the Grand Plan (Slaegian Empire Perspective)

The streets of Haringpoint, the cosmopolitan capital of the Empire, the beating heart of Ysanigrad lay contrastively dormant today as a contingent of Faithleann's Imperial Crusade, alongside a caravan of mixed Dwarven and Human refugees that included Mogul Dolmond's entourage from the Eastern Provinces arrived at the Imperial Capital on a gloomy afternoon. The complete evacuation of the Slaegian Empire's Eastern Provinces had now reached the capital herself. Towns, villages were abandoned totally as the Ostalrocii Volcano devoured all in its path. Even Mountassone, the Empire's Arsenal lay 60 feet under an avalanche of ashen earth whilst the surrounding lands, contributing about a third of the Empire's arable land lay buried. Consequently, the Eruption came at the worst possible time to strike, the pre-Autumn Harvest, predicted by the Imperial Senate to be the greatest of harvests thanks in part to Emperor Uldin's Irrigation Expansion. Many died during the journey westward mostly from starvation and the ashes choking the weakened and the young to death in an apocalyptic account of the hundred thousand. To many of them, it seems like the foretold prophecy of Geltagar's Comet was to upturn the Empire from its rightful place among Gliesia's soil and Cipag, God of the Forge was to unleash his wrath.

Dubbed 'the Great Ashening' by the heralds, this event is marked with great hardship and tragedy that shook the great balance of the Empire.

The Chosen One's arrival was initially cold, but as news broke out of his return the streets of Haringpoint resuscitated to life once again to greet the Chosen Hero of the Sacred Crystal Heart. There was a mix of hope and despair that painted the scene, from prayerful praises of salvation towards Faithleann's return to questioning inquiries about what had just happened to cause such disturbance as many people were now reeling to the effects of the Ostalrocii's Eruption. The Citizenry avoided going outside except when they need to buy food and water. The refugees were given healing and warm porridge and blanket to shield themselves from the waking cold by charitable citizenry of the Capital to ease their hard journey. The ash cloud had turned the warmly awaited harvest season into a food crisis. Grain, Fruit and Vegetable harvests were buried, choked and ruined beyond repair by the Ash Cloud's wake causing the people of the Empire near and far to ration dried cuts of salted morsels. This resulted in the said cold reception Faithleann disappointingly received as noticed by the pale and gaunty eyes that the denizens of Haringpoint can attest to the returning Crusaders.

Overall a depressing scene for every one of the Crusaders upon their return compared to when they had left.

"You have arrived." Karliah nodded to Faithleann's retinue.

"Where is the Emperor and the Grandmaster? Are they all right?" Faithleann asked.

"They are taking refuge by the Grand Cathedral. In fact, the Emperor refused to leave the Adoration Chapel's cloister for days." Karliah mentioned. "Owyne has been acting with the Prime Minister to address the food shortages but right now thigs are dire." The College mage added.

"We must seek an audience with both of them at once!" Faithleann demanded.

The Crusader leaders galloped to the streets of Haringpoint towards the Grand Cathedral, now turned into a fortress with guards and sentries patrolling the holy building much to the fretfulness of the Cathederal's clergy and caretakers. After announcing their arrival to Uldin's majordomo, the senior leadership of Faithleann's retinue and Mogul Dolmond stand in audience with Emperor Uldin's Court. Grandmaster Owyne.

"How are we going to explain everything to the Emperor?" Faithleann asked.

"I will explain everything he needs to know. Karliah and Olayra should set their focus on investigating more of the Prophecy with the Grandmaster." Mogul Dolmond answered.

"Agreed, let us make this quick. We must forward in due haste for the sake of the Empire now that it is in a crisis." Karliah nodded reluctantly.

"For five straight days I prayed to the Gods. Never leaving this chamber, never wavering in my faith!" Emperor Uldin, taxed to near death to a simple white robed individual lacking any regal opulence that befitted his Imperial Majesty raised his voice upon seeing Karliah and the Chosen One enter the same room he is in. To say that the past few days were not kind to him would have exposed the limitations of spoken vocabulary.

