Why we say 'Porro Terra'

The Maglev sped through the Kesserheim Cityscape casually as the Tyr Rian delegation sat on one of Kesserheim's most efficient public transports. After disembarking from the Starport and then taking a bus to a Monorail station that will directly take them to the 'Orchard District' where they will arrive to the Saint Luke's Medical Center one of the most sophisticated Hospital-Resorts in all of the UFE Space. They boast state of the art medical equipment, self sufficient Organic Produce Farm and even their own Pharmaceutical Factory. Some of the UFE's greatest medical triumphs were found in that very place from the Cure to Cervical Cancer, the first successful Full Body transplant and grape flavored Antibiotics.

They did have to reassure their guests that the 'Giant Metal Snake' that they will be entering isn't going to eat them as it was only a means of transportation 'like a really long carriage' as Samantha awkwardly tried to explain.

Princess Aria looked on from the Maglev window and saw the Kesserheim City Scape. Tall Pillars with volcanic smoke stacks breathed out to the gray sky as Neon Lights twinkled from the distance like fairies swarming around their shire homes. The place was devoid of any natural life except for the people who live their yet even then, the Kesserheim Earthlings looked contrastingly different compared to their more down to earth cousins. Their bodies were from head to toe covered in sheets of metal that all looked indistinguishable to human flesh. Mechanical Humanoids walk freely and just as lively as one's who remained purely organic in physiological nature.

"Those people… are they all Golems?" Aria asked.

"No Princess those are people like you and me." Samantha answered.

"Why do they endure themselves to the painful processes of having metal forced into their bodies?" Aria continued, her legs quivered over the stories of the primitive healthcare of Gliesian society.

They had no sense of sanitation, anesthesia, germs, bacteria and diseases. All utterly alien concepts to the medieval people. Plagues could develop into full on epidemics and surgeries can be just as lethal as simply letting a disease slowly kill the patient.

"It isn't painful at all Princess. When we get to Saint Luke's I can assure you that the surgery won't be painful. You won't feel a thing." Samantha said.

"But… I am scared…" Aria whispered softly.

"Of what?" Samantha asked.

"I… never went to another doctor before other than my Physician. I saw what Doctor Lee Han-Nool did to you. Those needles… and knives… and… potions strapped above your beds in your big Healing Shrines you have back in New Albany." The princess admitted. Her blood began to pulse up as her mind lingered on the hundreds of unknown aspects of her journey to finally walk again.

"It's called a 'Hospital' my lady." Samantha corrected. She then reached out her hands to Arias and held both amply as she looked in a comforting manner.

"I was like you before Aria." Samantha said.

"You were?"

"When I was just a little girl around the age of 5 my mother took me to get my first Vaccine shot. At first, I had no idea what it is until I saw the nurse pull out the needle from her pockets." Samantha softly said.

"I cowered behind my mother's legs, refusing to let go until my mom dragged me away from there." The Lieutenant continued.

"So… did you leave or did you get the Needle?" Aria asked. Her attention hooked on Sam's snippet of her life story.

"I got the Needle eventually." Sam replied.

"How? You were as scared as any child when he see's something scary." Aria questioned.

"My mother, took me by the arms and told me about what is fear to me. She says, 'the Fear Monster is an invisible monster that crawls into your brain when you feel that everything is not within your control when you should. It can go away by retaking control of what you see. You want me to hold you when you get your Shot? Maybe but some ice on your arm where the boo boo will be?' I let my mom hold me while the nurse put cold ice on my arm before she pierced me. It was not as painful as it should be." Samantha said, she pointed to the spot on her left arm where she remembered where the Nurse injected the vaccine.

"Will… you be with me… when I get my surgery?" Aria stuttered.

"If the doctor lets me. But if I don't just let you know, think of me and your brother. You want us to see you finally walk right? Especially your brother? Don't you want to run and play like all the other girls?" Samantha challenged.

"Yes!" Aria optimistically smiled.

"That's the spirit."


"Next stop is… 'Orchard District North'." The Monorail's PA system declared.

"That's our stop El-tee." Crocker whispered behind her.

"Alright. Everyone remember to protect the V.I.P's. Diamond Formation as soon as we get out." Samantha ordered.

