the Road to a New Tomorrow

Aliathra, after getting discharged from the New Albany Military Hospital sighed in relief as she returned to the cozy hidden abode of her makeshift camp. She had also given this morning to the very kind baby faced Doctor Lee Haneul an educational interview on some of the many wonders and facts of Gliesia, especially the Elves although she did take care not to divulge too much information less the good doctor pressed her further about the rising tensions from her homeland between the Entente and the Pact. She feigned the mind and simpleton stature of an Elven Commoner who is simply just travelling around the Human Continent when she was asked what is she doing in Ysanigrad which is an ocean away from home. She could easily remember Hana's warm smile that for some reason according to her own judgement was surprisingly genuine, childlike even. She has begun to harbor doubts over the Human's insistence that this was a Demon Invasion but just the sheer thought of it being all a mistake was so outlandish that Aliathra refused to entertain any thoughts about it.

It wasn't much for the Elven Princess which her abode consists of a simple sleeping mat, a cloth tent and a fire place with a pot hanger. She inhaled the mesmerizing forestry that surrounded her camp. It reminded her of Alfel Nora's tree filled groves that dotted her homeland. The previous smell of metal, which was overwhelmingly erected around New Albany had made her slightly queasy. The unnatural architecture and people, especially Vincent (and most especially him...) were a lot to take in. Just thinking about the place also reminded her of her Scouting duty that Aliathra almost forgot to do.

She grabbed one of her cast iron pots that she has lying around and filled it with water. She placed the cooking ware on top of her fireplace and with some improvised sparks from her years of Ranger Survival Training, set alight her campfire. While the Elf Princess waited for the flames to start boiling the water, she grabbed a wooden cup, a piece of paper and an Inkwell Pen in preparation to write her official scouting report. Now having a moment for herself where she can remove her espionage-related façade, Aliathra reached into her pockets and grabbed one of her favorite reminders of her home. Tea Leaves from a rare Alfel-Nora plant that is the rage amongst the nobility and military for its healing, anti-stress and relaxant properties. Once she the pot produce the desired bubbling noises that tickled her ears, the Elf dropped the herbal mixture at the pot. Stirring diligently for about a minute until the remedying aroma of the Tea Leaves was released in vapors as they evaporated out of the water. She scooped up a cup full of the Tea and sat down and dropped her prim and proper posture for her moment of peace.

"Ahh…" she released a sigh in relief as she indulged into her Tea. It's rejuvenating contents made her body meltdown on the log she leaned on. For a brief moment, she was in peace with herself… and it was all that Aliathra just wanted after such a long hard time at work.

Before she could indulge herself too much, Aliathra snapped back from her breezy state and reminded herself why she had a pen and a paper on her lap in the first place.

She picked herself up and began to write down, in an address to Emperor Uldin and the Human Nations of her findings:

'To Emperor Uldin Slaegia, the Most Revered and Beacon of Human Civilization. I Princess Aliathra Lareththor of the Royal Family of the Ethuilen Elves of Alfel-Nora send Greeting in the name of the Gods.

I apologize to you and your nation of my lack of haste on sending you my reports but I have due reason due to several unfortunate circumstances, I was set back. But I was resourceful enough to briefly infiltrate and scout out the location of where the Demon's have landed.

If you may first recall the expedition that the Grey Order and I have undertaken to block the 'Eyes' of the Metal Demons in Tyr Rian, the Metal Demons have built their stronghold at the same exact location where we had initially first contacted the 'Eyes'. To my shock, the Prince of Tyr Rian, Clovich has been peacefully allowing the Otherworlders to live in his lands in exchange for boons ranging from groveling roads, staggering amounts of food that no farmer can even wish to be able to reap and most devious of them all, they even offered the promise of making Princess Aria, Clovich's sister 'whole again'.

It shouldn't be too hard to march out your armies against the Metal Demons once you planned out your assault...

However, I must warn you Uldin for the many freakish sights that I managed to see that the Otherworlder's possess. I saw great Metal Eagles the size of Wyverns that fly above the earth commandingly alongside their great floating boats that can pierce the heavens. They also have Iron Beasts of Burden that tear the land apart with ease with their great large hands.

But what could be worst of all among what I have seen from them, they all look almost perfectly like you humans and we Elves. Pink Flesh with a chance of tanning or heavily blackened skin, two arms with five fingers each and the same for the feet and toes. But what made them terrifyingly inhuman was when I saw them get injured. They did not bleed but their bodies, whilst damaged were easily replaced with new Metal ones that work faster, stronger and better then what nature had given us. Neneth the Goddess of Life would have been disgusted as so the Shrine Servants of her Temple.

From my best estimate, I say there are about six thousand of these Otherworlder's as of the writing of this letter. But if we can move fast and annihilate them while they are still weak then we might be still able to salvage what we have failed and prevent the Apocalypse.

