the Space Between Two World

The dark void of space was set alight by dots of burning stars as it painted the glass viewing window of the Manila's crew lounge. The room, unlike the observation room below deck was cozier for one to sit back in relax thanks in part of a small kitchenette equipped with ready to eat, microwaveable food and a refrigerator stocked with drinks of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties; a small 4k Television that broadcast Satellite TV channels for the crews viewing pleasure. Stryder group was given the privilege of using the lounge for the duration of the trip (although one crew member did mention not for anyone to touch his sandwich). For Samantha at that moment, it was her opportunity to have some much needed alone time.

Despite being quite a Sanguine person, the Lieutenant is only human after all and in some cases, she needs some time for herself alone to reflect and simply just sit off the worries of her numerous command responsibilities. She aimed her eyes at one of the soft and cushy chairs that littered the room and crashed her behind on top of it.

She let out a sigh of relief as she sunk her body down the chair. Thoughts of the events that have transpired earlier circled through her mind. At first, they were buzzing annoyingly like flies to an exposed cadaver but slowly they stopped pestering her besieged brain off of their stressful infections and now have become more coherent for the Lieutenant to reflect upon.

Earlier that day inside the ship, Samantha was called forth in the Communication room of the Manila by the honorable UNOOSA Chairwoman Di Poppo to be given the responsibility, alongside Sergeant Crocker of being Tour Guides for the Gliesians to Kesserheim. With Lewis' experienced knowledge of the Industrial Planet alongside Samantha's valuable people skills, they should be able to make a lasting impression on the Otherworlders upon the benefits of befriending (and consequences of being an enemy) of the UFE. A quick tour of several of Kesserheim's many tourist attractions such as the foundries that fuel its economy, the metropolitan Mega Cities that house the billions of its workers and finally end it all in the most serene and the bleeding edge of UFE Technology, the Kesserheim Garden District where Princess Aria will get her reconstructive surgery.

There was only one problem that Samantha couldn't get out of her head, this was also her first time being in Kesserheim in the flesh. She had heard of the sprawling industries the city has as its trademark image from only books and the television. She can easily explain away most of the simpler machinations that the myriad workings of the Industrial Planet have to offer like Holograms, Digital Advertising and Canned Goods. But she fears she could crack under so much social pressure, she was a soldier, not a Public Relations officer.

Rose throbbed her head back as she continued to let out an angry but shrill roar before she sank further into her chair.

"Eyah! You fucking scared me El-Tee…" Crocker's cockney voice spoke behind her.

The Half-Brit and Half-Maori Automatic Rifleman wore a sleeveless shirt exposing his brilliant muscles in their Tribal Tatted glory. He carried with him a single glass cup and a bottle of whiskey with him. He quietly sat on the chair beside Samantha on her right side and placed his bottle of whiskey and cup on the coffee table. He kicked his feet on top of the table caring less of what any of the ship's sailors might complain of his slight abuse of their hospitality.

"You seem to be roughed up eh?" Crocker asked her. He splashed a few milliliters of his Whiskey onto his cup.

"Yeah, Crock, I am having been roughed up." Samantha sighed. "It's about what the Chairwoman said earlier." She confessed.

"Really? Just that? A simple Heart's and Mind's job? Come on El-Tee, really?" Crocker questioned with a dismayed face, his hand still swirling the golden water on his cup, stirring the alcohol to release its rye scented aroma for him to inhale indulgently.

"It's not just that. It's who we are playing Tour Guide too." Samantha argued.

Crocker maintained his capricious mask as he shot down in one strong gulp the Whiskey through his mouth. He exhaled a relaxed 'aaahhh…', his breath now reeking of alcohol.

"You sure your cut up to this? El-Tee? I can talk to some of the HR people right now about you right now if you want… maybe we can have someone else do---"

"No don't! I can do it." Samantha exclaimed.

"No bloody way Rose-ay. I can see it in you, Lieutenant. There's somethin' wrong with ya." Crocker pointed out.

Samantha was taken aback by her previous impulsive stature, she had to admit it was rather boneheaded of her to say she will do something but regretted it and tried to pull her statement back. It was emotionally defeating for Samantha that she collapsed.

"I-I just feel… stressed out right now."

"On what?"

"On everything! Work, Diaz's Antics, Combat Stress and now being a Tour Guide. I can't say no. I just can't…" Samantha exclaimed before she dropped her voice in a sullen tone.

She thumped her breast repeatedly in self-loathing as she leaned forward in a semi-fetal position and pulled her crimson hair, undoing the neat donut bun in the process freeing her flowing mane to beyond the boundaries of her shoulder.

"You sound like your addicted." Crocker consoled.

"I don't take drugs and the last time I drank was four days ago Sergeant." Rose addressed Crocker by his title resentfully. Resentful of her hectic first days of military life. She hadn't mentally insulated herself for the harsh psychological and physical demands of being an NCO in the UFE Military Corps.

"No, your 'addicted' to work." Crocker diagnosed her.

"Have you been looking at yourself in the mirror lately? You were the greenest lass I had seen in a long time when I first saw you back in the Eodem but now look at you? Your sags got fucking sags on yer' eyes." He pointed out to her face.

She had to admit, she was very neglectful of her sleep lately. Sometimes she would escape out of her bed and do several activities under the conked daze of her asleep colleagues such as writing down reports early, performing physical exercise workouts, and even cleaning her rifle in a display of obsessive compulsiveness. The young Lieutenant would recall back at West Point that she should always as any self-respecting NCO should routinely do. The recollected echoes of shouting drill instructors who ruthlessly evaluated on all of the cadet's overall performances tearing them up a new one for even the most minute of errors. Sam, in a machine-like trance, would do all of the standard drills and tests with high-speed precision by sheer muscle memory. It was meant to mentally prepare the cadets for their jobs as Commanding Officers in the military. It was no wonder that the UFE NCO Cadet Training Program had an 80% drop out rate and the Lieutenant was lucky to make it over to the right side of the fence.

"You… your… right…" She conceded, raising her posture up slightly so her arms that rest on top of her bent knees can support the weight of her body.

"Look Sam, I may be technically a rank lower than you but ultimately it's the seniors, 'regardless of our rank job to make sure the next-gen is prepared to take our place when we are gone." Lewis counseled.

"We are enslaved to the whims of our brain and the pain stress. The trick is to master it." He continued talking while he poured another few drops of Whiskey on his glass. But instead of taking the vessel to sip up another round of the intoxicating brew, he slided the glass across the coffee table to Samantha up to an inch of her knees.