The Monorail Station will be a very crowded place once the group touches down. Hundreds of people, going out for their daily mass transit can easily be a place one can get lost too. It is paramount that the UFE Escort shepherd their otherworldly guests to the awaiting vehicles at the roadway at the other side of the building. The last thing they want is one of the Gliesians to get separated from them and be like a lost child in a middle of a foreign land like every jet setting mother's worst nightmare.

Crocker, Clay and Obediah alongside the other UFE Soldiers and Military Police attached to them that the Lieutenant couldn't remember their names formed the Diamond Formation boxing all of their guests with Samantha taking the leading point.

The Monorail's door opened sideward and immediately their feet paced the busy station's floor.

For the Gliesian's they got an up close and personal on the daily life of a UFE Human. There were stores that sold a huge variety of goods from foods to their shock, books that were being freely sold from children buying the latest comic books to adults getting their daily gossip and information injection from the newspapers. It was such a cultural and technological shock to them due to the fact that back in their world, books and the ability to read them were both expensive to produce and learn to due to the lack of a printing press and an organized public education system. All such knowledge was reserved by the Rich and Powerful.

Another observation that the Otherworlder's noticed is that the way the Monorail district was the design of the interior. It was like one great wave that flowed from the unfurling of a blanket on a dry summer's day when the light reflected upon its surface. White lights gracefully illuminated the building. Advertisements such as 'the Smart Billboard' that had Artificially Intelligent Facial recognition devices to determine the age of the immediate observer dynamically changes to the appropriate advertisement.

When Princess Aria took a look at one of the Smart Billboards it initially had an advertisement for an Insurance Company only to quickly turn to an advertisement for a High-End Women's Fashion store which the Gliesian could only imagine wearing the ultra-glamorous dress she saw the Supermodel strut her body in. Then one of Aria's attached Principality Bodyguards walked in and looked up at the Smart Billboard and immediately the advertisement changed from a well dressed young blond woman to a scantily clad brunette holding a mug of beer for a prominent Beer drunk all throughout the UFE Nation.

After a brief pause by the Smart Billboards that Samantha had insist 'for maximum Immersion scores with the guests', the group continued on to their awaiting bus. It was a much more sleeker design rib shape than the more practical box shape equivalent. It was a perfect analogy of the huge wide gap in cultural and economical disparity between the people of Kesserheim.

The bourgeoisie of Kesserheim Workers, conservative old money Oligarchs and Middle-Income independent entrepreneurs favored social harmony but they tend to stay together in ethnic ghettoes due to their own Old Earth ethnocentrism. The Noveau Upper Classes of Artists, Inventors and Business men combined with the latest batch of young adults fresh from college favored individualism and were adherent to an evolution of Globalism called 'Neo-Humanism'. It became a powder keg of ideological strife that separated the classes into a Cold Civil War of Reversi where the needs and desires of many clashed with the ideas and plans of the Intelligentsias. Mega Corps such as Aparo Corp. that Iris and two of her subordinates were sent to, if Samantha can remember about them were more of an Old Money Oligarch's type but the rumors were spread that their Philanthropy is just smoke and mirrors for their clandestine activities.

These conflicts of culture had been a hot topic of debate among the Humans of the UFE for over the past century. It was no wonder that instead of pointlessly fighting amongst stubborn hardliners that they just pack up their belongings and families and join the Colonization Programs that were so rampant during the time. But now the UFE Spacefaring Nation is at the peak of their possible reach at least for the moment due to overexpansion ergo overextension of their authority through out Humanity's distant Star Colony's. There were debates and pushes in the Congress and House of Representatives for Administrative Reforms in the form of more extensive autonomy amongst the many Star Colonies, especially the likes of which of Kesserheim.

Samantha, at least in her own self reflections when she observed the contrasting images of Kesserheim's Orchard District with every other district to be somewhere in between. She favored communities of people cooperating for a common goal whilst she also respects the Individual desires of every single person… and after her experiences in Gliesia, every living sentient thing from Vampires, Elves and even Undead Ghost Liches.