I will continue my scouting report as I write this letter and deliver any further news when I find some more.

From Princess Aliathra Lareththor.'

She wrote as best as she could comprehend what she saw in New Albany. Whenever her pen had to describe about the Otherworlders, their metallurgic architecture and strange beasts, it made her sweat profusely and heartbeat race upwards. Yet to her own confession they were some charm into them,Just the thought of that 'Metal Demon' named Diaz and his mysterious nature made her mesmerized, curious for more about him and his people. His demeanor reminded her of some of the dashing suitors that had flocked to court her sister Lunafreya who took the approach of the 'Mysterious Stranger' route where they entice their quarry to pay more attention to at by leaving behind cryptic aura that only opened more questions than answer.

But she had the conflicting feelings about him for has metal flesh plastered around his body like if it was meant to be his skin. In her religious teachings, he would have been called a 'Delak' an anathema against the Goddess Neneth and her children. She should show contempt to the 'Demon' but there was a charm behind him that she at times could not help but smile about. Is it being some sort of Temptation to corrupt her or was he genuinely interested in her? She doesn't know. All she wants is to know more. She NEEDS to know more. Maybe another trip to New Albany for another run-in spying would not hurt. But she needs to recover from this culture shock she had just endured.

"How is that letter going Elf?" a foxy feminine voice sprouted from behind her.

Alarmed, Aliathra quickly drew her bow and aimed it to the rear intruder. She saw a familiar woman dressed in skin tight leather bodices with dozens of pockets attached all over her attire.

"Relax Princess. Its only me." Mita the Crow smoothly defused the Elf.

"You almost made me but an arrow between your eye!" Aliathra scolded.

"I can't help it. It's how we Crows do. You seem to be busy." Mita commented at the finished letter that Aliathra held in her hand.

"I just finished my report. Here, everything I know so far about the Otherworlders. Make sure this only gets to Emperor Uldin ONLY." She said.

"You actually managed to get inside that God's Forsaken place? The Glass and Metal over there? What's wrong with good old-fashioned wood!" Mita said.

"That's exactly what I said about the place. I did go in there… there's just so many things I simply… never seen before." She confessed humbly.

"So, the Elf now admits they are uncertain of something for the very first time in over… Ever!" Mita teased much to Aliathra's annoyance. "I didn't have much luck trying to get in. Keep getting chased of by their Metal Hounds of theirs. They even somehow spotted me when I used one of my invisibility potions when I tried to sneak into one of their giant Metal Boats." Mita said.

"You mean their Space Ships?" Aliathra asked.

"Is that how those Demons call them? How do you know of this?" Mita asked.

"I was able to… how do I say this… talk to them…" Aliathra said.

"You what?" Mita snapped and grabbed the chest area of Aliathra's garments and leaned threateningly towards her.

"I managed to be able to get close to enough to… actually talk to them." The Elf answered.

"Shouldn't your, I don't know, those Demon Wards explode on their faces if they tried to get close to you?" Mita questioned.

"Curiously, the wards didn't go off. Hey, the same ones I casted are still in effect right now." She mentioned. Her spells not setting off upon the Otherworlder's caused the first cracks of doubt to seethe into her. The Wards worked as both as a detector and as a countermeasure for Demonic Energies where once the Ward catches a whiff of the corrupted powers, they would release an explosion of Holy Magic that should be enough to dispel completely lesser demons or weaken stronger ones.

"Okay that's something I cannot believe I would hear from an Elf. But what did else did they babbled about? What if they are lying? Can you even trust them? Did you say anything to them back?" Mita further pressed.

"Well I was just simply playing along as a travelling Elf commoner who is just simply wandering around and stopped by at Tyr Rian for supplies. As for the words of the Otherworlder's, I didn't take most of what they said right up front. In my own instincts, they speak not in lies but Half Truths. I can sense it from the way they speak and breath. They are hiding somethings from us." Aliathra answered. She had no reason to lie to Mita. She is still here to help the Human's, no matter how suspicious and xenophobic they can be to those not of their own.

"In my line of work, Half Truths are still lying." She sighed. The Crow walked towards one of the camps logs and sat down. "How did you manage to get in to the Otherworlder's fortress anyway?" she asked.

"I just walked inside from the front gate like everyone else. They just let me in."

"You just did THAT?" she widened her eyes.

"Well I was being expected by someone there. This Otherworlder, who mind you looks like a Human and keeps insisting that they, the Otherworlders, are Humans named 'Oh-Be-Diyah Root'. He was selling these strange foods that I bought for examination. From what I have seen, alongside his beard, he also has a very loving family that he supports."

"You bought Demon Food from one of them?" Mita questioned, startled by Aliathra's statement.

