trying to climb the stage and interrupt the play." He briefed.

"Nothing we can handle. Crocker you ready to get physical anyone?" Samantha turned to the Brit.

"Yeah fine. I just hope there's some food and grub by the time our gig is up. I mean, do you smell that? The food you are cooking up must be delicious!" Lewis complemented.

"Thank you, Ogre-breaker. Today's menu is going to be Roasted Suckling Pig, Mushroom Soup, Mashed Pumpkins and all the Ale in the world! I promise to give you a share later during the revelry so you don't miss out." Lutheor promised.

"Throw in some Mandarin Salad and you got a meal." Kayin added.

"With gratitude Mister Mirrien. I'll have my men get used to the place so they can easily do their job." Samantha saluted as she and the rest of her squad moved out.

The Styrder Group split up so they can walk around the establishment detailing every corner from tables, the bar counter, the entrance, the lavoratories, the stage and kitchen. They established themselves where everything is so that they can easily coordinate their security measures on any disturbances. Samantha made sure that everyone including Iris is given a Walkie Talkie Radio since they will all individually patrol the Drunken Bastard. She has also drilled her men for their wading through the expectedly thick crowds of celebrants with the busy body Inn staff as practice so they can efficiently navigate the Inn during the Jubilee.

At first, Iris was nervous when she was given a piece of Modern technology to her for the job due to her unfamiliarity with the device and her culture shock. Thankfully Kayin was able to instruct her how to use the device easily which the Vampire Witch heavily appreciates the Nigerian's help.

After much familiarization of the establishment, the team felt confident that they can keep Lutheor's Inn secured during the festivities. They rested themselves on the edge of the Stage just as the Staff where about to implant the finishing touches and the sun was slowly starting to descend across the horizon.

"So, I am guessing your ready for later?" Lutheor approached them.

"Yes, had my men get used to this place and I am confident they know your inn just like they know their own home." Samantha said.

"That is reassuring and creepy at the same time." Lutheor called her out.

"Yeah like 'know their own home' thing. That's pretty creepy coming from us." Crocker reprimanded.

"Sorry, don't get any ideas about us. It's just a bit of wordplay. But you can count us." Samantha heartened up.

"I am quite curious though. What exactly is the plot of this play that you are hosting?" Kayin asked.

"It details the exploits of King Caldell Slaegiac on his journey to defeat the evil Alboen the Steel Butcher." Iris explained.

"So, what's the story?" Samantha asked.

Iris took a deep breath inhale the oxygen needed for her to be able to tell the legend of Caldell Slaegiac.

About two hundred years ago, Caldell was born over about 200 years ago when the Geltagar's Comet, who's passing for a great change will ripple the entire world of Gliesia changing the course of history for good or ill. Clan Slaegia, ancestors of the Slaegian Empire, use to be a tribe that lives by the bay where it is now known as Haringpoint. Caldell's father was the king of the clan and the Elders of the Tribe, after seeing the comet's passing foretold that the infant was destined for great things.

Back then, Magic users in Ysanigrad wasn't as policed and regulated compared to today. There were many unfettered Mages who became warlords in their respective territories, ruling the land in fear and right of strong arms. At first, Prince Caldell initially ignored the outside world of feuding tribes and tend to focus on the development of Clan Slaegia. However, one day an Evil Warlord named Alboen the Steel Butcher invaded his land and captured Caldell's beloved, the beautiful maiden Erynn.

It is said that the legends say that Alboen made a deal with demons to become powerful or a demon possessed him so it can wreak havoc upon the mortal world. 'the Steel Butcher' he was called for he only lived to conquer and enslaved. He needed Erynn for she was born with exponential magical power which Alboen needs for his charge of world domination. Uniting many of the scattered human tribes across Ysanigrad and allying himself with the Elves and the Dwarves, Caldell faced off against Alboen with his 'Demon Chosen' Legions cladded in their resplendent Rune Forged Armor which legends say that it is permanently bound to the souls of their respective bearers. It was a bitter battle that many bards to this day sang as if it was the climatic battle against the forces of Good vs Evil. Many warriors, friends, family, brothers, fathers and sons died, but in the end, after what looked like all that all hope was about to be snuffed out from existence, Caldell, managed to slay Alboen before he could deliver the final blow.

They say, in his dying moments, it drove him mad, the shame of his first defeat. With his dying breath, he said that one day. He and his armies will return from the grave to exact vengeance upon his land. That when Geltagar's Comet returns, he will rise again from the ashes and challenge him once more for dominion of all life in Gliesia.

The Stryder, group who were listening to Iris intently were struck with amusement by her story.

"I got to say Iris, that sure sounds like an epic tale." Samantha complemented.

"I agree. Just slap the One Ring and you got yourself Tolkien. Ha! Ha!" Crocker laughed.

"Tolkien? One Ring?" the Vampire asked in a dumbfounded expression.

"It's like what you told you told us Iris. Look up the Movie or the Book sometime. You got to see it. It's a classic where we come from." Kayin said.

"You have Dwarves and Elves back in your world… I mean 'Worlds'?" she asked.

"Oh no, real ones. They are all purely fiction where we come from. Like legends. No offense to you and your kind but some or a quite a big number of the non-Human people you have described about are made up from our world. Fictional! Figments of our imagination." Samantha explained while she cracked a playful smile.

