the Grand Plan (UFE Perspective)

"Subjects, Citizens, and fellow Nobles. I greet you all as your Sovereign Prince who now has safely returned from the other side of the Great Sky." Clovich formally greeted the great gathering of the public of the Principality of Tyr Rian at Arhaf Square.

Today, after a few days of extra-fortuitous delays was the day as clear as crystal and as blue as the ocean, at this hour for Clovich's formal return from his fruitful travels from Earth. The skies were bright albeit with shading of silver today thanks in part to the newly arrived Maximov Engineering Corporation shielding the Principality from the worst effects of the Ostalroc Volcano Eruption that is still going strong. In the meanwhile, today is a day of jubilation. Many people from all walks of life were encouraged to gather before him from the Noble Peers Clovich had known since he was a child, to the intrepid Merchants and Craftsmen and all the way down to the humble Peasantry, fresh from their crop harvests came to see their ruler's face once again. All classes of men were lured into this great assembly for the same interest, 'a better tomorrow' as the Heralds ballyhooed. Even several Dwarven Refugees, who had found the time after setting up their temporary housing outside of the Citadel Walls were even encouraged to attend too. Most of them had only seen great improvement with their continued friendship with the UFE, the Upper-Class having Security, Middle-Class the prospects of added Prosperity, the Lower-Class the Idea that of a better life beyond their squalid selves. All seemed too good to be true under normal circumstances, even straight-up impossible to dream after the previous events that had transpired but the 'Skypeople' continued to surprise them every turn in various shows of charity, unmatched leadership and resilience.

"Today on the 17th day of the Fruitful Moon. I declare the commencement of the first-ever New Ysanigrad Congress!" Prince Clovich answered.

"A Congress? You mean like the Senedd in Haringpoint?" One of the attending Nobles questioned.

"Indeed." The Prince nodded.

"But let me say this right now so that I may show you that I am still one with those of my Kin. My fellow people! I share your pain through these tough times as I also share the burden of rebuilding the Realm back to its former glory. As you have seen many innocent lives were lost in both Tyr Rian and New Albany, many families were vanquished or torn apart, many parents have to bury their children and many children are forced to live a sad life without the warmth and embrace of their mothers and fathers." He continued, his voice sinking solemnly to share in his lamentations of those perished.

"The culprit of all these tragedies was none other than our Liege Lord, whom we swore fealty to served for centuries, the Slaegians Empire and their Elven Allies the Ethuilen Entente! For as long as I live I will not stop until justice has been served to all who dared ordered the warrant of our attempted destruction. My dear friends, subjects and guests. I dare say that what I saw beyond made me realized that, and although I may be hung for treason, that the Slaegian Empire, has grown fat and mired in its decadence and indolence to what Heaven aspired Gliesia to be." Clovich raised his voice and denounced.

The united uproar stirred among the crowds as they were still filled with confusion, shock, and deep rage over the previous events that seemed to cycle pass them like a raging storm. Many people questions that why the Emperor and the Elves could do such horrific things to the people of this (now-once) loyal vassal? And for what reason?

"The purpose for them to commit such cowardly acts on our realm and to induce untold numbers of suffering on our people is because of the utter nonsense come from the stupid mouth of the so-called 'Grandmaster of the College' when he casted a untested spell known as Clairvoyance that dictated that our great benefactor, the UFE were Demons who came to devour this world and corrupt and consume the souls of all living beings in it. However, does the UFE ever act like demons to us? Do they try to devour our souls or raze the Principality to ground like the demons of the old?" He urged the crowd to answer for him.

"No!" the attendee's cried.

"Because of them, my family have never been safer! They rid of the bandits and monsters hounded us farmers, but now even I and my neighbors can farm without an ounce of fear... ever!" a farmer declared.

"They built road that is smoother for our wagons and horses to move and they keep us safe for free, unlike the adventurers!" a commoner adds on.

"What did the Empire give us other than their 'Protection'? Nothing!" a Knight joined his voice with the discordant crowd.

"So I say, oh so I dare say, Emperor Uldin and all of the Slaegian Empire are nothing more but Tyrants masquerading as an Empire from their opulent towers they deceive, choke and destroy the realm. The Mandate of Heaven has abandoned them – they must fall so a new Phoenix may rise from its ashes to guide the realm into the next age. And I do dare say once again that a new Mandate of to dictate the fate of Ysanigrad… if not the whole of Gliesia has fallen to me, to the Rians, to all of the Subjects of Tyr Rian to carry the torch towards that new future."

The crowd began to applaud in cheers over their Lord's zealous words, sharing the same cheer as he speaks.

"For I have seen a new world beyond, one of the Otherworlder's designs free from the shackles of Fear and Want, that world being the nation of the You-Eff-Eeeh." Prince Clovich honored two of his most esteemed guests to stood by the Prince's side, Governor White and Mr. Thomas Sight.

A brief standing ovation set forth for them was given.

"The so-called coming of the new age as foretold by the Geltagar's Comet is a Divine Intervention! A new destiny for all of Gliesia starting here in Tyr Rian until all of the world bows down before the new Mandate of Heaven. The people of Ty Rian will be no more just another rock on the river, why be the rock if we have the chance to become a mountain! The people that will open forth the gate towards a new age! With my vision, the Mandate of Heaven on our backs, and the help of our new allies…"

Clovich took a deep breath, his next words, once spoken publicly to his subjects, can never be taken back. His time learning and even still learning the ways of the Otherworlder's eccentrics and sciences culminated to this moment. It is all-in for what he desires or forever be left in obscurity.

"I Prince Clovich Rian, Vassal Sovereign of Tyr Rian to announce a new Mandate, a new Era. The Rianni Amelioration! An Era mandating new dawn of Peace, Prosperity and Stability unrivaled that of Caldell Slaegiac's old reign for not only Tyr Rian, not only for the Empire but for all of Gliesia!" he fervently declared.

A boom of thunderous cheers echoed throughout Arhaf Square.

The Speech was going perfectly for the Prince, Mr. Sight's advice on what words to say was most helpful indeed to incite his people to openly support on what is essentially a Rebellion, unlike that is seen in the Empire's history. For it was not a peasant's revolt, nor a dissatisfied subject's insurrection.

It was a full-on Mandate War where only one side will come out of the battlefield. The winner dictating the course of history for Gliesia for eras to come.

"For this new age to work, we must all come together, hand and hand so we may draft a new decree, a treatise that will become the foundation of our new treaty. I ask all of the Nobles, the Trade Merchants, the Craftsmen, the Knights and the Peasantry to select at least three representatives among each group to be invited inside the You-Eff-Eeh Embassy for much needed discussions and to be seated on my new Round Table." He tells the crowd. "Choose wisely, for they will be the vanguard to our new future that it is in my greatest prayers that we walk together forward to."

A long silence followed as many of the said Classes of people of Tyr Rian whispered amongst themselves who among their own would exemplify for them and their interests. The more educated among them realized that what the Prince beneath his flowery words was really saying is that he is opening new office slots sharing his power amongst his subjects. The ambitious among them wish to climb the social ladder whilst others believe that they can truly do meaningful good in such a position. Before long Fifteen men approached the Stage and bowed down humbly to Prince Clovich.

"We men of Tyr Rian, most graciously accept your invitation. You humble us oh Great Prince with your summons." A man dressed in a stately garb said.

Clovich recognized that man's voice, Jaro Gonra, Scion of the Gonra Family, the most influential Noble family in Ty Rian second to the Rian's themselves. Their lineage originally helped the ruling Rian Family establishing the Principality during its early days as a conquered territory of the Empire such as building the Famous Walls that had protected the Citadel for centuries and financing a significant portion of the local Men-at-Arms that garrison its fortifications.

