an Angel Draped in Crimson

"Tell all of your people to stay in their homes and not come out until WE say it is got it!" Governor White ordered the Tyr Rianni local leader his orders.

The Native bowed and took his immediate leave.

New Albany Governor's Palace was in chaos. The sight of ash clouds spewing forth and blackening the bright blue Gliesian skies from the north had caused a widespread panic in the region as the Natives and UFE Colonists alike scrambled for safety. In contrast of what was meant to happen today. Today was meant for celebrating the safe return of their dearly beloved son, Prince Clovich's return from his trip to Earth. All the formal fanfare and the groundbreaking press conferences were thrown down to the drain upon the Ostalrocs eruption. The Aparo Corpo's were busy locking down the streets of Tyr Rian whilst protecting their assets like any onward moving Capitalist would, the Tyr Rianni Guards worked in tandem with the Colonial Defense Forces in bringing order to the newly formed chaos across the Valley whilst Major Holyfield and Colonel Polonsky sheltered the Military Asset's used for the build-up for the invasion of the Imperial Mainland. Prince Clovich and his entourage fled inside the safety of the Governor's Palace during his tour of the UFE Settlement when the Mountains erupted.

ISAC's calculative predictions were apocalyptic if any of the Ostalroc's Volcano were to strike down upon Nirnkarim, there is virtually nothing stopping it from flooding downward into Tyr Rian and New Albany themselves as there will be little to no time evacuating the Colony nor to even store much supplies to hunker down with. A tsunami of ash from the Ostalrocs would essentially wipe them all clean off the face of Gliesia if not stopped. Not only that, the ash would plunge the continent, perhaps even the whole of Gliesia in an enveloping eclipse that threatens to choke all life on the world, creating an Ice Age for centuries to come.

The reports coming from Agent De Sardet at Nirnkarim were much bleaker due to their closer proximity to the Ostalrocs. All light coming down from Malynaris had been extinguished as a stygian blanket covered the town. It is said that in order to walk around safely through the ashen mist of the volcano was through the use of flood lights but even then, one is still visually impaired. The operation of 'turning the Ostalrocs blue' evaporated, exploded on their faces quite literally.

"Lord White! This has turned for the worst." Prince Clovich dolefully came apart. Anxious sweat dropping from his brow as he nervously skittered about around White's office.

"Do not say that Prince Clovich. My men are working with your men as we speak to get this all under control." Jeremy reassured him.

"The Volcano could bury us all before we can truly begin our work in modernizing Gliesia." Clovich wailed.

"Chush' sobach'ya!" a smooth voice entered the room.

A brown-haired man in a sharp pressed suit tramped haughtily inside the office.

"With that kind of attitude, we would have never tamed Mars and Venus." He spoke in a princely Russian accent.

He smiled at the two men as he politely bowed down on their honorable presence while keeping his suit in tip-top dapper order.

"Ya Vadim Yahontov, but you can just call me 'Vlad'. Ya the Senior Executive of the Benha—Pardon, Gliesia office of Maximov Engineering." He introduced himself.

"Ah, one of those people Emperor Shinharu speak so highly about… the… Me-ga-Corporations… or Kore-Poes as you call them." Prince Clovich recalled.

"Yes. Yes of course." Governor White nodded with a fake smile as he quietly stared adversely at the Corpo with Vadim returning the piercing beam of resentment back while the Russian maintained his diplomatic aura.

"I see you have a Problem da?" he asked. "Fortunately for you, Maximov Engineering has a solution to this. We have solved problems like this many times before." Vadim assured him.

"How? Some sort of massive Freezing Spell to stop the Volcano?" Clovich asked.

An awkward silenced followed before the Maximov Executive loose a boisterous laugh.

"In actuality Prince Clovich, the most dangerous part of the Volcano is not the Lava, but the Ash Clouds. It causes more damage than the Lava thanks to the air being polluted… Dirtied that almost no life can survive standing on it. The Plan in essence is to neutralize the Ash Cloud from polluting too much." Vadim explained.

"I see. Then we might prove the doomsayers wrong. Tell me more of your plan wise one Undoeth." Clovich's eyes glimmered with faith.

"Under normal circumstance this would just been a rather slow and methodical process. But time is of the essence." Vadim explained slowly. "Our first priority is the need to evacuate the people out of there before it is too late. Once that is taken care of we we can begin deploying one of Maximov Inzehneriya's greatest machine to stop the Volcano."

"Are you sure that this machine of yours can help stop the Volcano from coming down on Tyr Rian?" the Prince asked.

"Da! Yes! It can. Maximov Inzheneriya patented mechanical marvel, the Gaia Transformer." The Russian Corpo said.

"Oh, I heard of that. You use it right for setting up your mining interests on those worlds with little to no breathable air right?" Jeremy commented.

"Yes, but assembling it would take time. About a week." Vadim added.

"A week? A week!? A week!" the Prince yelled, his stressed voice cracking out of his composure for the two Otherworlders to notice.

"The Machines is not meant Rescue Operations sir. It was meant for Construction Projects on Low-Habitable Worlds during the Foundation and Habitability stages only." The Corpo explained.

"By the Gods! They abandoned me!" Clovich despaired.

"Don't fret now Prince! We can still stop this but it will require well-thought action." Vadim said.

"What kind of action?" Clovich asked.

"This mission will require us to fight two problems at once. One for the Ash Cloud that is the biggest threat then lastly all of that Lava flooding everywhere. We can easily be rid ourselves of the Volcanic Ash by the usage of some Atmospheric Processors and Terraform Gasses to at the very least, manipulate the Ash fall to fall somewhere harmless Aye-Eee anywhere BUT here." Vadim explained.

"And your Gaia Transformer?" White pressed.

"When we deploy the Gaia Transformata into say a Volcano World such as the Ostalrocs, we would deploy a series of these special explosive device called 'Cryotic Coolant' onto the Lava to allow the Machine to be constructed peacefully. Think of a smaller version of the Gaia Transformata and you get the Cryonic Coolant Da? We can fit these into one of your Bombers and drop them into the troublesome parts of the Mountain." he explained as simple as he could.

"Flying one of Major Holyfield's planes would be messy at best. Plus, those Bombs if I recall needs to be implanted precisely near their targets to have any effect otherwise the Lava can just swim around it. I think it would be best we embed the Cryonic Coolants on some Smart Bombs and have someone Laser Designate the area just to be sure." Governor White mentioned.

"Laser Designation, right? The Magic Spell of sorts that allows you to reign fire from the sky with the help of you Flying Contraptions by using a small hand-held device that shoots an invisible bait of sorts for your Planes to attack it with.? That will require running around the Mountain that is erupting with Lava you know? Who or what could possibly survive standing against Cipag's Wrath?" Clovich questioned.

"Wait! I know someone that can help you on that." Governor White relayed as his mental light bulb illuminated.

"Who? Hold on, you mean Ladui Rose? The Share-Holder as they call her?" Clovich asked.

He was given the minimum details about the Sacred Crystal Heart having chosen several people to be its Branded. He knew the stories of how the Artifact would have wisely chosen and given purpose to each Chosen One with gifted powers bestowed upon them awesomely. As of the moment, he knew only of one of the three Chosen One, the Rhannu-Prietar, the Share Holder who is none other than the hero of Arhaf Square, Lieutenant Samantha Rose. He was told that she had been bestowed the ability to be just as strong as any of the Mages that Gliesia had to offer.

"The Share-Holder? That… 'Anomaly' right?" Vadim asked.

"Yes..." The governor answered to the Russian. A nervous gulp followed silently as he confirmed the information to the Corpo. He knew that they will eventually know of Lieutenant Rose's condition sooner than later.

"If she can be rapidly deployed to the Volcano this instant then by all means I want to talk to her. I will relay her everything she needs to know." the Corpo nodded.

"ISAC! Get me a direct line with Lieutenant Samantha Rose of Stryder Group right now." Governor White summoned the Military AI.

"Anna, get me a Geo-Probe and some Cryo-Coolants out of the box right now! Begat!" Vadim radioed his Secretary.


The Dwarves and Humans alike were running for their lives as all of their civilization collapsed upon them at every turn. Cipag's Wrath had ignited the Ostalroc's in a fiery implosion of molten rock and trembling earth, destroying every architectural marvel the Dwarves had constructed over the centuries. Even its death-stocking rampage was indiscriminate to whether one was a decadent Hold Dwarf or a laboring Terrace Dwarf alike.

Faithleann helped coordinated the Slaegian Embassy's evacuation with the Ambassador as they followed closely with Mogul Dolmond's entourage as they maneuvered the lava flooded Dwarven-Road Network of the Ostalrocs. The Mogul's Geomancers tried to divert, block or delay the flooding lava on that blocked their paths yet it was a stubborn material as the Geomancers experienced great difficulty trying to get a grip on manipulating the molten rock but every attempt prematurely exhausts them with only casting their spells in collective rituals that they could momentarily manipulate the lava long enough to allow most of the important personnel of Dolmond and Faithleann's companions and courtiers. However, several of them were simply not fleet footed enough to escape Cipag's Wrath, their agonizing screams drowned by the Volcanic Eruption's thunderous antagonism.

The group soon arrived at the Town of Gwesza where their end of the Evacuations were well under way with the residence hastily grabbing on to their valuables before boarding their Goat-drawn carts. In terms of the structural integrity of the Town, it wouldn't be long before the very settlement sinks down upon the oncoming Lava.

"We need more time to gather everything and everyone milord!" one of the Blacksmiths said.

"Milord, another caravan of our people have been spotted down the road where we treaded earlier." A Sting-Eye reported.

Dolmond looked over the horizon and noticed that the Scouts words rang true, there was a caravan of about 50 or so Dwarves fleeing away by a formation of Ravine Cliffs from the Eruption that trailed menacingly behind them. They were tired, their fleeing knee-capped by exhaustion and their wood-bone carts beaten halfway into splintering yet the sight of the town of Gwesza renewed their hope that they may survive the cataclysm of Dwarven Civilization.

