Of Megacorps, Modernity and 'Life'

"Hello again Diaz." A man pointing a .45 Pistol in Diaz, Aliathra, Kayin and Iris' general direction affably greeted.

It didn't also help the fact that several of his associates also aimed, yet discreetly to not avoid a scene in the public Starport Terminal, their weapons to multiply the amount of force they can apply on them.

If Diaz could remember his old boss' M.O. when it comes diplomacy:

'Speak softly and carry a big or a lot of sticks.'.

Aliathra hid behind Kayin and Iris fearing the worst after her harrowing time being stowed away in nearly driven mad with the isolation and all of the 'Demonic Corruption' dismissed as severe case of 'Hysteria plus Clarke's Third Law' according to Lieutenant Rose. Kayin shielded the blonde-haired elf as he stoically stared down on their hostile welcoming party. Even Iris took up a faint combative stance, ready to unleash all sorts of magical missiles at them if they dare twitch their trigger fingers.

"Well if ain't 'Dare Runner'. How's your little exile going on?" the lead gun man asked Diaz.

He was a stout man in an intricately designed polo shirt that was completely unbuttoned to expose his sleeveless undershirt beneath it. His hair was slicked backwards creating a low dropping fade lined up to create a shiny top for the semi-well-dressed man.

"All sorts of crazy shit, some usual some you won't believe." Diaz answered.

"You know we have all been in this business for years Vinny. Try us." He challenged his disbelief.

"Well there I was in shitty Prison Garments and all of a fucking second there's some crazy Harry Potter shit flying around me. Then I got conscripted, saw some more crazy Harry Potter shit and…" Diaz tried to explain briefly the events that transpired before his arrival until the soft click of a cocked pistol alerted his ears.

Now he is staring down the dark empty barrel of a .45 ACP pistol.

"You expect me to think after all this time since you left which is, I don't know… 3 Months, you come back here and save the day?" he told threatened him.

"Whoa, what the hell happened when I was gone?" Diaz defused the slowly escalating tensions.

"Ever since you got booked the other gangs and Corpos been trying to muscle in now that one of Aparo's best men just got out of the equation." One of the triggermen said.

"Damn… 3 Months and all already the competition is stepping up? Was I really that important?" Diaz asked again the lead triggerman.

"Pretty much. But that's besides the point boy." He said before slowly asserting himself forward and pushing his pistol closer to Diaz's forehead.

"You now work for the Federation now, conscripted or not. A likely story. How can we trust you? I mean Harry Potter? That old fucking kiddie book? So, you saw what? Dragons, fancy shmancy lasers and unicorns? I call bull shit on that." The trigger man said. His finger began to slowly inch towards the hair trigger of his pistol ready to blow the Penal Soldier's head clean off.

For the Kayin, Iris and Aliathra, the situation couldn't get any worst, their sweat began to trickle down their foreheads as the two female magic users in instinctual self-preservation conjured their magic gradually ready to reign fire down on the triggermen. But Diaz smiled comfortingly to them in contrast

"Would you dare say that when I am holding this?" Vincent said as he held up a white colored smartphone from his hand.

Kayin observed keenly that the device is not Diaz's own Smart Phone.

The Leader's eyes widened with alarmed as he quickly checked his pockets until he reached out an revealed to his hands to everyone's horror… a grenade with the pin removed.

"Shit!" the man reactively yelled as he threw the grenade away from them. In a panic motion, everyone quickly ducked in cover as they covered their ears for the grenade to explode. Except for Diaz who was standing confidently at the same position with a prideful grin painted on his lips.

"Relax Bobby, that's a dud. A training grenade." Dias defused. "Besides, I needed to get back on your fat Italian on that Tic Tac Prank you did to me." he scolded.

"But that was three years ago! You still never forgave me for that April Fool's prank I did?" 'Bobby' question back.

"Relax, no one is supposed to get hurt today. I know the Master wants to see Iris and the crystal on my little bag righty here." Diaz waved around the briefcase containing the Unbinillium sample.

"You know could have done anything but make me play hot potato with… that's a Gen.5 Mili-Tech Frag I see… or a Model at least." Bobby said wistfully, as if disappointed.

"Hey, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby… Don't worry about that… that one maybe a dud, but these…" Diaz unzipped his jacket to reveal a whole cluster of Mili-Tech Gen. 5 Fragmentation Grenades.

"…these aren't." Diaz smiled.

"Hahaha! Classic Dare Runner! You didn't change one bit." One of the trigger men laughed.

"Holy Shit! Do you know how much the boss has been pestering everyone to get their hands on those shits? They've been stepping up in the security lately and we thought it was too late to grab'em when they were being shipped out for deployment to the Military." Bobby said in astonishment.

"How did you managed to get them from the Armory?" Kayin asked frustratingly.

Earlier during the trip, Kayin helped the Sailors inside the ship secure a batch of next generation Military Gear from the Mili-Tech Corporation

"Oh, that's actually very interesting story to say. But a good magician never reveals his secrets. But since I am your friend I might as well tell you a bit of how I did it. Pornhub, a Glass of Lemonade and a smashed bottlecap. I have seen Sikh Grocery Stores with better security than that Armory." Diaz explained with a hint of sarcasm as he passed over the bleeding edge weapons technology to Bobby before cordially slamming his hand behind Bobby's back and shoulder in a display of fraternity.

"This Fatty right here is Robert or Bobby to his close friends, 'Chef' Bianchin." Diaz introduced his colleague to his companions.

"Ah… pleasure to meet you mister… Bee-yan-kin." Aliathra mustered the courage to emerge from Kayin's back and shook the hands of the stout man with gentle grace.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Iris." Robert said.

"But I am Iris." Iris interjected.

"What? You're the Witch girl the reports have been saying?" Robert exclaimed.

"Yeah the black haired one is Iris and this is… uhm… Aliathra. An Elf girl that we… eh… brought along…" Diaz explained sheepishly.

"I was only told that a Magical Lady from that Benham-3 Planet is coming here to meet the Boss. Damn, that leak must have been way off." Robert said.

"Leak? What leak?" Diaz asked.

"Keep this between us. Some Hackers managed to breach through the UFE Military Comms and got some word around about an 'Iris' coming here to meet with Boss Aparo and that you, Diaz is coming. All the gangs and Corpos paid a fortune to get what data they managed to decrypt. But the Net Runners only managed to get only fraction of the whole email out." Robert whispered to him.