Second to him were the merchants, one such significant character being Lutheor Mirrien himself, the famous Dwarven Merchant who was already making his waves with his Caravans through and about the Principality, his second home. He is considered quite begrudgingly by the local humans to be the richest citizen of Tyr Rian, even more, well-off than both the Rian's and the Gonra's.

Representing the Knights, the Military Arm of the Principality is the Knight Commander himself who quite frankly his armor was gleaming brightly as it reflected from the Golden Lady's gaze, Ser Bardu Maghe. A former adventurer from the Imperial Mainland now turned native Tyr Rianni, he was given knighthood years ago by Clovich's father, Gedelcaus when he saved his life during a massive siege versus an Orcish Khan who had ransacked the Principality. Bardu, an Adventurer hired as a Sellsword back then managed to slay dozens of the Khan's best warriors with his Crossbow before slaying the rapacious barbarian himself in mortal combat by decapitating him with his Bardiche. For his valor, he was given a knighthood and a plot of land to call his own. Eventually, he climbed said ranks of the Tyr Rianni hierarchy to become Knight Commander of the Citadel. His days included organizing patrols of the guards, investigating public disturbances, and accounting for the day-to-day operations of all the Guard's physical well-being.

Two characters, piqued Clovich's notice for the representatives of the Craftsmen Guilds. One is a sweet old lady by the name of Imma Traville. Nicknamed 'the Weaver' her callous and thin hands created some of the finest folk trinkets in all of Tyr Rian from Fabrics, Baskets and Trinkets. She had held important positions in a variety of different guilds throughout her long life and Clovich was honestly surprised she still has some vigor left in her to undertake this latest endeavor. The second person was more of a new arrival that was a product of the recent Dwarven Diaspora coming down from the North escaping the Volcano, a Judge Eloun if he remembered Mirrien's introduction to him earlier, representing the Dwarven Craftsmen consisting of Blacksmiths and Leatherworkers who decided to settle down at Tyr Rian when Clovich, reluctantly opened his arms to receive the refugees. Although many stayed, Tyr Rian was simply too small or in the case of some Dwarves 'not Dwarfen enough' for several of the refugees to be accommodated fully. Yesterday about five hundred Ostalrocii migrated south towards the Southlands, the Empire's Frontiers where several Slaegian Colonies, Savage Tribes, and empty lands unclaimed and untamed for those adventurous enough to make their own. It was sort of expected that their Dwarfen Stubbornness wouldn't fully accept the United Federation's hand in aid just yet, but he did wish them all safe travels as their caravans left the Citadel Gates.

Speaking about meeting expectations, one of the representatives of the Peasantry, the Chieftain of Lyllie Village by the name of Hatrdand Dor. A very successful Crismelo Berry Farmer who is beloved throughout the local peasantry for his wisdom and philanthropy. He and his two fellow Chieftain's were perhaps the most humbly dressed of the Representatives, wearing dirtied and slightly hand mended clothing.

"No, you humble me all of you." He bowed back. "For you are all of Tyr Rian's best and brightest." He praised them.

He lead them towards the United Federation's Embassy, through its heavenly-like air-cooled halls and rich aesthetics to a Conference Room that had an encompassing view of the Tyr Rianni cityscape complete with the UFE's many-ringed flag standing co-equally with the Tyr Rianni Heraldry of a red and green windmill, a Round Table where each representative group had three chairs designated to them including the Prince too.

"Friends, Subjects and most esteemed great thinkers. I welcome you to the first Ysanigradic Congress." He introduced the event to the Chosen Representatives. "From this day forth all of you are to be called the First Council of the New Ysanigrad."

"Today we are going to draft together the first Constitution of Ysanigrad." Clovich added.

"A Con-stee—two…." Jaro Gonra attempted to pronounce that exotic-sounding word in vain.

"A Constitution. It is a treatise that will help form how our new Tyr Rian and the new Ysanigrad will be legally governed. It contains rules of what your Government can do and not do." Governor White abbreviated.

"Not. Do?" Jaro twitched his eyebrows. "I am quite content with our current system as it is." He proclaimed.

"Gonra, you have to trust my Volition on this. What I have seen on Earth made me realize that the current system cannot stand as it is. It needs to be reformed or we could potentially all wither to exist. I had made my first draft of our new Constitution already based on what I and my Advisors learned from Earth, but I need your consultations about it before I can place my seal onto it. Can you just listen to me, for now, all of you?" the Prince says.

"Very well… this better be favorable to me and my fellow Nobles…" he swayed his hands, ushering Clovich to continue.

Clovich took a deep breath and rang a bell from his side. A servant girl passed along him a cylindrical container that he popped open the lid on top of it to bring forth a great large piece of paper that he lay on the Round Table's surface for all of his counselors, legislators and delegates to assess.

There was a set of new rules, rights, and regulations that each Social Class should follow under Riannian's new rule:


-All living intelligent beings will have the same rights as Humans, Elves, Dwarves etc. That means that all races, regardless of origin are equal in rights, responsibility, and opportunities such as Greenskin, Vampires or other Beastmen. All races have the equal ability to work in any work or training without disbarment. Any form of discrimination will be penalized.


- All Nobles are now 100% accountable for all misdoings and crimes against civilians and no immunity: If they damage people properties, they compensate for damages fully and be accountable for no matter the level of damages; any nobles or their family member violate the civilians of any kinds: murders, rape, assault or battery will be prosecuted and depend on the severity shall be sentenced with imprisonment or execution. 

- Bureaucratic positions will no longer be limited to noble families, non-nobles who are well-educated, trained and capable can avail for the position based on their merit of competency and knowledge they have. These positions are demarcated amongst many sectors of the New Ysanigrad territories that genuinely represents the overwhelming majority of Citizenry. This will be done through a selection process known as the 'Three-top-downs and Three-up-bottoms' where Prospects must rally the support of not only their supporters whom they claim they represent but also through an independent council of Observers who will evaluate the basis of the comments and suggestions of all quarters where the prospective candidates will go through a thorough selection process before being approved for government duty.

- After the war with the Empire is over, the Riannian Amelioration regime will be changed to a Constitutional Monarchy with UFE constitution will be used as the basis to make the new Ysanigard constitution. A parliament will be organized Clovich will appoint first ministers to manage the country while the royalty retreats to do ceremonial duties. Democracy will be established as the Citizenry will vote for ministers to represent their interests in the Parliament. 


- Abolishment of Slavery: anyone, whether Merchant or Lord who is caught engaging in the act of owning like property another living and sentient being which is the definition of the act of Slavery will be prosecuted. All slavers who voluntarily release all of their slaves or convert their slaves into full-time workers under payroll will be compensated by the new Regime so they can invest in other form of businesses. All slaves throughout all of Gliesia are henceforward shall be free; and that the new Riannian Amelioration Mandate including its Army, Navy and Bureaucracy will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.

- Temporary banning trades with anyone from the Slaegian Empire until they are defeated. In the meantime, the merchants will trade strictly with the UFE.

- All merchants will be trained and educated in the art of industrialization and modern service.

Knights and the Men-at-Arms Guards of Tyr Rian

- Immediate dissolution of the Knights Circle of Tyr Rian and the Tyr Rianni Guards to be reformed into a new army called "the Lluoedd Arfog Newydd Ysanigrad" (abbreviated as 'Laniyea'). All unified under the command by Prince Clovich.

- Knighthood will be now an honorary title with zero privilege and it will change from Ser to Sir.

- All members of the 'Laniyea' will be trained to use firearms and military vehicles and modern 23rd century warfare stratagems and tactics all funded and overseen by the United Federation's Armed Forces. They will be compensated greatly up to the same standards as their UFEAF counterparts according to their ranks and merits.