The Emperor's temporary refuge shares the same abode as the Archbishop of the Cathederal. Examining the room around them, it was noticeable that there were a few additions to the religious interior an Archbishop is supposed to have. They range from a makeshift table of the map of the Empire, a suit of Armor and Sword, and the Archbishop's large desk being made room to accommodate Uldin's own paperwork and an opulent closet that was carried over from the palace that contained a selection of Uldin's personal garments. Several of the Imperial Palace's staff and on occasion visiting Imperial Ministers walked around, attending to the Emperor's needs and for his duties.

"Milord, you have already known of the news abou---" Karliah shifted her voice to a mellow 'formal' tone to address the Emperor but the Mage was cut off.

"I know of the Ashen Cloud that just ransacked my farmlands! What I have yet to know is what happened at the Dwarven Lands that resulted in having Mogul Dolmond take refuge in my city let alone request an audience with me?" he asked. His voice trembling the hallowed walls of the Cathederal. "Is it true that I have somehow angered Cipag the All-Smith?"

His voice was feeble from dehydration and constant prayer. His eyes were blackened to a reddish tint from lack of sleep and only receiving the frightfully constant distressing news as reported by his Ministers, Grand Master Owyne and General Huguet.

"Allow me." Mogul Dolmond intervened. He gave a polite bow with the Emperor following suit. "I Mogul Dolmond of the Clan Kur Faldhur is most humbled by being allowed to enter your presence oh Lord."

"An honor to have you come to my abode... I wish it was in much more... amiable times." He thanked him. "So, tell me what had happened?" he asked.

"Let it be known, that his Imperial Majesty and his court knows that the Dwarven Realms are indeed no more." Dolmond declared wistfully. "The Ostalrocs have fallen."

"By the Gods!" the Archbishop of the Cathederal fainted. "How have we angered the All-Smith?"

"It is not Cipag that is enraged. But his very hearth was placed under a terrible enchantment!" Dolmond answered. "It was the Demons of the Otherworld! They had brazenly attacked the Ingot Deliveries that was meant for your Imperial Legion and the Chosen Ones. Not only that but they had corrupted my own people turned against their fellow Dwarves!" the Mogul explained.

Karliah darted her head to the Dwarf. Alarmed by the 'truth' he is explaining to the Emperor.

"The Ash Cloud milord, was created by the Demon's themselves! They placed a terrible curse on the Dwarven Mountains that caused the earth to quake and gush forth hot streams of lava and ash that devoured all of our Clan Holds and many of my kin. We and the Chosen One tried to stop them but by the time we caught the Demons it was already too late." Dolmond said. "My Clan tried as we might to save as many as we can but the Demons corralled many of my kin away in their Dragons before carting them off to an unknown but likely horrible fate."

"It is true! I saw it with my own eyes!" Faithleann shook on with Dolmond's words.

"WHY? HOW!? Marchog Garmhaic!? You are supposed to be the Bane of the Demons? Why did you let the Invaders destroy the Ostalrocs so easily and take Mountassone and the Eastern Provinces with it?" Uldin screamed.

"Your Majesty! That is because we have been betrayed! Outsmarted! Outmaneuvered by the Demons. For they have captured and enthralled the Shareholder to do their dark bidding! She used unending waves of demonic tricks to dishonorably humiliate me and our soldiers." Faithleann explained.

The Bane Chosen One's revelation shook all of Emperor Uldin's Court to the core. Horrified, frozen and beyond baffled to hear of such devastating news. One of the Prophesied Chosen Ones was working under the services of the Great Adversary, the Otherworldly Demons.

"The Shareholder? With the Demons? But how!?" Owyne despaired, grasping his head with his two hands convulsively absorbing this direst of news.

He had to mince a few of his words tactfully due to his still wounded pride of being bested by the Share Holder.

"Her two Masters, the Vampire and the Elf not only slew many of our men and the Mogul's warriors, but also slew Marchog Faughn." Petur added.

"Gods have mercy!" the Owyne cried. "What of the Scholar?" He asked.

