Vines Full of Debt

It was a bright and youthful morning for the novice adventurer Faithleann Garmhaic. He combed off his hair as he walked out of the Inn that he stayed in Haringpoint. After leaving his village which was a good 2-Weeks journey to the imperial capital of Haringpoint to look for opportunity, adventure, gold and glory. He was the only child of two impoverished landowners. However, before his parents died as he reached the cusps of adulthood for Humans in Ysanigrad at 15, they thought him swordsmanship and moral upbringings of good versus evil actions from his father and mother respectively. He had experience in real world professions when he was given the job in his village to be a Deputy for the Local Prefect. Enforcing the virtues of every lawful good ruling and social expectations with the best of his ability (or the worst a small riverside fishing village can offer as a threat to it) he was commended by the Prefect for being 'an Exemplar' to all aspiring youths who want to get out of their shells and do good in this fantastical world.

This 'Exemplar' that is named Faithleann read and heard all of the legends, stories, fables and ballads that he could lay his ears on since he was still illiterate at the present. They were his greatest delights to see heroes like the Empire's founder Caldell Slaegiac slaying the evil Demon Lord Alboen, the tales of the Plucky Rogue who stole from disgustingly greedy nobles and give there ill-gotten gains back to the people, or even the story of the 4th Avatar of Thidar, the God of Virtue, Gerard 'Who is as wise as the River'. Whenever he heard the story of a new hero, he would ask the storyteller what became of him but to his disappointment, these heroes' times were such a long time ago that they were obviously long dead. Faithleann was discouraged, he wanted to gaze upon such heroes and to firsthand examine their example, for he had always wanted to be immortalize into memory and record as an Exemplar of all that is good, virtuous and lawful in this world. Stained glass, Ballads and books depicting him saving the innocent from monsters, winning the hand of beautiful maidens and being a good example of bravery and tenacity to future generations who would look at his histories with awe. That was what Faithleann aspires, to attain the noble recognition denied for him at birth after his father made several mistakes in running his farm unto the proverbial financial ground.

With only a few gold coins as his inheritance from his parents, his father's sword and a singular leather chest armor as his only means of protection. He set off to Haringpoint to join the Grey Order. There were many opportunities for him to earn a living as an Adventurer. Monster Slaying, Escorts, Artifact/Relic retrievals, the possibilities were endless. New Friends, new horizons, and all the financial, socio-economic securities satisfied for a boy who has so much to give to this world. After getting initiated into the Adventurer's Guild he was already immediately given his assignment, help out the reconstruction, debris removal and rescue effort that were resultant of the recent attack by the Demons.

Faithleann wanted to personally curse the name of whomever dared strike at the very heart of Humanities' achievement in this world. He was both enraged and horrified by the devastation brought on the Slaegian Empire's ports for Haringpoint was the heart of humanities development in Ysanigrad. If it stops bleeding, the other cities and towns would wither. He tirelessly, selflessly and consistently pulled out the debris of off all the rubble on the Demon Attack's wake and if he ever heard a cry for help, he would without any hesitation drop what he was doing and rush to whomever needed his aid. Sometimes, he would need to help assist a doctor amputate the legs of an injured person or apply bandages all over an extensively maimed individual. Other times, he would be tasked to help some of the Legionnaires pullout a family or a trapped citizen from the rubble. There were concerns from his Grey Order superiors who oversaw the new youths that he might have been pushing himself too hard but Faithleann paid no heed. Doing the right thing was to him like eating a banquet of his favorite meal of Spiced, Pit-Roasted Chicken.

But today is different. He was told that there will be an important announcement happening in the Great Cathedral, one of the holiest sites in all of Gliesia and a popular place where Imperial Decrees are said out to the public due to the Cathedral being open to all walks of life. Faithleann did heard from his fellow adventurers that the Emperor after sometime from the attack didn't make any immediate action but fled underground for his own and his own court's safety and he only now is he making any statements. All of the Empire would be holding their breath as Uldin will be there address his people yet curiously, for such a public event, that a large portion of all the pews on the front half facing the altar in the Great Cathedral were reserved for Knights, Legionnaires and Gray Order Guildsmen such as himself. The wings were reserved on one side, the Holy Men of the Clergy and another wing, which is normally where the choir would be stationed is instead occupied by the College of Magi. He could see among his Grey Order colleagues a whole diverse cast of adventurers such as fellow fighters, independent clerics, a few bards and rangers over there. Some of notable repute others he has just seen with his eyes for the first time.