- The Blacksmiths will be advised not to make weapons anymore since UFE and the Megacorps will supply weaponry for Tyr Rian's Laniyea from now on.

- They are forbidden to illegally make any kinds of weaponry and sell outside Tyr Rian.

- They are encouraged to make trinkets and artistic stuffs to sell to UFE market.

- Craftsmen that are mages shall be recruited to make enchantments on UFE Weaponry.


- Compulsory education of all children. Truancy charges will be enforced with citizenry; upon adulthood must learn to read and write.

- Education until high school will be free sponsored by UFE

- All peasants will have the same rights, freedoms to access safe and clean drinking water, sanitation and food supplies.

Clovich sighed after he decreed his propositions to his subjects. He knew his reforms would be radical at best, blasphemous at worst. The Meiji Restoration, as he had studied in Japan was not an easy feat, it was a revolution from the inside that will up-end the old order. And some people would not be ready to see this new future become the new normal upon their first and quite frankly upsetting collision with these radical changes.

The Prince looked on, unsurprisingly at the faces of Jaro Gonra, Ser Bardu, Ladui Traville who lay frozen in disoriented abashment.

"Is…Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Jaro Gonra gobbled conceitedly. This new regime seeks to undermine his family and other Noble Family's powers.

"What did I do to deserve this? Have I failed you, milord?" Ser Bardu panted panickingly. His new 'rights' sounded more like a punishment than an alleviation.

"I-I- oh… I do not understand this…" the Old Weaver Imma Traville grasped her aching head. "You are asking me… to cut ties with my… I mean OUR paying customers?! For… how long?"

"What are we talking about again?" Chieftain Dor meekly raised his voice. He too doesn't understand what he just read. He thought in his simple-minded brain he was getting a tax-relief at best and a better system of aid for the Farming folks that he represents. Not this… 'Free E-du-cay-shun' whatever it is…

In general, the entire room was in a state of uproar, their anger directed towards the Prince.

Only Lutheor Mirrien and Judge Eloun did not comment, their silence showing their consent to these new rules.

"Order! Order! Order!" Prince Clovich gaveled for silence.

"This Con-stee-two-shun is beyond disgraceful! Nothing more but complete yielding to the Otherworlders!" Jaro Gonra protested.

"The Knights will take arms against you if this becomes law." Ser Bardu added.

"Prince Clovich said, BE QUIET!" Thomas Sight, in an uncharacteristic move from his calm and calculating demeanor, raised his voice which successfully and unnervingly silenced the clamorous gathering as intended.

The Attaché coughed his breath for a moment before tidying the tie around his neck as he stood up unwaveringly, his mask calm yet calculating at the Delegates.

"This is only, as the Prince said. A Draft! A prototype, a first attempt to write something meaningful, a test to show how this draft in its current incarnation would fare when shown to the representatives of its intended demographics, who are you Nobles, Knights Commoners etcetera." he reminded everyone. "A Draft can be changed, we can compromise right her and now, or for the next few days about what can be added or removed in this paper. Ser Bardu, Lord Gonra, you are by far the most dismayed by what you have read am I correct?" he asks them.

"Indeed, us Nobles are upset!" Jaro haughtily huffed. "We, Nobles act as the shepherds to the commoners which are sheep to keep society working orderly thanks to our superior prowess in all fields. Without us, the commoners will become blinded by lack of direction, resulting in chaos and the collapse of order. Therefore, we are the only ones who know how to maintain society intact so giving power to the commoners is absurd because they know nothing about managing a society." He argued.

"Listen Lord Gonra Listen to me. I know your family and the rest of the Nobility gave invaluable support to my father and my grandfather throughout the history of our realm and I still value your sage advice when I ascended to the Throne…" He reassured his stance to the Noble Leader. "But times are changing now Gonra. If we do not reform, adapt, reshape our society into a modern like that of the Otherworlder's we will forever be under the Empire's shadow, to be used as their toys as they please." 

"I still do not understand." Jonra shook.

"Let me ask you, did the Empire or even ourselves build a city on par with that of New Albany? Did such a city that provided so much abundance that no man must worry from want and fear? The Federation showed us that there is more to our lives than reaping the earth for centuries for meager gains whilst being bedeviled by those that slither in the dark like monsters and bandits? How many of such Societies, States or even Empires share such new designs instead of locking them behind away from our reach? The Slaegians with their Imperial Armories? The Ethuilen and their Fertilizer? The Suzerain's and their Karabair Paint?" Clovich appealed. "If we continue to rest on our pride and close ourselves to those that is new, strange and foreign, then we will perish like Parable of the two Wolf Cubs, the tardy one died while the heedful one became grew up to become the Pack Leader."

"I Otherworlder's Thomas have your excellence." Jaro acknowledged. "Yet the Nobles still will not stand giving our privileges to and having the commoners gain power over us! They no nothing on how to run a society." He argued.

"For that I can agree but with our education and enlightenment programs! The people of Tyr Rian and the whole Ysanigard will have the knowledge and expertise to contribute to the administration of the realm. The problem is that the average people of Gliesia have far lower intellectual level than our worlds to actually understand how society works." Thomas counter argued. "Thankfully my Colleagues from the Bureau of Education will gladly see to that."

"He is right! In their world, everyone, regardless of who they are, how old they are and how favored they are, they are all literate and all of them can do great feats of thinking that left me and my greatest advisors left in awe of." Clovich confessed. He remembered the time he lost to a Japanese Child of no older than a decade in an arithmetic problem during his tour with Emperor Shinharu to a typical Japanese Grade School.

"If I may milord?" Ser Bardu raised. "But what of the Knights? You plan to dismantle our Circles and have us on the same standing as the Guards?" he asked.

"Ser Bardu, you have served the Rianni Family for decades to protect this land until your dying breath when my father, Gedelcaus knighted you. Now is the time to renew that oath you had made to my him years ago with me." Clovich reminded him. "Times have changed and I want you to step into the new road that is ahead with me. The Era of Chivalry and 'Honorable Combat' are over. Battlefield will no longer be determined and commanded by Knights and Nobles, but the efficiency and lethality of weaponry, individual soldiers, and studied stratagems. I hate to say this to you, my faithful Knight Commander but knights are useless now, obsolete." Clovich bluntly stated. He was drawing from his learning experience in examining how UFE soldiers fight in such terrifying speeds and power back at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Complex.

"Useless? Obsolete?! How are we all that? The Knights of Tyr Rian defended this realm and your family for many cycles! How are we now useless to you now? The Knights will mutiny if you say that to all of them." Ser Bardu squawked. His nerves pulsing out of his face to show his utter repulsion of the Prince's notions for his people.

"Knight Commander, believe me when I say that your Knights at least in its current aspect when they the men of the UFEAF… Well… we have a thousand and one ways to demonstrate 'Target Practice' if you so wish to grant us the privilege." He slyly threatened the Bardu. "As the Prince says, you Knights better start following the line of changes or otherwise, all of Gliesia will not want you anymore."

Ser Bardu could only glare at Thomas Sight bitterly, his fists clenched tumultuously shaking. He stiffs his tongue as the Knight Commander knows how futile it is to go against UFE soldiers as a single soldier can easily kill ten of his Knights with their metal staves. He couldn't shout openly in front of his peers less he is threatened again more politically towards his position for violent insubordination by the very people he is sworn to protect.

"Knight Commander, do you remember how they wiped out Devicco and his Clan of Bandits? You and I couldn't find a way to unseat him as he brazenly flaunted his ill-gotten gains and influences across all of the Principality, but the Federation was able to destroy his entire league within a span of a day.