"I do not know of him your Majesty, but the Shareholder had declared that she knows of him and where he is. I fear he is already corrupted like her or the Enemy are still attempting to reach to him to enthrall him to their side." Faithleann divined.

"A Vampire? There is still more of them?" the Archbishop called out.

"It has seemed now that Alboen is moving swiftly to re-establish himself on our soil, seducing the minds of many folks to follow his lead and serve his whims. Already the Vampire's, especially one of the Cadohagan line and the Princess Aliathra have enthralled the Shareholder to act for their nefarious plans." Faithleann answered.

"It will not be long before he gains himself a powerful army like his previous one again." Huguet nodded.

"Either way, this news is dangerous. Vampires maybe scattered but have a tendency to enact revenge if one not outside of their bloodlines were to kill one of their own. If one Vampire sided with the Demons, it is likely many more will join or have joined their stead, for revenge against us no less!" Owyne explained to the congregation.

"Is there a way we can rescue the Shareholder and the Scholar Chosen Ones then? Without them we do not stand a chance against the coming storm from the south." Uldin asked.

"Milord, if I may speak?" Karliah raised her voice.

Uldin, desperately looking for answers, quietly allowed the College Mage to say her piece.

"The Great Ashening and the Ostalroc Eruption was not made by the Demons. But was instead, created foolish acts of Mogul Dolmond and Faithleann themselves." Karliah stated.

A loud gasp escaped the lungs of everyone in the room. The two men that the College Mage accused turned their eyes to her adversely. Such words being said to nobility and those of high rank were not to be taken lightly by all.

"Karliah Silverdane? What are you talking about?" Grandmaster Owyne questioned.

"The Terrace Dwarves, the Dwarven Miners that work under Mogul Dolmond warned him that they were mining too deeply into the earth but they did not listen. When Faithleann ventured into the mines to pluck out a few ores of Actocolite for himself, he caused the massive eruption to happen. Plunging our lands into darkness by the Ash Cloud." Karliah explained.

"Lies! All Lies!" Mogul Dolmond reactively veered. "You actually listened to those ignorant peons? What do they know about mining? My Clan's Geomancers had worked on the Mines for countless centuries and told me that the mining was progressing greatly to meet the Empire's demands. What do my Terrace Dwarf Miners know? Nothing I tell you about mining! Nothing!"

"Says the one who spoke with the Corrupted Shareholder herself! On your way out of the mountains you managed to corner the Corrupt Chosen One but you hesitated to capture her when she spoke with you. Then using her charms, she casted an illusion spell or a Charm spell to make you think she saved you from the Lava Slime." Faithleann accused Karliah with his tall tales.

"That is not true! Illusion spell? That is a weak argument to throw against me?! A Mage of the College? What sorts of 'evidence' you have that indicts the Shareholder to do all of that?" Karliah rebutted.

"On our way back to the Capital, you and Olayra had always tried to protect that woman and state that she is not Corrupted or Demonic. The signs of you being fooled by an Illusion or being Charmed by one who uses the Spell." Faithleann returned fire. "The way you say of her Magical Prowess would have lulled weak minded folks like you and Olayra to her Master's side. If she were to be in your presence any longer, she would have turned you against my Heroic Crusade!" Faithleann egotistically shielded himself.

"You are no hero Faithleann! You are just a selfish child pretending to be a hero without understanding what it means to be a hero!" Olayra exclaimed, scornfully yelling to the top of her lungs. Tears streamed in her face as all the pent-up frustration was purged out of herself and directed towards the object of all of her grievances. "You only care nothing but your 'Heroic Legend'."

"The Shareholder, Samantha was the real hero! She saved us and many trapped Dwarves in that volcano even if she knows she could die trying. You!? You ran away like a coward with Mogul Dolmond not caring at all about the people you left behind to die!" the girl screamed.

"Shut your mouth wench!" the Chosen Ones yelled.