"Damnit, Well I am only going to be here for awhile though. Let's get it over with." Diaz replied.

"Wonderful! Please everyone, come in here to this Limousine." Robert waved his hands backwards to point to the elongated vehicle.

The other men, now relieved of any form of worry, retreated back to a small escort flotilla of Luxury SUV's behind the Limousine and revived the roar of their engines. The sudden sound of such a mechanical beast reminded Aliathra of the roars of Manticores and other similar perilous beasts that roam the wilderness of Gliesia.

"What a long carriage." Aliathra commented.

"Well you will love the inside of it too my lady." Robert smiled.

"Oh, you are too kind." The Elf politely blushed.

The four entered the Limo and comfortably sat down on the luxury leather seats that the vehicle had implanted on its passenger compartment. The Limousine Interior was in a powerful coat of black, there was a small refrigerator that stored drinks alongside glasses meant for a variety of alcoholic drinks ranging from Beer Mugs, Wine Glasses and Shots. Alongside that is a 24 Inch Plasma TV that can display in 4K graphical settings on all TV Channels under the UFE Sun complete with a Theater Style sound system.

"Driver… take us home." Robert ordered pulled down the Driver's compartment window.

After taking it back up the window to ensure their privacy, Robert reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of chilled Red Wine and five Wine Glasses.

"So please, entertain me this moment Iris. Is it true based on Dare Runner's accounts that you are… a 'Witch'?" Robert asked as he poured a couple of milliliters of Cabernet Sauvignon on to Iris' cup.

"That is correct my dear. I am a Witch in practice of the arts of the School of Destruction, Enchantments and Conjuration." Iris answered.

"Well, Miss Cadohagan, I believe you know a little bit of why you are here now. But not even one of our best Field Operatives of our Company can fully explain to you the sheer magnitude of Aparo Corp. so now takes this opportunity to ask several questions, because Diaz here can be rather 'distracting' in his conversations." He slightly snarked at Vincent.

"It's just muscle memory Robert. I wouldn't be here today if I couldn't be a bit… 'bipolar'." Diaz shrugged.

"How Large is your company of yours and Diaz really is?" Iris fired her first question.

"Aparo Corporation is the third largest Mega Corporation in all of the United Federation of Earth. We specialize in building Industrial Equipment, Pharmaceutical…"

"Pharmaceutical?" Iris interrupted with a question to an unknown word.

"Medicine and Doctor equipment. You know Diaz's Augmentations? The artificial metal looking stuff he has all over him. Yeah that's our work." Robert Answered.

"And I can't wait to get this piece of shits out of me. I need some REAL power." Diaz commented as he one shotted his Red Wine down his throat.

"Back to what I am saying, Pharmaceuticals and Civilian grade Weapons." Robert said. "Is there anything you would like to ask?"

"I got one more, why is Diaz so… Roguish?" Iris asked.

"Roguish?" Robert replied with a single word question, bamboozled and gashed by such an armor piercing question of Aparo Corps more 'Unethical Business Practices'. Even Vincent himself could feel his artificial heart fidget.

"Well you see, we can be very competitive but its only because our rivals here are just as equally… 'competitive'." Robert tried to tactfully deflect Iris statement.

Aliathra meanwhile sat quietly on her part of the Limousine however, her sensitive instincts could feel the intentional sidetracking of Robert's statements about the humanoid abomination that is Vincent Diaz, a man who insists he's alive yet deep down, what forms a human is not been molded by the warm caring hands of the Creator Mother but through cold Machines produced in mass quantities and putting a price tag on such gifts of life. It honestly made her feel disgusted yet she was equally as curious on how such artificial creations made from the ores of rocks and the blood of trees can imitate life in such a detailed manner so indistinguishable from the genuine counterparts.

Yet such existential philosophical conundrums can easily hurt the young Elven Princess turned spy from her fish out of water experience in another world. She looked over to the window of the car and quietly observed the myriad alien objects that flew pass her. She saw great tall trees made of the reflective surface of glass that reminded her of the graceful architecture the Elven Spires would incorporate in their cities, although in her case usually due to the limitations of raw materials and man power output, such a project would only entail once, but in Kesserheim they were all everywhere as common as trees to a forest. What also dazzled her were the thousands upon thousands of moving bright images of people, foods and other objects that advertised their businesses upon the walls of said glass spires.

Yet most disturbing for her were the people. Men, Women and even Children walked the Kesserheim Streets dressed in all sorts of apparel. They wore a huge variety of clothes of differing fabrics from soft cotton to tough tanned leather which looked worn out compared to the more refined cotton ones which came in clothes of sleek black or creamy white. Yet despite their humanoid shapes, what the Elf found uncanny were the large discolorations and anomalous bumps found scattered among their bodies. Each person had a differing Cybernetic Augmentation ranging from the simple limbs all the way to the more complex Optical Eyes. For a devotee of the Creator Mother Neneth, they were all mockeries of natural creation yet somehow, the more the White Mage observed the mechanical body parts, the more she thinks that they were not abominations but nigh perfect imitations, or even superior copies of the real thing if the way how these Augs made people like Diaz perform superhuman feats. But what horrified her more is that she also remembers Diaz mentioning of 'Getting better Augs' when they arrive back in Aparo Corp. Headquarters. Just what could be even better than superhuman agility from Diaz or Herculean Strength from Crocker (whom Diaz and Kayin would often tease behind the Brit's back with his cockney accent).

"We are here. Pull up now." Robert pulled down the driver window and ordered.

The Limousine parked in front of a large opulent tower in the middle of a very affluent commercial district filled with classy restaurants, houte couture boutiques and luxurious condos.

For Kayin, when he thinks about his Squad mate Diaz, this was expected from the Mega corps. Controlling the UFE Economy from their hi sprawling buildings. Money? they don't need to worry about it. People? their very names alone can rally people behind their domains. Power? They are Power.