"When those folks make it pass the ravine, we might be able to collapse the rocks and hold the Lava long enough for us to gather everything of value in this town." Olayra analyzed intuitively basing her observations on the Geomancer's Rock-based spellcasting.

Dolmond observed closer the fleeing Dwarves with anxiousness but upon closer examination of their clothing and the belongings they brought, his face scowled disappointingly when he saw that all of those Dwarves he went out of his way to delay his retreat for were simple Miners.

"No, they will not make it at that rate. Geomancers! Collapse the Ravine immediately." Dolmond ordered.

"Milord? I beg your pardon?" Olayra asked the Dwarven Mogul.

"I must protect my Blacksmiths, Warriors and the Hold Dwarves!" Dolmond shouted. "They are irreplaceable."

"But what about the Farmers and the Teamsters milord?" one of the Mogul's own Geomancers inquired.

"Leave them! We cannot sit idly by here no longer." Dolmond answered.

The Geomancers nodded and with the wave of their magical implements, the Dwarves collapsed the Earth on the Ravine creating a tall barrier that can withstand momentarily the oncoming lava flow yet trapping the runaway Dwarven Evacuee's at the wrong side of the wall.

"Mogul Dolmond this is most unwise! You cannot just leave your people like this!" Faithleann protested. "Who will help you with the work on rebuilding your realm? For the Alliance of the Light? You can't do everything."

"And what about the Arms and Armor you needed to build your army? The Demons are coming again and now is the day we must learn to make sacrifices. How much of the Actocolite, Ghyranite and Scandanite have you managed to collect right now?" the Mogul said.

"Only a tithe of what was promised originally to Emperor Uldin milord." One of the Dwarves grimly informed him.

"I did manage to grab this." Faithleann interjected. He pulls out from his pocket a palm-sized ore, whos luster was as brilliant as the setting sun. It was the Actocolite he took from the Grand Mine back in Kur Faldhur.

"Cipag cursed this day!" Dolmond swore with a loud piercing well.

"That looks no better to be used for one Sword in my experience." Findrum commented on Faithleann's Ore.

"We barely stand any chance against these Demons at this rate." Petur grimaced.

"All of this destruction, to bare fruit for this…" Karliah shamefully hid her face under her hood.

"That is enough Mogul Dolmond! This is all YOUR fault." One Hold Dwarf stepped out and supported the Chosen One.

"Judge Eloun, we must continue the retreat, leave them now. If not, the Lava will catch up to us in no time." Dolmond argued. "We can recreate the Land of the Dwarven Holds at the refuge of the Empire."

"Your callous disregard of those you deemed lower than you are what brought this disaster in the first place!" Eloun argued back. "Land can be established but does land mean anything when there are no people to dwell on it? They are OUR people Dolmond can you see that?"

"Eloun, now is not the time to debate about the principles of the Dverga. The Mountains are erupting and we need to run now or we will all perish." Dolmond sternly reminded him of their current predicament.

"Dverga?" Faithleann asked. "What is that?"

"It is a political treatise that made Dwarfen society what it is today. The Clan Holds, the Terrace and Hold split and the Courthouses that makes all the laws of the Ostalrocs." Olayra explained. "A Judge answers to nobody lesser than his Mogul."

"Well the Dverga just doesn't work anymore!" he protests openly. Leaving the gathered crowd to gasp in shock.

"Say again?" Dolmond said. "You were always lending your ears too closely to those bumpkins, Eloun. Always saying 'the Workers demand better pay' and 'More time to reach the quota'." He mocked in his raspy voice.

"What part of the word 'Pause' did you not understand Mogul Dolmond? This Vlokon Tira was your idea to make up for your deal with the Empire. The Miners told you that any further reckless digging into the mines would be disastrous but no! Your profits were more important than their lives!" Eloun shouted.

"If you want to save them so bad, then fine! Go out there and save them yourself! I never liked your previous contentions anyways." Dolmond dismissed him.

His Ever-Beard guards promptly dragged the insubordinate away from his presence. He then turned his gaze towards Faithleann's youthful blue eyes.

"He is mad! But he does remind me of one of the heroes of old. Selfless… brave and not afraid to die." Faithleann lamented. Deep down, he feared the scorching kiss of the Lava that made his skin crawl with fearful sweat.

"Chosen One, look me in the eye. Boy!" Dolmond asserted authorially with an imposing aura. "We Dwarves, as decreed by centuries living under the traditions of the Dverga, that The Terrance must always serves there for the Hold Dwarven Master to keep society in order. It was only through our honor that we continue on with dealing with the Empire in spite of the hardship it will cost us."

"But are these not your people and is not a Mogul a King? A Just and Righteous King would protect his people." Faitheann argued.

"Life is not a storybook with a happy ending boy." Mogul Dolmond called out.

He paused for one moment to sigh. This Chosen One was truly as Naïve as they come.

"We have sacrificed so much to be able to give you the Minerals, even if it's not the promised amount for our world to survive tomorrow. Those trapped peasants below sacrificed themselves to serve you, to protect you and Gliesia so that you maybe able to fulfill the Prophecy and fight back against the Darkness and bring about the New Age. Everything, especially in war requires Sacrifice! Do you understand? Do not make MY Sacrifices in vain." the Mogul's rationalization was flavored with honey to soothe the Chosen One to his side of thinking.

"I�� I guess you are right…" Faithleann bowed humbly. "At least those Terrace Dwarves aided on my Glorious Crusade. If there is nothing else, we can do for them then its only best that I, as the Bane of Demons avenge them when the upcoming war happens. Perhaps the Volcanic Eruption is the Gods way of helping me wipe out the Rebel Scum and their Share-Holder too." Faithleann said.

"How can you say that Faithleann?" Karliah interjected. "Those 'Peasants' are being enslaved into dangerous working conditions that could easily kill or maim them. Not to mention that some of these 'Miners' are the elderly, the women and the children of the actual Terrace Dwarven Miners. They are being worked to death every day for you and the least you could do is give them your gratitude for their work. I hate to admit this but it is no wonder they desperately sought after the Otherworlders to liberate them from their plights.

"We should also not abandon the Share-Holder too, Faithleann. She is still under their thrall and we need to rescue her." Olayra added.

"Let us forget about the Shareholder! I am the Bane of the Demons remember and she is under the Otherworlder's thumb. Don't forget who are her overlords, the vampire that killed Marchhog Faughn and the Corrupted Elven Princess! We should not waste any time; she is lost now. Only I can save the Realms now." Faithleann said.

His defeat against the Rhannu-Prietar was a humiliating experience, all of his special attacks that he had learned from the best of the best in the Mages College proved to no effect against the Share-Holder. He has to admit, that the red-headed woman sure knows her way around magicks. Faithleann swore to himself that he will need to train harder if he is able to triumph over her again when the time comes. Additionally, there is still the Scholar Chosen One too, but the way that the Share-Holder told him about the Estysygol being her 'friend' made him fear that he too is just as under the Otherworlder's thumb as the Rhannu-Prietar. He will have to tell the Emperor about this grim discovery and also see if he can get a private audience with the Sacred Crystal Heart when he returns to Haringpoint.

"Don't say that Chosen One! The Sacred Crystal Heart chose you, the Share-Holder and the Scholar to save Gliesia. You cannot give up on them now." Olayra pleaded.

"We can attempt to Rescue the Share-Holder some other time. For now, as I see things around here, it is best we leave while we still have most of our army. Retreat back to the Eastern Provinces and recuperate from there before marching South to Little Hill to meet up with Grand Commander Huguet Carcer and the Legions stationed there." Petur suggested.

He knew several contacts at the Eastern Provinces of the Empire that he can link up with to replenish their losses from the devastating failed Siege of Nirnkarim. About less than a third of their forces perished during the assault, most especially when the rebels summoned forth their Dragon to stop their advance. The Otherworlder's may have won that battle but the war has only just begun.

"Good plan Ser Reikdorf." Faithleann acknowledged. "With our combine might, we can stem the Demon Tide at the Legendary Fortress."

"We should also link up with reinforcements from the Elves too. I heard that their Crown Prince, one Prince Valorion is being dispatched to aid us. He says we can combine our strengths upon his arrival at Harringpoint so we should head back there first before we start levying the peasantry." Mita the Crow added.

"How about we split our forces for now instead?" Petur suggested. "You can have me and Findrum levy men around the Eastern Provinces while you, Karliah and Findrum split off with due haste to Harringpoint and meet up with the Elves."

"This sound. Very sound Ser Reikdorf. I accept." The Chosen One nodded.

"Companions! Help!" Findrum pushed himself towards his fellow Adventurer's presence. He was distressed, in contradiction his stoic visage. All of the Imperials knew that something was terribly wrong.

"My Niece, Janris! She ran off!" Findrum went straight to the point.

"Ran off?" Karliah's eyes widened. "Where?"

"According to one of her wenches, she ran off to help rescue some of the Terrace Dwarves before the Ravine collapsed. She was supposed to make it back here earlier. By Thidar, I think she is in trouble." Findrum crumbled.

"Where did the wench told you where she ran off?" Karliah asked.

"North, where we had passed off earlier." Findrum recalled.

"Right towards the Volcano itself? That is suicide!" Faithleann exclaimed. "I beg thee, we can't risk losing you too like Marchog Gratianus." He urged.

"I…I… my niece!" Findrum cracked under the pressure. He was heavily conflicted between rescuing his beloved Niece and his oh so valued oath to the Adventurer's Guild and Emperor Uldin to be the shield-brother of the Chosen One.