Faithleann hurled towards Olayra, his sword drawn in an impetuous display of wounded pride that I demanded self-retribution, only to be stopped by the combined efforts of Karliah and several bystanding Imperial Knights that prevented him from laying a finger at her. The Scholar girl curled herself to cry by the College Mage's skirt as Faithleann was dragged away a safe distance.

"Marchog Garmhaic you have crossed the line with such temper! That is no way to act like that in my presence!" Emperor Uldin scolded the Chosen One. "Now is not the time to fight amongst ourselves! The People demands unity not division amongst those they placed their faith on to protect them. Have you not forgotten that for all of your power? It was I who is your guarantor of your weapons, titles and resources?" Uldin reprimanded Faithleann.

The Emperor then turned to Karliah.

"Ladui Silverdane, what you accused of towards Mogul Dolmond is unacceptable. Mogul Dolmond and his Clan are the Empire's greatest allies second only to the Elves. What you say is a most libelous accusation that will require further investigation." He reprimanded her.

"What happened to you Karliah? You are one of the greatest students of the College and a Gold Ranked adventurer!" Owyne said. "Please tell me we have not lost you too?" he pleaded.

"Then test me! Test my purity right now." She demanded with a challenge. "If I am 'Corrupted' then strike me down. But if I am not can you, in good faith between you, the most esteemed Grandmaster of the College and I your most enlightened and most humble students have you listen to more of my accounts?" Karliah appealed.

"Hmm... your loyalty and faith sound unwavering. Very well, I shall perform the necessary tests." The Archbishop nodded.

Conjuring his Sacred Restoration Magicks, the Archbishop screened both Karliah and Olayra off of any corruptive influences with purifying and dispelling magicks.

"Nothing, you are indeed still of Pure Truth." The Archbishop said.

"Or being easily fooled..." Faithleann insinuated.

"Silence Marchog Garmhaic! I will discipline you and your vapid gall later when we are done." Emperor Uldin scolded Faithleann.

He was willing to give this College Mage, in spite of her recent display of nonobservance to her oath to be the Chosen One's retainers and valuable mentors, she was still a highly respected individual of her own repute still worthy of his considerations, that and because he was desperately looking for some form of hope that he can muster in these dire times that seemed to spell nothing but destroy all that he and his ancestors of the Empire's Founder, Caldell Slaegiac, the First Hero.

"Now that is all done Grand Master Owyne allow me to convey my proposition..." Karliah sighed in relief. "I believe the Otherworlder's who we are fighting against are not Demons nor they have any relation to the Dark Lord Alboen at all." Karliah informs the congregation to their appalling gasps.

"What blasphemy do you speak of?!" Owyne recoiled.

"Ladui Silverdane! How could you say that after what they had done to Tyr Rian, Souviel and now the Ostalrocs?" Emperor Uldin beseech her, unsure of what radical thoughts that came out of the College Mage's tongue being presented to his ears.

"Everyone, let me explain in the beginning first." Karliah invoked the audience's attention to her, to let go of any doubt to what her concocted hypothesis says based on everything she had learned about the crisis so far.

"When we first attempted back at Tyr Rian to fool the Demon Eye from scouting for souls in our world, most of our mages, including I could not detect a single trace of corruptive or Mana Energies from creature despite sharing similarities to the old Demonologists Codex had said. All that they could deduce from their reports is that the creature is made of bits of metal scraps and colorful strings alongside its alien golden 'organs'. The College then attempted to see how the creature would react if we inflicted several of our Holy Spells at it but the creature has not shown any single reaction to our Magicks." She recalls the report she and the College Demonologists and Zoologists made regarding their autopsy of the capture alien being.

"It could have been already dead to begin with. That is why it not have reacted to our spells." Owyne hastily disproved her with a haughty scoff.

"I am still not convinced." Uldin frowned.

"Then what about our 'Crusade' against them? What did they do to us?" Karliah asked.

"What do you mean 'what they do to us'? By tainting the land with their presence!" Owyne shouts. "They invaded our lands. It is our right to fight back!"

"Your Imperial Majesty, do you remember the Steel Cloud when it arrived at our city many moons ago to declare their Ultimatum?" Karliah asked the Emperor.