"Take a round of the Bourbon. My mates always say 'You will never know a lad 'till they get sloshed.'." Crocker prompted.

Sam took the round of bourbon with her hand and raised it up to her mouth. She could feel the distilled stench the alcohol emitted that shivered her spine. She placed the rim on her lips and after a slight moment of hesitation, she shot her glass down in one gulp.

Already her feminine and albeit more fragile frame was now hit with the rousing influences of the 50% alcohol content of her given beverage. Her mind felt the tight nots that cramped her loosen like silk giving her a serene moment of lucidity.

"Where… where do I begin?" Samantha began to tear down her walls that barred her from showing her true self to others.

"My dad died a year ago before I could graduate. Mom still isn't over with it. And I just found out Fairies, Dwarves… not midgets mind you… Elves and Magic now exists." The Lieutenant told Crocker.

"You're under some pressure, aren't you?" Crocker asked.

"Damn right I am. The child of the Hero of Bel-Aviv in the military? I get it… the good old-fashioned Military Brat. You trying to live up to your father aren't ya?"

"Yes." Samantha nodded.

"Here's a tip but first sip another round for me will ya?" Crocker requested. He poured another few milliliters of whiskey at the glass for her.

Samantha took another shot of liquid courage before collapsing down on the chair, eyes reddened but mind released from the pestilent grips of heavy mind.

"All that pressure… it's how the Chinese would say… 'Bad Juju-Chi'. Ignore all that shit El-tee." Crocker said.

"But why? I have a legacy to fulfill." She replied.

"You see… that's the problem with you Rose. This is the problem with 'Legacies'. Your father is your dad and you are you Rose." Crocker sternly argued. "Deep down inside… you're trying to get out of it… your father's shadow?" Crocker deliberated.

"Yes… I just don't know how." Samantha briefly paused "Do you?" she asked him.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that. You can though… you just haven't found Lieutenant Samantha Rose, the Great Pioneer Explorer of Gliesia yet or something like that I mean… come on. It's like we have been inside one of them 'Stuck in Another World' stories that were popular in the early two thousand. Heck, maybe we should like say this after we managed to survive another battle with the Aliens: 'Stryder Team leveled up!' with the Final Fantasy 'ta-tata-ta-ta-tan-tan-tara!' music." Crocker smiled.

Samantha couldn't help but drink to that. She gave the most heartwarming of smiles she had ever expressed herself to anyone for a long time and downed another glass of the Whiskey. She has felt much better about her own predicaments when having a one on one session with her more experienced subordinate than just simply reflecting on an easy chair alone.

----------------------(Meanwhile in another section of the ship) --------------------

The Voices, they just keep rattling her head in their incomprehensible whispers. Their language as mysterious and as chilling as the legends of the Demonic Echoes her people repeatedly tell stories about to their children to make sure they remain good and faithful servants to the Gods.

Far from home, stuck in a literal belly of the Metal Beast and hungry for who knows how long. Princess Aliathra, the once confident Spy for the Forces of Order is laying down in a fetal position within an inch of her life and sanity.

"Neneth hear me…Neneth hear me… Neneth hear me…" she prayed while she rocked back in forth slowly.

Her hiding spot was a small gap in between two giant metal crates that was big enough yet compact enough for someone to discreetly lay low in between.

The silence was nothing scarier for the Elf as she began to cry tears of desperate prayers to the Goddess of Life. She begged for a sign, any sign that Neneth is still favoring one of her most faithful of maidens.

A whiff of a homely flavor reached her nose. It was a soft smell that was inviting for the panged stomach of the Elf. It was pulling her, tempting her to follow it. With her options decimated to the most basic of instincts, Aliathra crawled out of her hiding spot and walked entrancingly towards the source of that sweet smell.

She passed by the halls of the Spaceship aimlessly each limp of her malnourished legs wobbled ever so weaker for every inch of ground she gained. As she got closer the source. Sailors walked passed her with second glances on the strange Knife Eared young lady who made her way pass the door of the ship's Mess Hall.

The said source of the tempting smell? A plate filled with over three dozen freshly baked chocolate chip cookies made with love, passion and Cadbury semi-sweet Chocolate. It was laid neatly on a checkered table with glasses of milk set next to it.

Not caring if it was some sort of Eldritch illusion or some form of physically manifested temptation by the powers that be. Aliathra aggressively grabbed the cookies and gorged half a dozen of them in her mouth like an animal who hasn't find any meal for days. The sweet chocolatey taste of the cookies exploded into her taste buds like a musical orchestra that stimulated her brain with the pleasure of indulging in one's sweet tooth.

She could have easily lost herself into that moment if it weren't for the sudden eruptions of light that came from the room's nearby window. It was only half as large as the Observation Deck's window but it still gave a crystal-clear image of the beautiful void and color palleted canvas that is Outer Space.

Not caring again for the stunned look on the sailors who were all turning their eyes on her weakened stride, Aliathra looked on to the window.

They were gigantic… (judging from the depth of field). Massive metal boats that soared through the celestial skies, cutting down the void of space like a knife through bread. They swept through Space as they made their way unto another group of Metal Boats of similar but more crude design compared to the aesthetic features of the approaching flotilla. From what she could count, their were about 12 of the contemporary ships

The contemporary space ships had long snouts that turned as instantaneous as the sharp curve of a doe eyed Elven Woman looking at a brand-new curiosity when she's off at Ethuilen's Bazaars. The snouts let loose a rapid firing barrage of energetic magic bullets that shot threw the field across them. The shots had visible blue tracing that Aliathra could see with her own two naked eyes like arrows as they rained down on the obsolete looking ships. The magical shots exploded upon impact and tore through them to scraps of dismantled scraps of burning metal. The shooters, they simply just stood there in a stoic display of their awesome power over there adversary.

And it terrified her…

If this is just a small glimpse of the power these 'Demons' have then no weapon, mythical monster or even Gods can do to stop them. She could see it now… Tyr Rian twisted into a parody of itself in Demonic Architecture, Slaegia in Flames and worst of all Ethuilen and the rest of Alf-el Nora's lands being raped, pillaged and burnt to the ground. Her people, her family and herself enslaved to the despicable whims of the Otherworlders.