Oath's are sacred in Dwarfen society that an Oathbreaker would be a social pariah, even lower than the already dredged Terrace Dwarves. Yet there is a debate, brought up of such ethics about where does one draw the line between fulfilling your Oath's purposes when it comes to equally important aspects of Dwarfen culture such as familial honor, individualistic integrity and external perception. Dwarfen Men were seen as the provider, the breadwinner in Dwarfen society and being in the last living male heir to his family, providing for them was one of the biggest motivators on why Findrum became an adventurer and pursued the career of a successful Monster Hunter. Yet equally important was the age-old tradition of Oath taking where he swore to both the Guild and the Emperor to never abandon the Chosen One's side as his Dwarfen Honor dictates he must do.

"Perhaps we can find that Judge fellow by the name of Eloun? I saw him rally several Dwarves some of whom included Geomancers. Maybe they can help." Olayra reasoned.

"Have you seen how those Geomancers CANNOT bend the Lava? It won't matter." The Monster Hunter said.

"You are a Warrior, a Monster Hunter, a proud Dwarf of the Ostalrocs. We need men like you to fight the Demons!" Faithleann appealed.

"But she is your family Findrum! I know her since she was still just a tyke. Wasn't Janris the reason you became a Monster Hunter? You have to save her! I can come with you to help rescue her!" Karliah volunteered.

"Me too, I maybe a Scholar but I cannot stand seeing so many people be burned alive by this Volcano." Olayra stepped forward just as bravely.

"You good for nothing Scholar! Do not drag both Ladui Silverdane and Findrum to run off to their doom for one girl! What is the fate of the entire world be over her? We are supposed to be fighting the Demonic Invasion!" Faithleann stomped his foot as his nerves struck violently as he unleashed an unsettling outburst over the direness of the moment.

"Little Fish!" Olayra screamed, addressing Faithleann by his longtime Childhood nickname. "I had thought you are just being haughty for a newly-dubbed Knight and that you would learn to know how to discipline yourself when you are with Ser Reikdorf, Ladui Karliah and Marchog Faughn, but 'running off to save one girl'? Who do you think you are to say that?"

"But… the Demons…" Faithleann muttered. But he was interrupted by the Non-Magical Scholar.

"People want to rescue their families and friends but all you care about right now is how you can best the Demon Lord?" Olayra frowned, as her hands firmly held her hips as he looked her in the eye.

"We must continue our quest with due haste like the stories of…"

Again, Olayra interrupts him.

"Now is not the time to read again the old stories from Ivuk." Olayra reminded him.

"The Town Bard? How do you know him and me being called 'Little Fish'? Who are you exactly?" Faithleann asked.

"Oh, I don't know…" Olayra playfully jested him. "I am just a girl who loved read by the Shyflowers every noon…"

"I beg your pardon…" Faithleann recognizes those words. Only one person from his Childhood could "Big Ears?"

"You were always trying to be like all the Heroes in Ivuk's songs you know Little Fish." Olayra explained. "But I never knew you could be so… selfish after all of these years." She scoffed him.

"You know what? The Olayra is right! You do need to learn how to think about others Faithleann Garmhaic." Findrum curled his fist.

"Yeah, we are all in danger because of this Demon Invasion. It is not just about you. But us!" Karliah said.

"I will have a good word with you later boy. Petur! Keep the 'Bane'…. 'of my Nerves' safely. Karliah, come with me." Findrum taken command.

The Monster Hunter and the Master Sorceress departed from Faithleann's prescence with Olayra following the former as they made their way upwards towards the eruption area of the Ostalroc Volcano.

"Don't forget about me." Olayra hollered.

"Olayra, are you sure you want to come with us?" Karliah knelt down and held the young girl by her hand. "I know your heart is in the right place and I know we both have our differences with Faithleann, but I don't think it is best you come with us. You are not as good at climbing as Findrum or have any Magic like me."

"I want to help." Olayra pleaded.

"Merch Fach." Karliah motherly gave her pause. "What can you do?"

"I have this." Olayra pulled out from her long robes, a satchel with a Tree-shaped insignia on it, a symbol of the Healing Goddess Neneth. "It is my Lucky Satchel. I keep several Nenya-Leaf patches and Uplevon ointment with me."

"Ah… Clever. Alright, you can come with us." Findrum smiled softly with a warming gratitude.

"You may follow, but stay close to me." Karliah said.

"Where do you think we should start looking?" Karliah turned to FIndrum.

"Perhaps we can talk to that Judge that Mogul Dolmond kicked out, Eloun wasn't it?" Findrum proposed. "I saw him and some of my kin go that way."

"That is towards the Volcano. Here take this in case you get burnt." Olayra warned the Dwarven Monster Hunter with a bottle Uplevon Herbal Ointment.

"Neneth be praised." He caught the ointment and placed it in his pocket.

"We should split up and meet up again by the Purple Broadglow patch by the crossing between Cipag's Tears and the old Brewery south in about two hours." Karliah instructed. "I will bring Olayra with me, can you take care of yourself?" she asked Findrum.

"Aye, I know these Mountains since I was a wee. Of course, I can." Findrum nodded.

He looked over the looming horizon of the erupting Ostalrocs before him and gulped nervously. All of the Physicality that he trained his body over decades of adventuring will test him to the limit today for this monster, is a beast he cannot slay, only survive its onslaught to escape its infernal kiss and ravenous appetite for all thing's material.


Samantha heaved her body forward as she mountain ran the rocky gauntlet of the lava flooded Ostalrocci Slopes. It helps that the Hecate Suit comes with a built-in Exosuit that allows her to burn less calories for the more strenuous of activities. She also wore Suit's Helmet, given to her but not until now by Dr. Mahelona, that shielded her face from the volcano's heat whilst also able to breathe through a modular slot that allows an oxygen tank to flow to her mouth. Under normal circumstances wouldn't wear as he much prefers her beret or a standard issued cap with a headset attached to it, but she was on the clock from direct orders from Commander-in-Chief Governor Jeremy White to staunch the bleeding mountains flow before the lava and ash clouds devours Nirnkarim.

The Southernmost Dwarven Hold is currently undergoing a massive evacuation but the UFE Airforce needed time and visibility for their Super Osprey's to evacuate the entire town. That is where the newly arrived Megacorporation, Maximov Engineering, timely entered the fray and offered their assistance in Geographical Terraformation.

The Main Plan is to construct two separate Maximov Engineering devices that will work in tandem together, the Gaia Transformer and a device called the Atmospheric Processor. This Operation would have multiple stages whose objectives revolves around neutralizing the harmful effects of the Volcano by turning the wasteland it had produced back into a fertile habitable land. The first step is to mitigate the harmful geo-effects of the Ash Clouds frigid fumes from suffocating the nearby life around the planet to the imploding Lava eruptions that threatens to bury all things civilized and constructed in the Ostalrocs by using the Atmospheric Processors. It they will be deployed on field within the vicinity of Nirnkarim. Their function is to purify the entire surrounding atmosphere off of the volcano's choking Ash Clouds so that a breathable air can be maintained within the area of operation. It functions by siphoning off the Ash Clouds that intrude around its airspace, filter off any contaminant before releasing the now purified air back into the atmosphere. Normally, the Atmospheric Processors can cover an earth-sized planet and filter off any harmful contaminant in a 10 to 15-year process involving constant emptying off of the contaminant storage of the Satellites but thankfully, according to Mr. Yahontov's estimates, the Tyr Rian Region and the Southern Ostalrocs, the only two region within CSP's interests, should be in the clear well over in between a month, six months or until the eruption subsides. However, by about a week, the Atmospheric Pressure would have mitigated most of the worst effects of the Ash Cloud within a week. After the skies are cleared, it shall be the Gaia Transformer's turn. The Heavy Terraforming Device will release a barrage of Habitability-enhancing Nanites that transforms any unlivable climates and hostile regions to become its antithesis and allow the habitation of life by transforming the air and soil at a molecular level. It promotes the accelerated photosynthesis of floral life and breathing air for fauna around the region. The Gaia's transformative process would take about a year or more to completely revitalize the Southern Ostalrocs but Maximov is hoping by less than the half way point, they can begin cashing in on their investment in the region. The Mining Megacorporation as per agreement, would split a third off the found minerals harvested from the Ostalrocs to the Colonial Stockpile during the construction of the resource exploitation sites as what the UFE have all hoped to do after all of the time playing the Gliesian geo-political game.

But at the end of the day, the Priority is to evacuate the civilians and UFEAF personnel in Nirnkarim.

Samantha, with the help of Ho'don, Iris and Aliathra and volunteers from the combined UFEAF and Silverback PMC's would laser designate key areas around Nirnkarim that is in danger of being flooded over with lava, sudden ground ruptures, Ash Cloud build-up and earthen landslides to protect the city long enough until the Hold is fully evacuated. Major Holyfield, through the insistence of Colonel Polonsky, half-heartedly had to re-divert his Naval Aircraft to assist the Evacuation which were meant to be for the aerial elements for Operation Haymaker. In addition to this tense moment, the moment he had heard of Maximov Engineering entering into the scene so suddenly had gotten the Corpo Vincent, from what the Lieutenant can read, mildly annoyed over the sight of his old Kesserheim competition now moving in. And moving in quite fast they are as Maximov entered into Gliesia dressed to impress with one of its claims to fame courting the attention of the prospective investors and customer bases that are the Natives.

The immediate effect of the Atmospheric Processors can already be apparent for the rescue effort as the choking fumes of the Ash Cloud was significantly decreased allowing visibility and limited movement to push through the Evacuation. The Machines are still not yet at its fullest operation yet High Command wants the Evacuation to be good as done by the time the Atmospheric Processors have been fully deployed to full functionality. This allowed the Rescue and Disaster Mitigation teams to be able to efficiently pass through the troublesome areas with relative ease.

In addition, the UFEAF and PMC Forces on the ground were instructed to gather as many survivors who so happen to be outside of Nirnkarim at the time and have them board the Airships.

Most especially for Lieutenant Samantha Rose who ventured off with one of Kayin's drones.