"Despite this you still a commander of our knights and I will appoint you as the commander of my new army but the knights must be reformed and modernized based on the reforms if you and your knights still resist, I am afraid I have to dismiss every one of you and be replaced with people FAR more cooperative! I know it is hard to change but if you at least give this a chance, you will see it would be not so bad as you fear." Clovich swayed.

"If it allures you much more to my reformation of the Laniyea, The Otherworlder's soldiers are very similar to our renown Miniogwyr. At no time we will be the best fighting force in all of Gliesia." Clovich added mentioning one of the pre-existing primitive armies that the Principality has.

The Miniogwyr are the famous Crossbow Soldiers of Tyr Rian that guarded the Citadel against invaders for centuries with their impeccable aim. They came in the varieties of regular, Pavise-carrying, and horse-mounted formations. They were the perfect models for modernization as Clovich deduced from his observations of the UFE's military doctrine and technology.

"Hmm… very well… I shall go along with your proposal." He assented.

"I had predicted that you Nobles and the Knights would be unhappy with your privileges being taken away but I, Thomas Sight and the Prince have designed plans to give you alternative forms of privileges in their absence that are as good even better as your old ones when we congress next time. All we need is to have you input your say on what we will compensate you all once we enact Clovich's Reforms." Thomas enticed.

"Your Parlay is honeyed sweetly. Very well… I will agree to go along with you milord." Bardu nods. "Lord Gonra? Do you agree to the Otherworlder's provisions?" he turned to the Noble Leader.

The Noble sighed, he was the only one left of the group that disagreed. He has been forced to concede. At first, he wanted to make a stand with the Knights and the Guardsmen but after several carefully tongued words from Prince Clovich and his new Otherworlder confidant, the Noble saw the writing on the wall, with no additional hands to back up his interests he is forced, as he had feared to go along the sweeping wave of reforms of Prince Clovich's Rianni Amelioration, for the moment. But he schemed, with some luck and rallying his influences with his represented group he can at least retain some of the distinctive privileges that he and his fellow Nobility have over the commoners.

"Now for you Craftsmen and Merchants… Mi--Ladui Traville can you tell me how much money on average do the Artisans would sell their products overall?" He turned to the Old Weaver.

"I am no good counter… but if my memory serves me right, about Fifty people would purchase an item from an Artisan's shop every moon. Depending on the item they sell, they could go as low as thirty pieces to about a hundred Ducats each." Imma recollected, scratching her chin to push her memory forward. "Most of the customers are from the Empire or from the Frontier, however. If trade is Cut off not only me and my girls will not be able to afford a loaf of bread from the baker." She brings out her point.

"What is stopping you from selling to us?" Thomas asks her.

"Selling to you?" the Old woman raised her eyebrows at the proposition.

"Of course, your products, specifically your weavings, pottery and some of your foods are hand-made and one of a kind! Highly valuable amongst the Federation for the craftsmanship involved. They are willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to get their hands on your Artisanal Goods. They may even pay more that you could have ever earned in a yea—cycle with beforehand…" Thomas said. "I am not talking about the usual Fifty customers that pass over your stores every month, I am talking about thousands, millions maybe even billions of people flocking to you and buying everything you made, especially the more Well-Off amongst us." He added.

"Indeed, if I recall, a Representative of Osei Korporasie is interested in not only your goods but partnering with you so that you maybe able to access their customers as well." Clovich further added.

"Nenya be praised! I accept! I accept!" Imma jumped elatedly. Her fellow Crafstmen would sometimes eat the leather of their wares to prevent themselves from starving, but the prospect of dining in Gold and Silver was irresistible to pass up.

"And… about us Peasants?" Chieftain Dor meekly raised.

"Just tell us what you need and I will see to it you have all the support your crops will need," Clovich added.

"We of the Peasantry shall milord." Dor bowed.

  "Ser Sight's and my words still stand for all of your concerns. All we need is Time and your continued contributions." Clovich informed the Congress. "Know that your cases are being addressed, shall we rewrite this paper once again? Together? You Craftsmen will want to…" Clovich beamed victoriously.

He grabbed his quill pen and began to draft the second incarnation of the prototype Constitution. now with the licensure of the representatives, but also their perusal. He prays that in time, he will create a Constitution that truly embodies 'Y Cymdeithas Newydd', the New Society he dreams of seeing. A tomorrow that scribes will record its glory and the spirit of King-Emperor Meiji of the Japanese Islands would be proud of how his leadership walked on the same path that forward-looking revolutionary took.


  Lieutenant Samantha Rose stood in her fatigues, away from her Hecate Suit, nervously twitching as the eyes of her superiors, Major Holyfield and Colonel Polonsky or at leas the Holographic representations of them stood before her. Immediately after she was given the clear by the Doctors who immediately attended to her aching muscles and bruises that she accumulated thanks to her extensive use of her powers back at the Ostalrocs, the Two High Ranking UFEAF Officers ordered for her immediate presence to discuss her 'radical' previous actions. Her heart cadenced like a large drum and her breathes fell heavy at every pace as fearful drops of nervous sweat fell on her pores, soaking the surface of her skin. By the hollow faces, they each grimaced on their visages, the Lieutenant can only fear the worst.

Reflecting on herself, Samantha's willful action of disobeying a direct order of evacuation to rescue additional survivors of what is now called 'the Great Ostalrocii Eruption' had nearly cost not only her life but the exemplary work of Dr. Mahelona's technological expertise risking the Hecate Suit's destruction Despite her bravery at the time, she was ashamed of herself and terrified of how she could have suffered an agonizing death by the volcanic lava. She felt characteristically stained when she gave up so easily on trying to escape with the last survivors that she wished she could have taken back those 'final will of words' she had said to her teammates as they too were just as dishonored as she was upon hearing them. If it were not her team's encouragement and Karliah's aid, she really would have perished inside that damned tunnel. Samantha Rose would have desecrated her father's memory and her family name forever as she would have committed the most grievous of transgressions of leaving her mother behind to cry upon her empty tombstone because her daughter simply gave up. It would also be just as worse for her if she was instead killed but captured by the Hostile Natives just as she was nearly hogtied by their grasping hands. She knew of the horror stories of what such primitives would do to their prisoners, especially of their enemies or the women of said enemies.

The Lieutenant shed one single tear that trickled down on her cheek as an agonizing moment of silence fell before the room. She had failed not only her oath to the UFEAF, her squad, and her father but she had also failed herself. In her quest to be the intrepid hero like her lineage fell on her, she failed to save the most important person of them all, herself.

She shamefully lowered her head not daring to look at her superiors as she awaited her just punishment from them.

"I can see it in your eye you know full well why you are brought here and also that you know full well about your actions earlier," Polonsky informs her.

"Yes, I had willfully committed insubordination and endangering my team by delaying evacuation as well as potentially nearly let myself being captured by the enemy. I take full responsibility for my dereliction of the chain of command Colonel." Samantha bowed her head, honorably confessing every breach of conduct and the consequences of said actions.

"Indeed, you are guilty of all infractions and honorably described each and every one of your wrongs." Holyfield acknowledged. "Have you forgotten your place Lieutenant? Had the power of those… mumbo-jumbo 'Magicks' got into your head? That you are now some sort of Superhero who can do whatever?! You have violated one of the verses of the Enlistment Oath? 'To never betray the Motherland'?" he added on.

"Tell me, why? Why did you do it?" Polonsky sued her.

"I didn't have the heart to… let them all die… by that Volcano…" Samantha answered sincerely. Her voice squeamishly diminishing at each passing second under their eyes.

"Them? Them!? You risked your life and your teammates live for what the Party has now deemed our enemies?!" Holyfield exclaimed. 

"When I first thought of my actions, I saw them nothing more but just people trapped by the Volcano! I never expected that some of them would have been affiliated with the Slaegian Empire." Samatha put her point across to her superiors.