And she's just right in front of them, their eyes widened in alert that an intruder… an Elf has trespassed inside their ship. Aliathra was alone, cut off, exposed and hungry. All the long years of investment of her time and efforts in Ranger Training, learning the Healing Magics of the Neneth Hospitallier Priestesses and tutoring of all the known knowledge of the world… its all worthless now. She's dead, good as another screaming soul enslaved to the madness of the ever-hungering Ruinous Powers of the Demons.

"Lye naa ilya amarth din Alboen entula…" she spread her arms out and whispered what she believes are her final words as she embraced the firm grasps of the UFE sailors as they took her away to her fate.

---------------------------------(an Hour Later at the Manila's brig) -----------------------

Tensions were high and question flew around over the mysterious stowaway. It was supposed to be a very entertaining Naval Exercise about an hour ago. The ship so happened to pass by a Shooting Drill for the UFE Navy and the UNOOSA deemed it helpful that in order to impress their Gliesian guests, they get a front row view of the Military Might of the Navy Ships as they test out their various weaponry ranging from Railguns, Lasers and Torpedoes.

But the whole event was thrown into chaos with a spanner in the works. A lone stowaway, of Gliesian origins of all the that somehow made her way inside the ship. Rather expected for someone who stowed themselves away, the young woman who had elvish leaf shaped ears was hungry and twitching with fear as she sat down in the interrogation room, her eyes sullen with a still sadness that stared nothing but the empty gray table. Samantha couldn't help but empathize with her. Being somewhat dragged away from her home and just simply fathoming the circumstances she is barely able to comprehend. This lone woman is at best, had the same look of a Space Sick passenger on their first time on a Spaceship and at worse, she doesn't even know what a Spaceship does or do.

"That's all I know about her okay? She was one of most recent buyers of my fruit. I can't imagine her being a spy." Obediah testified to the Captain of the Manila.

"I'll take your word into account Private Root." The Captain nodded. "Lieutenant, standard procedures say we have to take her into the Bureau of Intelligence." He reluctantly informed her.

"That's too cruel." Samantha protested.

Having the Bureau 'take care' of the poor woman would only worsen her now already fragile or in a better description, further shatter her psyche. But then again, the Captain has made a point.

When news got out to Major Holyfield and Colonel Polonsky of the extra passenger. Both men, despite their differences agreed that she should be turned over to the B.I. for interrogation. It was way too coincidental for some random native to just walk right inside a restricted access Logistics Ship for no reason more than 'getting lost'. Yet Samantha wasn't so sure about the intruder's demeanor. Real Spies would have been much more stoic if they were in the unfortunate to be captured by the enemy. The blonde haired and ocean eyed woman was way to emotionally despondent to be truly harmful, hell, the search on her belongings only brought up an intricately created dagger, half a dozen of arrows and the bow to shoot them with. There was more to this story than what meets the eye. If anything, this could all be just a misunderstanding of some sorts if Diaz and Obediah's were of any merit to her character.

The Elf's name was 'Aliathra' that she can be sure and she was just 'a traveler passing by' Tyr Rian based on their accounts.

"Captain, may I request something." Samantha asked. "I need you first to delay reporting her in to the Bureau."

"That's against standard procedure Lieutenant." The Captain shot down.

"Please, there's just something that doesn't add up." She defended her hunch.

"Again, this is against the procedure. Let the Bureau based in Kesserheim take care of her."

"Would they appreciate if I can get some information out of her before they get their hands on her? You know to make their jobs easier? Besides I am a great people person. Talking making people do what I want them to do is just my thing." She coaxed.

"You can be stubborn you know that… I like that about you." Diaz complemented.

"I can't believe I am actually thanking you for that one. Come on, pass me the lie detector and give me about at LEAST ten minutes with her. I can get her to spill the beans." Samantha appealed, clasping her hands and swaying them forward to beg the Captain to let her do what she believes is the correct thing to do.

"Fine, here's the Lie Detector. Should work on her like anyone else. Thirty Minutes… if she doesn't say anything useful… I will have to call the B.I. and then this will look bad on your record." The Captain warned her.

The Lieutenant was taken aback by his warning. She knew that any wasteful actions of insubordination of any kind could spell a giant permanent mole in her career at best and a Court Martial at worst. If her little hunch failed to bear fruit then she would stain the heroic legacy of her father and Military Family name for years to come. But deep down, Samantha took heed to both her own beliefs of there is a larger story to everything around her and the words of her unofficial 'On-Field Mentor' Sargeant Lewis Crocker, that she thinks that this Elf woman was somewhat innocent. She just knows it.

"That is a risk I will take sir." Samantha saluted.

She was handed over a small portable electronic device that could detect the heartbeat and breathing of an individual to see if they are hiding the truth or in emotional distress. Additionally, she was also given the key to the Elf's Holding Cell.

"Hope your right about this boss lady. I can't stand seeing such a nice-looking woman go to the Bureau. I hear they don't fuck around. Got the scars to prove it." Diaz said. He pulled down the neckline of his shirt to reveal several slash marks on him. A souvenir he obtained from the B.I. when they captured him.

"I swear by you. That I think your on to something El-Tee. She's just way too doe'eyed to be harmful to anyone." Obediah added.

After listening to her attending subordinates' comments. Samantha unlocked the door to the Interrogation Cell to finally meet face to face with 'Aliathra'.

The Elf intruder remained sitting quietly on her cold bare steeled chair with her arms laying on top of the matching metal table. Samantha quietly attached a padded wire on the woman's chest and another one below her right wrist for the Lie Detector. Being so dejected from her own reality in some sort of bubble to shield herself from the threatening conditions she was in, Aliathra blankly stared into the nothingness as Samantha finished attaching the wires to her, she sat down across the table and faced the Elf, her Dark Brown eyes contacting her Azure colored ones.

"It's a nice day is it not?" Samantha greeted.

Aliathra could only continue her blank stare into her interrogator, unresponsive to her salutations.

"You seemed to be quite nervous, aren't you? Would you like me to get you anything?" Samantha politely asked.

Again, no outward physical response, yet the Lie Detector sensed that her heart palpitation alongside her sporadic breathing indicated that she is getting very anxious. It was most likely the contentious atmosphere of the Interrogation Cell that is withering her away from reality. Samantha have to reduce all of the built-up stress she had accrued throughout her long stowaway journey inside the ship. The poor girl could really use someone to talk to after being alone. It could drive even Samantha crazy if she were in the same predicament as the Elf. She needs to know that she can trust her.