The Lieutenant, able to see more than at least 70 meters away from her, climbed over to the top of the mountaintop she heaved herself over and peered over the horizon where a tidal wave of lava threatens to spill its content down to the slope below that leads directly to Nirnkarim itself.

"Lazing!" Samantha radioed as she clicked the activation button of her laser designator towards a most troublesome pile of lava that is threatening to spill over a deep slope that is directly above Nirnkarim's Northwest.

"Firing Coolant." Vadim radioed back.

From a high orbit, an A-25 Dragoon retrofitted to fire the Cryo Coolant explosives rain a Nano Fluid rain to the erupting Ostalrocs. It's fast action properties of fatty-acid-capped magnetite nanoparticles, Liquid Nitrogen and other undisclosed components held by Maximov Engineering's Patents, can super-cool Lava at a molecular level.

"Good effect on target." Kayin radioed. He was accompanying the Lieutenant through his UAV Drone from the safety of Nirnkarim.

Outside of his robotic companionship, Samantha was alone as time was of the essence for this mission and it was best that every one of her friends split up to contain the Volcano's wrath from flooding into the Dwarven Hold. Iris is with Aliathra, Diaz and Clay searching for Survivors whilst Crocker, Obediah and Kayin stayed behind in Nirnkarim to make sure the evacuation goes smoothly.

"Good job El-tee. It looks like that's the worst of it all." Crocker buoyantly cracked from the radio. "Hope you're doin' ar'right there. We had to Medevac some people and one of the squad but Doc's says we are in the clear. Shits getting scary now." Crocker added.

"Spare me the details later. At least everyone got out safe and sound." Samantha nodded.

"Right, go haul your arse outta there and I will meet ya back at New Albany. Crocker out." Her sergeant promptly cut off his connection.

"Stryder Lead, this is Shield-Father." Colonel Polonsky radioed. "Return back to Nirnkarim, you did all you can for now. Let's have the Corpo take over for now. Your squad will evacuate immediately." Colonel Polonsky Ordered.

"Rodger Shield-Father… Wait a minute…"

Her acknowledgement of the orders to return down the slope of the mountain was interrupted when she spotted a number of Dwarves, at least a dozen of them trying to escape off of the steep slopes from a rogue wave of Lava that creeped relentless towards them just a few inches away. They were barely trying to keep up the pace but the Ash Cloud fumes and their weary bodies dangerously slowed them down that they are likely to be taken away by the infernal flood in a few moments.

Adrenaline pumping in, Samantha dashed towards the Dwarves as she charges her hands for the magic spell 'Earthen Wall', conjuring the ground to rise up and shield the Dwarves from the rogue wave of lava just in time as they were about to get caught in its infernal embrace.

"T-thank you." The Dwarf gave his gratitude. "Are you one of those Knights from the Empire?" he pointed to Samantha's suit that gleamed upon the reflection of the Lava to the Hecate Suit's nano-composite skin.

"No." the Lieutenant nixed. "We need you all to get out of here. Follow me."

Samantha gave her helping hand forward that the Dwarf grabbed onto as she guided them away from the dangerous slopes to the other side of the mountain where a large ridge was formed.

"This is Stryder Lead, I have twelve civvies in tow requesting immediate extraction over." Samantha radioed.

It was advised that if any of the Spotting Teams found any survivors, they are to contact a Super Osprey and have them land.

"Stryder Lead this is Eagle-2, Affirmative, flying over now." A Pilot answered her signal.

The gale winds excitedly danced around them as a large hovering figure descended upon the ridge, a jaw like appendage opened its maw down as it grounded itself on the Ostalrocii floor.

"A Dragon! It's coming to eat us." A Dwarven Lass panicked before she turned tail with her arms flailing.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Samantha grabbed the woman firmly to calm her. "It is not a monster. Look." She pointed back to the Super Osprey.

A figure emerged from the 'Dragon', humanoid in shape but tender in demeanor.

"This place isn't safe anymore come on." Eagle-2's Co Pilot urged.

After a moment's hesitation, the Dwarves one by one boarded the Super Osprey with the guidance of Lieutenant Rose took them to whatever empty seat was left. The Aircraft was half-full with other Civillians and several Silverback PMC's in tow. There were enough seats to fit all of the rescued Dwarves plus Samantha in the Aircraft and the Pilot was already eager to get himself out of this Mountain. The Lieutenant carefully buckled down the seatbelts of every Dwarf and kindly reassured each and every one of them that everything will be alright and that their nightmare was over.

"Your Lieutenant Rose, aren't you? I heard of ya." The Co-Pilot pointed out. "You a Wizard, now right?" he asked her.

"Yeah." Samantha nodded. "What's the situation back in Nirnkarim?" she asked.

"Were one of the lasts to get out of their now. Everything is all Maximov Drones now in Nirnkarim. Mr. Yahontov told us that the worst of it is far over and it's should be all just the Corpo's Drones left in Nirnkarim to do its job now. You sit tight El-tee." The Co-Pilot said.

"Good, I will tell the rest of the Squad we will get exfiltrate separate. I am going with Captain Kaprelian and De Sardet so we can pick up the boys up before we meet back in New Albany." Kayin's drone relayed.

"The Last ones?" one of the Dwarves Samantha rescued raised her voice. "No! That's not good. My Daughter and several more of my kin are still trapped inside the Tunnels."

The woman began to panic as the Lieutenant attempted to calm her down just as the Super Osprey was about to take off.

"My Daughter Janris is still inside the Underground Passages I think I lost her when we're fleeing the Lava." She informed her.

Based on Samantha's experiences throughout the Black Operation, the Ostalrocs have a network of Underground Passages built by the Dwarven Clans that form shortcuts to allow easy logistical transportation to and from the various holds and beyond the Ostalrocs. Each Hold handles the daily maintenance and the toll fee's during use. The one near Nirnkarim being one of the busiest of Underground Passages at its prime. They were carved diligently with extremely dense building materials that are meant to lass eons of time carrying the weight of mountains. She knew that they also have several interlocking Gate Systems to control the flow of traffic throughout several intersections which should theoretically stand for a decent amount of time against Lava as Lutheor Mirrien tells her. She still has plenty of Oxygen to explore the Underground Passage for about less than half an hour before she has to retreat out. In addition, her enhanced powers from the Hecate Suit should extend her life support and protections whilst inside the Volcano should keep her safe far longer than what most ordinary of men would do.

"Your Daughter is there?" Samantha calmed her down. "What exactly happened to you? How did you get out of those tunnels?" she asked.

"Me and my Kin were trapped on our way out when we got trapped by some collapsing rocks. We thought it was the end as there was nowhere out but thankfully a selfless Dwarf by the name of Eloun and his companions of several Geomancers and two Imperials set us free. But before we could celebrate the tunnel began to be flooded by Lava so we had to flee. My Daughter might still be in there!" The woman explained. "Please, I, Johru will bring shame to Neneth the Mother Goddess if she perishes alongside those people. Rescue her please oh brave Knight."

"I… I will try too…" Samantha attempts to reassure her fears but she was interrupted when her radio pinged.

"Lieutenant are you safe?" Major Holyfield's imposing voice asked from behind her radio.

"I am but several of the Dwarves just told me that they are more of them trapped inside the Underground Passage." Samantha said. "We need to rescue them."

"Absolutely not Lieutenant! We cannot risk your life any more than we should now." The Major advocated against her course of action.

"But sir those people trapped!" Samantha implored him.

"Please! Save my Daughter! Save my Kin!" Johru pleaded.

Samantha looked directly into the eyes of the Dwarven Woman with a peering gaze. The Native's tears fell down her little cheeks with a prayerful plea threatened to melt Samantha's bleeding heart. She had seen so much in so little time. This Dwarfen Woman, this Johru, reminded her of all the widowers and orphans who lost someone they loved during the attacks, the forced laborings and the eruptions she saw during her Tour of Duty But the most grievous of pains of all are the parents who lost their children, for there is no word in the dictionary that gives subject to this definition for that is the greatest pains of them all. After all of that death and destruction of the terrorist attack by the Grey Order to the Kidnapping and subsequent trauma of April Root, and at the latest the entire heartbreaking sight of the Dwarven Chaste system, most soldiers like her would have hardened their hearts to the terrors around them.

But not for Lieutenant Samantha Rose.

She couldn't care less if they were the enemy, an innocent civilian or a fellow UFE. She would come back for them, for nobody deserved to die like this. If she can just save one life, prevent one heart ache to happen to another person she would do it. Not later when the Volcano has subsided, not after Operation Haymaker has finished. RIGHT NOW! For there would have been no tomorrow for them otherwise.

"You are to evacuate immediately from the Ostalrocs Lieutenant Rose that is an ----" Major Holyfield raised his voice but Samantha instantly cut him off from her Radio's Communication Line.

The Lieutenant turned over to the Super Osprey's Ramp and pulled the Emergency opening lever as the Ashen Winds blew before her.

"El-tee what are you doing?" Eagle-2's Pilot asked her.

"I am going back for them." Samantha informed them as she jumped off the Ramp.

She softened her landing with a quick cast of the spell 'Feather Fall' to soften her landing. She peered over the Super Osprey's ramp closing its jaws before flying off. There was no turning back anymore. Her volition pushes her forward from here on out.

She ascended over the Ostalrocii slopes until she finds the entrance to the Underground Passage leading out to Nirnkarim. A great cavern with an ash buried road laying before her and several small pools of lava oozing about around the vicinity.

"El-Tee! Are you fucking insane? The Major just told me everything. We are moving into your position as we speak. Hold on we'll get you out." Her second-in-command Sergeant Crocker radioed in.

"Sargent Crocker. I am doing the right thing." Samantha explained. "When you do arrive at my coordinates. You will see a giant tunnel. I will be in there. Prep Iris and Alie for additional work. Lieutenant Rose over and out."