"I have examined the specimen mind you to be free of any demonic inf…" Aliathra was about to explain herself but she was quickly grabbed by the throat by Mita and a Knife was shoved next to her throat.

"Tell me are you still even one of us?" Mita growled threateningly.

"What has… been up… with… you?" the Elf choke.

"First you said that you managed to get inside the Otherworlder's Fortress where me and my agents had failed. Second you managed to be able to talk with the Demons and Third, you bought THEIR Food! Tell me Elf, are you still even pure and loyal to the Gods? To Order?" Mita asked, her fearful breathing and gnashing of teeth reverberated on Aliathra's fair skin.

"I am still loyal." The Elf answered stoically. "Besides, if I were still corrupted then that Trinket of Nenya of yours you always wear between your breasts with be shaking like a drunken fairy in a box if I was corrupted." Aliathra argued.

Nenya, also known to the Elves as Neneth is the Human name given to the Mother Goddess of life. Elven culture held a significant part of the way of life for the Humans of Ysanigrad. The Elves, mostly the Ethuilen Entente ones brought overseas many ideas and inventions that helped the Slaegian Empire built their dominion on most of the western side of the continent. This includes the idea of Chivalry, Heavy Cavalry, the basis of many Magical Theories and Laws for understanding and utilizing the Energies hidden in the Mana Crystals and most peculiar of all their religions and beliefs. Many of the Elven Gods had their own names and interpretations by the organized religious groups native to the Ysanigrad continent Nenya/Neneth being the best example.

Mita retreated her weight and knife from Aliathra and stepped back. But in her eyes, she still maintained a degree of distrust from the Elf. Who was she to make such a downplaying explanation on a 'Demon Invasion'?

"I still have doubts about your sincerity Elf. What would your people and family say if they find out about what you just said?" Mita pointed with incrimination to Aliathra.

The situation has soon descended into potentially lethal circumstances for Aliathra.

"So how can I prove it to you? That we are still on your side?" Aliathra pleaded.

Mita crossed her arms and twitched her eyebrows in a cocky display which is rare for a Human to be in the high grounded side against an Elf.

"Well then Princess. I want you to go back into New Albany again." Mita commanded.

"And what?" Aliathra asked back.

"You know those giant floating boats those Demons have that always rise up to the sky and comeback down?" Mita explained which was promptly followed by Aliathra's acknowledgement.

"I want you to get a closer look on those boats and try to find out any weaknesses for them. Petur wants to see how can the Sky Riders can take one of those Metal Beasts down. Check for anything to aim for, heart, brain, eyes you know, standard Large Beast weak spots." Mita said.

"That I can do." Aliathra nodded. She then forwarded her arm to pass her report letter to the Crow.

"For Uldin's Eyes only." She added before she returned to her comforting fireplace and relaxing cup of Elven Herbal Tea.

Mita turned away from the Elven Princess' camp immediately afterwards, her job of re-contacting their Elven Ally. Yet the Crow Assassin still maintained her conjectures for the Elf and her purity of soul and loyalty. When she was a good distance away from Aliathra's hidden camp, Mita carefully reads the classified letter. Examining the contents, Mita smirked.


----------------------- (the Next Day at the Governor's Palace at New Albany) ----------------------

Prince Clovich hugged his dear sister Princess Aria tightly, it was never easy for him to part away his family under such circumstances. Aria Tyr Rian plus a small entourage of bodyguards and handmaidens would be soon leaving for Kesserheim tomorrow when the sun rises at the middle of the sky or around Twelve Noon. At first, he was reluctant to go through with Aria's promised Bone Marrow reinforcement surgery which Governor White promised will make the feeble Princess finally after so long being imprisoned in her chair, walk again. But after a well-timed compromise of a hostage exchange or more of just making several important be housed and confined to the Tyr Rian Citadel and not be allowed out until Princess Aria and her entourage are safely returned home unharmed (and walking). Governor White painstakingly emphasized his promise to bring the young girl home with 'nothing but fun memories' from her time in Kesserheim.

"Please Sis, take this." Clovich whispered before passing a small brooch to her.

Aria's eyes widened in shock when she looked into her palms and saw that the brooch was none other than the Tyr Rian family Brooch worn by every ruling Prince for generations. It was a one of a kind piece of jewelry made from rare Dwarf gems and handcrafted by a master Jewelsmith.

"I can't wear this." Aria refused.

"I am not telling you to wear this. Just keep this between me and you but, make sure you comeback with it. So I know that it is you when you finally run towards me for the first time in… ever." Clovich tenderly said.

"I will." Aria closed her hand on the brooch.