"You know…Miss Elf. You seemed to be quite scared of being here in our Spaceship. It's your first time in here if I can guess?" Samantha softly probed her while keeping her friendly tone.

"Yes." Was the single word response that Aliathra quietly answered.

"Well, you look terrible right now hungry even. Nobody would be sane if they were hungry. Me too myself even. I can get you some food if you like? Some very warm food just to tone dowe all of that eh… 'Negative Energy' you are having." Samantha said.

Aliathra nodded 'yes'.

"May I have a glass of two glasses of Hot Chocolate and two Grilled Chesse?" Samantha requested out loud. She didn't want to face the one-way mirror where the Captain, Diaz and Obediah were observing the interrogation from less the Elf is alerted that the seemingly out of place the large mirror is in fact hiding a trio of observers.

A few minutes passed until one of the sailors walked inside the room and served their freshly made meals. The Hot Chocolate had steam smoking out of its rich and creamy body whilst the Grilled Cheese had both the subtle aroma of the cheese and the burnt ashes of freshly pressed toast. They each had one of the two requested items. Samantha took a bite out of her sandwich, sipped her drink and maintaining a smile throughout her snacking.

"You know, whenever I feel anxious over something I always would go for a sandwich and drink like good old Grilled Cheese and Hot Choco." Samantha began to converse. "Which reminds me Miss Elf… may I get to know your name? It's awfully rude for me to just call you 'Elf'. You have a name, do you?" Samantha broke the ice by a simple question. The REAL questions will have to wait.

"Aliathra." She answered. The Lie Detector showed no signs of any abnormal activity in her readings which mean she is telling the truth that it is indeed her name. Taking the signal from both the friendly demeanor of the Red Headed Lieutenant and her own instincts, Aliathra took a bite of her food and drink. She gave an evanescent smile after tasting the warm meal on her tongue. It was a small glimmer of progress for now. Samantha must press forward.

Hoping to gain more ground in winning the Elf's trust. Samantha pushed away the table gently that had separated her and the Elf between a grey cold space. She needed to connect not only emotionally to her quarry but also physically.

"A-Lee-Ya-Fra… That's a beautiful sounding name." Samantha smiled. She slides off her chair closer to the Elf maintaining her eye contact and warming smile.

"It means 'Truthful Light' in Elven." She began to get out of her shell.

"That's sounds very nice to hear. Tell me… since your name sounds rather… scholarly. What do you think about this ship you are in?" Samantha challenged her.

"Well its like a boat made completely of metal. It could also fly into this… Black Space I saw." Aliathra answered hazily. Her Emotional Dam still holding firm what ever secret she has locked up inside her barely holding mind.

"That's because we are in the void of Outer Space. By my calculations we are about several light years away now from Gliesia." Samantha said.

"I am how far!?!?" Aliathra jumped from her seat spilling her hot chocolate on her robes.

"Oh no!" the Elf began to cry.

"Don't worry, let me clean that up for you." Samantha offered her a towel she kept on her pocket.

She proceeded to wipe off any of the excess spilt liquids from the Elf's roguish garments but the brown stains stick stubbornly at the cloth ruining its aesthetic value. Samantha had to admit, she only seen those types of Clothes before in those Medieval Fairs and Comic Book Conventions during her more innocent days as an adolescent youth.

"You must be scared of your first time on a Spaceship. A lot of my people have that experience before." Samantha consoled her. "Look at me. Take a deep breath and count one to ten slowly then imagine a drawing the number eight slowly. That always helps getting rid of your nervousness." She instructed.

Aliathra closed her eyes and inhaled. She counted to each number from one to ten for every time she can finish mentally visualizing the number '8' being slowly drawn. She opened her eyes and realized that her initial shock has initially died down to marginal deductions.

"You will get used to it Aliathra. It takes some time." She congratulated her.

"T-thank you… uh… uh…" the Elf tried to give her gratitude to the stranger but she wasn't able to give her name.

"Samantha. You can call me Samantha or just Sam." She said.

"Thank you, Samantha. I feel better now… a bit… but better." Aliathra said the Lieutenant's name.

"You know, your lucky we found you today than later. You looked like you haven't eaten anything for the past five days." Samantha said.

"I have been in the Demon World for only …Five Days?" Aliathra asked. He faced painted with astonishment.

"Demon World?" Samantha asked. An equal amount of surprise was also plastered in her emotions alongside the agape expressions of the Captain, Diaz and Obediah from behind the one-way mirror.

Did the Gliesians think that the UFE are Demons? How? Was it because of their incessant usage of metal which the Natives often associated the substance with an infamous Villain figure from their legend? Samantha could have sworn that when the Sailors apprehended Aliathra, she could have heard her say the word 'Alboen', they said 'Steel Butcher' who according to the legends was either someone who sold his soul to Demons or is a Demon himself.

"You must be mistaken. I am… we are not Demons." Samantha explained.

"But all of those metals��� your monsters… your magic… they… I … it defies all logic." Aliathra questioned.

"Well anything that's sufficiently advanced enough can be mistaken for Magic I can tell you that. Are you scared?" Samantha asked.

The Elf nodded quietly 'Yes', her face betrayed a sense of anxiousness that grew within her. She shivered and covered her knife tipped ears in fear of hearing the faint roar of the Spaceship's engine like a child who cowers under his bed when lightning strikes.

By empathizing with her, Samantha couldn't help but conclude that her seeing the UFE and all of their machines and equipment is akin to a child fearing rush and rumbling sounds of loud and giant equipment that with their scary shapes tore through the ground molding it into what they see fit.

"I can understand you. I was scared of them too once. Those 'beasts' or Machines we call them can look scary. Back when I was a child I would always hide under the table when they did their work. I would cry, scream among other things whenever I hear them." Samantha reminiscence her childhood.

"You say it like it no longer scares you anymore. How did you conquer that fear?" Aliathra asked.

"My father would gently pick me up from the table and held onto me tight while I cried. I would ask him 'Dad! Why do they destroy the dirt and make those noises?'. He answers to me 'You see my little red riding hood, they do that because they want to build something in its place. A house cannot stand without its foundation. The bigger the whole noise they make the bigger the house it will be.' He explained to me. In short, the more machines that do more of their job the bigger the place they can build it from." Samantha explained. A soft smile was made from the memory of her late father.

"What do you build? I have never seen nor heard of such architecture in all of Gliesia." Aliathra pressed. Her frightened demeanor lessened as she relaxed her posture, replacing her fear with curiosity.