"Whoever attacked us will rue the day they were born." One of the Knights on the same row as Faithleann declared.

"Silence! Look, his majesty the Emperor has appeared… and is that…" another adventurer pointed only to have his mouth left agape when the Imperial Entourage included none other than the Great Crystal Heart itself. Everyone in attendance in the Cathedral were stunned with silence.

Very few of them ever had previously humbled themselves over the sacred artifact. They knew the centuries long stories of individuals who were deemed heroes by the Crystal's blessing. To bring it out here from its sanctum means that the Empire and by default the world is in grave danger. Some of the more pious amongst them, knelt down to say a short prayer in the Crystals reverence.

"My People, I, Emperor Uldin shall decree that we are seeing what is the Second Coming of Alboen, the Demon Lord of Ancient Times." Uldin announced.

The crowds burst incessant whispers. Many of the hotblooded and patriotic warriors were up at arms and swore vengeance upon such a brazen act of vengeful defilement to their city, Faithleann among them. He remembered the stories of Alboen enslaving people to build up his armies and only Empire's Founder, Caldell was able to fend him off by uniting the races against him in the Battle of Marnia's Bluff.

"He has returned in a new form. Descending from the Skies with his army and he had the cunning to call himself under a new title. The You-Knighted Fe-der-a-shun of Erf. Even then, his armies have already spread themselves all over our sovereign lands and even made one of our Princely Vassals, Prince Clovich of Tyr Rian, kneel before him! They also come to believe they had also abducted one of the Elven Princesses and corrupted her into a monster with a cold heart filled with nothing but bloodied steel. Lastly, as you all saw with your own eyes, they had the gall to attack our fair city and demanded we bend the knee to them! But we will not, never kneel to the one who had tried for our destruction and enslavement." Uldin said.

Crowds roared in the tune to his fiery rhetoric. Very few other occasions ever made the Grand Cathedral reverberate so loudly.

"In these trying times, we need to see a hero in what will be approaching our darkest days." Uldin said as his eyes darted to the Crystal Heart that sat idly on its velvet cushion.

Then the College Magi began to raise their staffs and wants to the air and began to chant, concentrate or channel their mana. Transferring their energies towards the crystal to wake it from its dormancy.

Priests and Legionnaires encouraged all of the magical gifted to lend their power as they began to enact the Ritual of Recrudesce. They will pour all of their magic into the crystal so it can awake from its centuries long slumber. Then through its wisdom it will select the most capable among all to be able to wield its power. Blessings of Might, Prowess and other untold powers shall be given the responsibility to the Chosen One or Few since there was a time the Crystal had chosen Four Heroes to be given an equal blessing of its power.

There was silence from everyone else as the mages funneled all of that emanated power towards the Crystal Heart. Minutes, became hours and those hours became agonizing attrition for the Mages. Some collapsed in exhaustion and those who still stood resolute, there chanting and postures degraded to beseeching murmurs and rickety legs.

The Ritual channeling lasted until after dark when the city lit up their candles to see through the darkened gaps left by starry and full moon light of that evening. But just as the Church custodians began to ignite the lanterns, the Crystal began to beat a quiet but noticeable hum.

"It's a sign!" the blinded Grandmaster Owyne exclaimed.

Then the humming became louder. Those that still remained in the church awoken, the Crystal has risen again. The Mages, seeing that their progress has been rewarded, redoubled their efforts. They were however running on their own fumes, smelling salts and a few pieces of high calorized beef jerky smuggled inside the Cathedral.

Then the heart began to shake and its humming began to be louder then rhythmic. The attendants held their breath as the Artifact rose from its cushion a few feet.

"I have awoken!" the Crystal Heart spoke in many voices of ambiguous accents, gender and tones.

"The Crystal! The Gods speak to us!" one of the Bishops shouted.

"I know why you awoken from me. You seek my power in these uncertain times. Many of you I saw waver but your faith and contribution are admirable." The Crystal said.

"Oh, Sacred Heart. We seek a Hero in these trying times and a Prophecy for Alboen has returned." The Emperor said to the Artifact.

"For all of your deeds and feats in Caldell's wake, you are all still Children to me." the Crystal said. "The One who will destroy the greatest Enemy of Gliesia at the cost of his own life, the One who will exhume the world from its ashes and lastly the One who will bring about the New Age afterwards. Three Heroes, branded with my Mark." The Crystal Decreed.

"Oh, Sacred Heart! Who may these Heroes be given your blessings?" the Emperor asked.

"One of the Heroes is among you in this very Sanctuary you built upon this rock." The Crystal said.

