a Land of Passion and Sun

"We got new orders!" Samantha declared as she walked into her squad who made themselves at home at their Land Cruiser's Vehicle Bay.

Crocker was performing preventive maintenance with his old but reliable Exo-Skeleton suit, Diaz was observing the latest Social Media posts, Obediah cleaning 'Leah' and 'April' obsessively (again!), Clay eating a shoddily constructed 'Grilled' Cheese Sandwich and then finally Kayin, with Iris were sitting together with the Vampire reading a book and the Nigerian pointing her some important facts and details. But as soon as Samantha's voice was heard, Stryder Group stood up from their spots some practically dropping any item they had on hand. And of course, Diaz was the slowest to straighten up as Samantha passed through.

"We will be deployed to Souviel, a Coastal City west of Tyr Rian. This is a Study and Observations assignment. Our objectives are to explore any possible diplomatic, economical or scientific leads that we may encounter there. We will be among the first of us to venture there. Expect sunny weather and cool nights so bring some shades and sunblock." Samantha said.

"Iris, we will need you to be there with us. You sure you're okay with a lot of sun?" Clay asked the Vampire Witch.

"Just pack me some extra Sunblock if we have to go out during the day. I am quite fond of the ones for the Sensitive Skin." Iris informed.

"Normally Vampires explode into dust when they see the sun. How come you just need some Sun Block off the women's skincare section and your good to go?" Obediah asked.

"Well you see everyone, 'Vampires' in Gliesia and the way you depict Vampires in your culture are very different." Iris answered.

"Explain." Samantha asked with an intrigued lean on her posture.

"My great grandfather, King Martainn was prodigious Alchemist at his time. He forged several recipes of many potions, tonics, oils and other concoctions that can help alter the essences of people. Make them stronger, faster, resistant to poison and even changing their hair color. He was hoping to make such effects permanent before the Empire conquered Tyr Rian." The Vampire explained.

"Are you saying Martainn was trying to chemically alter the genes of people? Because that sounds just like what you're saying." Kayin asked.

"That is what you call it? Then yes he is trying to change people… 'genes'. I don't recall pants being involved since most people in the Cambervale Valley work skirts."

"No, No, that's J-E-A-N-S for the pants. I meant G-E-N-E-S. Those words are homophones. Words that sound alike but different spelling and meaning altogether. English can be confusing sometimes. So yeah, Genes with a 'G' are those little string rope things I showed you on a picture of DNA strand sometime ago. They make a person have… uniqueness. Like your eyes, hair color and how tall you can be etcetera." Kayin explained.

"I see. Back to King Martainn, before the Slaegian's conquered what will become the Empire one day, he made his children drink a concoction that he had made in his lab. He called it 'Philter of Immortal Power'. The potion was said to give a non-magical person the ability to be able to cast magic not only for him but for his offspring too. The effect of this potion is what you see in me today, with all of my 'Vampire' traits and flaws." Iris said.

"So, let me get this straight some product of a chemically induced eugenics program? As in King Martainn wanted to make his children magically empowered?" Kayin pressed further to confirm.

"Indeed. There were some effects to our… 'genes' that made us like Vampires such as our affinity with using blood to substitute for Mana Crystals, our said occasional appetite for blood and our sensitivity to sun light which dampens my ability to cast magic. Although this potion you call 'Sunblock' gives me immunity to Lehsol's Gaze, the word of speech we call for the sun shining. Also being in the sun without having Sunblock on gives me the most unsettling malady of ricketiness." Iris said.

"Maybe it's the UV Rays… I don't know. I will call Dr. Mahelona about that later when he interviews with King Martainn. He is quite impressed with your grandfather's achievements." Samantha said.

"That would be most welcome." Iris said.

She picked up her Digital Tablet (which was actually just Kayin's whom she borrowed it from) and turned back to what she was reading.

"What are you reading?" Samantha asked the Vampire.

"It is a… Com-pie—lay… eh…" Iris stuttered at the unfamiliar word.

"Compilation of Roald Dahl's best works." Kayin said. "I am helping her understand English and this was something I did back in first grade was to read some Roald Dahl books." He answered.

"Wait until she gets to the crocodile. Not me, the crocodile in the book." Crocker chuckled remembering how that novel ended.

"I am at the Chocolate Factory right now." Iris answered.

"Oh, Wonka is doing great these days despite not really changing anything for the past hundred years. I could just kill for some Nerds and Wonka Bars." Diaz commented.

"Halt! There is a Wonka Candy company? Does that mean Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a Biography?" Iris asked in a façade of surprise.

A moment of paused followed. Before Clay burst out in laughter, followed by Samantha and then Diaz and then everyone else.

"Remind me to buy you some Nerds one day Iris." Kayin said.

"What is so hilarious right now?" Aliathra suddenly interrupted.

The laughter seized as Stryder Group turned to the Elf who appear before them in her standard Elven Ranger armor but the clothing underneath her leathery exterior was replaced from her tainted Ranger raiment for a long sleeved and breathable (via a special fabric that allows the skin to be cooled easily) anti-perspiration shirt in green leafed camouflage. The shirt is often worn in light temperate climates but it is also a popular item sold off of Military Surplus stores around the UFE Space.

"Oh, I was about to get here but Miss Lareththor will be accompanying us on our journey to Souviel." Samantha informed her squad.

"As a what?" Clay asked.

"A Political, Flora and Fauna and as a Cultural Sensitivity expert." Samantha explained.

"And… I can use my… my… Restoration Magics to… heal any injuries or maladies you may obtain during your travels." Aliathra added.

"How can we trust her?" Kayin asked.

"She has no choice other than us." Samantha said. "We need her to help us give some context to the Political intrigues of Gliesia and Iris is with no offense to her is only just an Arcane Expert for us."

A brief beat in pause played out as the Squad slowly accepted that the fearful and wary Elf Maiden is now going to be part of the UFE from this point onward.

"Well, she is taking the Back of the Cruiser." Crocker said.

"Shame, I was looking forward to having her back in my Car again. I was even working on a Recon Package, Off-Road wheels and a Minigun. It would give me a break from looking at my phone for the road, if it means Clay would stop staring at my Phone all day." Diaz joked flirtatiously.

"You know, I WANT my fix of Glamour Girls too." Clay argued. His voice leaked with testosterone with those words.

"The Point Eared one looks like one I tell ya." Diaz chuckled.

"You two Privates, please refrain from any devious or amorous advances from Miss Lareththor from this point on. Additionally, your car STAYS in New Albany Penal Soldier." Samantha reminded him.