Meanwhile whilst the Tyr Rian Royal Family were arranging the last of their luggage, Samantha and the rest of the Stryder group were at Governor Jeremy's Office where the Colonial Governor, alongside Major Holyfield and Colonel Jan Polonsky. They were or albeit mostly the honor of the assignment of being part of the security detail for Princess Aria and her Entourage as she gets her reconstructive surgery in one of Kesserheim's most advanced Hospitals where the equipment and expertise were present in. They have to also act both as Tour guides alongside as their guardians throughout the duration of the trip. The ulterior motive behind it this is to impress the makeshift Gliesian delegation about the positive effects of befriending and seek deeper ties with the UFE.

The entire plan is supposed to be momentous for the guests but discreet in terms of security. There were fears coming from the UNOOSA Chairman of accidentally scaring the Otherworldly guests when unending hordes of forceful media press could cause hundreds of security and ease of life problems that both the UNOOSA Office and the Gliesian Colonial Government would rather not go through such an inconvenience.

First Princess Aria and Co. would be entreated with a small guided tour of Kesserheim passing by the planet's famous 'Mega-Industrial Zone' after touching down at the Spaceport. Next, they would pass by the 'Orchard District' where the many high-abstract buildings were situated and the aforementioned high-tech hospital where Aria will get her surgery. As much as they could, the tour would have to avoid the more rustic and down-to-earth 'Plebian Regions' where the common folk live. Most of the buildings there are more akin to the architectural aesthetics of standard Block shaped buildings littered to no end with hundred upon hundreds of Neon Signs that blinded the unfamiliar eyes at first glances. That goes much more for the many Ghetto's that were littered with 'Little [Insert Country or Famous City from a Country here]' which most of the time don't get along.

Both Lewis Crocker and Vincent Diaz had differing memories of that place.

For the Sergeant it was one of the most arduous tours he had written in his career and couldn't believe he managed to finish his tour without going out in a body bag… or worse. Many of the Mega-Corporations, especially those who manufacture Weapons, Portable Industrial Grade Tools, Chemicals, Cybernetic Augmentations and Computers would often dump their excess surpluses into the Kesserheim Plebian Regions to wage corporate warfare amongst each other. Sabotage, Espionage, Theft and straight up Murder, nothing was off limits. The Eden-Like gardens of the 'Orchard District' was all just a façade to hide the violent crime that sits behind the scenes away from the general public's eyes and concern.

His Tour of Duty in Kesserheim mostly consist of peacekeeping between the Ghettos, Crime Determent in the more Public Scenes and at occasional bouts fight off the numerous criminal elements that inhabit the planet. In the UFE Military, being assigned to Kesserheim or having simply a 'short' (read: 2-Year) Tour was the equivalent of being sent to Hell. Unlike the mundane insurgency movements in far flung colonial outposts scattered around the perimeter of UFE Space, compared to them, the OPFOR's were not normal people wielding either civilian-grade weapons and an occasional Black-Market gun buy. Instead they were highly skilled and experienced criminal elements with high tech weapons and gear. Their reasons for fighting each other in the open streets were either as deniable assets for Mega Corps, Ethnic clashes or just simple gangland affairs.

Crocker would sweat bullets when he gets deployed in the field. It is known by all those who served in Kesserheim that the criminals would often deploy electronic countermeasures to disable or straight up turn against the Tech that the UFE would use. Only Business Lobbying Influences which is in the form of the explanation of 'they must have stolen this tech to use for themselves' and rival Mega Corps seeking means of one upping their competition by offering their 'assistance' is what keeps them all from both tearing Kesserheim apart and keeping them in power.

When he is out there in his Exo Suit and Machine Gun, it was for him like having a target painted on his body with the giant cartoonish bubble that would metaphorically float on top of him say 'Shoot me! I got a BFG!'. It was only his suit's armor plating and little bit of smart manipulation of the urban terrain did Crocker managed to survive where Heavy Machine Gunners were shot at a premium by the vicious underbelly denizens of a rich mining world turned into a planet wide megapolis.

For Diaz however, it was a Sci-Fi Nerd's wet dream come true. When you look beyond the heavily competitive Mega-Corporations who wage war against each other like a big real-life game of Cyberpunk 2077. Although the Corporate Warfare was an everyday hazard that many of the Kesserheim Bourgeoisie have to live through every day. To scholars who have studied the Sociological Structure of Kesserheim and the influences of the Mega Corporations based there, they are a necessary evil. Thanks to the highly competitive nature of the Mega-Corporations, it has caused Kesserheim to be one of the UFE's most innovative and technologically advanced Core Planets in their entire Interplanetary Dominion over the stars beyond the Sol System. There were hundreds of High Tech inventions littered around the planet ranging from cutting edge VR Recreation Centers, a sophisticated Shopping scene (both white and black) and some of the most daring criminals to ever declare themselves outlaws.