"Many things that help us expand. Homes for people to live in, Farms to make our food, Schools for learning… we are all just like you but better." Samantha answered.

"But Demons… cannot create, just… destroy." Aliathra whimpered in befuddlement.

"Do you really think we are Demons? Why is that?"

"The Fallen Meteor… the Eye… it was just like what the Visions say. You even fit the legends, beings of Metallic Skin. We have to stop you from destroying us by destroying you." Aliathra explained.

"Eye? Fallen Meteor? What are you talking about? What do you mean by 'We'? Is there more of you?" Samantha zealously asked the Elf to explain her cryptic statement.

But the Elf sunk her head down in shame over the sudden sitting there silently… to scared to give up whoever her compatriots and masters were. Samantha knew that if she can crack who Aliathra answers to, she can strike a bargain with her in return for not being dragged away by the draconian Bureau of Intelligence.

"Hey Elfie… Aliathra look at me." Rose picked up her right hand and held it firmly with both of her hands. Their lithe feminine limbs connected with each other as Aliathra, astonished by Samantha's desire to connect empathetically with cause her to rise her head back up and looked at the red head with her own Ocean Blue eyes. If Rose's body clock can sense the time, Samantha knew that her limited time to get a confession was about from the Elven Intruder is almost up.

"There are people outside this room who will take you away and do horrible things to you if you don't cooperate." Samantha informed her.

"Then you are indeed Demons! I was almost about to be wrong about you. I thought you and Diaz were different." Aliathra scowled.

"But I can help you. Don't you want to see your home again? I am the only one who stands between you and a one-way ticket to Guantanamo Prison. And believe me, your too soft for Gitmo. If you tell me right now I can assure you that you will have safe passage back to Gliesia." Samantha answered.

But Aliathra continued to scowl silently at the betrayal of Samantha's Hospitality and Compassion. She couldn't believe that all of those small talk and casual chatting was just a way to degrade her resolve in order for the Metal Demon UFE's to siphon valuable information from her wayward mouth and naïve mind.

Then suddenly the door of the Interrogation room opened. It was the ship captain followed by two of his sailors that entered the room.

"Times up! Take her away." He coldly ordered his men.

The two sailors with there burly arms grabbed both of Aliathra's arms and lifted her up from her chair, spilling her half-consumed chocolate and sandwich as the Elf kicked and scream.

"No wait! I am so close!" Samantha protested.

"Too late Lieutenant. Men! Take her away!" the Captain shot her down.

Despair and hopelessness filled Aliathra as she struggled in vain to break free of her bonds. The sailors dragged her away from Samantha as they closed into the exit where her doom will be. As she was being carried away she looked at Rose again, to her bewilderment she saw a genuine sadness in her face as if she had failed her somehow. Her sullen eyes and a single tear escaping that trickled down her cheeks convinced the Elf that perhaps there was truth in what the red-haired Lieutenant said.

She advocated for their destruction yet all the times she has met the UFE, they showed nothing but kindness and even bravery. The time Diaz and Obediah saved her from the Seadevils was a selfless display of their willingness to protect strangers coupled by Obediah's Hospitality, Dr. Hana's Kindness and Samantha's Empathy for her was the exact opposite of what Demons would do.

In a slowly emergent moment of clarity, Aliathra remembers how concerned her parents were regarding the Humans and their vaguely prophetic visions of a coming 'End Days' where all of Gliesian Civilization would end by the hands of Outsiders. Was Grandmaster Owyne wrong about his prophecies? Aliathra reflected on the technological advancements they have and although the Tall Buildings of glass and steel were alien and not to her aesthetic affinity, she does appreciate how they can construct such large buildings in such a short period of time which was impressive to her standards, and it's hard to impress an Elf due to their well-established notions of technological and cultural superiority. Being on top of the food chain however can be boring and even stagnating.

The last great scientific breakthrough was through the discovery of mysterious Pre Cursor Ruins in the Southern Deserts of Ysanigrad which was sponsored by Ethuilen Archivists and Loremasters. Other than that, the constant warring amongst the peoples of her world compared to the relatively peaceful coexistence that the UFE Enjoy amongst themselves and the Tyr Rian populace which have begun grassroot projects to uplift them from their medieval stasis was an idea long thought impossible…


'All this time, I thought they were here for our destruction… maybe… just maybe… are we the Demons?'

"Wait!" she screamed right before she was about to exit the door.

The Captain halted his men giving the Elf her moment. She had nothing more to lose from then on, but yet, there was a faint hope that grew inside her that maybe, just maybe these 'Demons' are in fact 'Angels' in some sort of twistedly humorous reinterpretation of the Comet's Prophecies.

"I…its… it was Emperor Uldin… Slaegia." She answered.

Aliathra began to explain all the lingering questions that she was thrown at by Samantha. She told them how she was assigned by her people to assist the dominant Human civilization, the Slaegians in investigating the Geltagar's Comet's Omens (while omitting any fact that she is in fact the Crown Princess of the arcane bloodline of the Lareththor's ). She also informed them of the time they blinded 'the Eye' from seeing life on the planet.

"That must explain the missing probe!" Samantha exclaimed.

"Probe?" Aliathra asked.

"Like what you said, it's like a scout of sorts. An 'Eye' you keep insisting." The Lieutenant explained.

"And we were scouting out the ground that will be the location for the New Albany Colony." The Captain added.

"Then by your own logic, we didn't stop you from coming to Gliesia, we emboldened you!" the Elf realized. She cupped her cheeks and began to shed soft tears of lamentation. Weeping for the bleak future of her world.

"Don't be too hard on yourself Aliathra. You just had no idea." Samantha reassured her.

"It's just so satirical for me! An Elf of Alf-El Nora to be actually found in a state of callowness. We are supposed to be the greatest Keepers of Knowledge in the entire world!" she complained.

"From where we come from. That's a damn lie. You will always learn something new every day." Samantha crossed her arms.

"Well everybody from the Humans, the Dwarves, the Elves, the Orcs, the Dhampiri and even the Beast Folks are going to learn about you in the most blood spilling-inducing way possible." Aliathra warned. Her tone had an air of accusatory branding.

"Blood-spilling? We would never deliberately try to attack you unprovoked." Samantha defended her nation sternly with her feet put forward in the ground.

"I am not saying your people are psychopathic murderers if it's the Slaegians who are going to Crusade down to Tyr Rian in their desperate bid to stop the Apocalypse." Aliathra forenamed the big military plan the Empire is secretly concocting.