Diaz kept his mouth shut but in Samantha's eyes, she can see that he may try to do so again behind her back.

"What about the Leads? What kind of Leads are we going to check out there?" Obediah raised his hand

"Well, Prince Clovich's Cousin is a start. Governor White has sent some delegates to formally introduce themselves to Duke Thibault the Eighth. Robert Bianchin and Lutheor Mirrien will be some of the delegates. Speaking about Lutheor, he told me about a Business Partner that buys some of the Tyr Rian wine he sells to his establishment with close ties with the Grey Order and the Local Community so it would be a good place to start for a grassroots campaign." Samantha said.

"Souviel? The Pearl of the Draguitoise Coast? I know… someone there." Aliathra said.

"Who?" Samantha turned. She wasn't much obligated to tell the Elf where the team is going rather on orders from Colonel Polonsky was to just ensure that the Elf Princess turned consultant in-custody to do what she was told.

"A… Diplomat who was a former Sea-Captain. Has done several things for my family before. He has a… how do I say… the uncanny ability to acquire 'Hard to Obtain' Items." She said.

"A Smuggler?" Diaz asked.

"Yes." Aliathra nodded. "He can get you Magical Items from Alfel-Nora that normally would have been forbidden to get outside of my homelands."

"Sounds interesting. Will write that down for later." Samantha said. "Get your gear and be ready to move out tomorrow."

--------------------- (Meanwhile somewhere in a busy street corner in New Albany) --------------------

"Hold still… and… Cheese!" The Photographer said as Prince Clovich's eye was bombarded with a bright flash of light.

He was in the Photography Studio in New Albany today to take a photo of a piece of parchment papers called a 'Pass-Port'. The prince was told that he needed to have this document so he can travel to Earth, the capital of the United Federation so he can be officially received by the General Assembly in a location called 'Je-Knee-Va'. As he was told by Governor White, he will be in front of many high-ranking officials of the Otherworlder's Government and he needs to make a good impression if he wants to further secure his friendship with the UFE.

In addition, he had also requested Governor White to arrange special educational tours around Earth so that he and a select group of some of his court's most brilliant of scholars to record so that he can use the knowledge for his own use. He wanted to see the great steel farms that gives birth to the UFE's flying boats, feel the magic of their energy 'trees' and see first-hand the other innovative mysteries that made the UFE such a godlike force compared to everyone else in Gliesia. If they could cure his sister (who was now at that moment beginning to skip merrily like a child for the first time in her life) again then surely, they are capable of other divine feats.

Leaving out of the studio he was then overrun by several of the Otherworlders who carried the same magic device that he observed observing him back in the Photo Studio called a 'Ka-meh-ra'. According to White it was a recording Device that inscribes visual moments or as he explained it 'memories of the eye'.

'Do you have any comments on the recent expansion of Military Activities conducted by the UFE in your realm?'

'How do you feel now that your sister, Princess Aria has been cured?'

'Do you think the UFE does the better jobs in dealing with banditry, threats or security issues in your kingdom than the Grey Order or even your own troops?'

'Do you ever feel intimidated by the UFE with all their far advanced weaponry?'

'What Do you expect on your trip to Earth?'

He was bombarded by their interrogatives that he almost had a knee jerk reaction to draw his sword. But the UFE personnel attached to his retinue dismissed the crowd of questioners.

"All questions shall be answered at the official Press Conference." One of his Earth Human attache's told them.

The Retinue moved away from the crowd as they made their way to their car which will take them to the New Albany Spaceport. From there, he will wait another day as his ship is prepared to make the journey from Gliesia all the way to the UFE Capital. From what he was told by his sister, 'The whole world looked so small from so high.'. He couldn't wait to see that first hand.

----------------------- (the Next Day) ----------------------

Stryder Group's Land Cruiser was on the road again. Passing by the farms of the Cambervale Valley of the Principality, the MRAP Tactical Vehicle with its heavy cargo of Stryder Group's many necessities and equipment from 2 weeks' worth of Rations, Crocker's Exo Suit and several other ordinances that were lodged tightly on the Car's exterior. It wasn't as agile as it was back in the Desert Tomb attack a long time ago but it didn't matter for Kayin who was on Driving Duty.

The Cruiser was however just one of 6 other MRAP's that escorted a 3 Supply Trucks filled with Lutheor Mirrien's Merchandise ranging from Exotic Goods from the Eastern Suzerainties, Tyr Rian Berry Wine and Woodworks from Vercourt. It was a fairly standard shipment that Lutheor sends through bi-annually. Normally he would just delegate them to one of his employee's but he wanted to personally introduce the UFE to the Duke of Souviel himself. Robert Bianchin who lobbied his way into a 'Economic Attache' for the Expedition was also part of this Convoy on his own MRAP. From what the Lieutenant could understand, the Corpo is definitely going to be scouting for something, somewhere or someone. She just doesn't know what that big piece of Moneybags is looking for. Not even Diaz knows when she asked him since he only just get orders from Bobby and is allowed to get any loose valuables as a 'bonus'.

Obediah was not on his usual cheery self. Just stood there quietly as his hands clasped together with his fingers twitching in anxiety, or maybe it's just a feeling of withdrawal. Perhaps, in Samantha's on intuition its being away from his family again for another extended amount of time is starting to put a dent on his psyche now. Yet the long-bearded Sniper needed those benefits a Soldier would entail for his family.

Iris again was still reading her E-books again. Still at Roald Dahl no doubt.

Then there was Aliathra. Her eyes gliding back and forth on everyone around her. The Elf's fingers twitched every minute as mounted up pressure surged in her. It was not healthy as Samantha comes to foresee.

"Aliathra, is what's up?" Samantha asked trying to make the Elf's obligatory assignment less nerve-racking.

"Wat-ssss-ap?" the Elf turned in befuddlement.

"I mean, how are you? You were very quiet before we left. Is there something bothering you?" Samantha asked.

"No, it is nothing. I am just… feeling… how can I say this… estranged." Aliathra answered.

"Estranged? How?" Samantha pressed.

"It's one thing to know who your party is, it is another to see them with my own two eyes. And in such a tight space. I��� you are all… this is all… all new to me." the Elf confessed.

"Oh? I ain't that scary." Crocker broke his silence.

"You have the strength of a bear and the face of a sailor. I feel intimidated by your presence." She said to the Half-Maori.

"I can be fun too every now and then. Don't be. I am here to protect everyone here including the Lieutenant." Lewis reassured her.