"Of course, I remember every word they said." Uldin nodded.

"As you remember, the Steel Cloud said that its purpose of visiting our city was to tell you that our attacks upon them in Tyr Rian and it's Western Plain were unprovoked and they demanded immediate parley with you and your court about those events. They could have just burn Haringpoint to the ground immediately the first time they arrived." Karliah reasoned. "We attacked them first, not they attacked us. Would a Demon really be that... callous? That is not how the legends where they had the strength of giants and the anger of dragons robbed off of their young. If they were Demons, we would have been over-run by them right now but they didn't. May I also remind you that our all of our previous spells, our weapons fighting against the Demons, all Holy and Blessed by our most virtuous of Priests mind you, failed wholly to harm them?" Karliah said.

"Then why are they here tainting the lands as they please? Are they not invading already by the way how the Ostalrocs and Tyr Rian had fallen?" Huguet questioned.

"I believe why they are here in such droves was because in our attempt to hide from their 'Demon Eyes' we had instead deceived them to think the land is empty of any inhabitants. Like a builder, who built his house above a Land Shark's burrow, we made them believe the land was fully there's for the taking. Demon's would have no use of going to our world if they see no souls to devour." The College Mage explained. "But now, upon their arrival these Otherworlder's, whomever they are now demanding parley with the Leaders of the World, that is you and everyone in this room. They have every right to be angry with our actions inflicted upon them before."

"You say the Invader's aren't Demons? Ridiculous!" Dolmond jeered at Karliah's statement.

"The Prophecy still says that they will seek to end us all! The Comet says so! We must steel ourselves for the coming storm!" Owyne rallied.

"Silence!" Uldin gavelled his armrest before he speaks.

"What if their demands to have us share a table with them is just a scheme, a ruse to lure us out of the safety of our walls so they may spring a trap? We would be in THEIR domain where the Otherworlder's strength rests upon." Uldin reasoned back. His fist pummeling the armrest of his throne.

He knew much of the reality's warfare, politics, and statesmanship to understand that all peoples have desires and they will do anything to achieve such pursuits, whether selfish or altruistic. He had seen beggars scrap for the pre-masticated morsels of food thrown out by their more well-off peers, he had seen Bandits cut the purses of honest folks to feed their wanton sprees, he had seen Courtiers vie for favor behind his palace. And lastly, he had seen, during his tours by the Frontier the Savages of the Borders try to scurry away what fruits his people made out of their envy of what the Gods favored Mandate he and his bloodline received after his great ancestor saved Gliesia from Alboen's darkness. That is why he and his predecessors fought, provide, and built over centuries from the Vaikuri Peninsula's humble foundations to what the Empire is now today. The line of Emperors worked to allow the growth and protection for those who they love: Their family, friends, homes, and people from those evil forces that wish to see it be stolen away. And Emperor Uldin would be damned to see it all end through him while he drew breath.

Yet in contrast, several of his own Courtiers began to whisper about Karliah's speech. Her message was articulate enough within reason about the unusual acts these Otherworldly Invaders were behaving when cross-referencing to their previous recordings. Several of the Generals, the Senior Magi, and the Imperial Servants were whispering amongst themselves about the reflection of what had transpired due in part to the audacious words of Karliah Silverdane. These were seeds of doubt the Mage had implanted in front of his very soil as Uldin and the Grandmaster feared.

"Order! Order on my Court!" Grandmaster Owyne shouted.

"Milord, perhaps we should discuss changing our strategies?" Huguet proposed.

"This woman is a Blasphemer! Arrest her and her little brat!" the Archbishop demanded.

"Indeed!" Mogul Dolmond shook his head. "This woman is lying! She is indeed deceived, perhaps by the songs of heart to speak so cordially of the Invaders of ALL she could speak well of! They turned my Realm into Nothingness let me remind you! They will surely do the same to your lands next." The Dwarf adduced.

"Karliah Silverdane!" Uldin raised his voice.

The Emperor's words silenced the room instantly upon his beckoning call.