It was always about Power, Money and People to the Corpo's. They were practically overflowing with excesses of all three. Just a phone call, word or even a simple finger point and the economy shifts, or an Army can be deployed, or a troublesome individual becomes 'Incapacitated'. Just the unscrupulous thoughts of what the Corpo's are capable off doing made Kayin feel uneasy and sick to his stomach. But in the end, Corpo's are a necessary evil if things back in New Albany, Gliesia are to be developed into a thriving extension of the UFE Reach through the stars. So many untapped resources like the unknown but possible unlimited potential of the Element-120 a.k.a Unbinillium or 'Mana Crystals' might be just what the colony needs to get some much-needed development.

"This better go our way…" Kayin spoke to himself as he grabbed the briefcase containing the Mana Crystal sample from Dr. Mahelona and exited the vehicle.

Diaz felt like he could kiss the opulent Kesserheim air with open arms as he was finally back in more familiar grounds. Excitement rolled into his smile as he turned to Aliathra.

"You are going to love it here Elfie. Once this is all done, I can take you to a nice restaurant and even a boutique to get rid of those… dirty rags you have there. Zara, Marks and Spencer's or maybe Dior. I guarantee your going to love every thing there." He said to her.

"Your so very kind to me with such lavish gifts. But may I ask why?" Aliathra asked. She was never so sure why such an afront metallic parody of a living thing can be so attractive to a serene Elven Maiden such as herself let alone an Elven Princess.

"Well you see… you're such a pretty girl and all… and then there's that thing that happened to you back in the ship and I just wanted to make it up to you. I hate it you know when… people… like a beautiful thing such as yourself go red teary eyed all over me. It gets me weak." Vincent blushed at her response… before barely returning his own.

An Adorkable moment for Diaz that Robert and even Kayin, who shared a minor disdain for Mega Corps couldn't help but crack a small grin to see Vincent in a position like that. It was indeed a moment of weakness for such a Byronic individual.

"Well, I have no reason to refuse and you are indeed correct, I could use some new clothes." Aliathra nodded. Before the group was ushered inside the Aparo Corp. HQ urgently by the security guards but not before Diaz pumped his elbow backwards in a silent triumphant 'Yes! Score!' feeling in his heart.

The entrance to the Corporate Headquarters were of a Classical Roman architecture, with marble floor made out of the company's colors of black and gold which swirled itself into its solidified form like two contrasting colored flavors of ice cream that have melted and allowed to collide with one another. The next there were the Corinthian Order columns that are more of a decorative item than having any form of functional purpose. Complementing the Classical themes of the reception hall was several vases of flowers and classical statuettes in blank white color.

Iris was heavily impressed by the elegant change of aesthetics. She could almost feel reeled in by the pretty roses that dotted the flower vases but as she went up for a closer look, she realized that the flowers were fake and didn't have even soil underneath the vase's cavity.

"Quite beautiful isn't its Iris?" Kayin asked her.

"I am just disappointed by the fake flowers here." Iris sulked.

"I just hope you don't get hurt or worse while we're here." Kayin said.

"Why hold such concern on yourself? Is it maybe because of me?" Iris questioned back with a flirty tone.

"No, it's not you its them. Aparo Corp., you can never be safe with these Corpo's. They are profiteers above all else. They won't hesitate to do 'unsavory' acts just to be able to make a penny more for their pockets. At worst, this Don Aparo might try to cheat his way for a deal that only makes him win and us lose and at worst, some 'Private Time' with you in exchange for investment alms." Kayin warned.

"So, YOU DO care for me." Iris called the Nigerian out.

"Yyy-Nn—Yes… just let's get this over… with now." Kayin deflected

"Mr. Mudwin, you know I will remember that forever you know?" the Vampire Witch smiled as they boarded the Elevator.

It had a glass framed window that shows the headquarters luxurious welcoming hall from the outside and its marble floored reflected the noon sun that shined down on them. The Lift soon got to work as it closed the door and immediately the machine's pulley systems spun to life as they were raised up to the ground. Aliathra, was caught unprepared by such a sudden burst of climbing force that she fell down bottom first to the ground slightly jolting her tailbone.

"Careful there! We got a long way up to go." Diaz gave out his hand pulled the Elf Maiden up.

Touched by the gentlemanly gesture Aliathra took the Cyborgs hand, her lithe fingers bade contact with the cold metal synthetics of the Kesserheim Native. She still had trouble balancing herself up but as she regained her footing, she accidentally pushed her body close to Diaz's chest awkwardly cupping her hand on his breast. In contrast to the cold surfaces of his skin, his torso and core were warm to the touch like a furnace being burnt brightly within him. Aliathra's cheeks reddened as she recoiled back. She cannot believe that she, a Practitioner of the Magical Winds of Life and devotee of the Creator Mother is slowly falling for a Metal 'Abomination'. Was it because it almost perfectly replicated a Human which shared many physiological properties with Elves?

"You can save that for later baby. Once we are done, you're going to… okay, I got no fucking flirty catchphrases… I am so used to just insulting people who aren't me you know?" he laughed.

The elevator rang a sharp bell indicating that the Lift has arrived at its destination, Don Aparo's Rooftop Penthouse and Office. They promptly stepped out of the elevator and laid their feet on the Don's domain. It was a radically different set up compared to the reception hall that instead of Classical Décor it was more of a mix up of Modern Interior Architecture with several out of place decorations from all over the old Earth World like Medieval Armor, a Chinese Lion, an Arabian Carpet, Japanese Calligraphy Portrait next to a Zen Garden and a Fountain.

"Sir Diaz. It's pleasure to see you again. And Oh… you brought friends with you. I love meeting new people." A pure white fresh-faced woman in a maid uniform approached the new arrivals said.

She was remarkably humanoid in shape when Aliathra observed her in face value. But a closer expectation of her was an Uncanny Valley that made the Elf feel suspicious.

"Oh no… your dress." The Maid said as she gently grasped Aliathra's ragged adventuring garments.

The moment her fingers touched the Elf, Aliathra soon realized why she felt such suspicion. When her body made contact with hers, she couldn't detect any kind of life force within her. Unlike Diaz who has a faintly human physiology, the Maid had electrical veins that coursed around her body made of copper and she didn't have a heartbeat for she was kept alive through a large container filled with even more veins that were bundled up together by an equally electrical liquid.

The Elf recoiled back, her eyes widened with subtle horror leaving the inhumanoid maid confused.

"You don't want to have your clothes mended Miss?" the Maid asked.