"Really? You have come up the concept of us without actually meeting any of us? Surely you are just jesting to spend the time." Iris chuckled.

"Oh no, we aren't lying Iris. We are indeed telling you that we do have to concept of Fantasy Worlds in our home. Although, based on now, I don't think we can call the Fantasy genre a 'Fantasy' anymore." Samantha said.

"Oh, do tell me Blood Hair, what did your 'imagination' think about us?" the Vampire inquired.

"Well starting with you Iris, we think of Vampires as Blood Suckers who hate the sun. Yet I do notice you can freely walk around in the day and you have never tried to bite one us. What gives?"

"Well, when it comes to the sun. It is true that Sunlight does hurt us and hamper our abilities to cast magic. We Vampires have found a magical means to deter the sunlight. We cast a special ward around our bodies that obstructs Malynaris' light." Iris answered.

"Malynaris? You mean the Sun, right?" Samantha asked.

"Her Golden Lady, and the bane of all of my kinds existence." Iris confirmed.

"The ward is like a Sun Block judging by how you say it." Kayin added.

"A Sun what?"

"Sun Block. It's a lotion we apply to our skin whenever we have to expose ourselves to intense sunlight so we don't get burned or get skin cancer."

"I might actually look into that Nightman. Thank you." The vampire nodded. "Now as for the blood, Yes I do need blood for magical and nourishment reasons. Yet I have practiced discipline for the past fifty years when I was living in the forest."

"Disciplined how?" Samantha inquired.

"I feast on the animals. Deer, Rabbits, Bears, the occasional Beast man and in rare cases a dead adventurer."

The Lieutenant's face went white with fear over the implications of Iris' words. She has so far got well acquainted with the Vampire for the past few weeks but she still has fears about her and her hemophiliac appetite.

"Have you ever thought of… well… feasting on any of us?" Samantha fearfully asked.

"Oh no! Never! Unlike most of my kin, I detest the prospect of having 'cattle'. Mostly the reason being I have to feed and clean it every day. Additionally, I hate the screaming they would make every time I bite them. That's why I prefer animals and the newly dead to feast upon." Iris answered.

"That is both relieving and disturbing." Crocker commented.

"I hope you can keep that discipline of yours. Living in isolation as a Vampire then suddenly thrust into a new place where there's blood bags everywhere is concerning. Are sure you can live with us?" Samantha concernedly questioned.

"Well I did sneak inside the medical cabinet behind Doctor Hana's back to taste this bag I found called 'Hematoe-Poetic stem cells'. Sipped it and I like the taste of it, but it feels like something… something is missing. It's not like the real blood I normally drink." The Vampire Confessed.

"You drank a Blood Substitute?" Samantha said.

"It tasted like blood but not as wholesome as the real thing. Hold on, did you say, substitute?" Iris inquired.

"Yes, it's a substitute for blood… but it doesn't have the oxygen inside it yet and all but���"

"Where did you get them?" Iris grabbed Samantha excitedly. Her eyes twinkled with fascination.

"A Pharmaceutical Company or a group of people who makes medicine, made the Hematopoietic stem cell and…"

"You MADE the blood? Without hurting anyone?" Iris exclaimed.

"Yes." Samantha cut to the chase.

"Do you know the implications for that? For me?" Iris said.

"Uhm… wait… I… don't… uhm… no. I don't get it." Samantha said.

"It means if I can get a steady supply of this Hemo-Poetic whatever stem cell blood bags. I can fulfill my blood hunger without worrying about having to go out and hunt for it." The Vampire explained.

"You know what. That actually sounds like a great idea." Kayin nodded.

"Me too, if I don't have to worry about Snow White here trying to bite me then I second this shit." Crocker added.

"Well okay then Iris! Let's discuss about this with Doctor Hana back at New Albany. But you need to apologize to her. That is her blood bags after all." Samantha reprimanded.

"I see. Thanks for considering." Iris lowered her head in shame.

"Attention everyone! The festivities are going to begin in five minutes!" yelled one of the managers of the Inn.

"Welp, let's get to work shall we lads?" Crocker rallied.

"Let's go! Huddle up." Samantha said.

The Stryder group gathered themselves together and placed their hands on each of their own at the center of their makeshift circle and cheered themselves.

"Porro Terra! Team Strydaaa!" they pumped themselves up.

Iris could feel a warming feeling in her cold heart that slowly melted the ice. These 'Earthlings' made her feel welcome and accepted. And right now, she wants to continue pursuing her relationship with the UFE. She still cares for her family necklace that Colonel Polonsky is holding but now, she is considering after reobtaining her necklace of extending her working contract with the UFE.

----------------------------------(During the Jubilee) -------------------------------

The Drunken Bastard was overflowing with life, joy, merriment and laughter as scores of people from all walks of life gathered into Lutheor's establishment for a night away from their daily drudgery of work, farming and mundane chores. There were men drunkenly singing songs by the bar counter, beautiful and voluptuous dancing girls twirled excitingly to the crowds and delicious foods were on display at a designated table that people lined up to get a portion of.

For Kayin however, it was pure torture. The very sight, sounds and smells of the Jubilee gnawed relentlessly on his own disciplined psyche. He has done several Patrols around the perimeters of secured areas before but unlike the Drunken Bastard Inn, they were mostly just circling around a military installation with the occasional investigation of anomalies and possible security breaches. But nothing has prepared the Engineer for this.