She ended the call and took a deep breathe. Before her was the heart of darkness, or the gates of hell itself staring in front of her. When listened in carefully she could swear she heard the pleas of those left behind souls still trapped inside the Tunnel Passage.

With a steeled heart, the Lieutenant flew inside the Tunnel with no other goal but to rescue whoever she could inside or die doing the right thing.

Dashing pass the ashen piles and the lava wet floors of the Tunnel, Samantha shouted:

"Achub!" a word used by Dwarven Alpine Hospice Rescuers when they attempt to call out to those who find themselves lost amongst the frigid tops of the Ostalrocs. Her voice amplified with the slight manipulation of Illusion Magicks.

"Achub!" she shouts again within the hellish darkness of the Tunnels.

"Neneth be praised! Over here!" a voice echoed beneath darkness.

Samantha followed the noise carefully, using her flashlight to illuminate the darkness. Her light soon shone upon a small group of at least four very frightened dwarves, one laying down unresponsively whilst the rest shielded their eyes from the Lieutenant's flashlight.

"I am here to help." Samantha softly reassured them in a comforting voice before kneeling down on the knocked-out dwarf. "What happened to him?" Samantha asked.

"My father collapsed when we tried to run away from the Lava that began to flood all over this tunnel. Me and my brother had to carry him over until our torches burnt out." One of the survivors explained.

The Lieutenant examined the knocked down dwarf with her Suit's built-in Scanner which is connected to ISAC. It only took one brief observation to conclude that the Dwarf was showing signs of body failure due to inhaling ash clouds which combined with the intense physical exertion as shown by his compatriot's disheveled appearance and said victim's venerable age that he was slowly starting to enter into the throes of death.

Sam conjured with her Magicks a ball of immaculate air from her hand before prying the unconscious Dwarf's mouth open to force itself entry into his body. This trick, a creative re-interpretation to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was a variant of the 'Air Bubble' spell. Using a feel-and-touch approach, Samantha brushed off as much Ash particles that debilitated his breathing as much as he could.

"Gah!" the once-unconscious Dwarf gagged to life as Samantha yanked out the Air Bubble, now tainted with sooty ashes.

"Father!" the younger Dwarves rallied in delight.

"Can you walk?" Samantha asked.

"Ah… no… so… tired…" he tepidly answered, his breathe dry with fatigue.

The Lieutenant pulled from her pockets her canteen and made him take one sip of the rejuvenating water.

"Were there more of you? I heard there was a 'Janris' and an 'Eloun' with you." Samantha asked them.

"Eloun and Janris? I saw them holding off the Lava deeper into the mine." The Young Dwarf informed her.

"I see." Samantha lowered her head. She grabbed the injured Dwarf's arms over her shoulders before placing both his legs and arms around her neck and waist like a backpack. "We need to leave now. Follow my lead." She told the Dwarves.

Using the Suit's Sonar UI HUD, Samantha easily guided the Dwarves out of the Tunnels where just in time, Crocker's Super Osprey had arrived in her position.

"El-Tee!" Crocker shouted, he wanted to personally reprimand his Green Superior but upon the sight of the weary Dwarves being carried over by her, his protective instincts kicked him in to the task at hand.

He grabbed the Dwarves and boarded the Super Osprey carefully. Sweet relief smiled upon Native's faces as they safely sat down and finally rest under its winged safety. But as Crocker tried reach forward his hands for his Commanding Officer to grab, the Lieutenant only backed away.

"El-Tee!? Get back here!" Crocker shouted.

"I am sorry, but there's more people inside." Samantha explained briefly before she returned back inside the Tunnel.

Crocker couldn't run out and try to grab her as he was low on oxygen to attempt a pursuit in addition that Stryder's two other Mage users were out of commissioned too, one from injury the other from exhaustion. The Volcano's fury becoming more apocalyptic by the hour and in the confusion, caused several of the UFEAF's own men injuries too. Such as Obediah and Aliathra being the most damaged. Obediah, only through sheer will alone being able to still remain breathing before he reached the sanctuary of Captain Kaprelian's Super Osprey. The old and week were truly the most vulnerable to the Volcano's hellish advanced. But even those who risk their lives for there fellow others whether through compassion, their creed or both in the case of Aliathra Lareththor were not spared by Cipag's wrath of whom the Blacksmith God temper smite the Elven Cleric. Fortunately, her spirit remains willing in spite of her flesh being made weak.

The more time, Samantha burns to rescue just the last few vestiges of survivors, the smaller the window of escape for Captain Kaprelian's Super Osprey becomes evident. Her airship, can only take so much punishment from the pelting of ashes and turbulent winds of the disaster zone. It was only a matter of time before the Volcano completely devours every living thing left inside of the Ostalrocs.

"Lieutenant!" Doctor Mahelona called Samantha through the radio from his Laboratory in New Albany. "We cannot risk you much longer with you being out there. Get out now!" he warned her.

"No… just one more…" Samantha tells him off.

The Lieutenant began to routinely cycle through more survivors, carrying them to the safety of Captain Kaprelian's airship with every thrust of her body. Upon chancing a survivor, lured out of the darkness from the heralding of Samantha's call of deliverance from their apocalyptic oblivion of their civilization's collapse, Samantha would allay their wounds before escorting back to the surface. Like a Guardian Angel, she saved everyone that heeded her call young and old alike to reach the heavenly steed that was Captain Kaprelian's Airship.

Despite the pleas of her second-in-command to evacuate already from the now doomed Dwarven Mountains, Samantha declined despite exhaustion slowly creeping into her body and voice with one hauntingly feverous phrase:

"One more…"

Before turning around to go descend into the stygian inferno once again yelling: "Achub!"

And then repeating the cycle once again until she is sure she had rescued everyone still worth rescuing inside that Tunnel. Caring no cares of whatever petulant reprimanding from her superiors for something she knows in her heart would have her Father, Captain Desmond Rose would do.

Whilst she continued her selfless act, she continued to ask those same survivors if they had seen a young girl named 'Janris'. Again, the same answer was brought forth by every last one of them that she was 'deeper inside' the Tunnel. Exhaustion began to grip her body every moment she ran through the gauntlet inside the Tunnels. Her legs grew sore, her hands and arms became weary, but her determination kept her pushing more to find and rescue more trapped peoples. She said to herself again and again as she navigated the darkness:

"One more… just One more…"

Eventually, Samantha found herself of what was once a great underground chamber that functioned as a crossroad for the Underground Tunnel Network. The chamber was now nearly flooded with the lower tunnels deluging great amounts of ever slowly rising amounts of Lava. Additionally, the anomalous spike of Mana Energies had also pinpointed that its presence is inside the chamber. Peering her eyes to the vicinity, Samantha spotted in the middle of a sea of lava, laying by a large rock that barely manages to float by while being shielded by the radiant heat of the aforementioned lava, gathering of 12 people, ten dwarves and two humans from what she can discern. One of the humans was creating a small shield bubble around her to ward of the harmful radiant effects of the lava that surrounded them. To her surprised, she recognizes the two humans, one Karliah and the other Olayra, two women who so happened she cross souls with back in Gwesza several days ago.

"Achub!" Samantha called out from the other side of the Chamber.

"We are here!" the Dwarfen Judge Eloun cried out.

"It is the Shareholder!" Olayra cried. She recognized that voice and the strange garments that the Lieutenant wore.

The Lieutenant descended down to the lowest possible level that was above the lava to find a way to reach them.

"Alright let's get you all outta--- oh it's you two again." Samantha greeted the Natives.

"We have sacrificed ourselves to allow as many people the time they needed to escape. So, if it is one more consolation before I perish, I will free you from the Otherworlder's grip." Karliah testified. "Relona Maxima!" she casted from her hands, targeting the Lieutenant.

The Spell is a powerful dis-enchantment spell that is designed to breakthrough long term spells such as Enthrallment. The College Mage knew she, Janris, Olayra did as best as they could getting as many people trapped in these Tunnels out to safety but now their time is up as they and ten other dwarves were now hopelessly surrounded by the erupting lava. But at the very least inspite of the doom sight they held a deep satisfaction of knowing that the last act they had done was the right thing, maybe then Tivna would welcome all of them gladly into her garden when they pass.

Unfortunately, this Share-Holder, known to be in association of the Otherworldly Invaders had came to them to intervene for her own master's interests.

This same spell was another form of Magicks that the Lieutenant knew courtesy of Iris and Aliathra. It is said that if one was indeed Enthralled via the Enthrallment spell then they would have a feeling of 'waking up from a dream' and regaining control of themselves. If the spell wasn't empowered enough to break the enchantment or there was no enchantment or begin with, the spell would have harmlessly passed through the Lieutenant unscathed. So, she decided to end this debate once and for all and readied her 'dis-enchantment'.

The Magical Energies, as expected passed through her without so much as a light tickle, bewildering Karliah as one of her most powerful spells was casually brushed off.

"H-how!?" Karliah questioned.

"Enough of this 'Demon' crap please? I come here to save you all especially you Janris! Your mother Johru is safe with us." Samantha tells them.

"Mama? Mama made it out?" Janris shook away from her fears upon the hearing of her mother's name.

"I am going to rescue ALL of you no matter what." Samantha vowed.

"What if you are deceiving us? You have been abducting people away with your dragons." Eloun accused her.

"Look here!" Samantha's nerves were struck violently by the Natives incessant accusations. "Whether I am not Corrupted or not does not matter now. We can talk more about this when we are safe now. I need to get you all out of here." She informed her of what is most important.

"How can you rescue us from here?" Olayra asked the Lieuteannt

But then Samantha fully realizes the dire situation at hand, there was virtually no way of reaching the trapped Natives without risking further the wrath of the voracious lava before her. It was too far for her Air Scooter to dash forward too in addition to her still relative inexperience in conjuring such an unstable spell without tripping and there were barely any rocks to work with that wouldn't risk further vexation from the lava.