The attendants gasped. One of them will be given the honor of the Crystals Blessings. Some braced themselves, others doubted they might not be worthy and the rest were somewhere in between. For Faithleann he had the moral upbringing to see through the Enemies of Gliesia, who are the Demons who seek its destruction made him spiritually fit to be one of the heroes but he doubted that he has the mental and physical acumen to be one. He just barely started off on his own.

"The other two are in faraway lands. I warn you however, you may not like whom I choose. You may even accuse me of foolishness but my Wisdom is greater than the greatest of libraries and the longest of lives." The Crystal warned about the other two.

Then it began to glow as bright as the morning sun. It emitted forth three separate sprites of lights, floating illustrations of light in three different calligraphic words in Vaikuri. One says 'Estysgol' the word for the Scholar, next was 'Gweninejar' the word for shared between modern translations of Bane, Anathema or Poison, lastly the next word 'Rhannu-Prietar' which were the two words for Share and Holder respectively. Whenever the Crystal sent forth its Branding Sprites to embed its power to a new Chosen Hero, the person would have a permanent, Scar-like branding on their body (which can vary on location in many cases). This signifies their status as the Chosen One.

They began to fly off in a dazzling speed yet one of them encircled the Cathedral gatherers whilst the other two left off for wherever the other Chosen Ones are.

As the Branding Sprite left behind to select from the congregation. The attendants held their breath. Some prayed for hope, others for strength but overall, they all prayed for one thing: Salvation.

Then Faithleann's eyes saw the Sprite descend towards him.

"AHH!" the Novice Adventurer cried as he felt a burning sensation on his forehead where the Sprite made contact with him. His tears reflexively erupted in pain as he covered his face. He never felt such a tremendous and sharp agony in his quiet yet virtuous life. His feet carried him in a panicked frenzy out of his Pew and onto the walkway as all eyes in the Cathedral turned to him.

"The Crystal has chosen him." One of them said.

"Son, are you okay?" one of the priests ran towards the young boy.

Several members of the congregation gathered together to help the branded chosen one rises up from the floor. There was noticeable green-blue glow on his forehead that Faithleann was hiding behind his hands from view.

"My Child, show us the Brand." The Priest requested him.

Faithleann complied and with great pain revealed the brand he had received.

It was 'Gweninejar', the Brand for the Anathema.

"It has seemed that you will be the one to destroy the Demons." Uldin said. "Petur, get this man to the Grey Order Headquarters and have him attended to until we can find the other two Chosen Ones. Magi, trace where those Brands went and bring the Chosen Heroes to me. We need them all gathered here in Haringpoint and once we do, we will figure out what our next move against the You-Knighted Fe-der-a-shon."

Everyone nodded. The Grey Order Seniors carefully picked up the young Novice of their guild and carried him away. Whilst everyone whispered, gossiped and heralded, Faithleann in all of his body, mind and spirit felt ignited with a commitment. To Destroy the Demons who threatened their world, at any sacrifice necessary…

--------------(Earlier that day in Souviel's Old Borough) -----------

The smell of wine-soaked wood permeated Seguin Family's Wine Dispensary and Taproom. It was a large wooden structure near the ports of Old Souviel where the contrast between the resplendent New Borough and the simple constructed Old Borough met albeit by local land laws, the Dispensary is within Old Souviel and is subject to a tax system that is distinct compared to the new borough. Stryder group was lucky enough to catch the owner, Herrev Seguin, owner of the Dispensary and the Patriarch of the Seguin Family name.

"Gree---" Samantha launched her Salutation only for Herrev to twitch violently at her sight.

"AH! I already said I--- Oh… I thought you were one of the Jodent's lackeys. My apologies." Herrev replied.

"Gresgi Jodent doesn't hire women to do his chores for him my love." Said the Seguin Matriarch, Uridove who entered in with her red dress as burgundy as the Wine she sells.

"We were here in Souviel and we heard that the best wine collection is sold in your Dispensary fonsiuer Seguin." Samantha said out her intentions to the Seguin in a haphazard yet genuine attempt to address a man of such title her respects.

"Alas, I regret to tell you that all of my Wine has been reserved for others I am afraid fadame." Herrev sadly answered.

"Oh, I am not here to buy wine. I am here to talk about some of your clients. Just some pointers--- I mean just some notes about who are some of the most prominent of folks here in Souviel." The Lieutenant pushed further diplomatic.