Although the planet had a 'Right to Bear Arm' article written in the law books, having potential victims have the ability to fight back was in little to any deterrent to the ever bloodthirsty and ever so greedy Kesserheim Underworld. And for Diaz, he is… or if judging by the time he is gone was on top of the criminal food chain. Being a top agent of one of the most influential Mega Corporation's in Kesserheim which is Aparo Technologies under the code name 'Dare Runner' for his propensity to pull off seemingly impossible jobs from breaking into secured areas undetected, leaving no traces on a 'mess' and being Don 'Master's' courier of very 'sensitive items'. This was all impart with his custom Cybernetic Augs and Weapons plus a modified Ford Mustang modified to be able to handle off-road and survive scuffles with chasers.

Being at such a high rank in Aparo he is showered with heavy amounts of cuts and compensation for his sensational efforts. But it was never about the money, his bank account was more of a high score that he can use the points to redeem items. It was all about the thrill and excitement of being able to get away something that no other person could ever believe could be possible. He still lives in a indistinct Middle Class residential condominium building a few block away from 'the Garden District'.

It was still astronomical how Vincent managed to get caught in a trap by that botched weapons deal however. He was worried he might have gave Don Aparo a heart attack when his best agent got slammed.

For the rest of Stryder group, it was a Standard Op that so happens to be taking place outside of Gliesia for once. Just escort the Gliesians as quietly and securely as possible for the entire week they will be in Kesserheim.

Colonel Polansky dismissed everyone after everyone got their Mission Parameters. In a disciplined manner everyone quietly left the office but just as Vincent, Kayin and Iris were about to leave the office…

"Diaz, may I have a word with the three of you. Alone…" Governor White halted them.

The three turned their backs on the door and took a seat as Jeremy commandingly spread his arms out on his desk inhaling the exciting yet equally disquieting news about a certain potential business investor for New Albany and Tyr Rian's 'Integration' program.

"Let me cut to the chase right now with all of you. Diaz, I don't know if this was your doing or if it's just a coincidence." Jeremy turned to Vincent.

"Governor, uhm why does this have to do with me though…" Kayin raised his hand only to be quieted down by Jeremy's stern eyes.

"It's about Aparo Tech isn't it Governor… what happened?" Diaz asked.

"I am willing to take a risk and let Domenico and his company move in." White said much to the satisfied smile of Diaz.

"But Aparo is not some small-time indie company sir. Its one of the top 10 Mega Corps said by Forbes and you know how aggressive they can be." Kayin mildly objected.

"I had to draw several lines with them on the phone about their limits but then again, Domenico is surprisingly a very reasonable man for a Mega Corp CEO. To be fair with him, this is uncharted territory that his company is diving into. His proposal is a store for his company to sell their tech and boost up our utility capabilities with their team of engineers. For industrial expansion they are still in the works of what exactly to do but he says that we will cross the bridge when we get there." Jeremy answered.

"What is a 'Mega Corp' you talk off?" Iris asked.

"Think very, very powerful groups of Merchants. Then give them all the guns, the money and political power anyone can dream off having." Kayin explained "Aparo got their hands on everything from corrupt politicians, organized crime and an army of thugs to wrap it all around.". There was tone of disgust in him when he had to think of the Autocratic Megacorp bosses of Kesserheim. They were some of the most Machiavellian and ruthless individuals to ever have a seat of power. Knowing them, the Aparo Corp might hide some sort of ulterior motive behind their rather 'soft' expansion campaign to the new world of Gliesia. They could not follow through with their tamed investment plan and simply muscle in with their factories and goons as soon as they get their feet wet or worse manifest their 'destiny' in the new world at the cost of the native's welfare.

"That sound's like a recipe for trouble." The Vampire crossed her arms in distaste. She was no strangers to bullies, just ask Devicco about it.

"I know it is at first glance Iris. But I weighed any complication or any kind of… 'unwanted' developments from their part when I thought of bringing them on board. You see Iris, Aparo Technologies has some of the best technologies that the UFE can offer to us. I am talking about Machinery, Nuclear Power and Robotics, all Bleeding Edge." White explained to her.

"You have my HEART-felt gratitude." Diaz smiled. Pun intended.

"Vincent's word plays aside Iris. Aparo Corp has scientists and technological know how to begin researching Unbinillium, the Mana Crystals. Their expertise in Nuclear Physics is second to none. You can appreciate their help for your research your working on if that makes you content about having them over." White conferred.

She took into though about White's words. Having someone to help you in your research come over isn't necessarily a bad thing but Iris was weary of this Aparo Technologies based on Kayin's words. The Nigerian was always nice and polite to her throughout her involuntary service to the UFE as their guide and it didn't matter to him (at least not at first) that she is a Vampire and Unsanctioned Witch. She always feels like that 'the Nightman' somewhat understands or at least try to understands her and with was the first warming feeling she had in her cold heart for a long time.