But how can she rescue them? The Lava was not only dense but very voracious substance made of passionate fire.

"Fire…" Samantha thought. She had the most thick-witted of gambles.

Activating her transmutation ability, Samantha carefully placed her hand onto the boiling lava itself. A infernal energy began to seep through her body, engulfing her in an outer shell of flames. Her Suit began to drain its own energy trying to maintain her form as Sam realizes that she is still ultimately unharmed by having herself be engulfed in boiling hot lava.

Without wasting a second, Samantha stepped her foot into the Lava Pool, its dense state and the aforementioned transmutation she had done allowed her to safely run through the coral sea of lava unharmed.

"Warning: 150% Energy Consumption detected. Suggested Action: Mitigate all Mana-consumptive Activity." ISAC warned the Lieutenant.

Her Energy Levels as Samantha monitored were being drastically depleted the longer, she fire-walked atop of the Lava. Alarmed by this, Samantha quickened the pace of her steps but the Lava was clammy as it was gelatinous, hampering the speed of movement and ergo increasing the time she spent walking dangerously above the infernal pool. She was determined despite the limitations of her Suit to reach the survivors.

Upon stepping on the floating Rock Crater that housed the last 12 survivors, Samantha went to work with her plan.

She calculated based on her suit's Exo-Suit Capabilities that she has the capacity to safely carry over three people at a time to safety by having her slice off a piece of said rock crater before slowly pushing the boat like object with survivors in tow to safety. It was about fifty meters between her and the rock crater in terms of distance. It would take about thirty minutes at the soonest to accomplish the task.

"Come on! Three at a time." Samantha ordered as she used her Magicks to create a boat like platform for by slicing of the Rock Island's pieces off.

At first, the survivors hesitated but after seeing the lava slowly starting to aggravate itself in the room. Three brave souls decided to board the makeshift boat.

Samantha ferried off the boat across the Lava pool towards the safety of higher ground. It was grueling work but she can manage with deep breathing and meditative channeling of her Arcane Meridians she can reduce the amount of energy being fractioned off of her suit by about 30%.

"One more…" Samantha muttered herself to enliven her spirit.

She returned to the Rock Crater and repeated the process. Seeing that this stranger was clearly trying to rescue them from such an infernal fate, three more souls decided to board the rock platform.

"One more…" Samantha again muttered to herself.

Now halfway done, the Lieutenant made her third trip back to rescue the second half of the survivors.

"Warning: Mana Energies are at 15%. Suggest Recharge immediately." ISAC informed her.

The AI's words did not dissuade her, nor the aching sores she began to develop on her muscles as she prompted the Dwarven Judge Eloun and his two sons onto her makeshift boat.

"Come on we have no time!" Samantha yells at them.

"Why are you doing this?" Eloun asked the Lieutenant.

"What do you mean why?!" Samantha yelled. "I went down here just to rescue everyone."

"I…" Eloun was at a loss of words. Tears of disbelief fell down his eyes.

Even Karliah, Olayra and Janris too. They witness before them the very exhausted yet very tenacious Lieutenant moving heaven and earth and braving the darkness of the Volcano's wrath to save people still trapped by the voracious lava. Were the rumors false or was this some sort of clever deceit? No demons or their servants would go out of their way to do all of this, to save the people they consider as their enemies.

Was Samantha really enthralled by the Otherworlders after all?

Eloun seeing that none of the rumors of the Otherworlder's being bloodthirsty devourers of souls promptly urged his sons to board Samantha's rock platform as the Lieutenant pushed them away back to the otherside of the chamber.

"Warning: Mana Energies are at 7%! Depletion all Suit Functions are in danger of shutting down." ISAC warned her.

"Just… one... more…" Samantha cooed. Her body was starting to finally wear and tear her mentally as she expended thousands of calories on herself to continue on this rescue attempt.

There was really one more left to save.

As she made her return trip, the ceiling of the chamber began to collapse as rocks fell down like rain below them.

"Cipag's Mercy!" Eloun swore. "I—I… I know these Tunnels! The nearest exit is the Nirnkarim Opening." Eloun said.

"Good… go there… there is a friend that will help you there…" Samantha nodded, a soft smile escaped her lips.

"Are you sure?" Eloun asked of her.

"You can trust me." Samantha reassured her. "Now go I will get the last survivors." The Lieutenant pushed off her rock platform and proceeded to move towards the last three survivors still trapped in the lava chamber.

Samantha's body began to grew heavy, her limbs losing its unity and her heartbeat pacening in vain effort to support her now drained body as she made it to Karliah's group before her Hecate Suit finally gave out.

"Get…in…Nnn---" Samantha huffed, the toll on her body draining not only her intrinsic Mana Levels but also her own body calories. Her hands flailed limply, her eyes phasing in and out of cognizance. She tried to take off her helmet in a vain attempt to regain her senses but there was no difference in the feeling.

She fell on her knees and collapsed before Karliah.

"Mana Energies are at 5%. Energy Saving Mode activated: All Unbinilium-related functions are disabled. Remaining energy diverted to Essential Functions only." ISAC informed in a lower bass voice.

"Get up! Hurry! Please Chosen One! Get up!" Janris pleaded.

Samantha's weakened form was barely responsive, her world shrunk down to only her around her and the sounds in her immediate earshot as she neared the throes of death. But she hoped that if she could push herself hard enough for just awhile longer he can make it out with the survivors.

Unfortunately, she spoke too soon, a quick jolt from the quaking earth that formed the tunnel caused its rocks to collapse on the only tunnel out of the Lava Chamber.

"No!" Samantha cried as she saw the last vestiges of escape closed off from her forever.

"S---aaaaa-----whaa----go---on?" Crocker's disrupted voice echoed on her radio. Despite the interference, Samantha knew what was he trying to say.

"I… I… can't…" Samantha muttered.

"SAM!" Crocker radioed. A quick correction of the frequency thanks to Clay straightened his communications line with the Lieutenant. It took a special kind of tweaking from Stryder's Radioman to have their Radio be able to penetrate to and from the Underground.

"We need to dust off now! You got like 300 seconds tops to get outta there! The Airship won't survive any longer here!" he warned her.

Fear began to grip the Lieutenant as she weakly responded to her second-in-command:

"Sergeant Crocker… Stryder! Its l-looks like that t-there's no way out… Lava is coming up… and I'm trapped. It was an honor to serve each and every one of you… Obed, Alie, Iris, Kayin, Clay, you Crock and even Diaz…I tried to save all I could… I did… I am sorry… I am so sorry." Samantha tearfully apologized on the radio.

"What!?" Crocker recoiled winced. "NO! NO! NO! EL-TEE! EL-TEE! SAM!" he cried. He cannot believe he was hearing this from the Lieutenant after starting to warm-up amiably with the young West Point Graduate.

"I knew you would say that Crock…" Sam smiled.

The Ceiling Cracked above her as Malynaris' gaze shone above the lava chamber allowing the partial escape of gasses and radiant heat to leave the room whilst still allowing to see the star.

Samantha smiled as she readied to see the angels that If she was to die, she will die seeing the sky above her one last time.

"This can't be Samantha! The Crystal Heart blessed you for great things! You can't perish today! The team cannot effort to lose you!' " Aliathra tearfully shouts on the radio. "Neneth yewl va plik fae eath'she!" she prayed to her Goddess.

"You were my best companion this Vampire ever had! You cannot die here now!" Iris joined.

"There's still so much more we can do together." Clay added.

"You can't die here! Not now! You have to think of something… you do!" Crocker radioed.

"I'm sorry guys, Mana ran dry a moment ago and the Lava trapped me… Get out of here and live for me!" she urged them.

"Sergeant! We need to get everyone in this ship out of here or we are toast! The ship can't handle this much pressure." Captain Kaprelian yelled.

Deep down, Crocker knew that was the right choice. The most Utilitarian Choice, they have not only the rest of Stryder Group on board but also more than a dozen of Civilians onboard fearfully trusting their lives and hopes on them for salvation.

But just as Crocker grievously cut off the radio to leave the Lieutenant to her Faith. The Mic was instantly grabbed by Iris.

"Samantha Rose! What would your father and great ancestor Desmond and Leo Major would say? Did they ever give up despite the odds being stacked against them? You would dishonor their legacy if you perish today. Do you want me, Aliathra, Stryder and your mother to cry on your empty grave because you gave up?!" Iris agitated the Lieutenant.

"She is right! You are our Omah, the Leader of Stryder, we would all will fall apart without you!!You and Iris are my friends, the only true and real friends that I never thought this Princess would ever have! Don't be selfish and die here today. You must live! Live to see tommorow, to see your home, to see your friends and family again!" Aliathra added.

"You listen here Red! I will be fucked if April not only loses her mother but her 'Auntie Rose'!" Obediah screamed.

"We are here for you! Don't die on us and give up on yourself!"the whole Stryder team all replies in the radio

"Guys… you are by far the greatest people I had ever met... Thank you… now wait for me damnit!" Samantha smiled; her courage regained much to the pleased Stryder group "You Three! You are all going to live! I promise! And to you Janris! I swear to God no matter what that your mother Johru doesn't bury you on an empty grave too." She pointed to the shocked Karliah, Olayra and Janris.

However, even with a new found will to live, they still need to find a way out. The Lieutenant raced herself in her mind to think of a plan to get out of this trap before it was too late.

"But how can we escape? We are still trapped here and without any Magicks we cannot do anything?" Karliah reminded her.

"Mana Energies detected. Fifteen meters, 80 degrees West." ISAC informed her.

The Lieutenant turned her head and looked towards where the AI had pointed to her.

From out of the inferno rose a geomantic node of the most brilliant of Mana Crystal as her Share-Holder brand intrinsic thirst for Mana can attest. It was a most unusual sight as the crystal was not the usual azure glow but gave a radiant crimson shine that sang to her. The Lieutenant could see that there may be hope yet as her new energy consumptive instincts tell her that the strange variant of Unbinilium can rejuvenate her fully upon consumption.