"The Duke, Thibault is one of them although I believe everyone here in Souviel knows about him and his luxurious parties for diplomats and foreign merchants lately. Then there's me, who supply most of the Taverns and Parties here in Souviel. I can show you some of the best Taverns here in our fair realm." Herrev said.

"Oh damn, are we on Recon or are we the Michellin Star Guide?" Crocker commented.

Some of the Squad laughed lightly on the Sarge's words.

"That's actually pretty funny." Diaz grinned.

"Really? Well, I am allergic to Prawns I am afraid. Stomach can't handle them for some reason. I blame Genetics." Crocker said.

"You are weak against Prawns?" Iris asked.

"Eh… Allergic, Snow White. It's like your sensitivity to Sunlight if it weren't for the Sun Block you slap every day." Crocker answered.

"What about this Gresgi Jodent?" Samantha asked.

"Be quiet. Don't let any of his thugs hear you." Herrev suddenly shushed.

"How come?" Samantha asked.

"I rather not talk about it that much. All I can say is that he is one of my clients." Herrev explained yet concerningly he was beginning to sweat.

"May we change the Subject? Even though all of our current stock has been either reserved or awaiting shipment. I can talk to you about our collection of Wines ranging from our Reds to our Whites in perfect detail." Uridove proposed.

"Mama? Are those Knights?" a small boy emerged from the counter. He had blonde hair but contrasting orange colored eyes.

"Oh Filip! What are you doing here? You shouldn't disturb your parents when we are talking with clients." Herrev reprimanded his son.

"Knights… well… yeah… pretty much if you can say all of that." Obediah smiled at the kid.

"Forgive my son everyone but he is a very curious boy. We let him run around freely in the Dispensary since he will one day inherit the family business one day." Uridove said.

"Well, exposure at an early age is quite a start fadame. Perhaps you can give us directions to these Taverns we may---" Samantha said but was interrupted when the bell to the Dispensary's main door was opened.

A frail old man emerged from the door. He walked meekly towards the counter with as much determination as his withering legs and the unofficial third leg that was his cane could muster. Alongside him was a child-sized but green skinned humanoid followed by his right hand.

"I have come… for my pick up." The man said.

"Sandulf! My Dear, Cotynghin's Order please. Filip, help your mother." Herrev said. "How is everything?" Herrev then turned to the Old Man.

"Nothing much, just me, Okt-to and Ibot. The Lonesome Hearth has always been the same… old, rusty and a bit rough. But still standing tall." Sandulf said with some melancholy

"I see. Your order will come up. Oh, these are some of the foreigners that the Baron is entertaining right now." Herrev introduced.

"You are not from around here? I don't recognize that armor. Are you from the Dwarven Mountains? Near the Ever-Winter Lands?" Sandulf said.

"No, we come from another… world as you can say. We are here to see the sights. Part of a Diplomatic Mission. We want to see all the sights here. Meet new people…" Samantha replied.

"And taste some food." Diaz chuckled.

"Well, allow me if I am not being so pushy with you milady but you can visit my Tavern, the Lonesome Hearth Hostel by Calelh Point. It is by the Ruins of the Old Light House. If you travel southwest of here and follow the road all the way without turning any where else you will see reach it. If you want to take a good view of Souviel then Calelh Point is where you can go." Sandulf said.

"Sounds like a place we can stop by later. We will meet you there soon." Samantha accepted.

"Really? That's wonderful! I am so happy I will have company." Sandulf said.

"Here is your Order ~~~!" Uridove smiled.

She handed the old man and his green-skinned companion a cart wagon full of kegs of Wine. Sandulf lead Uridove to an awaiting wagon that he commandeers before he set off back to his Tavern.

"You notice how happy he is?" Harrev said.

"Yes. My team will check out this Calelh Point soon." Samantha said.

"I rarely see him smile. Sandulf rarely gets any visitors apart from the occasional artist from the Art College looking to paint a picture of the view from Calelh." Harrev commented.

"Why? Is he actually struggling?" Samantha asked.

Harrev nodded.

"Where do I begin? Perhaps that Storm. You see, Ibot is… was his wife. Sandulf a young cook looking to make his own Inn married into Ibot's family who were the stewards of the Old Lighthouse. There was a storm on a particularly rainy season..." Herrev explained.

"Go on… I am listening." Samantha said. Her eyes widened and he mind thirsting with curiosity.