"I still don't understand why does this involve me and why should I go meet this Aparo person. He sounds no different than the Burning Horsemen." Iris said.

"Oh, come on Snow White this isn't Amateur Hour." Diaz sulked.

"You don't understand where this is going Iris don't you." Kayin asked her. Something for the first time, Iris was told that it was she who doesn't comprehend what she is in right now.

"Iris, you are one of the colonies most valuable assets and when it comes to understanding the properties of Mana Crystals, you are the best we could have gotten. Additionally, your bravery with that 'Enchanted Grenade Launcher' would get you a medal. I ask you now Iris Cadohagan the Vampire Witch, I want you to secure Aparo Tech's investment by personally, plus Diaz and Mudwin to talk to him at his HQ in Kesserheim. I need you to make the best impressions with him since he is holding back everything until he 'sees the Magic'." Governor White explained plainly to her.

"But your telling me to board your Space Ships and go to someplace I have never been to. I don't know if I will be willing to just leave." Iris reluctantly answered. It was a lot to ask for her to do.

"It's just for a week in Kesserheim. Besides Mega Corps aside. They are lots of things to do while we are there. Shopping, Food and the Rainbow Bridge!" Kayin enthusiastically encouraged her.

"I second that." Diaz supported.

"You know I can get creeped out by all of your stuff you know. Those bright screens, Lazers and Guns. I am already comfortable right now just learning how Grenades work." Maintained her hesitation.

"Perhaps, I should have told you this earlier…" Governor White interrupted.

He reached into the bottom of his desk and picked up a polished wooden box about the size of upper chest and placed it infront of his three guests with a heavy thud. Gently he unlocked the latch that weakly sealed the box and opened the box, its hinges creaked with friction adding to the anxious excitement that Diaz, Kayin and Iris beheld over its contents.

It was a necklace lain elegantly in a soft pillow. But not just any necklace, it was Iris' Family Heirloom Necklace made out of a pure Mana Crystal. Its brilliant blue glow illuminated the room with a faint hint of azure light. The men in the room were awestruck by the intricate designs of the Cadohagan Necklace. In visual aesthetic similarities, the necklace was of an Eastern European Folk Jewelry design.

The Vampire Witch in the other hand unconsciously moved her hand forward to grab it but she stopped halfway. It had to be too good to be true that its her necklace being shown to her right this moment.

"Come on take it. Wear it." Governor White prompted.

With his encouragement, Iris grabbed the necklace from its lofty container and brought the shining gem right up to her face. It breathed of the same magical signature that her forefathers have harnessed centuries ago. She couldn't believe that it is now in her hands, the Cadohagan Family Necklace.

"Put it on." Jeremy urged her.

She nimbly wrapped it around her neck and clicked it into place tying herself around like a bow on a gift box. She straightened her posture to a graceful feminine stature reminiscent of a Victorian Belle of Old Earth.

"You look beautiful." Kayin blankly said as he feasted his eye on the beautiful woman sitting next to him. His mouth left agape and paralyzed to say another word. There was something complementary with the Blue Gem and Iris' apricot eyes.

"I second that." Diaz added.

"Here's the Deal Iris. Don Aparo wants to have an exhibition on the 'Unique' effects of Unbinillium and who better else than to demonstrate but you. Your necklace will also play an integral part on convincing him to invest. And since I have to give you your necklace might as well return it to its rightful owner… but under one condition." Jeremy placed his hands on his desk and tangled them together to twiddle his thumbs. His eyes changed from upbeat to a stern stare.

It caused Iris to snap back from her necklace induced joy. Another one of the UFE's deal making yet again? She was now starting to get sick of all the verbal contracts and implied death threats.

"You better promise me, all of you that you get this Aparo Corp. to invest in us and only to us or I will have to take that necklace back." Jeremy said.

"Why? Is it about Domenico?" Kayin asked.

"It's not him, it's his rivals. You see, I don't want to that Corporate Warfare shenanigans happening in my jurisdiction no matter how lucrative competition can be. If you fail, there is nothing stopping the other Corpo's on moving in with their people and machines too. Aparo is dangling us an exclusive rights deal of being the sole Mega Corp to set up shop here if he is impressed with Unbinillium." Jeremy said.

"Isn't that illegal?" Kayin asked. Such a very specific condition in a deal is considered unethical in the eyes of the public and straight up illegal in the eyes of the law according to various Business Freedom Bills.

"He's a Mega Corp. He can do whatever magical shit they want. Why? 'Cuz his Magical Powers are… he's rich." Diaz answered slouching down on the comfy chair with his arms crossed.