"I would love to have a piece of that." Kayin muttered to himself as he drooled at the roasted chicken whose cooked flesh was being proudly displayed with a garnish of broiled vegetables.

The poultry tempted him in all of its gourmet delights that he is slowly succumbing to it. As he began to willfully march off his ordained patrol route. A score of eager people rushed passed him towards the table where the Roast Chicken is.

Before he knows it by the time the people have left, all that was left on the dish was the disheveled garnishes of green vegetables and a handful of chicken meat scraps. Disheartened, Kayin sat down on one of the chairs nearby to drink a sip of water from his canteen. He sighed sadly as he let the cold water soothe his stressed-out body.

"Greetings again, Nightman." Iris voice said, drawing out from Kayin's depressed mood.

"Oh, hey Iris, how's the west perimeter?" Kayin asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Iris replied. "Just the same old ruckus and all. I did pass by some women who are wearing some very fashionable dresses which makes me so green with envy. How about you?"

"It's the food and all the fun stuff happening around us right now. Last time I saw a party as big as this was my 20th birthday when I last so my family." Kayin admitted.

"Well you shouldn't feel too bad. We can enjoy the food after the party is over." Iris said. She then tried promptly pull out Kayin from the chair but the Nigerian stubbornly glued himself to the furniture.

"I need some time please before I can go." Kayin protested.

"I can't allow that Nightman. You will make me look bad in front of Lieutenant Rose and I don't want that. Stand up!" She asserted. Pulling Kayin harder, yet he still is clinging to the chair as if for dear life.

"Stop calling me that!" he called out.

The Engineer began to start getting annoyed by the embarrassing nickname that the Ivory Skinned Vampiress calls him. It wasn't a race problem but more of a case of identity and he hated being reduced to the color of his skin.

"Get up!" Iris yelled as she drew her strength at her arms and with a mighty pull, forcefully dragged out Kayin from his chair. But the sheer force of her draw caused her to lose her footing and the heavier weight of the Engineer caused both of them to fall down to the Tavern's wooden floor.

Snapping back up to his senses, Kayin tried to rise up from the ground but soon his ebony eyes met with Irises amber eyes. For the Vampire, she blushed at sight of Kayin's obsidian frame that towered over her pearly body in a complementary mix between the colors of black and white. For the Nigerian however, it felt awkward laying on top of Iris. He does admit that the Vampire is very attractive for a woman he normally see's back home yet he would never imagine going this far with a woman who he just met a more than a week ago. It felt too fast and ethically wrong for a man as professional and logical for him.

"Oh, get a room you two!" cheered one of the Jubilee's patrons.

Hands seized both Kayin and Iris as a crowd of elated celebrants dragged them from the ground and forcefully move them away from the party. Whilst in the act, they began to sing a very merry tune that sounded like it was dedicated to them.

"What are they singing?" Kayin yelled to Iris.

"Folk Song. About Two People together" Iris spoke fragmentedly. She tried to shake of the people who firmly gripped her but to no avail.

"A Love song?" Kayin questioned.

Before he could protest further, the two were carried over upstairs to one of the Inn's rooms. They were then forcefully pushed inside one of the rooms. Before they tried to escape out of their predicament, the door was slammed shut then followed by a sliding sound of something heavy being made at the other side of the door.

Kayin attempted to force open the door with a few strong shoves with his shoulders but the door remained barred.

"Damnit! We are locked in. Iris, can you use some of that Vampiric Powers of yours and break us out of here?" Kayin turned to her.

For the Vampiress, she softly sat down at the one-man cot of the room. Her arms spread apart as it probed the softness of the bed. Her eyes directed to the Engineer with a solemn smile. Their immediate surroundings were a simple layout of consisting of the bed, an empty chest and a single wooden chair. For all her accounts this room is meant for travelers who are staying in the Inn overnight and is seeking accommodations whilst in a tight budget. A small window across her let out the cool night breeze to temper the room and the moonlight to dimly illuminate the room in a soft glare. There was also an unused candle that sat idly by the chest adjacent to the bed's feet but other than that, the room was relatively dark saved for the aforementioned moonlight.

"I am afraid I cannot risk it you know. There's dozens of people downstairs right now. If they hear the noise I would make when I try to breach open the door, My cover would be blown." Iris said.

Roughly scratching the back of his head, Kayin let out a loud roar releasing all of the backed-up tension within him. Screaming at the top of his lungs he settled down at the cot beside Iris. After a brief moment, Kayin calmed down and rested his back on the wall in a relaxed posture.

"Just what did I got myself into?" he asked to himself.

"It's a game. An adult game that some older children play. It's called 'Fifteen Minutes in the Bliss' in your language, roughly translating." Iris said.

"Define Bliss." Kayin inquired. He feared the implications of Iris' answers.

"It's when two couples go into a dark room and they get intimate with each other so they can cop---"

"Okay! I get it! It's basically 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'. Shit, I am in a game of 'Seven Minutes in Heaven'." Kayin distressingly said as he soon realized his circumstance.

"Well, I don't mind doing it with you." Iris confessed.

"Really Iris? You and me? Together?" Kayin said, bewildered by the Vampire's statement.