"Ibot's father and brothers were on the Lighthouse that day. As if by the Gods' Own will or maybe they displeased Tolios, the God of the Water somehow, a lightning bolt struck the Lighthouse so hard that it collapsed down to the cliffs below. All that remains was its foundation. And a few remnants of its walls. The Light House was move inside the Wharf's after that tragedy yet Ibot and Sandulf never fully recovered from it. They lost a huge part of there livelihood since Sandulf was still building the Smiling Siren which was the official name of the Lonesome Hearth. Ibot a few years later died of sadness over her family's lost leaving Sandulf to be the inheritor of Calelh point which was under Ibot's Family titles. Sandulf wanted to repay her memory by making the Happy Siren Hostel into a great place to see the sunset and enjoy wine, food and song. He took a risky loan from the Jodent Bank to help kick up his little enterprise there. However, rumors abound of Calelh Point being haunted by the ghosts. In exchange for Clemency, Sandulf had to lease off some of the land in Calelh point and also pay a special fee that he must pay every tax season less the bank fully obtains the whole place. I know Sandulf and he is a fighter but to see him spend the rest of his life wasting away his dreams is heartbreaking. You visiting him made him smile in quite a while I say."

"That's very sad to hear." Aliathra said.

"You mentioned Jodent again. Does that family name own the bank where Sandulf got his loan?" Samantha asked Herrev.

"Not just the Souviel Ducal Bank, but the Jodent's control the Tax Flow around here. The Head of the Family… and I will only say this once. Is the Chief Tax Collector and many people dislike him?" Herrev whispered.

"Why?" Samantha asked following on Wine Merchant's discreet tone.

"He is not from here. But someone that Emperor Uldin assigned to Duke Thibault from all the way from Haringpoint itself. His family took over the Duchy's Bank, then the Treasury and then finally the Tax Collectors. Many merchants despise him since he raised the taxes ever since he took over the Duchy's Finances. The Ducal Bank might as well be called the Jodent Bank since he replaced all the workers there with his own Ducat Drainers." Herrev explained.

"I don't know. There's not much to do but just pay the taxes I am afraid." Samantha said.

"It's not that. Its those who CANNOT pay is the problem." Herrev said.

"Oh, I see…" Samantha understood what the Wine Merchant was trying to imply.

This 'Gresgi Jodent' was some sort of ruthless capitalist of sorts who is apparently controlling most if not all of the financial aspects of the Duchy of Souviel. She feels personally disgusted by the cronyism and nepotism that must have took to gain such a significant influence but had no authority to say anything about that situation less she violates Diplomatic Protocol.

"Well, my team has more duties to attend to fonsiuer. May I know where I can find these Taverns that you suggest us visiting?" Samantha asked politely.

From a strategic perspective, the Calhel Point, despite the scary rumors behind it was the more intriguing part of the information gathered. The Taverns are just a means to not cause offense to the Dispensary's owner and no more but simple sightseeing and perhaps a plan for a little food trip there when she and the rest of Stryder Group gets their R&R Day coming up soon.

"Oh, I alone will be here just handling the Pickup and other Orders. It is my Wife and my son whom you will be seeing quite often. She goes around the city making deals and negotiating with clients. My Son tags along sometimes so he can play with the nobility's children." Herrev said.

---------------(30 Minutes later, near the Souviel's Shipyard) -------------

Aliathra knocked on the door to a peculiar door deep in the heart of Shipyard, Souviel's bloodline and connection to the world outside of Ysanigrad. The Port was bustling with off-shore sailors, merchants and other peddlers that supports such a maritime tradition. The scent of the sea and the sound of coast-dwelling birds filled the air. The Elf insisted that she does most of the talking with these Tavai or 'Sea Elves' as she calls them since they tend to be weary against non-elves unless it is there usual sort of foreigners whom they trust to conduct meetings and trades with them.

"Lamath in-gwaithen i gwennin no nin?" a voice said as a pair of eyes emerged from a peeking hole carved into the door. It sounded like some sort of pass phrase.

"Lamath vilui vi Tol Gwannen cannen" Aliathra said.

The eyes peeked at Stryder Group, then back at Aliathra's Ocean Blues.

"Adel cin?" the voice behind the door asked.

"Mui beoria." Aliathra said reassuringly.

The doors began to creak sounds of unlocking as the door gave way and the former Elf Princess urged Stryder Group to come inside. Samantha can faintly hear the soft bell ringing made by the winds coming from intricately woven hanging charms that were placed next to the door. They were a mix between a Dream Catchers and Chinese Wind Chimes but replace the Pagoda ornament with an Acropolis like one instead.

"What do these do?" Clay asked.

"They are meant to bless visitors and ward off evil spirits." Aliathra answered.