She feebly stood up and using the last of her will and Mana reserves, she activated the Hecate Suit's Transmutation functions as she walked across the Lava pool hazardously towards the Crystal using the very last bits of strength.

"Mana Energies Level at 5%.... 4%....3%.... 2%..." ISAC warned her.

"Come on Red… push!" Samantha spurred herself.

She knew that the moment her Suit finally gave in, she would lose her protection against the lava and be killed instantly by its vehement embrace. She tried to reach the Red Unbinillium but it was just out of reach.

"This woman…" Karliah murmured. Hearing the Share-Holder speak with what she assumes were her friends on some sort of Magic Message spell coaxed her greatly.

The Share-Holder, in spite of them being enemies truly was trying to rescue them. Giving up her mana and was about to sacrifice herself to save all she could. Virtually nothing of the characteristics from the naive and brash Faithleann. Where the Bane would cower, the Share-Holder would be steadfast. When the Bane would gloat, the Share-Holder would be meek. When the Bane fights for glory, the Share-Holder fights to protect those whom she loved and cares for.

Olayra too was equally moved. The way she had talked with the voices of the people that echoed around her made the pedantic girl realize that she did not see her as a tool, weapon or a servant to their designs. But a friend, a follower, a companion. What shook her and Karliah's pre-conceived beliefs is that the Otherworldly 'Demons' all behaved just like them not as bloodthirsty and heartless demons and their words sound truly genuine with zero lies or deception. Maybe they had severely misjudged the Share-Holder and to the same extent the Vampire, Princess Aliathra and the Otherworlders.

This Woman was more than the stories of the Heroes of Old could be and more. The Crystal Heart did not choose poorly after all!

"Almost there… you heroes ain't dying on my watch!" Sam reassured them.

"Waagh! I thought I was doing the right thing but we are all about to die! I thought I could be a Great Hero like you Chosen One. But all I did was get myself trapped withother people on this stupid rock." Olayra cried. "Don't you see that you have to rescue me, Karliah and Janris?"

"She is right!! You are the only hero here." Janris added.

"You're not useless…" Samantha turned to Janris and Olayra. "By trying to save the trapped people alone already makes you all heroes even if your risk all of you getting trapped too."

"Pardon?" Olayra asked.

"You think I wake up everyday so I can just be 'the Share-Holder' because of what? Some big 'Crystal Heart' thing tells me who I am?" Samantha asked them.

The women responded with a denying nod.

"I am not measured by what that… whatever from some fancy cathedral. The title of 'Chosen One' is just that, a title. Its what where your heart and your actions do in its name is what makes a hero." She explained. "Look at you! Despite this Volcano erupting you still came back to rescue more people. That makes you a better hero than that prick you call the 'Bane'."

Olaya and Janris cry heavily at the beautiful words by Sam, especially Olaya as Faithlean never say that to her. Karliah too shed a single jubilant tear. This Share-Holder truly deserved to call herself a 'Hero'. Karliah humbly lowered her head as she stood up, her self-doubts restraining her now set free upon seeing the Lieutenant's heroic actions. 

Samantha soon began to slowly sink into the lava as her legs start to uncontrollably twitch as her exhaustion has reached a lethal level as the very last of her Mana Energies depleted. However, even if she feels she about to die she has to reach the Crystal.

"Mana Energies recharging to 5%... 10%..." ISAC informed her.

Samantha's heart skipped a beat, she wasn't siphoning the Mana Energies of the Red Crystal just yet. She turned around to see that the College Mage Karliah was releasing her own reserves of Mana to transfer onto Samantha to regenerate the last bits of energy she needs to reach the Unbinilium Crystal.

"Save us Chosen One…" Karliah whispered to Samantha.

Thanks to Karliah's exchange, Samantha finally reached the Crystal. The Hecate Suit's Arcane Meridians then proceeded to hungrily consumed its energies as its battery reserves recharged almost instantaneously.

A surge of Mana flowed through Samantha, reinvigorating as it was re-exciting her bones, muscles, mind, and spirit like a second awakening of a new dawn. This 'Red Unbinillium' aroused her nothing close to what the standard Blue ones were. The rather unpredictable energies made the Magicks unstable but much more powerful in output. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes and like the timely intervention of a Guardian Angel.

As if by the mere thought of flying away from the danger, Samantha unknowingly behind her sprouted wings from her back, conjured by Magicks as her eyes glowed in blazing white as she turned to the three girls who excitedly saw her transcendent transformation.

"Hold on tight! It's gonna be a bumpy ride." Samantha grabbed the girls by the hand.

The three promptly held on to her warm soft grip as the Lieutenant soared above the ceiling, crashing through its barrier and making it out of the mountain with great big blast from its rooftop causing a sonic boom of dust and dirt to trail behind them.

"Sam! NO!" Crocker radioed in on despair as he saw the Mountain exploded. Their Super Osprey Air Ship forced to fly out of the danger zone just as the mountain became overrun with shattering lava.

"Look over there!" Clay pointed to the angelic red wings that sprouted from a bubble-like ward. Upon an enhancing zoom, they could see Samantha being the source of those magical wings and powering the protective Ward.

"El-Tee!" All of Stryder cheered.

Samantha made it out!

"We're… FLYING!" Olayra squealed.

"Yes, we are indeed un infanc." Karliah smiled at her junior.

"Flying? I didn't know I can fly!" Samantha confessed.

But just as soon as she disbelieved, her wings suddenly dissipated and gravity, as cruel as the mistress she took over their bodies as they began to plummet below the ground.

"Hold on!" Samantha cried as she frantically cast 'Feather Fall' on all three of the survivors before placing the enchantment on herself.

They landed haphazardly close to each other by a mountain stream a good and safe distance away from Nirnkarim, landing upon the still blooming mountain grass and flowers.

"Is Everybody okay?" Samantha asked everyone.

The calm breathing of Janris, Karliah and Olayra confirmed her optimism that they managed to survive their escape.

"We are saved! By the Gods we are still alive!" Olayra cheered.

"Well now I know what that bard meant by flying can be so...inspiring." Janris chuckled.

"A bit sore… but nothing a Cleric couldn't fix…" Karliah nodded as she stood up and stretched her back. "Are you okay too Share-Holder?" she turned to the Chosen One.

"She still looks as fine as newborn foal. Thats for sure." Janris commented. She and Olayra collectively hugging the Lieutenant in deep appreciative gratitude to her.

"Samantha. Call me Samantha." The Lieutenant gently tells her. "Just a bit of Mana Exhaustion... but I'm alright... just need to rest my legs."

"Who are you really Sam? I finally realize that the Campire and Aliathra never actually enthralled you to be a 'Demonic Servant' But who are you exactly??" Karliah asked her.

"That I am sure you are not from the Empire. You lack the Vaikurian Accent." Olayra nodded. "Are you from the Southern Frontier?"

"I am not from here." Samantha said. "I am not from here… this Planet I come from another world. I am what you described so much about 'an Otherworlder'. The very same ones you are trying to fight against." "Samantha explained. "And those Voices… it's called a Radio it allows me to talk to people from far distances… think your Tweeter Bird Messages but without the Magic."

"Planet? What is a Planet?" Olayra asked. This was wholly different terminology she never heard before.

"A Planet... is well... to but it lightly... like a World. Your 'Planet', your entire world is all of Gliesia, with all the places you live, places known and unknown." Samantha explained. "As I said earlier, I come from another world, so another 'Planet'."

"Fascinating... tell me more." Olayra pressed her.

Karliah's eyes widened in alarm by the implications of what the Lieutenant said. This woman came from another World? Someone not born into Gliesia?

"The Crystal Heart made you. its Chosen One? That's… impossible." Janris reeled in astonishment, letting go of her embrace.

"Don't be so callow Janris. The Sacred Crystal Heart works in mysterious ways." Karliah reprimanded her.

"Yeah… you sounded just like Aliathra and Iris too…" Samantha snickered.

"So if you are indeed an Otherworlder, why did you come to Gliesia oh weary traveler?" Janris asked.

"We thought this place was uninhabited. Safe for colonization… but our scout was deceived. Somehow… by some magicks made by the Slaegian Empire, we thought we landed on some uninhabited plains but instead we touched down on what is now Tyr Rian. Thankfully we quickly befriended the local Prince, a Prince Clovich, wrote a treaty with him that we would all peacefully co-exist with each other." Samantha explained.

"Colonize? What is that word?" Janris asked.

"It means to occupy an unclaimed land. The Empire had been doing such an endeavor at the Southern Frontier decades ago." Olayra explained.

"At first we wanted to just live in peace but the Slaegian Empire along with their 'Alliance of the Light' and their stupid prophecy made by some old fool branding us as 'Demons' from the beginning without understanding who we really are and attacked us blindly out of irrational fear and ignorance. They forced our hands in Souviel and Tyr Rian and many other incidents! We have no choices but to go our ways to stop and dismantle the Slaegians permanently to defend ourselves and other innocent people who are caught in the crossfire and killed for no good reason." Samantha explained.

"So that explains that Steel Cloud that came to Harringpoint weeks ago to issue that warning?" Karliah said.

"That's what you call it?" Sam was slightly amused by the primitive interpretations that the Natives came up for their Ships. "But yeah, the Aurora our Spa--- I mean 'Flying Ship' was sent by us to warn you to stand down or face the wrath of our war machine," Samantha explained.

As Karliah heard Sam's words she started to have some level of doubt about the apocalyptic prophecy since thinking back about the first arrival of the Eye Demon, she actually didn't actually detect any demonic signature from that entity. Further study by the College's demonologist had been a fruitless endeavor as they themselves don't even know if it is actually a demon or not since as they described it to be 'a peculiar block of strange metal with weird strings. They tried all the holy magic on it and had no effect on it. Furthermore, their endeavor to deceive the demons from coming to Gliesia was not worked at all since the Otherworlders didn't actually behave like demons seeking souls to devour after all.