"That Dwarven Girl and most of the people you did manage rescue from the Cave, both me and Polonsky would have easily written that off as just moral fibers from you Lieutenant Rose. But those Mage? You do know they are part of the Empire that we are at war with? Don't you remember what they did to the hundreds of innocent people both in Tyr Rian and New Albany? You should know when and where you can use that 'Heart' of yours, Lieutenant. Use it for the RIGHT People and the RIGHT Nation." Holyfield mocked Samantha's queasy voice.

"Yes… You… you are both right…" Samantha yielded. "I accept any form of disciplinary measures you deem appropriate for my offenses."

"Lieutenant Samantha Rose, take off your Badges and Insignia." Colonel Polonsky ordered her. "The Five Chairmen of the High Command Commission and the Party deems that you will not be needing them anymore…"

Samantha glowered despondently as she stripped the Velcro off her Badge and carefully unpinned the silver bar insignia that signified her once esteemed rank of 1st Lieutenant. She handily placed the removed articles on a nearby table and stood in attention again to the Colonel and the Major.

She doesn't know if she was demoted to Private or was being Dishonorably Discharged from the Armed Forces at this instance. But either way, the honorable thing to do is to let go of her once lofty position gracefully.

"Now… I need you to report to Dr. Mahelona about your Suit as I still need you and your squad still for the upcoming Offensive Captain Rose." Polonsky tells her, his words emphasizing the second to the last word of his sentence.

"Excuse me?" Samantha's melancholy snapped as she turned her head towards the Colonel. "What did you just call me?" Samantha asked.

"Even we were surprised by this. The HCC directly told us that you and your squad should be promoted. They had been closely monitoring Stryder's Actions for an unknown amount of time. When they heard of what had happened to you, they deemed punishing you would have been 'unfair'." Holyfield said.

"Unfair? Promoting me is unfair!" Samantha exclaimed. "I disobeyed orders! I nearly died! I nearly let myself and some expensive equipment fall to the hands of the enemy! I deserved to be demoted! Discharged even!" Samantha protested, her honor taking the better of her.

"Do not be too hard on yourself Lieu---Captain Rose." Polonsky consoled her. "Your actions may had been unprofessional, but your intention had the right heart. Have you ever thought about the people you saved earlier?" Polonsky said.

"I… not really…" Samantha answered. She nearly forgotten the dozens more Dwarves she had rescued earlier due to the guilt of the death of that one girl named Janris whom made the previous Dwarves lives feel shallow compared to hers.

Again, Samantha's intrinsic self had become more squalid than ever of her stubbornness to let go of that one failure. From a utilitarian perspective, she had lessened the lives of the other Dwarves she had saved for Janris'.

"You had scored a major Hearts and Mind's victory today when those same Dwarves spread the word of a certain 'Crimson Angel' that saved them, especially from a Dwarf by the name of 'Eloun'." Holyfield said.

"I remember him. He was one of the first Dwarves I rescued in the Tunnel." Samantha answered.

"Indeed, he is a Judge. A sort of high ranking official that the Dwarves give great respect too. A very valuable asset of influence for the long-term plans for Gliesia." Holyfield smiled softly of the development.

"Thanks to him, he has been spreading the word about how we are not those 'Demon' monsters the Empire thinks we are. Already, many of the local Tyr Rianni, the Dwarven refugees and even our own men are calling you 'the Crimson Angel'. Punishing you would only lose such invaluable good will you have inadvertently blessed us." Polonsky said. "You are, whether you like it or not a propaganda piece, one of our best Magical-based assets in Gliesia to combat whatever Magic comes our way. You are simply too valuable to be discarded." He added.

"Still, your transgressions earlier still have its weight on you, Captain Rose. Your new position will also come with further scrutiny by not only the Commission and the Party but also both sides of the Public as well. They will be looking into your actions, all of them… very closely from now on." Holyfield interjected.

"Do not ignore our orders again. Or we will have to apply a restraining bolt on you of sorts to keep you under a leash." Polonsky crossed his arms. "Do I make myself very clear Captain?" he asked her.

"I still do not believe I deserve all of this." Samantha pushed her case. "I still have at least five years to go before I can be worthy to become a Captain." She mentioned.

"Well you have a month to prove the Commission that you are worthy Captain Rose. Doctor Mahelona will brief you further at his Lab for additional assignments. Now if you excuse me, the Major and I have several preparations we need to organize for Operation Haymaker and the Ostalrocii Situation. Good day, and congratulations." Polonsky gave his adieu.

"Remember Captain, the Commission and the Party will be watching your progress… very closely." Holyfield added.

The Colonel and the Major's holographic images disappeared leaving a very much confused and conflicted Lieutenant now turned Captain Rose to stand frozen at the Communication's Room. Her mind raced around her in contrast to her body's dormancy as she processed what she had heard.

The title of Captainship, a significant leap in responsibilities for the Lieutenant to shoulder. She will be in charge of her native Stryder Group, but a company's worth of men was an intimidating premise for her. She was still unsure of herself in her leadership skills as her mind was yet to fully grasp the more onerous realities of commanding a singular Squad, let alone several of them.

Samantha sighed; she is going to need a drink when she gets back to the Surface. She turns around and quietly enters Dr. Mahelona's Laboratory where he sat on his Desk whilst a Robotic's Bay built into his Office was busy performing Repair Operations on Samantha's Hecate Suit.

"Sammy my girl! You're here!" David ecstatically jumped at her arrival.

"Hey Doc… look I just want to say that I was sorry for nearly destroying your work. I felt bad doing it…" Samantha tells the Scientist.

"Thanks, but I should be the one here to say thank you!" Mahelona smiled. "I was monitoring the Data from your Hecate Suit and I shared my findings to my colleagues at the Academy of Science. It was all so extraordinary. It blew their minds I tell you! Even I cannot believe what I read." he excitedly tells her.

"That's… pretty great." Samantha softly smiled.

"Your spell casting were on point although I do have to say… there was an anomaly I picked up from your Suit's data… like a sudden spike of energy but then suddenly it disappeared. I mean… Yikes! It nearly fried the Meridians. Do you know anything about it?" David asked her.

"Actually yes." Samantha nodded. "I encountered this Red Colored Unbinillium while I was inside the Volcano. I used its power to give myself a boost so I can fly out of there." She explained.

"So that answers the report… wait… 'Red- Colored Unbinillium'?" David's eyes widened on Samantha's statement.

"Yeah… very… excited if I have to ask." Samantha mentioned.

"What a waste! I was told that Red Unbinillium is more potent albeit rarer than the standard Blue ones. Iris managed to gimme me a small sample of the stuff before she had to evacuate it. I gotta say, the Red ones are pretty… energetic. If you find yourself deep underground again keep an eye out and collect some for analysis." the Scientist requested.

"Will do." Samantha nodded. "So what else did the Science people say?" she pressed.

"Oh that's where the fun begins Sammy." David winked. "The Party, Aparo Corp plus some Private Investors have funded me and my team over Ten Trillion Credits to Unbinilium and Gliesia related Research projects with promises for more!" David announced.

"Ten Trillion? That's enough to buy a Moon!" Samantha exclaimed.

"Things are seriously turning out fast for Gliesia now I can tell you." David chuckled.

"What are you planning to do with all of that money?" she asked him.

"Well for starters, your Suit! The Data I read plus to the additional funds will allow me to update a few tweaks and an additional feature to your Suit. You know, make it stronger, faster, better." David answered. "After that I got some more ideas after that."

"What kind of Ideas?" Samantha questioned.