The room was quiet and minimalist yet in contrast very aromatic. As Samantha describes the smells it was some sort of mix of an odorous plant, tree or organism of sorts that she cannot be sure of but it had a similar scent to Passion fruit but with an earthlier scent infused with. She can tell since back home that was the flavor of deodorant spray her mother uses for the Rose Family's bathrooms. What little features the room had was a carpet colored in purple with some oceanic iconography woven into the design in light blue. The tables however, its legs were so short that the only feasible way to make use of it is if one sat down in the ground.

"Leave.Sandals." a tall bald elf person with blue and purple body paints exposed from his worn leather armor instructed sternly yet in a broken speech.

"Do what he says." Aliathra told Stryder Group.

Everyone complied. It took a moment for most of them to remove their shoes since they had to loosen the ties of there respective footwear which they took great effort to bind tightly on there soles to a form fitting state. Aliathra then promptly lay down on the carpet, wobbling at first due to her prosthetic legs but she managed with some inconvenience, fashion an Indian Sit. The rest of Stryder followed suit encircling the table that the greeter instructed them too sit.

"Ladui. Feet like Luntedanni." the tall Tavai commented on the Aliathra's new legs.

"Sinnarni." Aliathra answered back in Elven.

"What is he saying?" Samantha asked her.

"My legs look like the legs of some Sailors. Sometimes wooden, sometimes fashioned over metal." Aliathra said.

"Oh, I know the history books. About Peg-Legs we call them Aliathra. Not a fun time actually back then. You on the other hand are lucky." Kayin said.

"'Vitamin C for Immunity! ~~~' That's what a drink owned by Aparo would advertise." Diaz chuckled.

"Vie-ta-meen?" Iris asked.

"Eat fruits like the ones we eat and you won't grow up with wobbly legs. That and some milk." Kayin explained.

"Princess! It is such a surprise to have you at my humble abode." A voice presented itself.

An elf, dressed in a silk toga came down from a flight of stairs and bowed down towards Aliathra's direction.

"My friends, this is the merchant, former ship wright and in name only, the Tavai Ambassador, Zatrek." Aliathra introduced the Tavai to Stryder group.

"A Pleasure." Samantha nodded with a small bow from her sitting position.

"For hardened soldiers, who carry yourselves some grace on the table." Zatrek commented with a hint of surprise.

"We have some experience. Zatrek, how do you come to know of Aliathra?" Samantha asked. She wants to initiate with some small talk before heading straight down to business. She clapped her hands in an effort to force a smile open on her cheeks.

"Me and the Lareththors have a very… 'fruitful' relationship of the business kind. I sail between Souviel, my Home Isles and to Ethuilen frequently acquiring exotic goods that pleases the Entente's Noble Courts. I remember Aliathra when she was still a youthful student when I gave your Queen-Mother than Pearl Necklace, courtesy of your father's payments." He said with a slight deflective tone.

"I see." Samantha affirmed.

The lieutenant and the rest of Stryder knew that this Ambassador had a sidejob of Smuggling Magical items out of the Elven Lands and into the other continents.

"This house here you see? It is a haven for Tavai sailors. We 'Sea Elves' as you foreigners like to call us are often… solitary. We prefer to be with our own kind. Also, being at the sea at home makes one miss the Home Isles quite a bit so I made this old warehouse here be as close to home as possible." Zatrek said.

"Zatrek… they know too." Aliathra tapped the Tavai.

"Know what? I don't know anything? I am just a trader and my 'Embassy' is a haven to all Tavai's!" the Ambassador began to sweat and his blood pressure jolted.

"We know abou---" Samantha went to cut to the chase but was cut off by Diaz.

"Allow me El-Tee. I can speak Black Mart." Diaz said as he stood up from the carpet and walked haughtily to the other side of the room.

"How rude! You shouldn't stand up from your spot unless I, the Host permits you." Zatrek scolded.

"I am sorry, I was looking for the…" Diaz falsely apologizes before he pushed his hand on a spot on the wall. Only for the wall spot to give way as he leans the weight of his arm over it revealing a hidden passage way. "Your secret Crystal Stash. Don't deny it. I am a smuggler to. It's all good." Diaz reassured.

Zatrek shrugged his shoulders as he gave up.

"Starting price… three thousand…" Zatrek said.

"Zatrek! That's not your normal price. You often sell Mana Crystals much lower than that." Aliathra said as she raised her voice in shock. Her ocean blue eyes widened as she turned to the now ashamed Ambassador.

"My deepest and most sincere apologies my lady. However, … I… I… there was… a problem a week ago." The Tavai said.