Aliathra then turned to Diaz.

"And you, you still terrify me in the way you live." She pointed out, almost with an accusing finger.

"I am alive and every sense of the word. I feel, I cry, I sleep, I still want to know what it feels like to fly. Damnit, I wish we can ride a Pegasus one day. Do Pegasi exist in Gliesia?" Diaz asked.

"The Heraldry of Souviel is a Pegasi on one-half and the other a sun." Aliathra said.

"Interesting, would go great on the record." Samantha smiled slightly. "Oh, that reminds me."

She grabbed from her bag a small cylindrical object that Samantha held like a container. She took of its lid and with a soft velvet like cloth began to wipe the glass surface of the device. To Aliathra's own memory. It looked like one of the 'Demon Eyes' that she recalled seeing months ago after that Illusion Spell she helped casted. Albeit, after careful study of those 'Eyes' that she concluded that they were no more but new type of recording device or medium of recording. A Camera as they call it.

"What do you know about Souviel? Anything interesting?" Samantha asked.

"Souviel is veritably split into two distinct boroughs. Old Souviel and New Souviel. The Old Borough consists of two to single story stone houses which were, in ancient times carved in from the rocks in cubic shape with sometimes an orange painted dome over it. But you can easily tell them apart since they walls are almost always white in color."

"Sounds like Mykonos actually if I am getting this right." Samantha commented.

"There is such a place in your world?" Aliathra turned with intrigue.

"Yeah, are the houses in the Old Borough have pane-less windows? Cool during hot weather and warm during cold weather?" Samantha asked.

"Indeed. The Harbor, the Fishermen Wharf's and the Commoner District are all located at the Old Borough. Souviel used to be a Fishing Village before the Empire turned it into the Trading Hub that it is today." Aliathra said.

"What about the New Souviel?" Samantha asked about the latter Borough.

"In contrast to the uniformity of the Old Borough, the New Souviel is much more, impressive, distinct and more colorful. There lies the Nobility, the College and the Shops that makes Souviel rich. The buildings there are more distinct from each other and taller too. Still the houses are built from the same stone as the Old Borough for the same reasons for the inhabitants." Aliathra said.

"How rich is Souviel?" Samantha asked curiously.

"Outside of the taxes they keep for themselves. The City and the surrounding province have a rich wine and arts culture. Many painters, aspiring cooks and even carvers go to the Collègi o Soffestigadig Celf a Chrefft. That is the College that they go to perfect their skills and learn new techniques. I always wanted to see the galleries that is always open to the public." Aliathra said.

"Sounds like a lot of fun. We should go there and see them in action while we are there." Samantha smiled.

"What about problems? Something that troubles the place a lot? Even the richest of cities aren't immune to a bit of shit every now and then." Crocker asked.

"There were cases of Farms being set on fire which can cause the price of food to go up quite often, however nobody knows why the fires happen. Then there's the Pirate Attacks that happen or the results of said coming up to the Harbor." Aliathra said with a slight cringe. "There are also the fights that happen between several Minstrel Groups, but that's another story."

"Nothing too crazy I say." Crocker recalled from his experience.

Their conversation continued on for about the next 2 hours. Aliathra as soon as Stryder group loosened up had her suspicions died down. Obediah talked about his family and how he wanted his daughter April to see Aliathra again since she was a huge fan of 'Princesses' albeit the little one doesn't know the full truth that the Elf is indeed or given the context, was a Princess since the girl just assumed any exceptional beautiful woman outside of her mother and maybe her school teacher to be a 'Princess. Kayin talked about how Stryder group (although mostly it was his efforts and patience) that they managed to convince Iris Cadohagan the Vampire Witch to be a valuable partner and consultant in their colonization of the Planet and even told her stories of times Iris enchanted several of the UFE's weapons to even more devastating effect. Clay who was the newest member of the squad before Aliathra joined in has an interest with cooking ever since his teenage years working as a Preparation Cook as a part time job before enlisting into the Army yet for some reason, slicing Onions was the one thing he vehemently despises doing in an otherwise preferred hobby.

Yet for all of their small talk one thing that Stryder Group said that tickled the Elf's ear was there reasons for being in Gliesia in the first place:

Opportunity, the Opportunity to rise, begin anew and climb. They all wanted to better themselves, even Iris said that to her outspokenly.

Samantha wants to prove her abilities as a Team Leader.

Obediah wanted a better life for his family in an untapped land of possibilities.

Diaz wanted to build something that would stand the test of time.

Crocker wanted to wipe away the horrors of his past by going somewhere 'Quiet' yet he still struggles to fight his inner monsters away.

Kayin is seeking a promotion and a career for himself as a Combat Engineer.

Clay wanted to see some Adventure to write about to his family and friends back home.

Iris wants to further improve her Magic, Alchemical and Enchantment capabilities and see that the UFE could take her to places she could never dream of.

Stryder no longer felt like a group of Intimidating Outsiders but now living people with dreams, aspirations, desires and fears.

"So… what about you Miss Lareththor? What do you want?" Samantha asked her.

The Elf looked into herself. She remembered that albeit her parents were a loving, caring and protective pair who ruled the Ethuilen Elves sternly, she felt an invisible leash on her neck. Behave a certain way, speak a specific word, formalities and more formalities and the expectations of all the Nobles of the court expect from your typical Elven Maiden. All concepts from the great Elven Philosopher Seowyd, a writer who came up with thousands of philosophical and sociological writings that the Elves follow in every step. Elves are Gerontrocratic, the Elders are the most revered for their experience and wisdom collected throughout the years. Women are expected to be the Guardians of their Homes taking care of the day to day housekeeping and ultimately the defender of one's valuables stored within. They were also expected behave 'Immaculately' with chaperoned meetings with those of the opposite gender, reservations upon the males and to be the torch of reason to balance the man's fiery heart.

Yet she was still so naïve to the ways of the world despite Seowyd's expressions to promote a stable and time standing society. She never really knew how to react to men outside of her brother and her father as Education back in Alfel Nora is gender segregated. The only time in her youthful years where she could interact with a male was when she is in a chaperoned Soiree. Slow and Graceful dances, proper courtship and talks were to be expected. Only when an Elven Maiden has finally chosen her 'Gwir' that the more restrictive measures were lifted and the more passionate stages of Courtship could begin This was done for more 3 millennia in Alfel Nora and still prevalent even after the Elven Split.