"Well the Minerals we 'acquired' from the Dwarves would enable us to make new kinds of armors with Anti-Magic features, weapons that can cut through anything at a molecular level and furthermore I have been selected for a 'Project: God Factor' that involves making a brand new type of Energy-Reactor with Unbinilium. Make Fusion Reactors look like Matchsticks!" David answered a wave of intellectually driven optimism echoed on his voice. "I am already fabricating the Prototypes as we speak Captain."

"Uhm… yeah… thanks…" Samantha quavered. She is still not so cordial to being called her new rank yet.

"So how is the Squad?" Samantha asked.

"Oh a lot happened actually." David groaned with some exasperation. "Your Sarge brought Clay and Kayin over to help with last preps for Operation Haymaker although according to Crocker, Iris would come over and steal away Kayin for a few moments before coming back 'smelling like roses'. Diaz is currently at the Aparo Office with Bianchin for some 'business matters', Obediah has been visiting April at Doctor Lee's and Aliathra… oh shit! I owe her something!" David shouted.

Like a nutty professor of the sciences, he wobbled around his Lab looking for desperately for an object. Scrambling papers, boxes, and a few Electronic Tools until he finally came across a pair of disembodied hands of the Caucasian-color.

"What are those?" Samantha asked.

"Oh, a prototype I was tinkering along during the early days of building your Suit. I was trying to understand installing your Suit's Arcane Meridians better, so I made these models based off of a Aparo Rapid Movement Booster Hands Set that Bobby donated to me for practice. Thanks to my newfound understanding of how Magic works around here, I can finally give these new Hands to Aliathra." He explained.

"Aliathra is getting new hands?! What happened to her?" Samantha pressed.

"During the Volcano, she was trying to hold off a wave of Lava but… how do I say this… her hands got Burnt off and we had to… well… Amputate them… again…" David sputtered.

"Damnit! I should have been there for her! The poor girl lost so much already." Samantha wailed.

"Oh, don't be so hard on yourself Samantha. The Elf is taking it fairly well, quite… eager in fact…" David mentioned.

"Eager? Why so?" Samantha questioned.

"She's been talking about being 'reborn' and 'ascending to a superior form'. Getting all proud about her augmentations going like 'Why cannot kill me will make me stronger'. I think all of her Augmentations gotten into her unlike last time." David concluded.

"I will talk about it with her soon." Samantha nodded. "So what else do I have to know?"

"Well Command told me I am to tweak your suit better so I can add a 'point five' next to your 'one'. Or better yet if I can figure out some computations you can replace the 'one' part of your Suit's name to a 'V2' if you catch my lingo Cap'n?" he winked. "You will get your suit back when Haymaker starts so for now. Enjoy a bit of R and R at the town." He suggested.

"Thanks, I hope you do figure it out." She waved goodbye to Doctor Mahelona.

"Samantha! Before you go… may I say something… I think that needs to be said… About what you did…" David reached out to her.

A dramatic pause silenced the room as David took a deep breathe.

"Keep doing what you believe is right Cap'n. What you and I have… these Marks… we could be at the precipice of a new step for Humanity." He tells her.

There powers were indeed awesome in scope, yet deep down they were wielded by people outside of their control by players, writers and thinkers with their own designs and interests. They were not truly free, but controlled by those around them some softly, others quite openly.

"I know Doctor, I know. I just don't know where it would lead us to?" Samantha answered.

"We shall cross the bridge when we get their Captain Rose. Its when will we see the bridge is the question." David meditated.

Samantha exited the Underground Laboratory, wanting to take a long walk to the Bar with her own two feet, ignoring all the Cab services being now given out around the New Albany Colony now. She passed over the outer limits of the New Albany Colony where a large plain of land between Tyr Rian and the Colony proper was being slowly urbanized. Native Humans, Goblins, the Centaurs and Dwarves were beginning to settle around those lands forging themselves a new destiny within the Principality, the vanguard of Prince Clovich's Rianni Amelioration.

Several of the Gliesian Natives noticed her passing by and began to wave at her gladly. Some thanking her for what she had done for them ranging from the elimination of the Burning Horse Clan, the Tyr Rianni incidents, and her rescues at the Ostalrocs. Kimora and H'odon were building their people's respective conclaves, Princess Aria with her fellow peers patronizing the new imports and UFEAF and the new Ysanigradic Laniyea Army working in tandem together warmed her heart that her efforts, of a single humble Lieutenant were indeed baring a fruit.

A fruit that will one day grow a mighty forest.


"So it has begun…" Don Aparo inhaled his Cannabis Cigar.

An emergency board meeting has been called for Aparo Corporation. The subject of the day, their interests and the threat to its longevity within Gliesia.

"Sooner than we expected Boss." Bianchin added apologetically. "It is only Osei, Maxim and H.S. for now. But sooner than later, everyone else will roll in as well."

"Clovich is expediting his reforms at a speedy pace too… it won't be long before the jig is up for us." Diaz said.

"Relax Vinny, our Halberd Guns deal with Clovich that I back channeled for all of us should keep us relevant in his court for now." Bianchin reassured him.

"We may have first-turn advatnage, but we need to dig our feet if it's going to last. We need something that will keep us staying here before the other Corpo's beat us to the punch." Diaz pleaded.

"What's the current status on those three again?" Don Aparo asked.

"The Maxies are on Infrastructure officially speaking but there Gaia Transformer is the Talk in Clovich's court. Osei is moving in with the commoners through their food producing initiatives. As for H.S., There are plans to have them start building a factory in Tyr Rian by the end of the year." Diaz answered.

"Typical of them… although Maximov is unusually pushy for them to promote their Gaia Transformer so aggressively… are they still mad at Eden?" Aparo asked, mentioning the name of Osei Korporasie's CEO, Eden Otieno.

"I guess so. I remembered how they left that Courtroom so pissed off being forced to sell their stuff to Eden." Bobby mentions.

"I see…" Don Aparo nods. "Now what about us? What do WE have?" he asked the two of them.

"Well the Office, two stores and a partnership with a Duke and a bunch of Sea Elf Pirates." Bobby answered. "Our mercs are on the ground too helping to keep the peace."

"Excellent work you two. Our direct partnership with the Party is bearing fruit." Don Aparo smiled coyly, rubbing his hands ominously at the profits he will enjoy upon ripening. "Additionally, our advantage with the research and acquirement of Mana Crystals should win us breathing room against the other Corpos."

"Too bad we lost the Dwarven Mountains too Maximov… it could have been so beautiful." Diaz sulked.

"There are other chances Vinny. I will allow Maxie to have his rubble for it is nothing to Project Ambrosia." He said.

"Project Ambrosia?" Diaz asked. "Something new boss?"

"Doctor Sforza of Aparo Pharmeceuticals? Your progress reports?" Don Aparo beckoned.

"Gladly." A venerable yet feminine voice echoed.

Across the video screen, an anonymous visage appeared, identified herself as only 'Dr. Sforza'.

"Looking as… 'beautiful' as ever Doc." Bobby chided her.

"Spare me your frivolities Roberto." Doctor Sforza reprimands her. She wasn't a very photo-confident type of woman, content to hiding herself in her lab and only showing up to meetings under her shielded visage.

"What is this 'Project: Ambrosia' your speaking about Doc? Hope it's big." Diaz enthusiastically asked.

"A key to the next step in Human Evolution Vincente. These Elves and Vampires all greater than I could have ever imagined. Think of all the possibilities of what we can do if we harness their powers for ourselves." Doctor Sforza explained.

"And all what we could do…" Don Aparo grinned excitedly. "Long lives, super strength, accelerated healing, the possibilities are infinite."

"I know it is Boss." Doctor Sforza nodded. "Anyhow, the samples I have acquired from Asset: Agatha and Asset: Sacagawea produced many findings for me and I am working on replicating their genes as we speak." Doctor Sforza said. "Plus that 'Lyndis' corpse too… I almost forgot. All equally invaluable."