"Crusade? What Crusade?" Samantha's eyes widened.

"They are convinced you are the 'Metal Demons' of Alboen coming back to devour the world in Steel and Fire. They also think that Prince Clovich and the rest of his Principality have fallen into 'Corruption' by your hands." The Elf explained.

"My God if this is true… then I need to call some people quick! Captain, patch me to Inspector Leon Reid." Samantha requested.

"On it." The Captain ran out.

---------------------(Meanwhile back at New Albany Sherriff's Office) ---------------------

"I will see to it." Inspector Leon Reid nodded before disconnecting his Video Conference Screen.

The Inspector absorbed the sent off Lieutenant's latest findings which is the reason the Slaegians attacked them was that they somewhat mistaken the UFE Colony's Landing and foundation of New Albany to be the return of the 'Demons' that had once terrorized the planet hundreds of years ago. At first such a ridiculous statement would have been brushed off as deranged ramblings… but ever since the existence of Fantastical Creatures existing in Benham-3/Gliesia, such Fantasies might have to be considered as realities.

He walked out of the Communication's Room with the biggest yet most outlandish possible lead in this most convoluted case he has ever undertaken in his career as an Inquisitor of the Law.

An ex-Sherriff of a small colony town in one of the more under developed planets of the UFE Space, the Inspector throughout his 33-year long career was more used to the petty crime and civil squabbles your average backwater settlement would entail. He had never expected that instead of the usual desk jockeying and the typical petty crim case would be paranoid citizen living in fear of the new world the Colony has faced. There were many notable individuals who expressed concern over the fact instead of the expansive empty land that the UNOOSA claimed that Benham-3 entailed were now forced to co-exist with the natives who out of their own justified disbelief are straight out of Fantastical Pop Culture. The news of Magic (which the phenomena has been looking for a rational scientific explanation underway by Doctor Mahelona) existing has caused the ugly little monster known as 'Xenophobia' to take root among several residents such in the case of several businesses to refuse service to the Gliesians unless proven otherwise that they are not having any 'undesirable affinities'. The Inspector couldn't blame them for it, people will always fear what they could not understand.

Turning away from the Communications room, the Inspector quickly went back to his current work, interrogating the survivors of the ill-fated Slaegian attack on the Eastern Plans excavation. Now turned prisoners of war, Reid HAD a sizeable pool of interviewees to interrogate. Keyword 'HAD', the Prisoners have barely refused to eat nor drink anything for the past week and some have already died due to malnutrition. They have kept stalwart in only responding with their full names, military rank and no more but the former mentioned.

But now armed with Samantha's 'Demon Invasion' theory, the Inspector will try a new strategy.

Inside the storage room of the Sheriff's Department are the decorations for the various seasonal Earth Holidays that the Office would pain their workspace in the mood for. There were decorations for Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's, Labor Day, Foundation Day and most important of them all for Reid's unconventional interrogation strategy, Halloween Decorations. Scavenging through the dusty boxes, he looked for the one box that indicated its purpose for Halloween Décor until he hit the jackpot. He brought it out of the shadow if the shelf and lifted the flaps and began to unpack its contents.

"Where is it… Where… a ha!"

The Inspector pulled out the one item that could help him confirm Samantha's theory on the possible motive of the attack on the UFE that fateful day.

An adequately-made silicone Devil mask. It's crimson skin alongside its monstrous fangs and ebony finishing would make a perfect Demon disguise. He will take advantage of the Gliesian's superstitions if he has to get what he needs.

He tied around the crude plastic fasteners on his head and walked out of the storage room. After ignoring the perplexed gazes of his peers, he made his way to the Interrogation room where his latest attempt on extracting information from was held.

A Vobrirne Bruncay, a regular foot soldier of the 8th Eastern Legion based in Tyr Rian who had the unfortunate fate of being capture by the UFE and taken with his fellow surviving comrades blindfolded to the Holding Cells deep underground of the Sheriff's Department. Throughout their imprisonment they were quiet and selfishly neglected virtually all food passed to them that the rotten stench of expired nourishment could be scented inside their dark dingy cell.

Vobrirne, arms bound on the arm rests of his chair sat quietly inside the single lit Interrogation Room. His head was lowered down and his eyes closed as the keenest observes can examine that his mouth was murmuring an unintelligible tongue like if he is praying to whatever heathen god/s he worships.

In his own bubble of comprehension, it seems like the Slaegian was dragged to the darkest pit of Hell where the punishment is the silent and eternal separation from any form of graceful salvation from his god/s.

Reid, wanting to exploit playing into the Gliesian's superstitions began to beat with palm of his hands the steel door of the cell. In the rhythm of menacing ambient rhythm, the poor prisoner was broken out of his placid state as he was alarmed by the dreadful beats. Vobrirne's eyes began to express panic as he sweated bullets down his malnourished and pale face.

Gently pushing the door open, Reid, under the cover of the dim shadows that the lights couldn't reach began to, in a rather amateurish display, careened intimidatingly towards the prisoner with explosive steps and misshapen positionings of his body. It worked like a charm as his target was now trembling in fear.

"Why hello there… Vobrirne…" Reid provocatively introduced his bedeviling persona. He stepped into the ceiling light with the Halloween Mask on his face.

"No! No! No! You are him, aren't you?!?! Nenya protect me!" the prisoner cried.

Reid faked a sinister laugh, mocking the man for crying out to his deaf deity.

"Oh Human… Humie, Humie, Human… she cannot hear you…" Reid leaned on Vobrirnes ears and whispered with graceful manipulation of the prisoners degrading mental defences.

"I know your name demon! Stand back and face the Holy Ones wrath." He pulled out a last ditched effort to protect his still untainted mind. His heart began to race yet his posture betrayed fear as he shivered upon Reid's clever disguise.

By the Inspector's intuition, if knowing the name of the Demon is such an important thing to know when facing them, then perhaps such in the similar vein of Horror Movies whose themes

"You claim to know me yet do not bother to say my name. Even in Hell this is rude." The inspector refuted. Although he doesn't know the demon who he is impersonating's name, it would help if he gets to know who he is impersonating just for the sake of knowledge of it or its just his own intrusive curiosity of the culture of the Gliesians that teased the inner Fantasy Nerd within the Inspector.

"I might as well devour you whole!" Reid curled his arms to shape them into claws to shock his mark into thinking he is about to eat him.