Aliathra still has yet to find, her Gwir. None of the Noblemen and Boys back at her home. All of their attempts in her eyes were just Social Climbers looking to get their blood into the Royal Line even though the real prize was her sister Ithiel who is the Heir to the Astilbian Throne. Secretly between her and her sisters, they would read several human books behind their parent's and servants backs of tales of Gallant and Daring heroes who with their wit, might and guile triumph against the odds and swept the maiden of their interested affections of her feet and ride off to the sun set. Roguish yet honest when he needs to be. She and her sister fawn over someone like the heroes in their stories.

Weirdly enough but uncomfortably close to her, Diaz fits several of the criteria. Witty, guile, mighty in the sense of his battle prowess but the only thing that he seems interested the most is not the prize of the delicateness of a woman's hand but more on the next great thrill, the next great payout or his next conquest. A Hedonist who thrives in conflict. Still charming but not the perfect vision she had. But then again, perfection is not the same for everyone.

Yet, Alfel Nora despite its rigidness still had its redeeming factors. The zenith of scholarly knowledge of all of Gliesia is the envy of the world, the lush and untamed wild lands filled with nature's fertile bounty and the most brilliant architecture in the world. Yet even then, it wasn't enough for her curiosity of the outside world to get the better of her. Reading the books and foreign hearsay from traders and other minstrels about the hills of the Slaegian Heartlands, the titan sized mountains the Dwarves called their home and finally the great oceans of other far off locales she never heard about.

"I wish to see more… see more of the world." Aliathra answered.

"Well we are called 'Stryder group' after all. It means we take long steps everywhere we go." Samantha smiled.

"Yeah, we already took you to a place you never thought was possible already." Diaz smiled.

Just then, the Land Cruiser stopped suddenly with an abrupt stop with an equally unbalancing of everyone's posture. Thankfully the seat belts saved them from flinging themselves all over the MRAP.

"What is happening?" Samantha asked Kayin.

"We just stopped… hang on." Kayin said as he zoomed his eyes over several new figures that emerged from his view.

A Patrol of Horsemen, a mix of armor varieties they wore. Most of them were wearing a light adornment of leather pauldrons and vests whilst one man in particular wore a full complement of armor. Then Kayin's eyes caught one of the armored one's shield. It was the Half-Pegasi and Half Sun heraldry Souviel proudly flies as there standard. What was also distinct of the knightly one was that the colors of his clothes. Flamboyantly golden for his metal protections with a puffy gold and red doublet underneath his armor. For his top wear, the Knight sported on a beak helmet otherwise known as a Bascinet and on top of his helmet, a rainbow-like bouquet of colorful feathers. He stood there like a work of art in contrast to the plain green camouflage of the Cargo Trucks and the bulky yet heavy load bearing MRAP's.

Samantha quietly grabbed her rifle in preparation for any danger but she kept her restraint as she was only allowed to fire her weapon if she was attacked upon. She opened the hatch that leads to the Machine Gun pintle of the Land Cruiser and slowly rose up.

Just as she did, the Lieutenant saw Lutheor Mirrien emerge from one of the other MRAP's in the convoy and hurriedly greeted the Knightly Figure.

"Lutheor? Do you know them?" Samantha asked from her position.

"They are just a border patrol. Relax let me do the talking. They all know me." the Dwarf reassured her.

She observed that the Dwarf presented him with papers to the Souvieli Knight who examined them. It was a routine border patrol with a side of Customs Declaration. After some talking with the Knight, the Souvieli Leader returned the important looking papers to Lutheor and then gestured to the rest of the convoy to follow him.

"We will need to meet with the Duke Thibault first in his castle at this hour first before we deliver my merchandise to my clients. He wants to talk to you very eagerly." Lutheor said.

"Hang on, I thought it was Merchandise first, THEN meet the Duke." Bianchin protested over the Radio.

"Thibault can be a very demanding one based on my experience. It's rude to turn down or be late for his Summons." Lutheor insisted that the convoy adjust their plans.

"He is right Bianchin, we are not in a position to negotiate at this moment." Samantha said.

"You make a point. Alright we will follow them to the Duke. Lead the way. Now, where the hell did I place my 'Diplomacy' Perfume?" Bianchin said before he hung up his radio.

Lutheor nodded to the Knight of Souviel as he got back into his car. The Patrol watched the strange foreigners in their horseless carriages closely as the Knight of Souviel galloped to the front of the convoy to lead them to his liege lord.

Yet Samantha at the meantime stayed at the Machine Gun Pintle of her Land Cruiser. She quickly reached back in to assemble her professional camera. She had an instinct that she will be given the Scenic route of their journey throughout Souviel.

As a Studies and Observations group, one of Stryder's key functions is Reconnaissance which is just in her eyes a fancy term for a photography tour. She had always a knack in handling the camera as she used to be part of the Photography club in her High School back in Quebec, Canada. She volunteered to be Stryder's photographer due to her being the only person in her squad who can do more with a camera than 'click a button and shoot'. Her mandate as given by Colonel Polonsky is to take photos of the daily lives of the natives, local flora and fauna and other interesting locations. They are planning to create a more visually appealing encyclopedia of all the important information of Gliesia to be sold publicly courtesy of the UFE's Bureau of Education and their connections with book publishing corporations. This slightly disappointed Samantha as she wanted to keep some of the photos for herself to hang on her wall like the beautiful sun bathing the warm green hills of Souviel that she immediately shot for the books with her camera.

She had only taken a few official pictures of Gliesia before but not on official Recon Missions such as Iris' old home, Tyr Rian's city streets, the Tomb at the Desert and some important land marks surrounding New Albany that she just took for fun but had to turn over as the camera and the content in it's SD Card were government property. She did try to appeal for at least accreditation for her work but so far now answer from high command as all photos were either classified or just said 'UFE Military Corps. File Photo'.

Despite not being the true owner of such remarkable sight's digital immortalization, Samantha still enjoyed the thrill of finding that right moment to shoot her camera. The green empty hills soon became farmlands of wheat, vine and fruit with farmers planting and harvesting their crops. Focusing and rapidly clicking her camera she took over 20 photos of the Souvieli farmlands. She smiled with a slight giggle as the photos she took and will most likely take within the immediate future might be mistaken for photos of Italy's Toscana region unless otherwise stated that yes, this is the new Alien Planet that teemed with sentient life and functioning civilization.