"Aliathra… and Iris Doctor Sforza… she... they have a name." Diaz gnashed his teeth.

"That is great to here. So how fast can we get something ready for the Markets?" Don Aparo asked.

"At best I can give you a trial serum in about a month." Doctor Sforza bluntly confesses.

"Brilliant! I predict billions of profits selling Project Ambrosia into the Market by the time we are done." Aparo smiles like a child who is about to get his big toy. "Just imagine, living for centuries and healing from any wounds? The possibilities are endless."

"Well, I do want to take a life a little slower." Diaz chuckled.

"And not have to worry about my Kidney too." Bobby added.

"I do request I obtain more… materials for my research. I believe it is time I no longer shadow myself with the State any longer. It is best we run our own independent research for these so-called 'Hot Items'." Doctor Sforza proposed.

"Granted." Don Aparo approves. "We can start by showering her with money for more of her time… maybe even find more of her fellow Vampire kin too." He ordered.

Iris maybe considered a State Asset but her under-the-table agreement with Aparo Corporation in creating several enchanted Items for several of Don Aparo's high valued clients within the gray market (and darker) in exchange that her private interests are catered too. Businessmen like Corpo's are masters in appealing and catering to other people's interests.

"And the Elf?" Diaz asked.

"Her too." Aparo nodded. "Or anymore of her kind instead as the same for the Vampire."

"I will see to it…" Diaz inhaled, closed his eyes and nodded.

"Heh, couple of Cred's there way didn't hurt anybody?" Bobby chuckled, tickling his wallet.

"Although, if possible, I would love to explore more… subjects of similar genetic material of Asset: Sacagawea and Agatha." Dr. Sforza requested.

"Doctor, you normally can work with so little? Have you lost your touch already?" Don Aparo asked her.

"Heaven's no Domenico! This is uncharted territory for me. I seek to fully immerse myself on the strands of DNA these Elves and Vampires possess." Doctor Sforza denied her shortcomings to the Board. "I am a scientist, not a miracle worker."

"Whatever you say Doctor… We will see what we can do." Don Aparo nodded.

"So, is that all boss?" Bobby asked. "I gotta prep our Gunners of the upcoming offensive right after this."

"I believe so." Don Aparo nodded. The rest of the board approving with him that all that is needed to be discussed has been discussed.

"Arr-righty, gotcha." Diaz acknowledged. "Can't wait to get back to work." He smiled.

"Good, keep updating me on the situation at your designated tasks. Do not engage with the other Corpo's unless I approve of the action. And keep an eye out for anything we can get our hands on." Don Aparo concluded the meeting. "And remember, you never heard of Project: Ambrosia."

"Project what?" Diaz sarcastically questioned.

"That's the spirit…" Don Aparo smiles as his Video Conference screen disconnects.


Ten Days had passed since the first New Ysanigrad Congress, and over two months of meticulous planning was devoted to Major Holyfield grand project yet. The battleplans of Operation Haymaker. Today, after much delay both extra-fortuitous and man-made along with a very critical new information from an unexpected source, was the day of the Launch of the Operation.

It was the night before the big attack and the Major had lost quite a number of days of sleep obsessing over every detail, every composition and ever timing of his grand offensive. He had scouts map him the entire lay out of the lands beyond the Imperial Border of the Cambervale Valley for every hidden path, terrain hazard and positions each of everything on the map to ensure his forces can move like an unimpeded flood down the Imperial Heartlands. All in good accordance to the Deep Battle Doctrine that he so ever so religiously studied for and enacted its philosophies for his plans.

There were several risk factors of that would likely produce the most troubles for this Operation was Marnia's Bluff, Little Hill and Haringpoint themselves, Marnia's Bluff, a swampy isthmus area filled with several canyons and cave systems that seperated the northern Souvieli Douchy from the most direct approach to Haringpoint required extensive time building the causeways to allow the UFE Mechanized forces to push through. Marnia's Buff was a significant historical and strategic location in Gliesia where the Caldell Slaegiac and the original Alliance of Light prevailed against Alboen. According to Clovich's scholars, Caldell knew that Alboen's Army while lower in numerical volume compared to the Alliance's were too powerful and cohesive of a force for the Alliance to win in open battle without horrendous casualties as it mostly took the power of numerical superiority of the alliance to stand a chance as one single demon can take down 5 warriors. Therefore, in the long run the alliance would have lost. Caldell then came up with the cleverest of schemes. He devised a plan to lure Alboen and his army to Marnia's Buff to deal the decisive blow to the demon horde and killed Alboen once and for all by taking advantages of the sandy swamps and choking canyons of Marnia's Buff to effectively slow and lockdown the marauding horde as well as the surrounding forests and gulching terrain to set up ambushes. The strategy worked in the end and the alliance of light prevailed with Alboen death and destruction of his demon horde but with the great cost for the First Alliance. Although the ingenuity of the Engineers was commendable, they, had to work at a fraction of their full capacity due to maintaining the secrecy of the offensive. Clovich will be sent to diplomatically turnover his naïve and decadent cousin Duke Thibault to the UFE's side to allow Holyfield's men to occupy and deploy from Souviel.

The latter two locations that the Empire will 'defend to the last man' according to King Martainne. Harringpoint and Little Hill will likely have a complement of fiercely tenacious obstructions ranging from a variety of traps to a large garrison of unbreakable defenders. Although he has complete faith that his Combat Engineers and Special Operations units can sap through the defenses, it will be inevitable that some loses and delays will occur one way or the other. Most of the fighting Legions who according to the spy reports were hastily deployed south should still be fatigued at best from their forced marching to defend the Capital and the vital defensive point blocking the one road through the Cambervale Valley Mountain passes to and from Tyr Rian. Additionally, the information about the Troop Movements from their intelligence gathering as provided, more reinforcements in addition to a plethora of some of this world's must destructive weaponry from the Empire and her allies will be scheduled to arrive about 3 to 4 days later mid-Offensive so they must also be ready to stop any attempts of a counterattack before approaching Haringpoint Proper. Holyfield had to delay the launch of the attack for about another week due to factoring the additional logistical supports needed to fuel the army's advances plus more some. He organized a dedicated set of aircraft based at the New Albany Star Port whose sole purpose is to perform routine delivery patterns for all Airborne supply drop's that will be eventually called over every day throughout the operation.

But none of these problems could compare to the sudden arrival of a fourth new risk factor he has to account on his computations. Prince Clovich's newly formed Lluoedd Arfog Newydd Ysanigrad (or more vernacularly called 'the Laniyea') insisting that he and a considerable amount of men were to accompany Army Group West to Harringpoint to personally confront the Emperor. The Prince, fresh from his enlightening journey back from the motherland of Earth wasted no time enacting his new and controversial reforms throughout his domain. Most immediately radical was the Armed Forces he is establishing with the aid of Governor White and Prime Minister Bousquet's State resources. At first, Holyfield protested on his participation for the sake of the Prince's safety and his men's rather cavalier approach into this confrontation but he was persuaded (rather reluctantly) by the majority of the Inner Circle stating that 'Prince Clovich's approach to the Imperial Capital is the most Publicly Beneficial step into legitimizing the Federation's presence in Gliesia'. It will be deemed that Clovich himself and his retinue of soldiers of the newly formed Ysanigrad Laniyea will participate in Operation Haymaker by contributing to the bloodless turnover of Souviel for the Western Army Group to establish their Forward Operation's Base and deploy from. Additionally, he and his knights are very familiar with Imperial Battle Tactics and the local terrain of the Slaegian Heartlands that he can be consulted reliably for.