But ideologues aside, the Orchard District Residents sure knows how to build some of the most esthetic architectural designs known to man. Taking inspiration from the old Earth City of Dubai, the Orchard District was like an ocean of bony white sculptures with wave like bodies that twist and turn heads in every angle complemented by shimmering windows that refract light like insect wings. To the Gliesians, they looked as if it were designed by the graceful hands of an Earthweaver which back in their homes often when not using their abilities for war and quests will often take jobs that involves construction engineering from humble abodes to mighty castles. In their own judgements, the skill and magnitudes it would take to build all of this was astronomical.

The streets blended in a perfect amalgamation of nature and urban concrete with the strategically and aesthetically placed flora that dotted the Orchard District in a rainbow of flowers and blankets of jade chlorophyll. As the streets passed by the Bus soon came upon a grand building of brilliant blue hue. Its shape was in half spherical in visuals like a turtle's backside and at the front entrance a great big Red Cross sign proudly welcomed the sick inside the building. To the Gliesians who were born under a Medieval Feudal World of Swords and Sandals under harsh toil for meager returns, it was like they ascended to the celestial sanctums of Heaven itself.

"Welcome to Saint Luke's most esteemed guests." Samantha introduced. "The Spearhead of all Medical… I mean Healing ventures in all of UFE Space."

Everyone exited the bus as it parked on the grand entrance. The Gliesians marveled at the shear size of the Medical Center for its scale rivalled even the greatest of fortresses in all of their known world. But now their knowledge of the fact that they are no longer alone in the wide vastness of Space has expanded to the UFE. They still couldn't quite yet comprehend how truly titanic the expanse of the United Federation of Earth really is. The VIP Patient, Princess Aria was immediately provided with a Wheelchair that was provided in the hospital for her weakened body and had one of her Handmaidens push her forward.

"By Neneth… this Healing Temple is… so magnificent." Aria commented as she entered St. Lukes.

The welcoming chamber was crowded with people. The patients and nurses wore uniform baby blue robes whilst they stride with Medical Equipment or were carried by their automated Hospital Beds which can autonomously controlled to direct people traffic around the Hospital. Doctors in white robes as clear as Snow with their Stethoscopes, Medical gear, bags and other items can be occasionally spotted running around the hall minding their own business in stark contrast to the Visitors who stood idly at the corners or sat down on the soft velvety furniture reading the news or twiddling their hands on their gadgets.

For that moment, they felt lost to the overwhelming vastness of the facility until a kind tanned Asian face wearing the White Gown uniform of St. Luke's many Medical Experts approached them carefully but heartwarmingly.

"Princess Aria I presume?" the man asked.

"I am her. Who may you might be?" Aria politely asked from her Wheelchair.

"I am Dr. Huang Pumi. A Nuclear Medicine specialist… which if your going to ask, to best explain it to you, I am the man who is going to make you walk again." The Doctor introduced himself.

"He will help. I filled him the details about you and your 'special' circumstances." Samantha explained.

"Now let me have your prepared for the Surgery now. The UFE wants you in and out of here as soon as possible." He curled his finger as a duo of Nurses took over Aria's Wheelchair and pushed her onwards following the Doctor with the rest of her entourage close by on her tail.

-------------------------------- (later at the Surgery Preparation Room) -------------------

Stripped naked and her chest facing down and her backside exposed to the air, Aria felt her meager courage plummet. In such an awkward and degrading position, if the other Noble Girls in Tyr Rian found about this she and her brother wouldn't hear the end of it. The state of her buttocks exposed to a man who isn't her husband is often associated with Prostitutes. Yet Lieutenant Rose smiled and held the back of her bare back lovingly.

"Don't worry, the UFE will help you walk again. Just close your eyes when the Doctor puts on the Sleeping Mask on you." Samantha said as she explained the General Anesthesia that Aria will be in a moment wearing to put her asleep for the surgery.

"This UFE Kingdom of yours Lady Samantha… what is the UFE like?" Aria asked.

"Indeed, I also want to know more about your people too." One of Aria's accompanying handmaidens said.

"Me too. What type of King is your ruler? He must be very rich and very loved to be able to build all of these resplendent palaces you all live." One of the Tyr Rian Knight Bodyguards added.

"Well let me correct you on that. We are not ruled by a King." Samantha rectified.