But then, Samantha realized after that, the philosophical, religious, sociological, economical and astronomical implications of Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Magic and most outrageous of all, other Humans living in a Fantasy World like planet. People might dismiss at first of such preposterous revelations as some sort of coverup or propaganda campaign to push in more money to the dying UFE Colonial Expansion programs which had under gone several scandals involving corporate favoritism and embezzlement. She fears that Prince Clovich and his entourage maybe dismissed as Cosplayers when they make their appearance at Geneva soon.

"Can you hear me? All of you? Sure? Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Souviel, the Land of Passion and Sun." Lutheor Mirrien announced on the radio.

The Farmlands disappeared from view as Samantha felt the cooling winds of Seabreeze. Woodworks and boat family sized dry docks for small fishing and sailing vessels alongside Mykonian like stone carved homes that the Souvieli commoners live. With their distinct paintings to set the apart from the Greek lookalikes and to show some individuality Samantha took aim and captured these homes from the distance of her MRAP. Thankfully the car and the convoy were moving as fast as the steps of the Knight's horse. She noticed as she took multiple shots of the houses that the paintings were all individually unique to set the inhabitants apart from each other's but judging by the paintings fresh looking frescoes, it looked like a more recent thing. Perhaps the Arts College work? Some natives stared at the mysterious strangers who came to their land, some even feel intimidated by the roar of their MRAP's engines which according to some sensitivity studies conducted by Dr. Mahelona and Dr. Haneul reminds them of beasts and monsters.

Samantha, wanting to at least do what she could to defuse first impression tensions waved a friendly hello and a gentle smile. But she didn't had time to see the results if that one act of cordiality made any changes to their arrival.

Speaking about their arrival, Samantha noticed that the streets were getting progressively smaller the deeper they are into the Duchy. From open dirt roads to stone roads wide enough for only people walking on foot or horses being pushed up, the Convoy soon felt constricted, especially the Cargo trucks containing Lutheor's Merchandise for this trip.

"The Knight guy just halted; he says we can 'place our Steeds at the Stable' before we move further into Souviel up to the Inner-City parts. The Merchandise will stay here. Lutheor knows the stable master and he can arrange porters to take his stuff out. Come on, the Duke awaits." Bobby Bianchin radioed.

"I will need to put this on…" Aliathra turned over her hood covering her face.

"Disembark Stryder Group." Samantha ordered.

The back of their MRAP opened up as the squad emerged from their vehicle. Immediately afterwards the squad could hear the startled screeches and gasps of passersby. Seeing the 'Metal Beast' spew forth people from its depth got people to recoil. One rather well-dressed woman fainted to the back of her maidservants.

"Alright, Viking and Apache will come with us to the Duke. Jäger, you guard the trucks until the Porters come." Samantha called out.

Every other UFE SOG Unit nodded and followed. Alongside Bianchin's personal retinue of PMC's and Mirrien's trusty bodyguards, the Mission pushed forward towards the deeper borough of Souviel.

The streets were narrow but more paved with bricks. Additionally, and quite amusingly, the paved bricked road had some worn out paint traces of flowers ranging from Red, Blue and Yellow from what the Lieutenant could discern. There were small rotundas, colored homes in contrast to the mostly white commoner houses, patios, flights of stairs, inclined rises and aesthetically pleasing tree's that gave the affluent New Souviel a Italian-like and laid back feel. Another aesthetic distinction was the vibrant art scene ranging from statues embedded as fountains, memorials or artistic bawdiness (which was more of the latter) whilst paintings that decorate every street corner as they walk were of a cornucopia of food, wine and naked cherub like figures serving bottles of wine to naked people below like mana from the heavens.

It was hard for the likes of Diaz, Aliathra, Kayin and Bobby to not get distracted by the beautiful scenery as they walked. Especially Aliathra who ogled at the feminine statues who's faces and postures displayed a care free illustration.

Even the people, who dressed in clothes belonging to the Renaissance Era completed the Mediterranean look of whole borough. That just made them, there shiny metal gear and vests stand out like if a group of Airsoft players accidentally stumbled into a Renaissance Fair. Souviel had a distinct ambiance sound of a mix of children skipping playfully on the streets, nobles travelling under the sun with their velvet umbrellas, craftsmen rushing on their businesses and minstrels playing their latest creations for a few scraps of gold coins on their feet. Compared to Tyr Rian however, Souviel was reserved in population for every 1 Souviel person she saw, there would have been 3 Tyr Rianni.

Samantha was relieved at quite the tone down of pace. The crowds at Tyr Rian were tense and a human jungle of danger that lurked in every corner. In addition to the practical aspects, Samantha took this opportunity with her State-Issued Camera to take some photos of all the places and people she is seeing for it was inevitable for the natives, civilian, commoner, noble and guards alike to take notice:

"What Knightly Order or Mercenary Group are you? You don't look like any I have seen." commented a guard.

"By the Gods you look so tall, handsome even. How about I show you a good time brave sir." Enticed a bawdily dressed courtesan.

"You are unusually tall for a Dwarf… and unusually… dark… dyed… for any of them." A passerby said.

"Wine? Waybread? Cicysch? Hungry after a long day?" a merchant peasant peddled his latest produce from his farm.

"Is that… Green paired with Brown? That will do you no good here in Nauva Souvieli! Buy some of my finest garbs. I am sure we can find something that matches you." A peddler marketed himself. He was quietly ignored.

All eyes were at them indeed, all words spoken were about these strange new visitors to their idyllic little bubble. All ears of the natives fell on whatever rumors that they heard about from whom had heard second to first handed information about these Otherworlders:

"I hear that one of them can slay an Ogre with his bare hands."

"The Rose Dressed one and the gray haired one in the velvet doublet are said to possess the great magical power called 'Kore-poo-rit Chick'!"

"There mages seem to be tireless too. They can shoot so many spells within a few hours without passing out."

Samantha payed heed to those murmurs. They were neutral sounding but potentially sliding down to the fearful stages of opinion. Fear can be a double-sided sword as she knows. It can keep a person submissive or it could make another angry towards hatefulness which will only lead to violence. They need to make a positive impression to allay such fears. She heard of the chatter by the Marines back in New Albany of some sort of mission taking place Haringpoint with the Aurora and from the way they whispered nervously to each other. It had to involve violence of some shape or form. It will be inevitable that news flow down from the Imperial Capital.

"Look up! There it is." Lutheor announced.

Samantha's eyes met shadows as she looked over what towered above her. A great majestic castle of Fairy-Tale like proportions, or the gate that leads to it at least greeted her. At least 5 towers that scraped the sky, a garden filled with a painter's pallete of flowers and flamboyantly dressed servants and guards patrol the grounds.