Iris leaned closer and gently cusped Kayin's hand with hers. She stared her amber eyes to the midnight colored eyes of the Engineer lovingly with desire. The African was deeply mesmerized by Iris' feminine grace as he felt his soul being slowly wrapped to her whims.

"No, No, No, you won't seduce me like last time. I beat you once, I can beat you again Vampire." He snapped back to reality to protest against her alluring advances.

"Seduce you? No, I am not even trying to my dear 'Nightman'. I don't even have to Mesmerize you with my powers to wrap you around my little finger. I saw it in your eyes, you DESIRE me. You WANT me. You NEED me." Iris continued her tempting assault on Kayin's purity.

"I rather throw myself headfirst off that window right now." Kayin objected.

"Don't even try my dear 'Nightman'. I can just gaze at you right now and have my way with you, then leave your corpse to the rats." She taunted.

"You… you wouldn't dare. After all you have done and all we have done for you, you would just throw away all that goodwill away for a snack on my blood? Lieutenant Rose will know of this, then the UFE would know of this. We will never forgive you."

"How could they suspect me? All I had to do was feign naivety and act all bewildered by your 'wondrous technologies' to gain your people's trust. Besides, there's thousands of rogues, monsters, and other unsavory individuals roaming the streets tonight as we speak. Terrors… with a much worse sense of humor then mine." Iris sneered.

Kayin recoiled further away from Iris as he absorbed her proclamation, until he soon realized that the Vampire was actually trying to banter with him in an exchange of pleasantries. He then erupted in laughter as he couldn't believe that the Vampire Witch is capable of producing such a clever play on comedy.

"For a second Iris, I thought you were serious on biting me again. That was great. Excellent Iris! Bravo!" Kayin chuckled clapping his hands to congratulate her.

"Do not worry, my dear. I will only bite you if you agree to it. I don't want to see such a handsome fellow like you go through such pain from a Vampire's bite after what I saw you go through."

"Are you really that concerned for me and did you just call me 'handsome'?"

"Yes, I mean no… I mean… yes, I do find you handsome."


"Well, let me just say, remember the first time I bit you?"

"Yeah back in your old place. I was the last man standing in my squad and I was holding out for help to arrive." Kayin recalled.

"When I bit you, I also added a special magical effect on my bite that allows me to see through the memories of the person I am biting."

"You said that on Doctor Hana's report. Go on."

"Well I saw your memories. Your days with you family so lovingly to observe, your days in college on how hard you worked on that Thesis of yours, that competition on 'Feo-retical Engineering' that you won the penultimate prize to…"

"I was kind of disappointed I didn't win best prize. But the judges told me it was pretty close."

"Then I saw the hard work you have underwent during your Basic Training and after that, how much you risked your life one day to shield a friend…"

"You saw it didn't you… the Battle of Perun's Pass?"

"Yes, yes I did. It was so brave of you to dig a trench for him while you were under fire."

"But he died on my hands. I could still remember the blood that day. His mother blamed me for his death." Kayin despondently raised his voice. He couldn't bare to relive that moment. The man he dug a trench for had his whole life ahead of him, just like him, only to be snuffed away by a burst of rifle fire. He began to return to his previous frazzled state clutching his hands and roughly scratching the skin of his head.

Before he could let out another scream, Iris placed her finger on his soft cherry colored lips.

"But at least he didn't die alone. Most people here in Gliesia would have flee at the sound of your guns. Yet you didn't. You were there on his last hours. That is very heroic of you." She cooed.

Kayin began to crack his eyes with drops of tears as he sat on that bed emotionally breaking down from the shell shock from his experience during his previous tours of duty. His memories were all overseen and relived by Iris and her magical memory melding biting powers that he came to the conclusion that Iris is trying to manipulate him.

"So what now? Am I now your Thrall? Your slave? Do I have to feed you fresh 'cattle' everyday?" he mockingly asked her whilst he fought his tears.

"No, you do not have to do all of that. I would never ask you to do that." Iris grabbed Kayin's chin and made him turn his head to her direction so she can make eye contact. "You remind me of me."

"I reminded you about yourself?" Kayin asked.

"I am a very studious woman just like you. I gathered as much knowledge about the magical arts just as you studied how your machines work and how to build them. I had a caring family until my father and mother were killed by Hunters Just as the same when your parents died one by one from sickness. I could feel the same amount of lost just like yours or perhaps maybe much more than your lost back in Perun's Pass. Remember that necklace? That used to be my father's."

"You know nothing about us!" Kayin roared.

"Then teach me about you. All of you." Iris assertively demanded.

"Why should I?" Kayin continued to roar.

"Because I love you! You Clever Night-Skinned Piece of Ass!" Iris confessed in a loud shout. For her, she needed to get her bottled up feelings out to the

Kayin couldn't believe what he has just heard from her. This Gliesian, this Alien, this Vampire, Iris Cadohagan is in LOVE with him! Her brief stay with the UFE soldiers and she has begun to develop feelings for him. He has to admit it but he does notice, based on what she told about herself they shared the same life story. And now they are both together now, alone with their own vulnerable emotions in display with one another.

"Is that all true?" Kayin asked. His tone of voice descended from its bitter roaring to a soft quiet hush.