"Uh, my friend is a bit of a Country Mouse I'm afraid. Not use to seeing Androids around." Diaz intervened. "Just take us to where Master Aparo is right now please." He asked her.

"I see. The Master is at his office like he has always been Sir Diaz. Follow me." the Android Maid told everyone.

They followed her through the Penthouse making pass even more luxurious furniture and other more exotic adornments that for both of the two Gliesian natives were downright Palatial in terms of living conditions. Don Aparo was both living and maintaining such a home that his power and influence can be easily compared to Kings. He even towers above the commoners with his Rooftop Penthouse giving one of the best mountainous view of his side of Kesserheim within a 60 Mile Radius.

"He's here." The Android maid told everyone as she led them to a grand 15 feet tall black door with golden outlining.

The Robot pushed opened the doors and lead the group inside Aparo's Office. It was spacious with only a few scattered objects occupying the room. It was humble looking in terms of materials being laid out compared to the rest of the Penthouse. There was a desk at the far side of the office with an office chair set facing a large screen filled with light that projected holographic numbers that randomly climb up or down in quantities.

The group sat down on a group of chairs that the office had provided near Aparo's Desk, Kayin concernedly grasped the Unbinilium Briefcase nervously as the office chair rotated 180 degrees to face them.

"My Dare Runner… you walk up back here to Kesserheim with such the most outlandish things you know?" Don Aparo said.

To Kayin's surprise, instead of a sharply dressed man in a nice suit. Don Aparo was instead in his bathrobes while wearing a pair of Pajama Bottoms underneath it. His silver hair rather than slicked back was wet with his locks shinning and forming sticky strands. It made him less intimidating that Kayin could expect.

"Did I caught you in a bad time Boss?" Diaz asked.

"No, its just that I was rather lazy today. My Doc's say that I need to let it go after some troubles happened when you were gone." Don Aparo answered.

"What kind of troubles?" Vincent asked further.

"Bianchin will fill you in the details later. But right now, let's head straight to business, shall we?" Aparo cut to the chase.

"I don't like the way he looks but I love the way he talks Kayin." Iris whispered to him.

"I heard that… Vampire." Don Aparo told her alarming Iris. "But I do not care if you drink blood for a literal living. What I am here for is something else. But first, please Miss Cadohagan, do you know why you are here?" Aparo asked.

"I… uhm… here to…" Iris stuttered.

"Come on let it out." Aparo said calmly and patiently but it could easily be reinterpreted as a very capricious aura of arbitration for the Vampire Witch.

"You're an unholy creature!?!?" Aliathra suddenly stood up and prepared her hands with a conjured spell of 'Smite Undead'.

"Oh, another Peon of Nenya again." Iris stood up and prepared her spells of her own.

But as they were readying themselves with their Magic Abilities. Dozens upon dozens of red dots of light began to suddenly appear in front of both Aliathra and Iris's forms. There were upon about at least 50 fully armed Cybernetically enhanced Guards under Don Aparo's employ that surrounded the two mages and aimed their Rifles, Shotguns and Machine guns at the girls.

"You know it is very rude to suddenly start shouting and standing up so suddenly too in front of your host." Aparo calmly said as he laid back on his fancy office chair.

He began to speak just like a stereotypical Corpo. Cold, Methodical but still somewhat artificially Affable.

"Especially if he also runs one of the biggest Private Military Corporations alongside his Industrial Business. Please ladies, ladies, ladies… Sit down and let's set your apparent differences aside." Aparo said.

The two defused their magic on the spot and immediately went back to their seats. The dozens of Mercenaries rested their weapons back but are still on alert for any kind of troublemaking that the two Mages could entail. They were obviously fearful what kind of Magic the two can do to them, Don Aparo or anyone else here in Kesserheim.

"Diaz, I was told by you that you are only bringing One mage to see me. But I see Two. Care to explain?" Don Aparo asked.

"Well, she was a last-minute entry… eh… she's a Princess from one of the far-off kingdoms of…" Vincent began to concoct a lie but he hit a speed bump when it comes to giving 'Princess' Aliathra a suitable cover story.

He quickly scanned the vicinity of his surroundings for ideas yet his boss was an adherent minimalist that there wasn't much to work with. He looked back up to the holographic numbers behind his boss and took a quick look at the Stock Market section of the UI.

"She's from… Illsi---" Diaz stuttered when he looked at the Stock Market nameof Illyusa Robotics, a company that had significant number of it shares belonging to Aparo Corp.

"Eh… Lunar…" Diaz continued to make up the name when he spotted the Stock Market name of Lunara Cosmetics, a popular Korean Make up company that is marketed towards women with very outgoing social lives. He even knows that Doctor Lee Haneul has an entire cabinet filled with their creams and powders. No wonder she looks so angelic.

"Ilsluna!" Diaz exclaimed.

"You were stuttering there… is something wrong" Don Aparo asked.

"No, it's just that these Elven names… they can be hard to pronounce and remember. Well to be fair, Governor White has only just met her." Diaz cracked a fake smile before thrusting his elbow at Aliathra.

Although her cover is slightly blown, they way the context of her situation is happening right now, Aliathra believes that Diaz is trying to help her albeit unknowingly maintain her secrecy. Since she has to play the part of the Princess, she will gladly do since she was still raised above being a Ranger to be the quintessential Elven Maiden.

"Of course, dear Vincent of the Diaz, I applaud you for trying to pronounce my homelands name but you sir might want to keep practicing our very sophisticated accent. My name, my full name, is Princess Aliathra Sylran of Ilsluna." Aliathra said. She used her mothers Maiden name of Sylran to cover her real last name of Lareththor.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you your majesty." Don Aparo placed his right hand below his chest and slightly bowed down from his sitting position. "It's always great to have such powerful individuals come here to meet me. But I will get to you later Bella. That means beautiful girl in my mother tongue."

"That sounds quite beautiful sounding for such a short name." Aliathra complemented.

"Indeed, but let us go to the first Bella in the room which is Miss Cadohagan. So, tell me Vampire, is it true on the accounts from Diaz that you can perform this 'Magic'?" the Corporate boss asked.

"Yes, I study under the school of Destruction which is your Fireballs and Ice Storms, Conjuration which is summoning magic and Enchantments which allow me to infuse magical properties to all sorts of objects." Iris answered.