"Your words have merit in spite of your daring display today. Let me say that I am intrigued, curious of what you know which is most illuminating albeit one within unstable grounds" he nods, his composure diplomatic, not wanting to immediately take sides until he can get all the facts straight from the antagonistic Karliah.

"May I question one thing: Why do you question concordance of the Prophecy?" The Emperor asked.

"Because the Share Holder is one of the Otherworlders!" Karliah answered. "And she saved me and Olayra from the Volcano."

"Preposterous! The Sacred Crystal Heart will never do that!" Owyne yelled. "The Gods would never choose an Otherworlder, let alone one of the Invaders to be its Hero. She had likely stolen the Brand from the True Share Holder or is a False Chosen One that lies of her status."

"Is it even possible to 'steal' a Brand, Grandmaster?" Karliah asked.

"I... uh... may---ahhh..." the Grandmaster, in an uncharacteristic display of uncertainty became rooted in his own prideful intellective calculus. "Perhaps she is just enthralled to... think she is one of the Otherworlders! To make her loyal to them for she thinks she is fighting 'for her people'." he boldly conjected, taking back his previous statement.

He remained adamant that he, the Grandmaster after decades of tireless hierarchal climbing knows everything and that is everything about Magicks. Yet even as he stood his ground, the other people in the room had expressed several assailable doubts in regards to the Mage's biting catechism. They were starting to feel the heat of the aforementioned failures that they had concocted when fighting these Otherworlder's and they non-verbally conclude that perhaps a new angle to their current dilemma should be approached.

"Let us consult the Sacred Crystal Heart for answers then?" Karliah proposed.

"Fine! We shall but do not think I will take your little dissension of yours lightly." Owyne grumbled.

"This better be worth the time Mage. The Heart's Vault lies at the deepest part of the Cathederal." The Archbishop gritted.

The Clergy, the College Mages and the Arcane Experts within the room nods in agreement. All of these new revelations brought to them brings much confusion and the only way they can scry through this clutter of overloaded erudition is to consult the Sacred Crystal Heart itself. They bowed their leave to the Emperor as they all collectively exited the Archbishop's Chamber.

"You Mages go consult the Crystal Heart! I need to discuss the War Plans with the Chosen One right now." Emperor Uldin bid them fair tidings as they descend to the underground vaults of the Cathedral.

The Emperor then stood up from his chair and groaned miserably as he walked towards the War Table, a aesthetically contradictory accommodation to a Holy See's private chambers.

"Faithleann my young Knight you have new orders..." Uldin massaged his temple as he overlooks the War Table's token pieces and arrow headed drawings throughout its descriptive display.

Based on previously sent orders, the Emperor had dispatched 25 Legions, about 250,000 brave souls which is over four-fifths of their entire army, to be sent southwards to defend his realm from the coming invasion. A Slaegian Legion would consist of 10,000 men ranging from Infantry, Cavalry, Ranged Skirmishers, the Commanding Officers and the auxiliary camp followers. Thanks to their extensive road system and logistical supply lines they can easily project such a massive amount of men across their territories. He had almost completely abandoned the North to the belligerent Daosne Tribes through Political Favors to be able to muster such a force.

15 Legions will fortify the Cambervale Forest's using the various strongpoints around the area to set up an impregnable defensive line between the unconquerable fortress of Little Hill by the Tyr Rian Border all the way to the lumber town of Vercourt with its excellent supply of wood stocks that can be used to forge fortifications and traps when the manpower is utilized effectively. 7 Legions were being forcibly marched towards Marnia's Bluff, a swampy Isthmus that sat between the Western Ocean and Dagrau Basin. The geographic location was important for trade as its roads were the most conveniently accessed routes between Souviel and Haringpoint in addition to the various Salt Mines and Souvieli Dye Harvesting Houses can be found. From a military perspective, the rough terrain can bog down any approaching army from the recently fallen Souviel if the Demons were to use the most direct route into Haringpoint again like the stories of the famous Battle of Marnia's Bluff that Caldell Slaegiac triumphed over the superior armed Alboen and his Demon Army with clever use of the watery grounds and ambush tactics to whittle down any attempts of breaking through the strategically important terrain. The last 3 Legions will be held in reserve at the Capital, readying themselves to quickly react to any faltering defensive positions if they were at risk of collapsing. The Emperor deemed that Little Hill, Vercourt and Marnia's Bluff must be held at all costs.