"A Problem? Did something happen?" Aliathra asked.

"The other Toldonos. They stepped up their raids and it got many people angry. They stepped up the Tariff's for goods being sold from Tavai's. The Guard's have been asking for hire bribes to write off some of the more… sensitive of goods away from our shipments." Zatrek explained.

"So, the Mana Crystals… you cannot… let me ask… how do you managed to get your hands on them? I know you frequently do it a lot but what is your source." Samantha asked.

"A mix of loot from raids and Miners wanting to make a clandestine sale to avoid Mana Crystal Taxes. Ethuilen is very sensitive about exporting Mana Crystals to the outside world but I managed to get away with it by buying protection through the Royal Family by doing some favors for them. Raiding Black Tree vessels, smuggle in a Sefydliad or two, or even taking a few detours too. Speaking about that Aliathra, your friend Lyndis was on one of my ships and she was so eager to meet you again. Shall I inform her?" Zatrek asked.

"No, don't I … whatever comes out of the Elven Embassies… do not believe a word." Aliathra said.

"The Elven Embassy in Souviel is quiet lately. All they do is party and the only work they have been doing is preparing for the Gêmfawr." Zatrek answered.

"What is that?" Samantha asked.

"At the end of summer, Souviel hosts, courtesy by the Arts College's amphitheater and the school's grounds a series of games and competition that people all over Ysanigrad and even as far as Alfel Nora come to play. It is happening about next week. It's where Knights, Adventurers or any able-bodied person can join to compete for honor, glory and of course cash prizes. But in essence, its just an event the College host every two-years to raise money for themselves. They can't just rely on Art Exhibit and tuition fee's all the time you know. The Paint I sell to them doesn't come cheap! Even if I ripped off of someone else… yeah." Zatrek explained.

"Sounds interesting. Could look into that with Mister Bianchin later… my boss… I mean… 'master'." Samantha forced herself to say that last word in her sentence. She hated calling such an avaricious man her 'Master'.

"So Zatrek, I believe Mister Bianchin will handsomely pay for those Mana Crystals. You just got to keep having a steady supply of them when we make the deal and it should all be good." Diaz charmed.

"It is not you agreeing to pay off what I lost. It's that other Tavai come to me and complain about the new Tariff's unless you are willing to buy Fish, Dyes and Pottery from us too I supposed." Zatrek inquired.

"I don't think they need those except the Mana Crystals from you." Aliathra answered. "Is there a way we can help you and your people alleviate such pressure?"

"A few I can think off. Certainly, convincing the Financial Minister Gresgi Jodent to ease off the Tariff's is a start. You already declined to buy from us at a premium and then there's getting rid of those other Toldonos so they don't make mine and the Tavai's who just want to trade peacefully, look bad." Zatrek said.

"Hmm… I think we can arrange the latter." Diaz smiled.

"Oh? You can? Do you have like the powers to rival our Water and Wind Magics" Zatrek asked. His hope raised from the depths anguishing economic stagnation.

"We in Aparo Corporation have a much better Magic…" Diaz threw in the hook. "We are rich."

Zatrek swallowed the bait hook line and sinker after that.

Suffice to say much to Lieutenant Rose's admission. She has secured a supply of Unbinillium for Doctor Mahelona plus secured some contractual employment for a group of very 'special' people.

------------------ (Sometime later at Calelh point) -----------------

After a rough MRAP ride through the damaged roads southwest of Souviel to Calelh point. Sandulf was not lying of the great view coming from the raised-up cliff where the ruins of a Lighthouse used to be.

The old man plus from what they just found out upon closer examination was his loyal Goblin servant and assistant cook Okt-to was grateful for the company. He gave everyone of Stryder Group a bag full of dried nuts as a thank you that Clay, Crocker and Aliathra were enjoying right now.

"So… Sandulf, I heard the rumors… about your..." Samantha began to talk about her insights to Sandulf but the Old Man only sighed as if he had explained this many dozen times before.

"My light house isn't haunted by Banshee's! They are what is the unpassed ghosts of my In-Laws." Sandulf explained.

"Let me guess, they died when the Lighthouse collapsed?"

Sandulf nodded quietly

"Damn, I know what its like. I can understand. My wife's mother passed away. My Leah is still trying to perfect that damn cookie recipe for April lately." Obediah commented.

He was observing from his binoculars the scene. He noticed that on the right side of the cliff where they are standing on, facing away from Souviel is a large and very picturesque beach if you can be rid off one scrapped remains of a derelict fishing boat alongside the beach itself being littered with an unhealthy amount of driftwood.