"Yes… 'my Love'… come here…" Iris caressed his cheek and leaned over and threw her lips with his.

For one long minute, the two enjoyed each other's caress. Every waking moment they slowly grew closer, their arms grasping for the other's body as they pulled each other closer 'till they could feel each other's heartbeat that rhythmically beat rapidly the longer the stayed close to one another.

"You have a heartbeat." Kayin whispered to her ear noticing the supposedly 'Undead' creature is anything but dead.

"It beats for you." Iris whispered back.

"Perhaps you aren't dead inside after all." He softly beamed.

"I also do enjoy playing around with that 'Gray-Naid Lunch-Her' of yours. It was so much fun shooting magical grenades out of it. Especially when I was doing with those damn Burning Horsemen."

"Perhaps I will lend it to you again since you're the Magic expert here." He giggled before deepening his embrace with Iris.

In Kayin's thoughts right now, perhaps being kicked upstairs for some 'Seven Minutes in'----or 'Fifteen Minutes in Bliss' was a blessing in disguise. He has found a significant other who intimately in a rather creepy way share's his sentiments, feelings and values; and also, he is now a way from the noisy ruckus of the Jubilee below.

"The Party! We need to go back!" He alarmingly shouted destroying the tranquility of their intimate moment.

"Oh come on, We were just about to get to the fun part." She teased.

"Well, we both don't want to get in trouble with Samantha. Plus, you still need to kiss up with High Command to get your Family Necklace back." Kayin reasoned.

"You are right." Iris admitted. "Perhaps another time we can share ourselves alone."

"Agreed, but let's keep this between us. I don't want anyone else to know. Now how the hell are we going to get out of here? I don't trust these Tyr Rians to come back and un bar the door for us." Kayin said.

He began to examine his surroundings for a logical means of escape. He tried to force open the barred door in the hopes the obstruction would have weakend overtime through brute force but to no avail. He then walked across the small room towards the window which is small enough for a him and anyone smaller to jump out from. But the fall was about 5 meters which would most likely risk a moderate injury. He turned back to the cot the room had provided and tested its soft thickness. It was no good, it was a shoddily made bed my Earth Standards and would do little effect on cushioning his fall.

"My Dear Kayin, may I ask is there anyone outside the window that could see us from the streets?" Iris asked.

He turned back to the window and scouted out the streets below him.

"It's all clear." He said.

The vampire stood up from the bed and walked next to him and grabbed his hand.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath dear." Iris softly told him.

With his eyelids embracing the delicate surface of his irises. Kayin prepared for what ever magical spells the Vampire has in store for him.

Conjuring a discreet amount of Mana from her body's reserves. It swirled around Iris and due to her holding his hand, also surrounded the Nigerian. She looked down to the streets beyond the window and focused her gaze on a spot of the cobblestone road. With a thought of her will, Iris alongside Kayin magically teleported themselves down to the streets below safely.

After they have landed and gained their footing, Iris quickly turned her head around her surroundings to see if there were no witnesses to her magic. Fortunately, there was not a single soul in sight that she could detect with her senses. Relieved she turned back to Kayin.

"You can open your eyes now." Iris said.

"I felt like I was flying for a second. Hey were on the ground now." Kayin commented.

"We must not keep Samantha waiting. Let's go." Iris said as she pushed open the front door of the Drunken Bastard.

-------------------------(Meanwhile, Earlier Downstairs by the stage) ------------------------

The play retelling the legend of King Caldell Slaegia was going fantastic if Samantha judged the crowd's expressions correctly. The hired entertainment that Lutheor hired for the show were doing a superb job diverting the masses away from their daily worries... The bard would hum witty rhymes that matched seamlessly with every verse. His songs and poems of heroes and legendary beasts would be complemented by the theater troupe's artistic renditions of the bard's words.

"Our hero waited, till the time is true, then twirled and spun – struck Alboen right through!" recited the Bard.

"Engarde Alboen!" said the actor playing as King Caldell.

He began to slash his wooden sword to his taller colleague dressed in intimidating grey armor that is shaped to form a skeleton's ribs complete with a matching helmet of formed like a skull wearing a sinisterly crafted 'crown'. His swordplay was less of a martial art or any form of a practical fighting style and more of an elegantly choregraphed dancing with a sword most likely used to entertain the crowd rather than have any value in a real fight.

"Ha! Your might is no match for me King Caldell. After I beat you, I will turn all of the people of this world into my slaves!" the actor playing Alboen haughtily declared. As expected the audience jeered to the villain.

He thrust and slashed his sword crude movements due to the limitations of his bulky armor. But the actor made up for it by making it look like that his swordplaying has emphasis on sheer brute force rather than speedy finesse, a classic contrast.

As 'Alboen' barbarically swung his sword wildly, 'Caldell' dodged the wooden blade via delicately timed weaves followed by a spectacularly impractical backflip. However, as the actor positioned his feet for his landing, me misjudged his timing and the distance between him and the ground. His feet landed clumsily and misaligned to the proper footing. 'Caldell's' face was painted in the state of being struck with sharply inflicted pain as he knelt down clutching his sprained leg. His colleague, who was still performing the fencing moves, clumsily tripped over his massive body on top of his colleague, landing arms first.

The audience let out a loud gasped as the saw the actors collapse to the ground, their facial and body language betraying their broken state.