"The United Federation of Earth is not a Monarchy where one man has so much power to do anything he wants. We rejected such kind of rulers a long time ago. We have an Interplanetary Assembly of the many… uhm… States or… uhm… Nations and other groups like that convene together and discuss and look for a solution to the many problems they face." Samantha tried to explain as simple as she could for the guests to be able to digest. She knew that she might have modified some of the facts in the form of half-truths for the sake of comprehension.

In truth, the United Federation of Earth does indeed have an Interplanetary Assembly that the Colonies convene in to discuss matters of state but it was best described by many Political Satirists to be more akin to 'screaming children running to Mother Gaia that they can't stomach the disciplinary Planetary Edicts that the Earth-based centralized government enacted to keep their multicultural peoples from collapsing into civil wars over resources, cultures and other myriad reasons. It was considered one of the many factors of 'the Great Human Diaspora' which consequently cause Colonial Fervor that expanded the UFE from their origins to the Sol System to Gliesia today.

According to the rules as dictated among setting up new Interplanetary Administrative Unit Sectors under the banner of the UFE it must be:

1. Made outside the borders but no more than 10 Light Years away from the nearest UFE Planet. The rationale is for ease of Expansion and Logistical purposes.

2. Must follow the UFE Constitution which is based off the American and French Constitutions with rights such as Free Speech, Bear Arms and most importantly the Freedom of Assembly.

3. Must achieve a Minimum Level of Civilizational Development which involves a standard of Military Standing, Industrial Capacity and Infrastructure. Otherwise the government will be directly governed by the Earth-based UFE Colonial Administration (or as of Amendment No. 24, one of the larger Administrative Unit Sectors such as Kesserheim, Alpha Centauri or any that is approved by the UFE Col. Admin.)

"We used to live in one place before but we found a way to fly… out of our world. Many for reasons as resources began to wear thin in our planet and others for simple wanderlust. You remember how got out of your planet to reach here? That's how we do it." Samantha said.

"How can you make your giant metal birds fly in such great distances in such short time?" Aria asked.

"Well we used these machines call Hyper Drives that connects to these road-like tracks that connects all the Star Systems… I mean Worlds of ours to each other. These 'Hyper Lanes' allowed us to travel such great distances of Light Years… and yes you heard me right, Light Years as in distance of light that they can travel in a year which is in our calendar around 365 days. And if there's one thing light is, it's fast… light travels very fast." Samantha said.

"You are very knowledgeable about these subjects for a soldier. A soldier being so well educated such as you are quite rare." The Princess commented.

"Well you see we have basic education for all citizens here. Unlike your people where Education is for the rich only, even the poorest of us Earthlings are entitled to learn. It is a… 'Universal Right of Man' we say. Even despite our differences we always help each other, through disasters natural or manmade or when wars that divide our family's threaten to tear us apart. We always step in and pull ourselves out of the darkness." Samantha said.

"Your people won't be here today without such spirit." Aria said with a snowed smile.

The Lieutenant had that type of aura on people. Making them feel at ease in even the most critical of situations. She inherited such a sanguine personality from her mother who was a Police Negotiator, always finding a way to pierce through every human heart with her sympathy filled face and tender words.

But for Samantha who has yet to reach the level of experience her parent's shadow left behind, it is a Juggling act however so far, the dice had rolled into her favor whenever she speaks but she had always feared that one slip up from her tongue could make the people she has to talk with descend into distress… and she had seen in so many first and secondary sources on how well that will turn out.

"That's why, despite our problems with each other. We Earthlings still unite over a common origin. Our motto 'Porro Terra!' which means in an old Earth Language 'Earth moves forward!'." Samantha enthusiastically shouted the motto. She still had the upbeat state of mind of an idealistic humanistic patriot due to West Point upbringing. Even after all the Politicking, many of the young generations, especially the more Earth Based ones still hold optimistic views of a united but independently governed humanity where all peoples can be free to govern the way that is just but still can relate to their distant cousins.

"My Lady… Princess Aria? It is time." Dr. Huang Pumi entered the room and informed everyone.

"Can… can I… have Miss Samantha with… me?" Aria asked.