A loud trumpet followed, blaring out as their feet stepped on the Castle's courtyard.

The Guards shifted then locked their feet and weapons in salute while the servants bowed down towards Lutheor and the rest of the Diplomatic Mission.

"Mèstre Lutheor Mirrien of the South Karzeł Mercantile Company has arrived." The Trumpet Blower declared.

"Welcome again Sir Mirrien to Castel Astro-Somi."

"As you can all see, my name is quite known in these parts. Come on! Onwards! We have a Duke to meet." Mirrien said.

The delicate exterior of the Castle was perhaps the most remarkable architecture that Samantha captured on her camera. She remarks that the guards that patrol the premise focused more on status symbolization rather than practicality. Equipped with a Sword or a Halberd with their colorful doublet that displayed Souviel's Coat of Arms. Nothing more than toy soldiers who were only good at marching and the occasional pest infestation. By their green faces they looked like they never been into an actual fight in their lives. The Knights on the other hand that apparently leads them looked more experienced and battle ready in demeanor thanks to their armor and more assorted weapons.

The UFE made their way into the door of the castle proper and followed the Knight and several servants who now attached themselves and followed their every move. They were light footed as to not heavily trod the marble floor of the Castle which had an exquisite interior filled with paintings, statues and other decorative that were proudly reflected upon by the nearing-noon sun.

Another great door stopped them, this time, Lutheor silently gestured Bobby to tense up and be ready to make a graceful entrance.

"Oh, here we go. Time to dress to impress." Diaz smiled as he picked up from out of his hands his splashy biker jacket with glittering roses as its print pattern.

"What are you doing Soldier get back to your…" Samantha said but was interrupted by more Trumpet blaring.

"May I present you Mèstre Lutheor Mirrien of the South Karzeł Mercantile Company and Roberto Bianchin of the You-Knighted Federation of Erff." An announcer declared with a glaring mispronunciation of the UFE's name.

Diaz was already covering his chest rig with his Jacket whilst the rest of the Soldiers in the Mission holstered their guns.

They marched down to the Duke's Throne room under the sight of dozens upon dozens of what appears to be Nobles and Foreign Dignitaries residing in Souviel. People in all shapes and colors, races, eyes and heights were in attendance. Some dressed like one of the Souvielian Nobility in their oversize doublets and puffy dresses that the men and women wore. The rest wore their native nations indigenous garments filled with furs, leather and strange feathers. They whispered to each other, very much about these strangers who walked into their little gathering. Probably commenting about their appearance, demeanors and uncanny resemblance to other Humans. The Lieutenant couldn't tell since these whispers were inaudible to her ears or were masked by the gentle music that played by the door to give this gathering a sense of elitist bliss.

"Welcome Mirrien one of my Favorite Merchants!" Duke Thibault said on his throne.

He was short man with long curled hair and a gut produced from overindulgence. His demeanor judging from his giddy movements was ecstatic, like a child awaiting something exciting to happen.

"And Hello again! You are still the same as I last so you? Was it… four? Maybe five Years ago?" Mirrien answered.

"Five, I think. I was bedridden with the most atrocious of fevers at the time. Please, tell me. May you introduce yourselves to your friends? I heard great and wondrous things about them from my Cousin the Prince of Tyr Rian." Thibault said.

"Certainly, may Introduce you to Roberto Bianchin. Leader of this adventurous delegation to your fine realm." Mirrien introduced the UFE to the Duke.

"Your Majesty. It is with my upmost and warming pleasure to be here today. I am Roberto Bianchin and I represent the UFE Mission to your city. We wish to discuss trade, peace and other promising and mutually beneficial deals with you and my… my… 'masters' back in New Albany." Bianchin bowed.

The Duke happily observed the aliens. His eyes marveled at Crocker's Armor, the exotic skin tones of Kayin and Clay and Diaz's out worldly but enviable to the eyes of all of the guests, his Jacket. But then his eyes turned to Aliathra, who was still under her hood. Thibault's face turned red, slighted at his disrespect that the Elven Princess in accidental exile gave.

"Do you know it is rude to wear a hood under my presence let alone in a Party?" Thibault scolded.

Reacting quickly, Diaz and Bianchin stepped in.

"Oh, our guide! Sorry milord. She is very shy. You see." Bianchin said trying to maintain his diplomatic tone.

Diaz on the other hand whispered to Aliathra's leaf shaped ears.

"Play along. We can't afford to risk exposing you." Diaz whispered.

Before the Elf could react, Diaz unceremoniously pulled down Aliathra's hood revealing her astonishing elven braided hair.

The crowd in the room gasped in amazement at the sight of the Elf like an angel descending from heaven to grace them all. They know she was an Alfel Noran Elf thanks to her clean and 'civilized' demeanor compared to the Sea Elves more rugged and tattooed covered faces who normally mind you dear reader are supposed to be segregated at the Wharfs and rarely climb up to the uptown borough of Nouva Souvieli.

"Such a beauty like you shouldn't be covered in that hideous garments Oh no." Thibault approached Aliathra.

"Eh… sorry Duke but… our Guide… she is very shy and not very used to Social… Interactions. Please can we continue on?" Diaz tried to defuse.

"Oh, by the Gods in Heaven. I got ahead. Yes, pardon me and I apologize for my abruptness. I always get seduced easily by such lovely faces. I do say, yours is perhaps one of the most striking in this gathering here." Thibault complemented.

The crowd murmured again by the Duke's statement. Some of the ladies who were dolled up in makeup, jewelry and the finest of clothes silently expressed disdain. The Nobility's efforts to outshine their peers in the latest fashion and beauty trends stolen by a visitor who was not even trying to stand out in front of everyone's eyes.

Samantha could only conclude that this Duke Thibault the Eighth is a very decadent individual. If that custom raiment of his and his air headedness on diverting his attention from a monumental first encounter with a pretty face then the Lieutenant might as well set her Military College Notebooks on fire.

"We will discuss those terms in my officer chambers after I introduce you to my court's best and brightest. My Ministers and some of my closest confidants would love to meet you Sir Bianchin." The Duke said.

"Oh, please you can call me Bobby if you want. I WILL be your new friend after this anyways." Bianchin said. "Team, let me and my Bodyguards alone with the Duke for now. Go Enjoy the party for now."

The Delegates journeyed off with the Duke who with a bashful smile, introduced his closest friends and ministers to them. Handshakes, salutations and fanciful introductions were exchanged successfully. Bobby's charm marketed like any slick Corpo would with the nobles who were smitten by his princely-like demeanor and elegant tone.