"Stand back Orchedran, Horned Defiler of Souls!" Vobrirne yelled.

"Ah! You… You… You…" Reid recoiled backwards feigning injury by placing his hands on his breasts as if he were suffering a critical Heart Attack. Yet the prisoner continued to be fooled, he heartened himself thinking that he could overcome this trial of faith.

"You… are such a pathetic fool!" he turned back up from his wounded gazelle gambit and diabolically moved up close to Vobrirne, dropping his hands on the Arms rest and his masked face just a mere inch away from the prisoner. The Slaegian's heart plummeted to dangerous levels as all of his hopes were dashed by his insidious interrogator.

"All hope is lost for my soul… but not for the nation…" he sunk his head down… his body slowly shutting down by the extraneous pressure that the Inspector pushed him to.

It was the emotional opening that the Inspector needed to breakthrough. Reid has to capitalize this opportunity now before it slips from his fingers. A grossly malnourished man when put under heavy exertions of stressful activity… like mentally offensive torture could spell potentially fatal results.

"You sound like you still cling to a few scraps of Hope… the quintessential Human Delusion. Already that emotion is overwhelming your logic and reason." Reid grinned.

"When Slaegia and all the Forces of Order descend upon you from the Cambervale Valley to the west… we will Purify Slaegia of your retched filth mark my words." Vobrirne swore.

"Again, you demonstrated both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. Hope, which is blinding you from the simple truth. They will be crushed and there IS NOTHING that anyone can do to stop it."

Oh, how the Inspector loves to quote the Matrix. The Architect was just one of the most compelling one scene wonders in film that Reid had savored through the Classical movie archives online.

"You are wrong Demon. We have studied your kind before and we have been exceedingly well in banishing you to whence you came Hell Spawn. I may perish here in this Abyss… but my faith is resolute. My brothers will descend down from the valley to surround you, then their Blessed Arms will come for you and we will beat back the darkness and cancel the End Times! We protect the burning light of Civilization that had brought order from this pandemonium that Mother Nenya in all of her love created… it is finished…" the man collapsed as he faded into an anorexic collapse.

Reid quietly walked out of the single lit room with his mission accomplished whilst an emergency paramedic rushed to the aid of the dying Legionnaire.

"You know, you're lucky that the Gliesians aren't part of the Geneva Convention Inspector." Colonel Polonsky said. He awaited alongside with his colleague Major Holyfield outside of the door the Inspector exited from.

"But now this case is moving much faster now. I commend for your rather… unconventional method of questioning. Tell me, what did Prisoner #785AWN said again about seeing us as 'Demons'." Holyfield commented on Reid's mask.

Taking off the Halloween Mask, Reid inhaled as he readied himself to speak his findings.

"From what I have gathered, these Slaegians have prophesized some sort of future where bring out some sort of Apocalypse upon them. They see us as these 'Demons' coming to destroy their civilization in 'Fire and Steel' kind of talk. They also have taken our probe that we had sent during the scouting stage of the Colonization effort and fooled with some sort of Illusion spell to think that Gliesia is empty of any souls to eat." Reid reported with Lieutenant Roses findings.

"I got the news from Stryder Group. She didn't explain though how she got the information but judging from what I heard with the Prisoner, the Theory might actually be on point." Polonsky nodded.

"I can agree to that." Holyfield added.

"Yes, talk about such a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy you know. If they hadn't tried to blind side the Probe we wouldn't have been here like this." Reid said.

"Indeed. But now to more pressing concerns. That Prisoner said that the Slaegian Army is gathering in some sort of place called the Cambervale Valley and unfortunately we do not know where that place is." Polonsky regrettably answered.

"Maybe there's some people back in Tyr Rian that knows where it is." Polonsky said.

"Then I will leave for the city at once." Reid saluted the two commanders before turning tail and heading off to his car.

"Wait before you go… can you stop by and check on Father Bishop?" Holyfield asked of the Inspector.

"Why? He is there?"

"On a 'Hearts and Minds' in Tyr Rian. I heard he's been teaching basic education to people about us and our knowledge but some of the local powers down there see him as… 'Radical'. ONOOSA is growing concerned for his safety." Holyfield answered. "He should be in somewhere inside that Dwarf Lutheor Mirrien's Trading Company HQ." the Major directed.

"I'll stop by." Reid acknowledged.

"Godspeed to you." Polonsky waved the Inspector off.

The two commanders turned around and walked together back to their Command Center. But on the way, Major Holyfield whispered to Colonel Polonsky.

"I want to understand from you Militia Man, did you understand clearly what that prisoner said?"

"War is most likely inevitable with these Slaegians at this rate. What do we do?" Polonsky asked.

"Two things, we Organize and Dig in." he sternly advised. Both the commanders gulped apprehensively at the mere thought of a war with a Medieval Empire.

Although the UFE has the Technological and in some way a Homefield Advantage, what the Slaegians make up for their lack of guns is there potentially massive manpower pool that they can tap into. And that's not accounting the unknown factors of Magic which is still being carefully studied by the Science Team asymmetrically speaking to the Gliesians much more studied research on the Unbinillium Mana Crystals and their arcane powers.

---------------(About a few days later at the Orbit of the Industrial Planet Kesserheim)------

Aliathra stared in awe at the brightly lit surface of the dark side of the planet Kesserheim. The surface was brightly lit with thousands of dots of lights that come from the sprawling Megapolises that dotted the planet. After changing her stained Elven Ranger clothes with a more down to earth casual shirt.

She sweated slightly nervously as she could feel the gravity of the ship shift downwards as it makes it descent to the planet.

"Don't worry Pointy Ears your going to love it here once you get off of the ship." Diaz walked in next to her.

He was smiling like an excited child whilst his Cybernetic arms twinkled with delight. In an unusual way. Aliathra found the metallic fingers, who in such life like imitations to the real living tissue ones to be delightful like seeing new born pups making their first steps into their new lives.

"Your very ecstatic to be here. Why is that?" Aliathra asked.

"I… used to live here." Vincent replied.

"Really? Tell me what is the place like? How long will we be here?" the Elf asked.

"About 7 days." Diaz answered. "Will you be staying in ship or are you going to go with Samantha?"

"I rather actually see this than stay in the ship. But why can't I come with you?" the elf asked, perplexed by Diaz evasive grammar.

"I got some business to attend to for Sammy. I can't let you come. But it will only take a while. If you like after I am done I can take you around with Kayin and Iris."

"With the Vampire? Can you trust her?"