--------------------------(a few days later at the New Albany Starport) ------------------------

Aliathra quietly and swiftly cut a hole beneath the lowest part of the steel fence that blocked from entering the premise where the Otherworlders keep their giant metal birds and floating boats in. She was left unimpressed with how easily she managed to breach the initial perimeter thanks to her Elven Dagger which when infused with a little bit of magic can cut through relative thin layers of steel. It was dawning that time right now as she could see the sun rise upon the horizon. Enveloping the gloomy metal crates that were scattered around the Airbase. Using them as cover, she narrowly avoided the detection of the Drone Patrols who were about to be relieved by their living counterparts. She has a brief window where the security is at its weakest to get as much useful information for her infiltration.

"Goddess, protect this fair maiden from the horrors of the Underworld." She whispered a prayer before continuing onwards.

She only packed lightly for this incursion. A quiver of arrows, a food ration for one day, her waterskin, a few liquidized Mana Potions and her own courage was all she had under her clothes. She scouted around for an opportunity to study and to her luck she spotted one of the Otherworlder's Metal Boats lying alone in out in the open field. There was a red carpet that was rolled out towards the base of the boat as if it was expecting someone very important to walk towards or into it.

The Elf broke open one of her Mana potions and drank about half way through the 500ml bottle and casted a spell. Her body began to refract the approaching morning light turning her invisible. She has to move slowly for her to be able to make it towards the distance between her and the lone Metal Boat with her cover intact. She stopped out in the exposed air and walked silently towards the Alien Vessel. When she was now an arm's length from the boat she lightly caressed its ebony skin.

It was cold to the touch when her smooth ivory skin brushed along the plated surface. The Metal Boat was devoid of any life signs, no heartbeat, no breath no consciousness.

"You're such a strange yet interesting contraption." She whispered.

Aliathra planted her ears onto the Ship's surface and began to listen intently inside if there were any faint traces of… anything. She could discern, despite the thick platings between her that the inside of the Metal Boat was indeed hollow as if there was an enclosed space containing the faint echolocated detections of objects being stored there and a few faint murmurs of voices too faint to be discerned comprehensively for her. Quite puzzling however, the Elf wasn't able to spot any kind of door, hatch or opening of any kind that would allow anyone to store or withdraw the contents stored within.

Then just as she thought of it a loud but smooth moaning sound growled the ship from its dormant state, erupting the Metal Boat to life. Aliathra stepped back slowly, still under the influence of her invisibility potion marveled at the Metal Boats awakening. She saw 4 giant furnaces that were implanted by the stern of the alien vessel erupt in a brilliant blue flame on her right like the Starmetal Forges that the Elves crafted their Enchanted Weaponry from. The noise the furnaces emitted blanketed the sounds of a rampart that its broad side perfectly blended with the painting and metal curvature design of the Metal Boat. She barely dodged out of the way as it descended to the ground laying perfect right in front of the premade red carpet expectantly for a lavish guest high importance to board the vessel. Aliathra looked beyond the ramp and noticed that she was blessed, the ramp gave her an entry point to explore the inner sanctum of the Metal Boat. She discreetly, after making sure she is still in the clear, the Elf Princess quietly ascended the ramp and snuck herself in plain sight.

The first chamber she saw was a large room made of metal of a light shade of gray compared to the ship's ebony exterior. It had yellow streaks that was plastered around the room that were designed in such a way to give information and highlight work spots rather than give any aesthetic value. Dozens of large container boxes that were locked by an invisible lock that the Elf cannot find to use her lock pick on. It looked like it is a Cargo Bay that doubled as an entrance for the Metal Boat. Beyond the horizon, there was a large arch that was placed right out in the open. She slithered further into the next room.

In contrast to the cargo bay. The room was designed to look like some sort of observation room. There was a large window over 20 feet wide in length that gave the Elf a beautiful view of the Gliesian sun rise with a selection of comfortable seating arrangements that allows anyone to relax and watch ever display that the giant window presents. There were even several articles of food that were lazily placed around the Observation deck for the crew of the Metal Boat to indulge it like chips, fruits and drinks.

For Aliathra, she could not help but conclude that this very room is cozy for one to waste their time in after a long hard day. Such an establishment reminder her of the Royal Parties back at her homeland that would involve observing rare flower blooms and rare astronomical phenomena like Eclipses and Shooting stars that the Elves love to watch from the comfort of their opulent spires.

Then, a loud series of thumping noises alerted the Elf's ears. There were people approaching her position. Despite being invisible, her spell was now waning and she can't just waste her Mana Potion again until she is in the clear and left Metal Boat. She swiftly hid behind one of the chairs below the observation room and buried herself silently as the first people unveiled themselves from the doorway hoping that they simply pass by.