In almost the same way, Stryder Group and the rest of the UFE soldiers were approached by the other attendees of the party. Questions bombarded them such as:

"Where is this Kingdom called 'You-Knighted Fe-der-ashon'?"

"What is the name of your Knightly Order?"

"What do you think of our fine realm of Souviel?"

Some of the more machismo attendants were smitten by Iris, Lieutenant Rose and Aliathra and were observed attempting to make fawning solicitations from the 3 Women. But were shot down thanks to Irises physical but subtle attribute of stronger grip.

"Me and these other ladies are not interested." She said. And their pursuant courtiers retreated away.

"Thank you, Iris." Samantha asked.

"With gratitude for me too." Aliathra nodded.

"I prefer to enjoy my wine in peace. Shall I recommend the Piquant Granvas? It's something only Noblemen drink and I saw a manservant pass out some goblets filled with them." Iris returned the favor.

The women of Stryder group took some of the sparkling white wine that Iris had pointed out and after a moment for the rest of Stryder Group grabbed a goblet of wine (except Crocker who just had a goblet of water to maintain some professionalism and Clay who was more of a liquor man took a spirit). They were allowed to only have one round of alcohol in party to avoid offending their host who had arranged such lavishness for their arrival, and no more. Samantha raised her glass to the air and cheered her friends.

"Santé and Tchin Tchin! That means cheers back in Quebec or my house at least." Samantha proclaimed.

"Cheers!" Stryder group said.

"Benòstra!" Iris said in Vaikuri.

"Joui." Aliathra meekly said. It was just an effort to fit in but the sense of Camaraderie between the Otherworlders and Iris was evident.

Samantha noticed and cheered the young elf up.

"Don't worry about anything. Just do what your told and you will be safe with us." She reassured her.

But Aliathra still held fears that her family and the other Ethuilen Elves might still come to 'rescue' or avenge her supposed 'corruption'.

------------------------------- (Earlier that day at a battered Haringpoint) -------------------------

Despite the chaos, the despair and confusion upon the wake of what the people Haringpoint could only describe as 'the Wrath of the Demons', the Slaegian Empire's military, nobility and other such support structures that kept their civilization stable were working at clockwork rotation. Postmen, Messengers and Scribes worked tirelessly to send forth letters to as many of their prefects, vassals, allies about the terrible news of the capital suffering from a brazen attack by Otherworldly Barbarians who dared challenge them. Religious officials, Arcanist and Monsterologists debated, reviewed and studied for any connections of these 'Sky People' to any other phenomenon or occurrences in Gliesia but to no avail. Legionary Generals and High Ranked Grey Order Members rallied the populace at first to rebuild what was damaged by the attack but then ultimately recruit more into their numbers for an inevitable clash with the 'You-Knighted Fe-der-A-ashon'. And amongst the Grey Order and Legionnaires inner sanctums, a plan is being concocted in a hope to save themselves from what some believe to be 'the Second Coming of the Demons'.

"We need to make the Covenant with the Great Crystal Heart." Emperor Uldin said.

The Great Crystal Heart was deemed the Holiest of Relics in Ysanigrad. Legend speaks that this wheel sized crystal had bestowed its blessings to Caldell of the Slaegiac tribe in order to beat back the initial Demonic Invasion. According to the scriptures, the Heart gave a piece of its flesh to Caldell which bestowed him awesome magical enhancements such as enhanced health, resilience, agility and strength. His duel against the Alboen was the greatest example for it was said that they fought for a full week without pause. Additionally, the blessings the Heart gives also to share a proteus affinity with all aspects of magics but not to the same extent in one branch against someone who studied specifically that branch all their life.

The Heart right now is underground in a secured vault deep inside the Great Cathedral of Haringpoint where it remained inert unless it is activated again.

"You are asking us to perform an immensely dangerous ritual." Owyne warned.

The Ritual of Recrudesce, the means to reawaken the Heart Crystal from its dormant state requires it to expend a large amount of Mana inside its specially sealed sanctum in most likely dangerously fatal amounts. But the risks compared to the take away was immense. It is said that the Heart when hearing its prayers and being surrounded by the dancing sprites of its energy flowing around it can give not only blessings but fore sighting visions of welcoming guidance that Caldell had said to hear when he begged the Heart to ask him how to defeat Alboen and rescue his betrothed.

"No sacrifice will be too great for our survival!" Uldin shouted. "I will burn through my entire treasury just to get you the Mana Potions and Crystals you need to complete the Ritual."

"We just need you to gather all of the best mages that the Empire has. I will also see to it I can get any mages from our own Colleges to assist you." Lyndis said.

"Any help from you is most comforting to hear. We will also have to be ready to receive the blessing on any chosen heroes that the Heart will select so gather your best troops and Guildsmen to the Cathedral and wait for the Heart's Blessing. But if the Chosen One is outside of the Capital, have your knights ready to set out and follow where the Crystal shall guide us." Karliah added.

"Gods protect us all. I fear the Fires of the Goddess of Death lick my feet. First our city and now perhaps my own colleagues and students…" Owyne sulked down.

He knew that he will also have to participate in the ritual as the Master of Ceremony. The possibility of death, failure or even more maddening visions afflict his psyche. He might not survive or perhaps see one of his colleague or students that he had befriended, worked with and tutored perish. But if it is for the future of the Empire and the whole world at stake then he must be ready to pay the price whether he wants to or not.

"Very well… Petur, tell Priaut Cadlysér Huguet and also the Grey Order to come to the Cathedral at noon after 3 Days from now. Gather the best that you can and also horsemen in reserve in case we must ride immediately." Owyne sighed.

Ser Huguet Carcer, the Priaut Cadlysér or Grand Commander of the Slaegian Legion would be at that time coordinating the rescue and rebuilding effort of all the damaged areas of the Imperial Capital. A valiant man with a tendency for audacious acts of heroics but also an eye for talent to be assigned into some of the most decorated and battle-hardened regiments of the Imperial Legion. It would be natural for a soul like him to be escorted by nothing more but the finest men to ever had the dutiful honor of carrying the Empire's Banner across all of the known corners of the world.

"Your will be done your excellency." Everyone except Emperor Uldin said.

Owyne, Petur, Karliah and Lyndis bowed as they went out of the Emperor's Underground chambers that he uses for emergencies such as the unlikely event of a siege or a coup 'de tat. It was not as opulent as he otherwise intact palace above him but his advisors recommend to wait out underground with the rest of his court until the reconstruction of the Haringpoint is completed.