The bard's playful rhyming and strumming of his lute was abruptly stopped as he rushed into the stage and grabbed his colleagues.

"Ah… Intermission! Please have a snack and a drink. We will all be right back!" the Bard declared.

A stage hand hurriedly pulled the mechanism for the makeshift theater drapes as the Bard and Lutheor rushed in to aid the fallen actors. Crocker and Samantha also intervened by lending their strength as they carried the injured to the back stage.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! My leg! It hurts!" winced the 'Caldell' actor as he settled down on a chair. He kicked up his feet and pointed to his right foot to indicate where the damage was.

"My hand, I can't move it." the burly 'Alboen' actor complained.

"Just use your other arm." The Bard ordered.

"You know I suck at holding things with my left hand. I can't do it boss. I am sorry." The actor reluctantly apologized.

"Oh no! We were just about to do the finale!" Lutheor dreadfully said. He began to walk around the tiny backstage room worriedly.

"Hey, El-Tee What hap---" Kayin and Iris barged into the room unexpectedly behind them.

"Sh-Sh-Shut up! I need to think!" Lutheor snapped.

The UFE soldiers were taken aback by the suddenly embittered Dwarf, slowly stepping back by his rage. Sam knew it is wise not to try and reason with the dwarf less she risks escalating his anger, at least for now. As she stepped back, Samantha examined the rest of the backstage. It was makeshift space with a drawer and a mirror that the entertainers would use to groom themselves before their gigs. There was a rack filled with the various outrageous costumes the actors would wear on stage. Alongside the clothing were the props that were dumped carelessly into a disorganized pile. She turned her eyes to the actors. The man in the 'Alboen' costume was around the same build as Crocker's body and the 'Caldell' actor had sported a red colored short haired wig. Then it dawned at her…

"I got a crazy idea…" Samantha proclaimed to everyone.

"What? Like that Fire Golem last time?" Kayin asked.

"You fought a Fire Golem?" Lutheor added.

"Yes, and Yes everyone. Crocker!" she pointed to her second-in-command. "You and the big guy are around the same body build am I correct?"

The 'Alboen' actor stood up from his chair and walked beside the Brit to compare themselves.

"He is a little bit beefier than me if I say so myself. But yeah, around the same build." The actor nodded.

"And Caldell is a red head so I presume?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, that's what the legends and the historical accounts depict him as. Red Headed." The bard confirmed.

"Okay so here is my plan. Me and Crocker will take your actors place for the last stretch of the play." She proposed.

"Really? But you barely know the script." Lutheor replied.

"Well there isn't really any much dialogue from here on out any way." The Bard argued.

The audience outside began to roar and shout from the otherside.

"Bring'em out! Bring'em out!" they chanted.

"Well it looks like we don't got much of a choice then. Give them your clothes quick!" Lutheor caved.

--------------------------------(Some hasty costume changes later) -----------------------------

"So, how's that dress of yours?" Crocker asked now cladded in the 'Alboen' Armor costume.

"A bit loose on the arms but breathable. How about yours?" Samantha said. She a greyish colored gambeson with a few pieces of maneuverable leather armor that covered her elbows, legs and chest.

"I hate this shit. I can barely move a muscle." Crocker complained.

"All right actors! Get on stage!" Pushed the Bard. He physically shoved the two outside the coverage of the stage's curtains exposing them to the audience who were eagerly awaiting the continuation of the play's finale.

"And so, our hero battled 'Alboen' with all of his bravery. For the fate of the world is in the balance if Alboen triumphs to feed on his vainglory." The Bard sang

The two began to swing their provided prop swords at each other to simulate fighting. Yet Samantha, deep down inside felt like something was missing. Their swordplay wasn't as elegant and choregraphed as the actors who they replaced. Instead it was more of a mundane blocking and parrying drill for men-at-arms. Even the stoic stares from the crowd compared to the joyous cheering confirmed her fears.

"Like a beau who leaves after love's first spurt, so the Caldell wooed Alboen, then its foul heart hurt!" the Bard sang.

Taking from his prompt, Samantha lightly thrusted her wooden sword to Crocker's chest. Upon impact, Crocker feigned injury, stepping back from the 'sheer force' of the 'blow'.

"You think you could take me down that easily?!?! Take this!" Crocker awkwardly improvised an intimidating voice. His normal guttural Cockney growling was broken down like if he was being struck with some stage fright. She couldn't blame him, she had to order him to wear that bulky armor since Lutheor threatened them earlier during their costume change of cutting down their pay if the night ended in disappointedly.

The soft hooting of 'jeers' grew slowly ladder at their mediocre performance. Samantha's resolved began to tremble as she continued to parry Crocker's 'attacks'. She could see Lutheor, who is hanging behind the curtains crack in sheer red embarrassment in his hasty decision. Kayin and Iris' faces were of awkwards smiles that they tried to 'encourage' her with, but she could easily see through the ruse. The Lieutenant quickly deterred one of Crocker's slashes so she can reach into his arms and pull him close for a deadlock.

"We are losing them." Samantha whispered.

"Well it was your idea." Crocker mentioned.

"I thought it was good idea at the time." Samantha defended herself.

"Well it was a shit idea."

"Any ideas? I don't want to run back to New Albany while being pelted with tomatoes. It's bad for P.R."