"I am afraid I can't let her inside the Operating Room my Lady. It's for doctors only."

The Crippled woman began to shake in fear over the prospect of being alone with strangers. She could feel her very stomach churn with anxiety as she clenched tightly the sides of her specially made medical bed.

"Don't worry Aria. Remember that the doctor will give you a special air that will help you but you to sleep. Think off something happy. Find a happy place. Can you think of one?" Samantha comforted her.

She thought down hard on what will her happy place be like. She remembered the reason she was here, existentially speaking, she was here in a good will diplomatic mood for her brother to open relationships with Tyr Rian, the Slaegian Empire with the United Federation of Earth by showing them that the UFE are people from another world willing to peacefully coexist with their primitive natives. This goodwill is expressed by the life-changing surgery of allowing Princess Aria who was mockingly called 'the Lame Maiden' to be able to finally walk.

She grasped to the thought of enjoying a nice summer afternoon picnic at the rolling hills of Tyr Rian happily frolicking bare footed on the Flower littered grass with her brother and her Handmaidens. To be finally free from the chains of an unfortunate genetic lottery draw emboldened her to endure the possible alien probing and incisions of the surgery.

"I have a 'happy place'." Aria said.

"That's the spirit." Samantha said as the princess was pushed by the nurses and surgeons to her fate.

------------------------------(Meanwhile back in Tyr Rian) -----------------------------

The journey through the old Cylopean Tunnels was surprisingly fascinating despite the derelict ambience of the once thriving piece of an ancient civilization before the dawn of man in Gliesia. According to the stories of King Martainn, the land that was Tyr Rian was once called home to a race of extinct Cyclops who, thanks to their sizes can carve out a sophisticated subterranean network of roads all through out Tyr Rian to their civilization's southernmost points to the Dwarven Clan Holdings upon mountains north of here. The reason the Cyclopeans died out is because back then, plants and animals used to be much more abundant in size and numbers before their favorite prey and crops died out causing their civilization to collapse and make way for their more petite inheritors the Elves, Humans, Beastmen and Dwarves to ascend up the Food Chain.

Interesting lore aside, Reid and a Team of UFE Marines have a mission to do. They had brought with them alongside their automatic small arms several packs of explosives ranging from the humble grenade, the small but powerful C4 Explosive and the 'Metal Penis' (at least according to King Martainn's humorist interpretation which the Marines let out a playful chuckle over) the SMAW M3, a rocket launcher that is designed to not only fire your classical mechanical 'Bunker Buster' Rockets but the new and much more potent 'Melter' Plasma packaged rocket which can collapse even skyscrapers. Major Holyfield had given the Marines orders to cut off the Slaegians if such an Invasion so close to Tyr Rian consequently New Albany is confirmed, but in a rare agreement between him and Colonel Polonsky they want to keep this conflict under the rug to avoid a public panic in the region.

The Team soon came upon the end of the Tunnel Network that King Martainn guided them too. In his own war stories, the Ghostly King lead his men through this very tunnel for the defense of their homelands. Yet he still remembered the defeat that was inflicted upon him by the Slaegians. But Inspector Reid comforted him saying that unlike before, the soldiers that followed him are as good 'an entire Legion of Slaegians'. There was an enveloping vegetation that the entrance of the Tunnels that kept the place very well hidden from the outside world but thanks to King Martainn's Necromantic powers he was able to wither them away.

"You know, you're probably the first good Necromancer I have ever known." Reid commented.

"What makes you say I am 'Good'?" the Lich asked.

"Well, you're not some nihilistic bastard who wants to enslave everyone and turn everyone into Skeletons. I mean based on what Iris wrote about you, at least you Ask people if its okay with them that you use your bones as 'Communal Labor'." Reid said his side.

"You think off us as heartless slave drivers. But the results of my 'Communal Labor' Force can… almost speak for themselves. Some of the building projects I had left behind that the Slaegians improved upon after they took over are still enjoyed to this day. Back then Tyr Rian had a modest looking wall which was back in would normally take a year or more to build but thanks to my Undead Labor force I was able to build such a wall in only about six months of non-stop work. That same logic can be applied to some of the roads and other villages I had helped constructed. All of my Necromancy as I told you were for the good of my community. We see Death differently than most people during my day. Ancestors were revered and are often wise counsel to the rulers of Tyr Rian." Martainn answered.