"Servant, may I see the map of the Principality of Tyr Rian itself? I want to review some battle plans." Uldin whispered as soon as the rest of the council dismissed themselves.

"As you wish milord." The manservant said.

-------------------------------------(The next day in Souviel) ---------------------------

The mornings at 'Camp Ghillie Leaf' was reinvigorating and picturesque for Samantha. The sun gilding the golden and olive lands that make up Souviel was worthy of a shot of Samantha's camera. Afterwards she went to her Military Laptop that have now been connected to the Metanet just now and uploaded all the photos that she had received to High Command and the Intelligence Agencies. The Grounds were in fact the structural wooden remains of an old fort that was abandoned a century ago and after an hour of cloaking the perimeter with camouflage. Invisible to the naked eye of any activity unless you can get close enough to break through the forest colored veils (and a headshot from a sniping sentry). The Duke assured the UFE and Lutheor Mirrien that the fort was situated in a place that no one in Souviel would ever venture to yet still has a road that connects to the outside world.

'Nice shots Lieutenant. I nearly forgot these were official recon photos.' Responded in text by Colonel Polonsky.

'More will come soon Colonel. I am actually enjoying this.' Samantha replied.

'Good to hear. Got any interesting leads? Specifically, something that Dr. Mahelona can use about the Native's Magics? He is been asking for them now.' Polonsky asked.

'We have one from Aliathra of all other sources. Some sort of Seafarer who ships items from Alfel Nora of Arcane Content. Will investigate soon but Bianchin says we need to get more acquainted with the locals first.' Samantha explained.

'Very well, Godspeed. Polonsky Out.'

The Lieutenant closed the lid of the laptop and stored back her camera as she turned around to see the rest of the UFE Soldiers are either finishing up or just completed their breakfast and there morning hygienic activities. Crocker, after configuring his Exo-Suit for the day waved at his superior.

"Sergeant, Bianchin came up with a lot of leads last night. I was assigned with one." Samantha informed.

"Can't wait to begin today. Hey, El-tee? You got a moment?" Crocker asked.

"Sure. Is there a problem?" Samantha asked.

"Oh no, just some small talk while the rest of the boys gets ready." Crocker answered. "So, I only know you graduated at the UFE Military's North America Camp, right? Under what course?"

"West Point? I took the Defense and Strategic Studies there. I can analyze, evaluate and then solve problems within a geo-stellar context. Then there's operational arts, counterinsurgency, persuasive communications. All to properly communicate tactical decisions and actions to the UFE's policies." Samantha said. But it was robotic response. In her heart she knew there was a hole in that sentence that she doesn't know the answer too. "As for the Camera, well I used to be a member of my High School Photography club. It was either that or the Swim Team and sharing the same room with Rebecca. She was Big-B." Samantha loosened her tongue off of the uncertainty.

"And what is the UFE's Policy to the Gliesians?" Crocker asked.

It was the million-dollar cross examination anomaly to Samantha. What was the UFE's Policy? To all of this? All of Governor White's actions were essentially him putting on a kind face to the natives and the Colonial Affairs Office was only going through what Jeremy could produce positively. They had no real power outside of a few paper pushes to Wigs much higher in the political food chain than them. There was no official policy of diplomatic, economic and sociological interactions with any sentient civilization, pre-stellar or capable of space flight. Just theories, contingencies and some psychological concepts were dating back to when the UFE was known as the United Nations before the 3rd World War. Governor White was juggling both his official mandate of running the colony and the unforeseen duty of being in the front lines of humanity's or Earth Humanity's first contact with other beings. Who would have guessed that the first aliens they meet are people straight out of a Fantasy RPG?

"There is none. Officially yet. We are just going with what is the most convenient for the colony's safety right now." Samantha answered.

"Sooner or later, this planet will be opened up. The Wigs can't keep the rest of the UFE from knowing about this planet. Eventually more colonists, corporations and soldiers will come down here. What will happen to the Elves? The Dwarves? Those Beast people and all the rest? Will they be naturalized as citizens? Or will we make them strangers in their own homes for our own ends? What say you gov?" Crocker asked.

Samantha took a deep breath. Her second-in-command is right once again. What will happen next once the UFE fully devotes themselves into Gliesia?

"If it were up to me… I would make sure we never repeat the same mistakes our ancestors have made during the Golden Age of Colonization." Samantha said from her heart. She values utilitarian ethics, on emotions and consideration of the other.

"Interesting choice Lieutenant. But others might have different ideas." Crocker nodded.

After that second, a loud double clang was heard. It was Obediah who had just finished eating a freshly cooked Rice Pilaf with Teriyaki Chicken breasts for his breakfast.

"Let's do this guy. Woo!" Obediah enthusiastically jumped.

Kayin again was with Iris talking to her before he and the Vampire stood in attention. Diaz was helping Clay pack his spare batteries for his radio whilst Aliathra carefully re-tightened her tiara like braid worthy for a fair Elven Maiden such as herself.

"Stryder Group. Bianchin got some interesting leads for us. He delegated them to all of us and we have to privilege of having the least dangerous one." Samantha said. "According to Bianchin, he has met a merchant by the name Galbut Seguin, a wholesaler of wine barrels in Souviel. According to Lutheor, the Seguin Family Wine Dispensary and Taproom has deep connections with various important people in the Duchy from the Nobility who he sells for their fancy banquet parties, taverns whom Galbut supplies the more upscale of beverages to and of course exporters. Bianchin wants us to talk to him and see what we can make of some his social connections and if we can get ourselves on his web too." Samantha said.

"Where is his place?" Clay asked.

"Near the ports. His largest buyers are the exporters and not too far away from that is some of the taverns after all. It's a two-storied building with a basement of an unknown size but I am sure that's just where he keeps all of his Wine." Samantha answered.

"The Tavai that I talked about is by the ports all of the time too. We can stop by and meet with him. Maybe his latest shipment is one of the items that your Scholarly friend back in New Albany requested for." Aliathra added.

"Doctor Mahelona is his name Miss Lareththor. But you make a good point. I will let command know about this too but first stop is the Wine Dispensary." Samantha acknowledged.

Now with their orders clear. Stryder Group boarded their Land Cruiser and head off into the golden sunrise.

Today was the first day of their mission into Souviel. All that the Squad can hope, pray and dream about is for their mission to be a success.