And that is not to also account the promised help from the Elves, the remnant Dwarves with their nothing-left-to-lose attitude and any intrepid Adventurer Guildsman would raise to multiply their respective force against the Demon Tide:

For their Allies of the Ethuilen Entente, they have sent several of their most valorous warriors led by the Elven Royal Family's own child, Prince Valorion, known to be a maverick for daring attacks and exotic tactics. Accompanying him are a collection of all the mightiest roster of the Entente's military might: valiant Rainbow Helms, Swordsingers, resplendent Gladehearth Cavalry, alluringly-deadly Wardancers, High Mages and their many Arcane Beasts. All accounting 80,000 of them.

There was also, quite unexpectedly, a letter of 'promissory intent' from sealed by the Orchid Seal from the Black Tree Pact Elves. They are also arriving with a fleet of Soldiers of 70,000 to 'assist' in the defense of the Slaegian Homeland as were there honor was pre-sundering with Caldell Slaegiac. Unlike before with utilitarian purposes in mind to stop the First Demonic Invasion, the Pact Elves interests were far more selfish in nature. In exchange for their 'invaluable support'. They arrogantly demanded that they, to get as many unpleasant terms out of the mouth, turnover the Empire into de-facto subservience to the Black Tree Pact's ruling Midnight Camarilla. Emperor Uldin knew that deals with the Ethuilen's estranged kin were capricious in terms often using intimidation and coercion to ensure the Pact Elves get their way. In his best foreknowledge and the suggestions of the Ethuilen Seffydliad is to play along with their designs for now and then find a way to force them to back out of the deal. Prince Valorion suggested sending the Dark Elves to the front lines of the battle and have themselves get over-extended and likely slaughtered, exploiting their tones of excessively confident aptitude to show their 'Superiority' to the other Race. A conniving plan, getting rid of a potential problem by turning the troublesome subject into expendable pawns for a solution. Uldin can expect to hear exploits from the Black Tree Pact's warriors consisting of the graceful Sisters of the Blade, the elusive Unseen, the terrifying Dread-Steeds, the harrowing Black Thorn Riders plus their levied footmen and monsters tamed under their employ.

The Remnant Dwarves that Dolmond and the Dwarven Hold survivors of Tilelyuhr, Darbaddihr, and Mirlarum had brought over can be levied by Uldin's best estimates of 60,000 men. They were however mixed in composition, consisting of professional Clan Bondsmen and raw Conscripts. The Dwarves were all physically healthy despite their recent hardships, hardy and unafraid. The Emperor could sketch their desperation into a formidable force with a few carefully selected words alongside having them train together for a few days. They will be needed especially for Defending key points thanks in part to the magazine-fed crossbows the Dwarven Sting-Eyes wield and the Scandanite Armored the Ever Beards.

The Adventurer's Guild were perhaps the most informal of people that the Emperor has in his disposal. Although they do share a respected hierarchy with many of their members showing a diverse set of skills and talents, they were not designed, by their small scale and individualistic roster of an estimated 10,000 Adventurer's to be front line fighters. They had an unreliable estimate of combat effectiveness due to their roster composing of elite and rookie members but their enthusiasm could be exploited. Adventurers can be used as scouts or be sent behind enemy lines to perform dangerous assignments. Keeping them motivated however will be a challenge due to their undisciplined nature.