"Interesting." He said. "Would you care for a demonstration of your powers?" he asked her.

"Well Certainly, but I would have to use some… of the Unbinilium's power to help charge my Mana back if I may." Iris requested.

"Certianly, I already want to see how this new 'Element-120' works any way. Open her up Mr. Mudwin." Don Aparo turned to the Nigerian.

Kayin opened the specially built briefcase that was fabricated under the specified demands of Dr. Mahelona's initial research on its very energetic properties. It's brilliant blue glow when the container was opened filled the room in a marvelous azure hue. Even the Mercenary Guards that surrounded them couldn't help but marvel at the Crystal's radiance.

"Here's also Dr. Mahelona's Essay on his early research which also includes his request for additional resources and man power to help fuel his Unbinilium Research." Kayin presented a binder folder filled with papers of scholarly knowledge based on the loveable plump Hawaiian scientist's initial findings.

"Thank you, now as for you Miss Cadohagan. Let's see you perform some magic, shall we? Let's start with some Destruction Magic, then Conjuration and then finishing it all off with some of this Enchantments you are so famous for." Aparo requested.

Iris nodded and stood up from her chair and walked ten paces away from Aparo's desk where she can safely display her magical prowess to everyone in the room. She was nervous about failing to meet the expectations of this intimidating Megacorpo. Kayin quietly shoved forward the opened Unbinilium briefcase. The Vampire Witch placed her hand on top of the ocean blue crystal and absorbed the powers within it. After taking a moderate sum of its energy, Iris stepped back and readied herself to clear her mind for her magical demonstration.

She planted her feet sideward and aimed her hands to the ceiling and let loose a stream of fire from the palm of her hands, overcoming the azure filter of the room into a tangerine glow as everyone held their breath. Iris had to take care she doesn't let loose too much fire less she lights the someone or worse the whole room on fire.

"Good, molto buona." Don Aparo smiled as Iris dissipated the jets of flames.

It was a sign of good fortune and relief for Kayin to see the Megacorpo actually being impressed by something quite mundane as a glorified magic show.

"Let's see you do this Conjuration 'Summoning Magic' you speak off now." Aparo said.

"Certainly… let me think of what I should summon." Iris requested as she took in the moment to breathe.

She needed to think what she can summon. Her best spell was summoning a Young Drakenling but it was often hard to control and the last time she did it, the beast nearly wrecked her old home. She also needed bones to summon up some Skeletons, although she doubts anyone in Aparo's Personal Guards would be a willing subject (and then there's Vincent too but his body, due to the heavily used Cybernetics in his body would make him incompatible with any form of Positive or Negative energy channeling.) Until she remembered the Armor sets, she passed by on her way here.

"This could take a moment milord." Iris said as she pointed her hands towards the door of Aparo's grand office.

For a moment, everyone looked at the Snow-White femme fatale eagerly but nothing of significant excitement happened. Disappointing everyone in the room.

"Well, where is it?" Aparo asked impatiently.

"They are coming. I am just trying to get them here." Iris answered.

Another moment was given for gracious purposes. Until, a knock rang on the door disturbing the peaceful quiet of the room.

Iris promptly walked up to the door and pulled it opened and out came two Animated sets of Armor walking, rather awkwardly, inside. They marched towards Aparo's desk and as they were about one meter away from the table, they knelt down in honor to their owner even though by Mage standards and rules its technically Iris who is the Animated Armor's 'Master'.

"Isn't that your 14th Century Bohemian and Samurai O-yoroi sir?" one of the PMC's asked.

"Indeed. Wonderful! I love it!" Don Aparo applauded. "Now my dear, one more demonstration before we talk business. Show me some enchantment… specifically with a weapon." Aparo instructed.

Iris snapped her fingers to let go of the magic that was being channeled into the armor, de-animating them back to their original defunct form of decoration as they fell down to the ground gently to avoid damaging the centuries old collector items.

"You! Give her your Rifle." Aparo pointed to one of his mercenaries who without question but with a reluctant face gave his gun to Iris.

"Good luck, your going to need all of it." The PMC whispered to her.

She was handed over the weapon in a reluctant manner. Remembering the weapons training from Kayin, she made sure that the safety was off, the rifle chamber is properly loaded and cocked and proper shooting posture. The PMC's near her were impressed by the non-Earthlings familiarity with their weapons.

"Did you taught her how to use that?" Aparo asked Diaz.

"No, Kayin did." He answered as he crossed his arms and grinned with a smug excitement. He can't wait to see the look on his old boss' face when Iris demonstrates what he and the rest of Stryder group has seen.

Closing her eyes to feel the essence of the inanimate UFE Assault Rifle on her hands, Iris thought of what kind of Enchantment she will implant on the rifle. She doesn't want to repeat her earlier Firestorm so she had to think of a new spell for her performance.

"Arf lâ" Iris spoke in an eldritch language as the weapon's frame began to glow white in light and cold to the touch. She had enchanted Ice Magic into the gun just like how she did the same thing to the MGL back in Devicco's Mansion.

She presented the enchanted weapon to the audience much to everyone's amazement.

"I have to say. This Vampire sure knows her Canmoliaeth speak." Aliathra admitted seeing such an afront antagonist to her chosen Goddess to be proficient in her fields.

"I can see it glow. Okay, let me have it please." Aparo said as he walked out of his desk and approached Iris with his hand reaching out for the weapon. The Witch gave it to him and stepped back as the Megacorp CEO took aim of the gun and opened fire. He shot several rounds of the magically enhanced weapon which when it impacted the empty walls of his office exploded into a burst of ice as frozen solid and potentially lethal doses of Dried up Ice.

Then something uncharacteristic of your standard CEO happened… Don Aparo began to shed tears…

Of happiness.

"You… reminded me of… me… sixty years ago…." Don Aparo said as held the rifle by his barrel and grabbed a cigar from his bathrobe's pockets.

"I was such a fan of Magicians. My father would every birthday would send in a Magician to entertain me and the other rich kids. I was fascinated by them and always wanted to learn the secrets of their power. But as I grew up, I soon found out that the 'Magic' they all did were all fake. 'Presdigitation' they like to call it. I felt betrayed, I rarely smiled much. Until now…" Don Aparo placed his right hand on the barrel of the Rifle and let it hang down as he smoked with his left.