But then she remembered about the previous attacks planned to relay the attempts to halt the Demonic's expansion into Gliesia with the aforementioned attacks in Tyr Rian and Souviel. To her horror she reasoned that due to such an attack, the Otherworlders had the moral high ground to justify a full-blown invasion of the Empire!

In their quest to stop the end of times, they had only ensured its fulfillment!

"Are you okay?" Samantha asked Karliah.

"I am fine… I… just need a moment to breathe…" Karliah sighed. She beat her chest trying to release the regret filling herself on her body to feign coughing out any irritants that managed to penetrate to her lungs.

"Aight." The Lieutenant nodded.

"I have to return now to New Albany right now especially with you Janris. Your mother is waiting for you there." Samantha smiled. "Sarge, its Sam. We made it. I need extraction at my position now for four people." The Lieutenant radioed.

"Rodger that El-Tee we got a lock on your position. Let's get ya blokes outta there." Crocker smiled.

She attempted to stand up but the moment her feet went upright they cramped, forcing her to collapse on the ground.

"Subject Diagnosis: Extreme Muscle Fatigue detected. Recommend course of action: Immediate Extraction for Tissue Restoration Therapy." ISAC informed her.

"Damn…" Samantha meekly cursed. The AI was indeed right however, she does need some time for respite.

"Request if I can bring home some flowers yeah Crocker? I am gonna want to see something nice on my window when I get back to New Albany." She snickered.

  "Flowers?" Karliah ticked.

The College Mage looked around you and noticed that there was a distinct flower bed filled with Purple Broad Glows. A distinct flower found at the climate conditions between the hinterlands and lower altitude slopes. In the Southern areas of the Ostalrocs, the only known area where such a flower exists would be right at the crossing between the stream Cipag's Tears and the Old Brewery where she would have supposed to meet Findrum and the rest of her entourage right about now!

"Praise be to the Gods! You two have captured the Shareholder and rescued my niece. I am grateful to you both." Findrum jovially laughed as he appeared before them an addressed Karliah and Olayra.

The Dwarf Monster Hunter was followed suit by Petur and the rest of the Imperial Crusaders. Their hands, holding nets, cuffs and other forms of restraints readying to grasp on her for capture.

Samantha quietly drew her pistol as her fight-or-flight senses surged through her body. She was surrounded by the natives and she was under no circumstances must be captured alive. She quietly turned on a small beacon on her chest rig to alert her incoming squad mates that she was in grave danger.

"Oh no Findrum, it is the Share-Holder who rescued us." Olayra corrected.

"What? That can be right. She is in league with the Otherworlders after all. No matter, we have her now. Let us bring her back to Harringpoint now this instance." Petur recoiled before immediately regaining his composure.

"No! I cannot let you have her! Especially the ones that abandoned the people in the first place." Janris stands in front of the Slaegians and spread her hands wide to protect Samantha.

"My dear niece, step aside. We need her to fight the demons! This woman is the key to the Alliance's Salvation." Findrum gently asked her. "For not the Honor of the Dwarves but for the safety of the Clan."

"There are no Demons! We have been wronged all this time!" Janris pleaded.

"No, they are! They have been herding our people into their Metal Dragons to be taken away for their Soul Eating rituals." Petur protested.

"No, they did not! They were rescuing the people that straggled behind our flight away from the Volcano." The Dwarf defended her statement.

"No… Oh no! By the Gods!" Findrum stuttered. "You are enthralled by the Otherworlders too!" he cried.

"Karliah! Restrain the Dwarf immediately. We need to break her free from the Share-Holder's wiles." Petur ordered.

"You do not understand. You will only hear the same from me and Olayra. Stand down you two, this had been all a big misunderstanding I tell you. I need to speak with the Grandmaster immediately. There is something I need to discuss with him." Karliah pleaded.

"We will when we capture the Share-Holder," Petur swore.

"Stand back! I am warning you!" Samantha aimed down her pistol and held a grenade at one hand. Her aim was rickety at best due to her exhaustion and not helping matters is that she also knew the price of what will happen if they retrieve not only her alive but the Hecate Suit intact.

"Seize her." Findrum told the Crusaders.

He stepped forward, gripping his lasso as he is ready to toss it towards the Lieutenant. Samantha took aim ready to fight to her very last breath and bullet.

"Uncle please!" Janris strafed suddenly in front of her uncle. Shielding the Lieutenant from the Monster Hunter. "You will imprison her! She doesn't deserve to be in chains after all that she had done."

The young Dwarven Maiden grab hold of him, pleading him to not take another step forward.

"Let go Janris!" Findrum struggle with her niece and suddently he threw her at great force at the nearby sharp rock causing her to fall on her head on the sharp rock, killing her instantly as the impact cracks snapped her neck.

"Janris!" Findrum, Karliah, Olayra and Samantha shouted.

Karliah rushed towards Janris side, using her Findrum rushes at his niece and tries to desperately to wake her up but her body remained lifeless and unresponsive. Karliah tries to use what left of her mana to heal her to no prevail. Her wound to instantaneously fatal for her to be repair. The Dwarven Maiden, once filled with life fell dead on her beloved uncle's stout arms as the Monster Hunter lay there in shock. Seeing eye to eye, her emerald eyes slowly drain away, one of the few joys he had in his venerable life being snuffed away in an instant.

"What have you done!?" Olayra screamed.

"What have I done? No, What have you done to my niece you Demon scum!?" Findrum growled.

With his temper boiling to a berserk, he grabbed his axe and with the vengeful drive he readied the blade upwards to the sky to cut down the Lieutenant in half.

"You killed your own niece, you monster!" Sam calls her out, her weakened state diminishing the volume of her voice.

"No, you enthralled her to do your bidding. To lure more souls to feed your Demonic Masters! I am gonna make you pay! I will avenge my Janris!" Findrum stubbornly refused to listen to reason as he rushes towards the Lieutenant with his Actocolite Axe. "Die Monster!" he battlecried.

Karliah and Olaya rush into to stop only for him to swing the blunt side of his weapon at both of them knocking them out cold.

"Findrum no! We need her alive!" Petur rushed at Findrum to stop him

"Sam!" Obediah radioed as he fired his sniper rifle at the Dwarf.

The .338 Lapua bullet struck the Dwarven Monster Hunter at his left eye causing him to reel back on the shock as he held on to his wound.

The wind began to pick up as Captain Kaprelian's Super Osprey hovered above the Imperial Crusaders.

"Get Lieutenant out of there!" Crocker ordered.

Kayin, Diaz and Iris jumped out of the Airship and under the cover fire of Crocker and Captain Kaprelian, converged quickly on Samantha's position. Kayin quickly grabbed the Lieutenant in a fireman's carry as he heaved her back to the safety of the Airship. Several Imperials were killed yet the Sargeant and the Pilot practiced restraint as they didn't want to open fire more bullets than they had to for it was only to bewilder the Natives long enough until the Lieutenant was safely extracted to the Super Opsrey.

Karliah, quickly regained consciousness from the blunt strike earlier looked on in awe-inspired horror as the Metal Dragon escaped the Legion's arrow fire, flying away south to where the Otherworlder stronghold of Tyr Rian is.

"Karliah Silverdane! You have failed!" Faithleann emerged from the crowd of shaken Legionnaires.

"Faithleann, we must return to Harringpoint. I must speak with the Grandmaster at once." The College Mage explained herself.

But she received a quick and rather impulsive left fist to her torso by the Bane Chosen One.

"Faithleann! That is no way to address a Senior of the College of Magi!" Petur restrained the boy.

"She failed again! Why are you still here! You are supposed to capture her! Now the Share-Holder will continue to harass our armies for another day in the name of her Demonic Master! Gods Damn you Karliah!" he cursed.

"Karliah, what is going on here?" Petur asked her. He wouldn't believe that his very erudite friend would just be so easily bested nor deceived by anything in his experience working with her.

"As I said Petur, we must gallop due haste to the Capital. There is something I need to discuss with the Grandmaster." Karliah said.

"What so?" Mita asked.

"There is more to this End Times Prophecy than it seems." Karliah said.

"I see, take a horse and hurry ahead to the Capital. Someone, get a Cleric to attend to Findrum and his Niece at once. We shall catch up with you." Petur ordered.

"But what about replenishing our men?" Karliah asked.

"I can entrust a friend to act on my stead. This trip back to the Capital better be worth it!" Petur gnashed his teeth as he dragged Faithleann away to have him cooldown from his outburst.

"I sure hope by the Gods it is. We must find out some answers before if we are to avert disaster." Karliah acknowledged Petur's concerns.

Meanwhile back at Captain Kaprelian's ship, Lieutenant Rose was now safely aboard the Super Osprey alongside a couple dozen of Ostalrocii survivors.

"We did it! Today is a victory for the UFE. We rescued people and saved the Lieutenant." Clay cheered.

  Yet Samantha remained despondent, she stared into her two hands blankly, imagining the innocent blood of Janris laying wet before her hands. An innocent life, filled with everything coming along a head of her, just like her in a way. Snuffed out in one instant.

"My Daughter! My sweet Daughter! Where is my Janris?" Johru asked of her, the woman whom she placed her prayers to finding her child.

Samantha only looked dead straight on the Dwarf's sagely eyes with the same blank stare. No words were needed to relay what was being said.

"No!" Johru wailed. Her cries reverberating the inside of the Airship.

"Johru my dear, calm down! Let me mourn with you…" Eloun, who happened to be able to board the Super Osprey with his sons and the other nine Lava Chamber Survivors.

The kindly Judge led the woman away leaving Samantha to fully swallow her failure to save her.

"No… No it wasn't…" Samantha told Clay before burying her face beneath her two hands as she sobbed herself all the way back to New Albany.