It was Prince Clovich's sister Princess Aria. She was being escorted by a small entourage of handmaidens and bodyguards alongside several familiar people that the Elf recognized. They were Vincent Diaz, Obediah Root and Doctor Lee Haneul to name a few. They were soon followed by a big burly man in a strange metal armor with giant arms tucked behind him. He fitted the description by the Tyr Rian populace of the famous 'Ogre Breaker' who held a giant gate from closing with his herculean strength. Another person that passed by were a contrasting couple of black and white. A man whose skin is dark as the night sky who walked confidently alongside a woman in a richly made dress whose skin is almost doll like in its paleness, like a Vampire and their age defiant physiology similar to the Elves. Another man Then lastly 3 commanding figures walked out of the arch, it was a woman in red hair and 2 other large men who has dark black skin. One of the black men carried a large strangely shaped backpack with a stick coming out of it while the other was decorated in in glistening gold and precious metals.

"The Packages have been secured inside the Manila." The red headed woman saluted.

"Excellent. Everything should be in order for your team's departure Lieutenant Rose." The decorated black man said.

Aliathra recalled from Diaz that he answers to a 'Lieutenant Rose'. She is surprised that his commanding officer is a woman of all things.

"May I ask a question before you leave Major Holyfield?" The lieutenant asked him.

"Again, if this is about the investigation on that Plain's incident with those Legion Garrisons, don't worry. I got one of the best we got on the case. Your job right now is not that. But it's making sure the Packages have a good time in Kesserheim." Holyfield answered.

"As you say Major." Rose saluted followed by Holyfield's.

"And Lieutenant… while your there. Enjoy the Ramen while you are there if you can. I heard its delicious." Holyfield smiled.

"Farewell Major." She waved goodbye.

"I'll see you in the other side." Holyfield turned around and pressed his right hand on his ear. "Captain, everything is in order. Prepare for Takeoff. Godspeed." He said to himself.

"All passengers and crew onboard the Manila please prepare for takeoff in one minute." A voice echoed out of nowhere.

Lieutenant rose jogged out of the Observation Room from another door to rejoin her squad.

She was alarmed by the voice's announcement. She needed to get out of there before the Metal Boat flies off with her in it. The Elf got out of her hiding spot and quietly yet hurriedly approached the Archway leading to the Cargo Bay. The door she had previously entered the ship before was now slowly closing after Major Holyfield got outside whilst waving goodbye to the departing ship.

Aliathra dashed towards the closing window of escape but it was too far for her and her Elven Swiftness to cover in such a split second.

"No!" she yelped as her body slammed the now shuttered Cargo Bay door that walled her off from the outside world. The Elf Princess is now trapped.

"And we have lift off." the same voice from earlier announced again.

Aliathra could feel her center of gravity invisibly pull her down as she felt the entire Metal Boat push itself upward. Without any way to secure herself. The Elf was being helplessly thrashed around the Cargo Bay room. She quickly covered her head with her hands to protect it from any possible trauma that she might collide whilst in her helpless state.

"Ascending… Twenty kilometers… Forty Kilometers… Sixty Kilometers… Eighty Kilometers…" the Manila's Captain's voice announced.

Aliathra, after being tossed around like a rag doll around the Cargo Bay soon felt her body slow down to a weightless state as she now for a brief moment experienced the lofty position of being weightless.

"One Hundred. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have exited Gliesia's Atmosphere. Welcome to Space. Enjoy the rest of your flight with us. Turning on Artificial Gravity." The Captain announced before signing off.

Aliathra's brief moment of weightlessness was cut short when she felt the force of gravity pull her down to the ground landing roughly on her backside with a great 'Oof'.

After scratching off the pain from her buttocks, the Elf absorbed the words from the voice earlier. Was it all true that she is no longer in Gliesia no more? But now she is in this 'Space' that the voice said? Is 'Space' the Eldritch Dimension where these Otherworlder's come from? She had to see it for herself.

She made her way back to the adjacent Observation Room and looked outside of the window.

"No…" Aliathra sobbed.

She saw a giant sphere in front of her that was slowly getting smaller and smaller as the ship continued its journey onwards. She could almost no recognize it if it weren't for the familiar shapes of Gliesia's continents gave it away that the giant circular object with blue and green splotches was her home planet. Aliathra's invisibility spell soon wore off as she collapsed to the ground crying.

"Neneth… Protect me…" she prayed fighting back from all the tears and broken panicked inhalations.

Princess Aliathra Lareththor, youngest daughter of the Elven Royal Family is trapped inside one of the Otherworlder's Space Ships and is slowly drifting off to the void of Outer Space away from her home to God/s know where for her.

What will happen to her now? Will she be able to come home safely or will the ruinous powers of this strange and dark void turn her mind inside out leaving her broken forever?