"The reason I insisted you come here was that I wanted to know. That there really is such a thing as Magic in this world. You made this old CEO feel like a child again." He gave a soft smile.

"Everything that the new Colony needs, Money, Materials, People plus more under one condition… I get an exclusive contract for building some of my businesses in Benham-3… sorry… Glie-Seeya." He said.

"That will be up to Governor White for that. But I think you can work something out. Thank you for investing your time and resources to us." Kayin gratified.

"No thank you. It's not everyday you see a brand-new element with an extra neutron on its atom. Now, Vinny my boy, let's get rid off those shitty Augs you are given into something more… comfortable…" Don Aparo snapped his fingers as his servants took the guests away with their boss in tow whilst a group of scientists obtained the Unbinilium briefcase for their own research.

Meanwhile, one of Don Aparo's guards backed away from the scene, he grabbed his cellphone and dialed in a number with shady origins.

"Dare Runner is back… Track them, tail them, then kill them." He said before dropping the call immediately.

----------------------------------(Meanwhile back in Tyr Rian) -------------------------------

"And that everyone is how Vertical Farms work." Father Rudy Bishop said to a group of students and onlookers. Much to the applause of everyone in the room.

Being a Salesian Priest, it was expected of him to be a charismatic speaker and also an informative teacher due to the ideal example of the two founding paragons of the Salesian Society, Saint John 'Don' Bosco and Saint Francis De Sales.

In the eyes of the Medieval People of Tyr Rian, the Priest was a revolutionary in the art of education. He insisted that his classes would allow both Rich people to attend and poor people to also attend his lectures free of charge. And for his said lectures, the Priest demonstrated several basic scientific knowledges of many practical fields that can jumpstart the Citadel into a modern city that the UFE can be proud of calling civilized. Even Prince Clovich would attend his lectures for some of the scholarly knowledge the Priest possessed.

"Class Dismiss everyone. Same time tomorrow and don't forget to keep what I said in heart. Especially you farmers! I hate to see another Famine you guy keep being so worried about." Rudy said.

Just as everyone has promptly left their chairs, Inspector Leon Reid approached the Holy Man.

"Greetings Father." He waved hello.

"Oh Inspector, I assure you there's nothing to worry about for me. So far my reception has been very warm in a most unexpecting way." Bishop reassured the Inspector.

"That's good to here from you. So, you'll be going back to your house in New Albany now?" Reid asked.

"Oh no, not yet. I have to go to the Library nearby and fetch some books while I am there for my classes. Going to do some research comparing Gliesian Magics to our Science books." He explained.

"Well I'll be I am actually going there myself. Would you like for me to accompany you?" Reid asked.

"Certainly." The Priest nodded.

The two went off of the makeshift school of Fr. Bishop and made their way towards the Tyr Rian Library. It was a rather humble establishment which was more of a glorified Scribe's Office than an actual library with scrolls, books and more importantly for Reid's mission, Maps.

But as they arrived at the scene, the pair spotted a gathering commotion of very concerned townsfolks looking at the Library with fearful eyes as the Scribes who were in office to that building were being evacuated by the Tyr Rian City Guards.

"What happened?" Inspector Reid asked one of the guards.

"The scribes report of an Undead Wight of sorts suddenly appearing inside the building scaring away the Scribes and Visitors. We are trying to dispatch the Holy Priests of Nenya over here but they are going to take awhile to get here." The guard replied.

"There's still the Chief Librarian in there!" yelled one of the evacuated scribes.

"Damnit, there is no time. I need to get something inside that building right now and the UFE does not want to wait." Reid readied his Carbine.

"And I can't let some unholy mistake of God desecrate a center of Knowledge… even if your said excuse of 'Science' is… Aristotle-ick in comparison. Inspector, I will come with you." Bishop added as he carried over his shotgun that he keeps for self defense.

They ignored the warnings and pleas of the guards as they entered the empty library. Reid made sure that he radioed in backup to arrive as soon as things escalate into chaos and they are going to help in an ETA of 1 minute.

For now, the two or at least just Reid is scouting out the building with Bishop to identify the perpetrator of the disturbance of the peace. Fallen books and scrolls fell down from their shelves when the occupants ran away in their panic. Bishop took great care not to accidentally step on the books but Reid in the other hand simply pressed forward stoically with his hands on the trigger.

"Stop… you here that Bishop?" Reid asked.

The Shotgun-wielding Salesian Preacher focused his ears and he began to here the faint sound of paper being flipped repeatedly.

"Is that the Wight? Is he… trying to read one of the books?" Bishop asked.

"Stay behind me… If I go down, don't act brave and run." Reid ordered.

"Yes." Bishop nodded as they continued on their slow trudge on the ransacked establishment.

"This is it… all of it… the Histories… my… lord…" A feeble voice rang out from the silence.

"Leave me! I demand to be alone!" a commanding but ghostly voice said.

Out of the darkness and old white-haired man in simple brown robe ran away quietly until he was stopped by Reid.

"Your okay. What happened?" Reid interrogated him.

"By the Gods, you won't believe me for this. But the Wight is none other than King Martainn… it's not much of a panic." The Chief Librarian informed them.

"Oh, that Ghost guy that Styrder Group met? What's he doing here?" Reid asked.

"Ever since you Earthlings as you call yourselves opened his tomb. King Martainn has been wandering around the Principality lately. He mentioned to me that a lot of has changed for hundreds of years and he's having a 'Tour' of 'His Lands'. And this is one of his stops." The Librarian said.

"Oh, He should be able to get out of this peacefully. I think Ishould talk to him. Get out of here for now you." Reid dismissed the Librarian and quickly ran away.

The pair walked further into the Library until they reached the middle point of the building where readers who visit can sit down and read upon a table provided by the Librarian. And lo and behold there stands (or floats) King Martainn of Old Tyr Rian.

"Greetings your majesty." Reid introduced himself.

"I got to say, I wasn't expecting that reaction when I got here Earthling." Martainn said as he flipped the history book he is reading.

"I got to say, the Slaegians did introduce some things I like such as the Water Wheel and Roads… too bad they chose to fight me rather than talk all because I practice Necromancy! So… what brings you and that bald looking man here?" Martainn said pointing his bony index finger to Bishop.