"Taken quite literally. That is why Governor White sees some potential good in you. Your someone who gives more back than he takes. 'That's what being a ruler is all about' he said about you in a meeting about the uhm… Anthropology or you would call it Study of the People of Tyr Rian meeting." Reid said.

"Well, have that Governor of yours say that about me in my presence. Such an honorable opinion of me deserves to be declared in MY Presence." Martainn haughtily boasted.

" 'I would say that in front of him if it wasn't for the smell he makes' the Governor said also after that." Reid continued quoting.

"It's always the smell you complain about. That's one of the main reasons why I was invaded. 'You are to be pacified by the Great Slaegian Empire for abominations against all life, refusal to pay tribute and disgusting odor.' There just envious because I am worth a thousand wizards compared to them." The Lich sternly argued.

"Well you should just take some Old Spice then… it will make you feel ALL THE POWER!" Reid snarked as his feet stepped on the rapidly decayed remains of the vegetation hiding the Ancient Tunnels.

"Old Spice?" Martainn asked.

"It's like a perfume. Makes you smell good that you can feel powerful and confident around people. I'll explain more later." Reid explained the famous Deodorant.

They emerged from the tunnels to be greeted by the noontime daylight that pierced their eyes to its radiance in a fleeting attack on their visual senses. But as soon as that their eyes felt the sun's irritating light, their eyes adapted until they can see the otherside clearly where Cambervale Valley awaited them.

It was indeed the ideal place for Shepherds to graze their flock in. A semi-isolated glade protected from a significant number of predators that terrorized from the Verden River Valley Forest thanks to the mountains blocking the south while Slaegia up to the Northwest had fewer true predators to worry about. The Grass had light shadings of Yellow Marigolds that made the glade like a mountain of treasure. According to their local Shepherd guides, their Animals absolutely love to graze in this area due to its convenience and according to them 'had the Blessings of Mother Nenya looking after here' which in their experience has resulted in much healthier and fatter animals to be taken advantage of for their livelihood. Reid had suspected that there might be some feint traces of some sort of Magical Substance of plausible Unbinilium Nature at work in Cambervale.

"Maybe we should hold the Unit Football Game and Barbeque party here." Said one of the Marines.

"It's indeed beautiful here my Otherworldly friend." One of the Shepherd Guides who cooperated with the UFE took the gratitude humbly.

"So, you suspect the Slaegians will attack through, here right?" Reid asked King Martainn.

"They can easily go around the Road Passes littered with Tyr Rian Fortresses and attack us from 2 sides if they managed to take control of this Tunnel. It may not be wide as wide as the Main Roads but when I was around. Most of my soldiers were fighting the Main Force by the Main Road Passes east of here. I had barely enough time to scramble enough men to meet up with the Slaegians who used the Tunnels here." Martainn said.

"I agree with that. A two-front war is a nightmare to fight in." Reid acknowledged as he pulled out his binoculars to scout out the far sides of the Glade.

Other than them, the Glade was virtually empty of any life except for the occasional bird and rabbits that call Cambervale their home. In addition to the lonely atmosphere, the wind brushed softly on the grass that gave a soft crackling whooshing noise that subtly disturb the enchanted grass. Reid had to remind himself that whilst he is there, he should grab a sample of the soil he stepped foot to find a connection to the healthier than average livestock who graze this Glade.

"We need to be sure that the Slaegians are up here using the Tunnels to sneak attack Tyr Rian. But I don't see anyone here." One of the Marines said to Reid.

"Your right, maybe that Legionnaire we captured was just bluffing with uuu---Duck!" Reid ordered as everyone knelt down quickly following the Inspector's sudden lead.

"I got movement." Reid whispered as he adjusted his Binoculars.

He observed over at first a dozen of humanoids in armor both on foot and on horseback in similar style to the Slaegian Border Legionnaires. Then followed by a few hundred or more people followed by people in a mix variety of non-standard looking armor and robes as compared Legion's black red uniforms. These strange people wore clothes that made them stand out amongst the rest of their entourage of Medieval Soldiers. Some looked like they could fit the description of your typical RPG Warrior, Paladin, Rogues, Rangers and Mages at the best of Reid's own observations.