"It is said whenever nightfall's, the ghosts of my In-Laws would rise up from the grave and try to operate the Lighthouse again. Too bad ghosts can't make up such a bright light." Sandulf said sadly.

"Hey don't be sad. At least we are here." Samantha comforted him.

"It is not that. My dreams… seeing my dishes, the Inn, even these two eyes… there fading just like the wrinkles of my skin. Soon I will die as an unknown note in everyone's memories. A 'true death' as they say. I just wish that Lighthouse never collapsed and perhaps I would have seen better days." Sandulf sulked.

"I am so sorry. I want to let you know that I am here for you. You need just a little bit of kindness on your life right now. Anyone who made it as far as you deserve some respect." Samantha reassured the old proprietor.

"With gracious gratitude. May your heart make the ground you walk quake with every step. Which reminds me… I wish to make my Special Dish for all of you. I really want to know what you think of it? Before they passed, my In-Law said that they loved it so much that they wish they could eat it every day." Sandulf said.

"Maybe just good for one person so we can all share at once. I don't want you to waste too much on entertaining us. You are already doing so much for us already." Samantha thanked for Sandulf's hospitality heartily.

"None at all. Even if its just one taste I still would love to know. I never smiled like this in over twenty years." Sandulf ecstatically jumped up with a youthful eagerness.

"Oh? What is the dish if I may ask?" Crocker asked.

"Braised Prawns in a sweet Segor Root and Chullembi stew with a side of Grapes." Sandulf answered.

"Oh shit." Crocker cursed.

Sandulf took over an hour to cook up his dish for Stryder Group. In the meantime, Samantha took photos of the view from Calelh Point whilst the rest of Stryder Group sat down and took a moment of some rest. Iris explained to the UFE Soldiers that Segor Root is perennial plant with a spicy taste, much like Horseradish. As for Chullembi, is a local Souvieli dish that combines several greens mashed together while infused with a vinaigrette which makes a perfect salad alone or as compounded component for cooking other dishes. When Stryder Group (except for Crocker) came to taste test the dish. They all unanimously praised it.

"Even the Elven Royal Family would be impressed." Aliathra praised. She had always the finest tastes thanks to her acute Elven senses plus the fact her Palace Chef's were some of the best in Alfel Nora has to offer.

"I rate this 3 Michelin Stars." Diaz said. In his Criminal days he would often psyche himself before or reward himself after a big job he would have undertaken by eating a chef's recommendation from Kesserheim's many fancy restaurants not too far away from where Aparo HQ was.

"I DO wish to eat this every day. Reminds me of Mama." Kayin smiled. It deeply reminded him of his mother back home who would cook many traditional Nigerian Recipes for him and his brothers to chow down.

The sun began to set and there was some time left before Stryder had to return to Camp Ghillie Leaf for the night. She retreated alone back to the Land Cruiser, took off her combat gloves and began to review her pictures that she took for the day. There was the Dispensary, a few photos from the Tavai 'Embassy' that Zatrek allowed to have shot and of course Calelh Point right then and there.

But as she examined, her eyes began to be irritated from some of the lens flares she saw from some poorly shot pictures which she promptly deleted. But again, her eyes felt irritated from overexposed light. Samantha rubbed her eyes again, maybe it was some dust getting into her eyes now. But as soon as she opened her eyes, she could see a brightly coming straight towards her engulfing her view. She raised her hand forward in instinct but it was no use.

A great burning pain was inflicted on Samantha's right hand. She winced and knelt down the ground as she saw her hand burn with smoke and a red gashing burn that followed with it. It wasn't in vein to your normal indiscriminate burn as she looked from what pain she has inflicted when her eyes managed to get through the seething smoke. The Burn was some form a mark, a branding of sorts that Samantha couldn't recognize. It glowed a faint light blue before fading out leaving the brand on her hand a reddish-blackened scar. It looked like the brand she had received looked like of a faint Vaikuri writing in origin due to the way it was constructed being similar to the signs she reads all the time when passing by around Ysanigrad during her tour. Perhaps Iris or even Aliathra can make sense of this if she shows it to them.

"El-tee! El-tee!" Clay's voice cried from behind.

"It's nothing! It's nothing! I just… bu---" Samantha tries to explain and was about to show the strange brand to the Squad' Radioman but she was again like almost way too many times as she could count in her juggling head, interrupted by someone with much more pressing matters.

"Not you! I got an emergency call from Apache Group. Something bad happened! They got casualties!" Clay informed her.