"With our lives." He leaned over the Elf's shoulder sternly. "But then again, after all of this work we gotta do we can play around for a while. I can show you the Shopping Streets, the fine restaurants and to end it all, a visit to Cabihan Gardens to stop and see the flowers. Your gonna love it there believe me." Diaz smiled.

"Are you… courting me?" Aliathra asked.

"Yeah… somewhere in between a yes and a no. I just really love to be in the company of beautiful women such as you." Diaz flirted.

"Well I am flattered to join you later on your expedition. Good luck with that business you have to do."

The landing was smooth and methodical as the Captain of the Manila safely landed the Logistical Ship at one of Kesserheim's Starports, one designated for Military Vessels. Samantha had to steward their 'Official' Gliesian guests when they grew concerned over their first-time flying concerns. The Lieutenant expertly expounded their guests about how their 'Meta Boats' worked with Antimatter Engines which can propulse their ships at great distances in such a short amount of time. Princess Aria and her entourage were shocked to hear that in terms of distance using the approximate sizing measures of Gliesia, they are about several trillion Benham-3's away from home. She had to console the young girl on being such an exponential distance away from her brother and country.

"Remember, you are on a mission princess. To prove to your brother as an act of Goodwill that we the United Federation of Earth are your friends. Don't you want to see your brother Happy when you can finally walk? Us being friends we can perform wonders together almost like miracles." Samantha said.

The princess wiped away her tears softly as she rose up from her knelt position.

"You are right… I have… gone too far to give up now." Aria courageously said.

"Indeed, we all are Milady." Samantha bowed down to the royal.

"You would make an excellent Courtier in another life." The Princess smiled. "Where did you learn such manners?" she asked.

"From some experts on Royals like Tolkien, George R.R. Martin and C.S. Lewis to name a few." Samantha answered.

"Well I hope these Manners Experts come to Gliesia one day and teach the Peasant folks how to be decent with one another." She eagerly requested.

"Yeah… I'll see what I can do about that. No guarantees that the UFE can bend over for you… THAT far." Samantha chuckled at Aria's ignorance.

"We should wait here for our Bus to arrive. It will take us to the Orchard District where the people who will make Princess Aria walk again live and work in." Samantha told the Gliesians who were all eager to venture forth in one of the UFE's most economically important planets in their empire.

They oozed with anticipation after learning of the fantastical technologies and 'Magic' that the UFE are capable of harnessing with ease. For people born from a Medieval Castle town where water, food and other basic necessities are enslaved to the whims of nature and human hubris, it was like they just entered to the Gates of Heaven itself.

But that can't be the same said for Diaz, Kayin and Iris who were just told that Starport Luggage handlers couldn't find their belongings in the ship's containers.

Although not initially understanding the distress, Aliathra approached the Cybernetic Filipino. She didn't any money, or other valuables due to them being confiscated and she would only get them back when she returns home to Gliesia.

"What's wrong?" Aliathra approached Vincent.

"My stuff… my stuff…" Diaz murmured.

"Don't forget ours too." Kayin and Iris said.

"My God if its somewhere else but here then its going to be like finding a Hay in a Needle Stack!" Diaz exclaimed.

"That's sounds painful to just dive into a Needle Stack. But I would actually love to see you bleed a bit for some of that blood of yours." Iris snarked.

"No, he didn't mean that literally Snow. It's metaphor." Kayin said. He invented the nickname for Iris due to his trouble pronouncing her Codename 'Sacagawea'.

"He won't dive in? Shame I actually wanted to have a taste of him." Iris sulked.

"What is a Me-ta-fore?" Aliathra asked.

"It's like a figure of speech. An analogy to describe something but not in a literal sense. When I said finding a Hay in Needle Stack, I was describing the painful search of looking for my belongings in a pile of other people's bags. I mean there's millions of them!" Diaz exclaimed.

"Oh, I see… like those Bards would sometimes say. I remembered this one time the Bard's who would sing back at my Father's home during parties. They would sing to the maidens on 'how the doors to their souls is a great poem of radiance'." She poetically recited.

"That's a good one." Kayin smiled. "I got another… this one is coming from my mother… Iris be ready to listen to this. 'You learn more when you lose then when you win.'." he said.

"What do you mean by that one?" Iris asked.

"Well if I hadn't beaten you in that fight we had when we first met you wouldn't have known about us and now look at you! From a Reclusive Witch to one of the most important Experts on Gliesia." He said.

"And also, I would have never met you…" Kayin gently brushed some ill positioned hair from Iris that had fallen down her forehead.

The Vampire could feel butterflies in her stomach as the Nigerian Engineer curled his hand around her gently. The man, her 'Nightman' had been pushing to be nice around her and whenever she had a question about the UFE's Technology and superior Knowledgeable awareness of the many mysteries of how the world works by carefully explaining all the details in a natural and almost childlike use of grammar during his tutoring. unlike those scholars who lock themselves in their opulent academies where they speak in tongues alien to the common words everyday people would use. She had loved every moment of being with Kayin whether it's through his unofficial tutoring sessions and more personal casual conversations. The Vampire couldn't believe now that she is actually developing more… intimate feelings for 'the Nightman'.

"Excuse me… Diaz… Vincente Diaz?" a sharply dressed man approached the four. He was accompanied by half a dozen or more men behind him in similar clothing. Yet their Elegant Clothes that could give an image of professionalism was betrayed by their gun holsters that the men sported openly on their torsos ranging from Shotguns, Rifles and Pistols. Their faces were uncannily sober with their eyes pointing to Diaz, Aliathra, Kayin and Iris with dagger like malice.

At a glance, it was a menacing scene of intimidation. They were all unarmed and out of money to pay off these thugs away.

Elf shook in fear at the sight of these men, afraid they might hurt her in her Mana-Deprived state which she has noticed within herself sometime after being stowed away inside the Spaceship earlier. Her spells began to fizzle out or 'Miscasted' due to not enough Mana she could siphon off. They could easily have their way with her if they forced themselves upon them with their guns and brutish Mechanically augmented body parts.

"I am scared…" the Aliathra shivered.

"Stay behind me and don't say anything." Diaz whispered to her as she shielded herself behind Diaz's body.

"Who are they?" Kayin asked.

"We are Aparo Corp. Madame." The mysterious man unsheathed his pistol and cocked it to be ready to fire at a squeeze of the trigger.

"My Colleagues… everyone…" Diaz confessed.