"Oh we were just here to see that one, you are not causing trouble and two we wanted to look at a map of the Principality for research purposes." Reid said.

"For a moment, I think I spotted a scroll of a map of my home right here somewhere…" the Ghost King said.

He began to rummage his undead hands around the stacks of books and scrolls much to the impatient foot tapping of Inspector Reid.

"Here it is, I found it. So, tell me, Earthling if you want I can explain to you what I know of what ever you point on this map." Martainn eagerly said as he placed the dusty map on the table to the view of Reid and Bishop.

"One place only in particular. I am looking for a what you call 'Cambervale Valley'. Do you know that?" Reid asked.

To their surprise, King Martain the Wight stepped back, his skeletal face, for lack of a better word looked like he had seen a ghost as his face stuttered to make a proper expression.

"Is something wrong?" Reid asked.

"That's… where… I died… I fought there with my men. But I was struck down by the Slaegians there. Why would you want to go there?" Martainn answered.

"I heard from some prisoners that some of the Slaegians or some sort of some people are planning to do something in that place to 'Will descend upon us and surround us' the Colony and or even worse the entire Principality." Reid answered.

"Oh no, I think I know why they wanted go back to that Gods Forsaken Grazing Grounds. They are most likely going to pull of the same thing that they did to me centuries ago!" Martainn exclaimed.

"Do what?" Bishop interjected concerned.

"There's an abandoned Cyclopean Underground Tunnel Network that is used to bypass the Mountain Passes and other defenses that can take us by surprise. I was foolish to think that it was a myth until it was too late. We must stop them before they can manage to reopen the Tunnels!" Martainn said.

"Well we can easily fly in an--" Reid was about to reassure Martainn before the Ghost King interrupted him.

"It's not that simple, the Valley is to considered Slaegian Territory and its very narrow and treacherous for any of your Flying Birds to be able to reach without alerting the Border Forts or being torn away by the strong winds." Martainn said.

"You make a point. Do you know how we can get there quickly?" Reid asked.

"Well, Cambervale is a Shepherd's Grazing Ground known for its rich and very wholesome grass that any cattle or livestock that grazes upon it is guaranteed to be healthy and bear delicious meat, product and offspring. The path is treacherous to climb and you will need a guide. A shepherd who has been to the hidden valley before and had his flock graze upon it." The Ghost suggested.

"Well do you know where we can find one such man?" Reid asked.

"We can start at those livestock farms outside of the Citadel. I passed by them sometimes and they seem to be some good folks." Bishop said. "I will come with you; Tyr Rian's Safety is also New Albany's safety and I'll be damned if I cannot protect either of them." The priest swore with his Shotgun.

"Glad to hear. I'll call in some back up and we should be able to form a company of men to make the expedition. King Martainn what about you?" Reid asked.

The Ghost King pulled out his ethereal sword and raised it up to the air before digging the tip of the blade down to the ground.

"If there indeed there are Slaegians who are trying to strike my lands with the same way they did to me, then I will gladly join your cause for revenge, my Sword and all the Ancestor Warriors in my command shall accompany you and avenge the Cambervale Massacre." Martainn swore too.

"Good to have you all here. The fate of our homes rest upon us." Reid said as he grabbed his radio.

He has some calls to make with the Major and the Colonel.

---------------------------------(Back in Aparo Corporation HQ) -------------------------------

The sounds of drills, hammers, metal and all sorts of artificial noises could be heard at the secret Underground Forge of the Aparo Corporation HQ. It is a sprawling complex about 5 floors deep below the dark Kesserheim earth. Diaz was taken in by the in-house Aparo Corp. Engineers to an Operation table where, supervised by Robert Bianchin, began to remove the obsolete hand me down Augmentations that he was given as a down grade from his old build when he was still a Penal Soldier.

To Aliathra's cold antipathy towards Diaz's Metal Body, she saw them take out his limbs and replaced the white but worn out by dirt and aged Cybernetics with sleeker and much more State of the Art parts on him.

"And now for the most dangerous part of the operation. The hearts and lungs. Doctor…" Robert explained to Aliathra, Kayin and Iris.

The Vampire and the Nigerian sat together in their own corner of the Operation Room's theater whilst Aliathra sat next to Robert as he coordinated the Engineers to proceed to the much more complicated section of the, in its most formal of terms, the Full Body Cybernetic Augmentation Transplant or in medical jargon an 'FB-CAT'. It is perhaps one of the most dangerous but also the pinnacle of Human Medical Achievement ever since the first successful head transplant. It had all the logistical complications of a transplant, multiply it by the number ten but minus the fact that 'Donor' parts don't to worry about Rejection in addition of not having the need to be stored in a fridge like the ye olden days but can just be put inside a box and then sterilized before attaching the part inside the recipient.

"Diaz it is time. Shut down all Vital Functions. Doctors attach the Avatar Systems inside now." Bianchin ordered.

Named after the act of a divine being incarnating himself in a material form to walk the Earth, the Avatar Prosthetic Vitals systems is a mobile machine that replicates the functions of the human bodies Vital Organs: The Heart, Lungs and Kidneys. It is used by all transplant recipients to have a temporary life line in order to keep the most important part of the body, the Brain function normally to avoid any permanent neurological damage to it due to the Cybernetic Augmentations can only be as good as the mental will of its recipient.

They attached the Avatar's pipes and wires at Diaz's emptied body which so looks so similar to a living human (and elf's organs) in physiological structure in a metallic parody of a living person. The obsolete Heart and Lungs were taken away by the engineers and are placed inside a plastic box for disposal.

"Mr… uhm Bee-Yan-Kin. May I ask you something." Aliathra asked.

"Go ahead my lady." Robert politely nodded.

"May I have a look inside that box? I want to see the 'Heart'." The Elf Princess undercover as a fake Elf Princess.

Robert walked up with Aliathra following closely with him as they approached Diaz's old Heart.

It was a nigh perfect replica of a human heart if the Elf remembers her biology lessons from her tutors. It was as lite to the touch of its weight, it had four pipes that go direct the blood flow through the chambers that would have pump the blood all throughout the body if it weren't removed from its place earlier. She tried to squeeze the man-made organ to try and mimic the beating of a normal heart and as she does, she saw to her astonishment that it does indeed beat like a heart in similar fashion to how she, with some practice from her Life Priestess training be able to see the vital organs movements of any living thing around her. But for Diaz, due to his heart being made not by the tender love of a mother's womb (or scientifically speaking, cellular tissue formations) but were mass produced to be sold for profit.