Crocker closed his eyes and thinked of a way he can salvage this problem for his team. He would be damned if the team does indeed get pelted out by the Tyr Rians who they are just beginning to make friends with. If only he could just be ridden of the stupidly unwieldy 'Armor' he is wearing…

"RRRAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!! I want out of this God Damn clothes!" He roared as he broke of the dead lock and backed away from Samantha.

The Brit began to viciously tear off his armor piece by piece, starting from his helmet, gauntlets, chausses, Breastplate and then finally his greaves until he was left shirtless and bare foot with only apparel he is wearing is his camouflaged pants. The audience gasped at the sudden change of events. Their jeers stopped as their emotions were replaced with utter dread with a sense of curiosity of this unexpected theatrical twist.

"Crocker… stay in character." Samantha whispered. Even she is flustered by Crocker's explosion.

"I Alboen the Steel Butcher do not need armor and a sword to kill this challenger!" Crocker yelled. "Come, 'King' Caldell of the Slaegians! Let us settle this like REAL Men!" he proudly declared whilst sneaking a wink directed to Samantha.

He began to flex his muscles to the crowds in a show of masculine exhibitionism. The sweat that was excreted from the cumbersome armor only further highlighted his sculpted muscles and Maori Tattoos.

"Wooohhhh!!!! Go Ogrebreaker!" Rooted a young commoner woman from the back. She was clearly infatuated by Lewis' macho figure.

Other women just like her followed her cheering until every woman, young and old, noble and commoner began to whistle to her tune. For the men, the grown ups grew green with envy over his muscles whilst the children day dreamed of having a body such as Crocker's. He almost got caught up at the moment if it wasn't for Kayin heckling him to get back to the show.

"Before I continue on with battle. I believe we need some more, 'appropriate' music for this monumental occasion." Crocker hammily suggested.

He reached into his pockets to grab his Smartphone before twiddling his fingers to the music player. He tapped on one of his playlist called 'Fight/Workout Music' and tapped one of the songs he deemed the most appropriate before passing the phone to Kayin.

"Play this on your drone. Now."

"Are you sure about this?" Kayin asked, still clueless to what exactly his brother in arms has in planned.

"Just do it! We can't lose the momentum." Crocker demanded, his voice nearly being blanketed by the roaring of the crowd.

The Engineer immediately grabbed Crocker's Smartphone. He connected the phone to his drone via Bluetooth connection. The wireless means of communication for his droid which is based off of a Police Surveillance Drone was meant to connect the droid through a Bluetooth microphone which a speaker can talk through such as declaring police ordinances, announcements and yelling at criminals that they have spotted them committing a felony. After a momentary connection, Kayin played Crocker's chosen tunes.

It was a strong and intense symphony of strings and drums that flow like a raging storm in its strongest fury, perfect for a climatic clash as the play depicted.

"You know Caldell. I could have easily killed you from the very moment you were born!" Crocker, speaking as Alboen said.

"Then why wait until now Alboen? After I have gained the strength and power to defeat you?" questioned Samantha playing as King Caldell.

She is still struggling to understand what exactly Crocker's plan was and how exactly is the music from a classic fighting video game is going to help them. But if she can admit about anything, his plan is working since the audience is at a lively mood thanks to Crocker pumping up the crowd. So she might as well play along.

"I was waiting for you… TO BECOME STRONGER." Crocker menacingly said. He postured himself into a fighting stance, slightly bending his knees and bringing up his fists.

Samantha threw away her prop sword and followed suit with her own battle stance.

Meanwhile the Bard was flabbergasted at the abrupt deviation from the script. He couldn't believe that the new 'understudies' would improvise their lines so… bizarrely to the point of being completely alien. Maintaining his professionalism, the Bard continued to sing his verses from the script.

"Alas! Steel Butcher! The Demon heaved its foul girth, let loose a roar and knocked any soul down to the earth!" the Bard sang whilst playfully plucking his lute.

Crocker approached Samantha with a flurry of jabs aimed for her. With her instincts kicking in, Samantha blocked her head with her forearms. Every strike was thankfully softened with a split-second hesitation so that the Brit doesn't actually hurt his commanding officer, but to the Tyr Rians who have never heard of the term 'stunts' it looked so uber realistic.

Having enough of his punches, the Lieutenant invoked her hand to hand combat training, and began to redirect Crocker's avalanche of punches and twisted bot of his upper limbs inwards to his body in order to demobilize his offensive.

"Tekken? That fighting game? Really?" Samantha asked.

"Yes, do you know any Martial Arts C.O.? Don't worry, I can take'em." Crocker asked back.

"Some Krav Maga and a bit of Gymnastics for flexibility." She answered.

"Good." Crocker smiled. He pushed Samantha away with his shoulders, breaking her arm lock.

Recovering from the forced push, Samantha recollected her thoughts and reviewed her scenario again. If Crocker wants to fight like a Fighting Game character, then she might as well fight like one too.

She reformed her stance by putting her left foot and arm forward proudly while in contrast reserving her right arm and leg in a more relaxed position. Then she made her approach by unleashing a flurry of her own fists, albeit also slightly hesitated so she doesn't hurt her second in command back.