Clovich's Men were outfitted in a schizophrenic mix of their pre-existing medieval armor, their mounts and bold heraldry in contrast to the Aparo Halberdier Rifles they wielded. These men, 2 Battalions worth of the converted Tyr Rianni Crossbowmen (aka the Miniogwry) of about 800's worth each. The Battalions were commanded by the pre-existing Military Nobility of the Principality courtesy of Knight Commander Ser Bardu alongside a team of attachés from the UFEAF as an advisory council. Currently the majority of them, consisting of conscripts and regular Crossbowmen are still undergoing there new modernized training regimen of physical fitness and weapons handling. For the early stages of the Laniyea's existance, Squads will be formed into a 'Ymasiad' or a Mixed Squad consisting of a 2 UFEAF Officers; a Squad Leader and a Radioman followed by 4 Tyr Rianni Riflemen or 'Reifflywrs'. Much later once the pacification of Gliesia has been fulfilled, the Prince will transition to making the Laniyea fully independent from the UFEAF with their own Doctrines, Officer's Academy, Military Bases, Armories etc.

In terms of today however for the Prince's daring expedition out of the safety of his Citadel, an 'Experimental' Battalion consisting of a chosen selection by Knight Commander Ser Bardu best shooting 'Miniogwyr' were given a crash course in Rifle Proficiency of the Halberdier Rifle. Their objective is to escort Prince Clovich to the Imperial Palace of Harringpoint so he may take the Imperial Seat. At first, the Crossbowmen were reluctant to transition their gear into the modern weapons that Prince Clovich had arranged the shipment of, even startling them by the loud and repetitive bang they produce upon discharge and resulting recoil.

Testing the Rifle against their own Crossbows, Ser Bardu and his peers commented:

"All weapons have their strengths' and weaknesses. The Otherworlder Rifle may fire faster and more sharply than our own Crossbow, have more far longer range and immensely more powerful not to mention being able to reload faster than our crossbows as it can gravely injure or outright almost any man or monster in a single shot. The bolts can punch through even the greatest armors made by the best blacksmith in the continent like they are just cloths. Unfortunately, the Rifle also has its weaknesses. One being that of having the bolts not being eligible for reuse and the shots themselves being less accurate than our ancestral arms. The additional moving parts of the Rifle makes it complicated, even daunting for a new user to understand and learn how to properly maintain the weapon compared to the Crossbow. The next flaw of the weapon, is that upon discharging its bolts, the shooter would often be left in a bewildered state by the sheer thunderous power it possesses compared to our more subtle Crossbows. In a battlefield, a man who had lost his focus on the battlefield is just the in the same as a dead one. But once the Otherworlder Rifle has been loaded with its bolts, it can penetrate through any of its target in a frighteningly lethal sight. Ultimately, we must accept that indeed, the Otherworlder rifle, for all of its flaws is superior in every way possible to our Crossbows. It is inevitable that men will abandon their swords, bows and spears for these foreign weapons."

It will take time for the Otherworlders to fully integrate themselves into their new weapons but thanks to the Advisors and UFEAF Officers plus Clovich's own encouragement, their training should be able to re-educate them proper into an admirable fighting force.

Holyfield, sighed however at their persistence to accompany him. He prefers working with those whom he is familiar with and the Laniyea were a blank slate. He better hoped they perform well or not perform much at all. Their deaths or any resulting injuries will be blood on his hands since Clovich and his men are vital to the 'good faith' approach to the endgame of Operation Haymaker. He will be sure to keep them safe whilst also at the same time having them score political victories in the coming battles ahead.

He took one last look at his Force Composition to see that his units, all carefully selected for their assortments of skills were in their correctly assigned places:

Army Group West starting point at the Port of Souviel will be commanded by himself through the Naval Carrier the Aurora along with its Airwing. Under his command, he will enjoy the familiar company of the 333rd Assault Division who contained the regiments of the 119th Mechanized Airborne, 53rd Engineering, 25th Armored in addition to the Aurora's own 7th Marine Corps. They are reinforced by Clovich's the 1st & 2nd Laniyea Battalions and the Silverback PMC's to act as an Auxiliary and Security Division. These men were selected for their speed and experience in the completion of time-bounded military maneuvers. Their objective, launch a mechanized thrust from Souviel to push northwards from the Duchy in a swift decapitation strike of the Empire's nerve center, the Imperial Capital Haringpoint herself.

Army Group East, starting from Landing Zone 'Timber' (named comedically for the pre-dominantly forested area) with Colonel Polonsky taking the helm of the attack. They will be assisted by the Tenacity Carrier and her respective Airwing, most especially her Dragoons. For the boots on the ground, Holyfield assigned the most enmassed group of men to breach through the Cambervale Valley: the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regiments of the New Albany Colonial Militia, 88th Mountain Brigade , 32nd Motorized Division, 44th Airborne Regiment, 4th and 9th Artillery Company, the 20th Engineering Regiment, Steel Breakers PMC Armored Company and lastly Raven's Guards PMC Regiment. These men were excellent in not only covering ground of rough terrain to clear the way for their more mechanized brethren to push forward the advance but also for their overwhelming occupational capacity due their large size. The objective is Strategic Depth penetration in nature. If they can secure the Transition Point of Neugonia whilst eliminating the heavily fortified stronghold of Little Hill from the game board, they should be able to access the open tank country of the flat-leveled terrain and soft bellied cores of the Empire beyond with impunity.

When all of these two objectives are met, Holyfield's hypothesis would force the Empire to capitulate in about 1 week upon the launch day, with a margin of error of an additional 3 days. He accounted for every maneuver, every possible setback and every contingency for his great plan.

"Major." Holyfield's Adjutant appeared himself onto the room. He carried with him a steaming cup of freshly roasted coffee and his breakfast of velvety scrambled eggs, potatoes and sliced ham. A meal served when he needed to start the day on a strong foot.

"Has the Observing Teams fulfilled their tasks?" Holyfield asks.

"Army Group East's had recently radioed that the bombardment of Landing Zone Timber has gone smoothly without incident. The Forest has been flattened and is awaiting the Engineers to clear out any remaining rubble." The Officer said.

"And that whole… 'Preservation Initiative' that Polonsky made me do?" Holyfield pressed.

"The Star Port is carrying the Flora and Fauna of the Cambervale Forrest as we speak. And smells like it too." the Officer remarked with a slight cringe on his nose.

"Understood, any updates from Army Group West?" Holyfield changed the subject.

"They are on standby and ready to deploy to Souviel. Just now Prince Clovich had already convinced his Cousin to turn sides to us." the Adjutant informed him.

"Good, start making the first few miles of the road works at Marnia's Bluff and be ready for S&D Operations around that sector. Army East should work on cutting off any reinforcements that Army West will likely deal with." Holyfield swore. "Let's hope that Captain Rose's 'little fruit' she made was right on this…" the Major tensed his psyche. He had to change several of his plans in lieu with the new intelligence gathered.

"According to the reports, the Emperor intends to make his nation 'an Impregnable Fortress'. The amount of troop numbers is staggering sir. 10-to-1, We will be outnumbered sir." The Adjutant said.

"In an era of Space Carriers, Automated Logistics and Quantum Radios, 'Impregnable Fortresses' do not exist. We maybe be outnumbered but we are not Outgunned." Holyfield passionately declared.

These Natives may be tenacious but he has dealt with barbarous insurgents like them before. The laborious part was assuming the mobility needed to adapt to the situation.

"Either way Major, the troops are now waiting for the signal. Shall we proceed?" the Adjutant asks him.

"Yes. We are a Go." Holyfield nods.

He grabbed his radio, connected to all Commanding Officers fielded out for Operation Haymaker and pressed to call.

"Climb Mount Denali." He says the coded phrase, commencing the start of Operation Haymaker.