"Putting the Gift of Life… and you pervert it by placing a price tag on it." Aliathra placed the heart back in its box in disgust as he clenched her fists.

"Tell me, if you think like that. What is Life according to you?" Robert asked her.

"Neneth, the Mother Goddess of Creation one day wanted to have…"

"I am not here to discuss religion but I respect your beliefs, but let's leave any pre-conceived biases for now. I ask you again Princess, what in your own definition is life?" Robert repeated.

Aliathra engaged her thoughts now. For a Human, as seen by Elves fleeting and culturally backwards had given her a question that challenged her. What is indeed life?

"An entity that breathes, grows then dies, and can create offspring." Aliathra answered.

"Then by your logic, plants are Alive. Yet are they truly 'Alive'?" Robert asked her.

"I don't understand." The Elf shook 'No'.

"Does a plant… let's say does a tree can be able to have dreams, desires, fears and can see itself in the mirror to say that 'Hey! That's my reflection.'?"

"No of course not. What is being alive mean your world's knowledge then? To be able to think? Animals think too. Are they really 'Alive'?" Aliathra answered her philosophical conundrum, still trying to comprehend Robert's definition of being 'Alive'.

"No, for if you are listening to my earlier you will understand that. We as sentient beings are separate from all other forms of life by our heads. We can reflect." Robert tapped his forehead with his index finger. "An animal eats to survive and live another day. But we as humans and other sentient beings such as yourself can eat for pleasure, comfort and in some cases… self-inflicted masochism if you're eating Chilis. In short, Animals only purpose in life is to survive but we are Alive because we transcended from survival to thriving for greater heights. It took us about eight thousand years to escape our caves as primitive familial communities to this very Metropolis thousands of light years from where we come from today."

"Why do you do?" Aliathra asked.

"Because we saw what is beyond the horizon. And we chose to chase for it. Tell me now Elf Princess girl, can you trace your own origins? You should learn to learn more from other people's perspectives. The whole world isn't just your fancy castle and Rapunzel tower. Learn to get down to earth Miss Aliathra. There's more than what you see in face value." he pierced her soul with his words.

"And done!" one of the operating engineers exclaimed proudly. "The operation is a success. Waking up the patient now." He continued.

With his body faster and stronger than before, Diaz reopened his eyes and felt the new parts already integrating themselves into their host.

"T.L.D.R. me Robby and explain like I am five. I don't recognize these systems, they are newer than the last ones I had." Diaz questioned.

"New Aparo Corp. Augments, faster reflexes, hand-eye coordination, more efficient Rapid Movement Boosts, Recoil Control and much more important is a new military grade Over Clocker that can boosts the performance of your Augs but it will Chug your Bio Cell batteries like a German in an Oktoberfest all you can drink blowout. Use only when absolutely necessary. This thing is also known to even break Augs so be careful not to get caught once the effects wear off." Robert said.

"Noted. So, guys…. How do I look?" Diaz said as he stood up from the table and presented himself to his friends.

"You look the same." Kayin commented.

"You are very shiny." Iris put in her two cents.

"You smell… new." Aliathra said.

"I do… like a brand-new car… Car! Robby! How's my car? Marlboro?" Diaz asked.

"She's fine, relax." He grinned. "We kept her in the garage after your arrest for safe keeping. But we did have to do some jobs with it though while you were gone. Don't worry, she's exactly how you left it." Robert admitted.

"That's okay. She's a fast horse after all."

"You own a horse?" Iris asked.

"It's called a Car but in terms of function yes… it's a Horse. Can carry things and people around quickly. Her name is Marlboro and her manufacturers… I.E. 'Breed' is a Mustang. Luckily, it's a four-seater so we can all fit. Keys?" Diaz explained before turning to Robert.

"Was about to give you them and your jacket." He tossed the colorful red jacket covered in red roses designs with sparkling glitter that dazzles flamboyantly to all who sees it.

Diaz probed the pockets of his outerwear until he found his Mustang Car keys from his left pocket. He curled his finger as a gesture to his companions to follow him as he led them to the Garage.

There his car, an Orange painted 4-Seater Mustang with a charging horse decal in pure chromatic black paint whose hairs were drawn like raging fire as it charges through the roads and terrains the car sets its treads upon.

Kayin took shotgun whilst the women all took the back seat as Diaz entered the right side of the vehicle to wear the driver's seat is located. He laid his body upon the chair but before he could set the ignition on Diaz searched his drivers' compartments.

"Where are you, you should be here if they said 'Exactly how you left it.'." He muttered.

"So where are we going now?" Iris asked.

"Where all the fun happens here in Kesserheim, Manhattan Plaza. Good Food, Fun Entertainment and the malls to bring something home with… and to get rid of… that for you Alie…" Diaz pointed to the Elf's tattered clothing.

"Oh, I heard of that place. Public scene, Neon Lights and the Hard-Light Gardens." Kayin said.

"Might as well we all enjoy ourselves today! We got my boss on board for the Colony and his money is going to pour in any minute now. Let's celebrate with dinner and a bit of a shopping spree on me shall we everyone? You guys especially you Iris deserved it!" Diaz smiled.

As he finished his speech, he finally found what he was looking for. It was a pistol, a large Hand Canon as big in length to his biceps.

"Hello 'Ruiner' you miss me? Can't wait to light up some bad guys with your lasers Ha! Ha! Ha!" Diaz kissed the pistol then promptly holstering it on his right side.

With optimism he placed his keys on to the ignition and turned it on. The car roared to life as the speedometer, radio and head/tail lights illuminate the darkness of the garage.

The radio played Kicks by the late great music legend Barns Courtney, a favorite for free spirited men especially those who get their thrills driving on the road in high speeds.

"It's good to be back. Now Marlboro, let's see if I still pull off those splits." Diaz smiled as he shifted his gears and sprinted off from its stationary position.

"Damn it feels good to be a Corpo…" Vincente reminiscence is old career as the Mustang jumped out of the underground entrance of the Garage like a child ready to take on the outside world.