Crocker weaved through Samantha's attacks with alarm. He didn't expect his C.O. to shoot out so much fisticuffs in such speeds. He had to back up a few steps to get some room between him and Samantha due to his longer reach. Before he could feel like Samantha was about to let up her attempt to poke at Crocker's defenses, Samantha let loose a flying overhead kick with her right leg, catching him off-guard that he became unbalanced and he tripped down to the ground.

The crowd began to roar louder at the exciting fight being presented to them.

"What? Too much for you Alboen?" Samantha acted.

Spitting on the ground, Crocker quickly got back up to his feet and reformed his posture again.

"Impressive. But you will die here Slaegian!" Crocker vainly said.

He grappled Samantha's arms to leave her body open for a dosage of several boxing punches before pushing he pushed up his brute strength for a 'devastating' throw. Remembering her hand to hand teachings, the Lieutenant relaxed her body muscles, breathed out and went with the flow of the force of the throw as her body crashed to the ground.

The fall didn't hurt as much as it should thanks to the 'Ukemi' technique and to be fair in her situation. The fight was staged. After Crocker unhanded her, Samantha kicked her feet up enthusiastically showing to the astonished crowd that she wasn't in any way hurt by the throw. The Tyr Rians have never seen someone take such a brutish attack and come back from it like if it was nothing too damaging.

"Ahh… I will… Never Give Up!" Samantha cried. The heroism she displayed under the hat of King Caldell was returned with even more uproar from the audience.

Crocker roared again and charged towards her. In character to the relentless nature of the Steel Butcher in his quest for blood and murder.

"Scorpion Sting!" Samantha shouted. She moved her right leg backwards in almost 180-degree curve that the heel of her foot would make contact with Crocker's unguarded chest. 'Stunned' by the clever attack, he stumbled backwards leaving himself open once again to another barrage of Samantha's attacks.

With the cheering starting to get into her, Samantha decided she is going to end the 'epic final battle' with several spectacular moves. She started her finishing combo with a right legged round house kick followed by a downwards axe kick that stomped the ground so thunderously that it caused the stage to emit a tremor. For her second attack, Samantha swopped downwards before thrusting upwards for an uppercut that she took care to only graze Crocker's chiseled frame. The Brit recoiled backwards at the 'force' of the blow before he collapsed on his knees.

"Alboen The Steel Butcher! Begone from this world and never comeback!" Samantha yelled to the top of her lungs. She was starting to immerse herself very deeply to the heroic character of King Caldell to the point she was enjoying her acting debut more than she had initially expected.

She quickly grabbed the prop sword she had discarded earlier. Then with a quick swing, she 'decapitated' Crocker, 'Killing Alboen' once and for all. Lewis collapsed to the wooden stage floor limp as he played dead.

"And so Caldell freed us from Alboen's Rage. Gave us all Hope that ushered a new Age! If Alboen's was Despair then Despair is gone. For his reign of terror is over, and the Demon is gone." The bard sang the last verse of his song.

The audience members stood up from their seats and began to give a standing ovation at the spectacular but 'Off the Rails' performance by Samantha and Crocker. The Lieutenant helped up her subordinate from the ground before the two bowed down happily to the jubilant crowd. The other actors including the two injured ones also walked out to bow down to the crowd.

"You did it! I can't believe you did it! Free Food for you and your friends for the best show I have ever seen!" Lutheor smiled. He was fighting back tears of joy as he walked up to Samantha and hugged her.

--------------------------------(Later around Midnight after the Jubilee) ---------------------------

"You hear this Kayin? You hear that? You fucking hear that? That's Gold right here! I am rich!" Crocker boasted.

"Yeah! You were fantastic back there." Kayin smiled whilst he kept his eyes on the road and his hands on the steering wheel.

"Hey, Rose if I can ask, how did you do those moves earlier? I didn't know you can stretch like that." Crocker asked.

"Well Gymnastics does do a lot of favors for a woman's body. Plus, I main Feng in Tekken." Samantha answered.

"Wow, your such a fucking nerd Sammie." Crocker laughed as he kicked back his seat and leaned over.

"I do enjoy the intense drum beating of that song you chose Lewis. It comes from a 'Fighting Game'?" Iris said.

"Yeah, Tekken is a Classic! Maybe one day we will show you the ropes. You'll love it!" Crocker smiled.

As the squad continued on their midnight journey back home, Samantha's Radio began to ring. Hitting the answer button, she placed her mouth over the microphone and her ears focused to the speaker.

"Stryder Lead this is Polonsky. Do you read?" said the Colonel.

"Lieutenant Rose reads you." Samantha answered.

"How was the Party 'Quest' you under take?" Polonsky asked.

"Went very well sir. The locals appreciated our help. Relations with Tyr Rian is growing greatly sir as we speak."

"That is good news to hear because I got some Good News from my end too. The Second Wave of Colonists has just got out of the Hyperlane alongside an Escort of Marines. Call signs is the Mayflower and the Aurora respectively. I want you and your squad to greet Major Holyfield as he touches down tomorrow at noon and he would like to meet Iris too so have her join in too." The Colonel informed her.

"That is great news to here. I'll also inform Diaz and Root about this ASAP. Styrder Lead out." She said dropping the radio.

Tomorrow is going to be a whole new leaf for the development of the colony. Befriending the locals was one thing, gaining the support of your parent civilization is another.