"That's them. The Slaegians…" King Martainn growled softly, his animosity against them baring.

"Okay, rules of engagement. Right now, at least according to Colonel Polonsky and Governor White, this shit can still be salvaged into a peaceful conclusion. The Big Wigs are hoping that what happened at that Plain was just some sort of huge misunderstanding. Since we can talk to them thanks to Iris'…ehm… 'Help'. We can try to at least parley with them and scout them out peacefully in plain sight. SEALs?" Reid prompted the Elite Tier 1 Team that accompanied them.

The SEAL Team had several raggedy clothes alongside some wooden articles of accessory with them that disguises them as Pilgrims who were just passing by Cambervale Valley. They tucked their protective gear and weapons below the thick tunics their disguises afforded them with. The SEAL Leader nodded to Inspector Reid as he began to speak.

"We got some hidden cameras on our clothes here that we can take videos, audio and pics of the Slaegian Army on our 12 o'clock. While we keep them distracted have the Marines plant demolition charges at the entrance of the Tunnel and cut them off. We are also authorized to skirmish some of the Legionnaires if they turn hostile. Priority Targets on those fancy looking guys in the weird get up." The SEAL Team Leader said.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" King Martainn asked.

"I don't know… make some Skeleton Laborers help us plant some Bombs?" the SEAL Leader joked.

The Lich Stepped back and to the surprise of everyone, his eye sockets and hands glowed dark purple colored Conjuration Magic as he raised his arms up to utilize his Necromantic Energies.

"Codwch fy ngweision" King Martainn spoke in an ancient language.

Suddenly dozens of skeletal hands erupted from the Jade earth as Martainn rose the dead of his former soldiers who had died in the Valley. Their remains were a twisted mix of fractured bone who's gaps were filled with the purple silhouettes of what the human frame was suppose to be like if it were perfect in a amalgamation of bone white with ghostly lilac that glowed in willful power from the Undead King's command. The UFE soldiers were bewildered at the sight of the skeleton army as their bodies completely emerged from the ground to walk up to their master before kneeling to him to demonstrate their eternal service to him.

"Do not fear them, they are my soldiers and a friend to me is a friend to them. Now, where are those big boom-boom things you Earthlings said 'are fun to play with'? I grow bored of the Board Games that I have inside my Tomb." King Martainn said.

"You mean the C4's? I thank you for the consideration but I don't think that would be necessary your majesty. Some of the men are still… disturbed by the whole undead thing you do." Reid turned the Lich down.

The Ghost King sulked with a frown on his decaying mouth muscles, he snapped his fingers and his undead minions were dismissed as they sank down to return to the earth from where there remains will wait again to rise to serve their master once more when he calls for their aid again.

"Are you sure your men will not accidentally miscast these 'C4' Runes?" Martainn asked softly but in a concerned tone, his mind still thinking like an RPG Mage in the perspective of his UFE companions.

Reid placed his palm on his face and sighed in annoyance. He was expected to when interacting with the native Gliesians on terms that the UFE Humans take for granted which all those who handle such jobs like Stryder Group and Governor White can say can be similar to teaching restless pre-schoolers on the ways of their technologically advance civilized Starnation. Yet he couldn't help but mentally also feel a meager humor behind the primitive native's (his respective supernatural state aside) callow curiousity when looking at the modern military technology as if it were some form of new type of 'Magic'. If Arthur C. Clarke was looking down from heaven right now, he would have the smuggest amusement of his scholarly input in relations to his 3rd Law being demonstrated in action.

"Don't worry your majesty, these 'Runes' are triggered when we want them to be triggered. I have this special… 'Wand' right here that allows me to trigger the explosion 'magic' of these C4 'Runes' now go set up the charges. One of the Marines will supervise you if your doing it correctly." Reid informed the Lich using the King's substratal logic for his explanation.

"As allies to a mutual enemy and by my honor it shall be done." The Lich said as he commanded his Skeletons to go inside the Tunnel with their UFE Marine allies.

"Alright, let's suit up." Reid said as he grabbed his disguise.