Then came the Empire's most prestigious of men and women, the College of Magi. Their vast knowledge of Magicks and all things Arcane collected and refined over the years would prove invaluable for the coming battles ahead. He can the Adepts of the College to perform a wide variety of Battle-related spells such as calling forth magical storms, conjured blades, but also several of their Arcane Artifacts such as the Altar of Telin. Named after the God of Magic, the wagon-carried construct made from the college's understanding of Mana Crystals with the aid of Actocolite. Its official function is to magnify the effects of magical spells cast when aimed towards Altar's lenses for exponential effect. For example, a simple Fire Ball spell can have its range and effect drastically improved, or a Ward meant to shield one person be capable of protecting a significantly wide radius. They may be only around 800 or so of them who have the magical proficiency to be deemed Battlemages, not including those former students who are either scattered about across the world as traveling Arcanists or as members of the Adventurer's Guild.

Overall, the Defenses must be built quickly around those strongpoints before the Demons can thrust in from the Mountains for their assault. Once they tire out and an opening for a Counterattack present itself. He will launch an offensive starting with the re-occupation of Souviel from the Demon Menace until he can push them back to their stronghold of Tyr Rian and punish the traitorous Prince Clovich for selling his Soul to Alboen's Minions.

"We make our stand at Vercourt, the Salt Mine and Little Hill. If any of them were to fall our sacred homeland will be at that stands before them." Uldin emphasizes the importance of the three strategic locations of the Imperial Defensive line.

"So these Demons... they fight how again?" Huguet questioned.

"Based on what reports we have of those who survived or witness them fighting. They normally prefer to fight from afar with the use of their Black Staves." Ser Huguet answered. "As for when the Demons will descend upon us, that is what I fear the most for we do not have any report of when and how large the Demon Army is. There were scouts who had attempt to count their numbers but none have so far reported anything. I fear the worst for them." Petur answered.

"Ordinarily, I dislike fighting if I do not know what or how many I face," Petur added, gritting his teeth in frustration.

"Then if we are fighting an army that prefers to attack from a distance then we will need to use the terrain to our advantage. Blind them under the cover of the trees and bushes while trapping them in areas that we can cut them down swiftly on." Huguet answered. "I say with two to three weeks' worth of preparation, our Battlelines should be ready to face them."

"You have one week." Uldin pushed him. "Dolmond's people can see to that." He nodded to the Dwarf who cooperatively gave his silent word for extending his aid to engineering matters too and not only military.

"Cowards they all are, not to fight in honorable combat!" Faithleann huffed. "They seek to drown us in a torrent of their blades!"

"You were defeated by one, in 'honorable combat' no less, when we were at the Dwarven Realms mind you Faithleann." Petur reminded him.

"It does not matter! We must take the fight to them and charge forth towards their stronghold of Tyr Rian." The Bane Chosen One proposed.

"Don't not be so brash like what you were when we were at the Dwarven Realms Faithleann. Our men were massacred when carelessly ordered them to charge at Nirnkarim only for nearly all of them, some of the Emperor's and the Mogul's finest to perish so swiftly." Petur reminded him much to his displeasure. "Without at least bringing a ladder no less!" he added.

"You ordered my men to die like that? How could you?!" Dolmond scolded Faithleann.

"There was a Dragon! They had a dragon at their side. It breathed its fire and destroyed the army." Faithleann said.

"And who gave you authority to order MY men to follow you?" Dolmond questioned him.

"The Gods of course. I am the Chosen One, the Bane of the Demons!" Faithleann arrogantly shouted. "None of them will stand a chance against my might. Put me where the battle shall be the thickest."

"Silence! All of you! We will not go anywhere if we fight amongst ourselves right now." The Emperor shouted.

"Marchog Garmhaic, may you please learn to humble yourself for this once? Our enemies test our abilities in every way." Uldin raised, his voice remaining diplomatic but was now boiling to the limit thanks in no part to Faithleann's naivete.

"I shall not soothe say; Your Magick's is still budding in talent in spite of your prodigious nature. But the Share Holder and her demonic mentors are at least Master level of Arcane might. If you so stubbornly refuse to accept that you have indeed lost against them you will, in all prospects end up like poor Marchog Faughn and those ill-fated men who have died at the Ostalrocs." Petur again reminded him. "Tivna have mercy on them." He prayed.

"Are you saying I won't be sent to the front lines?" Faithleann bided.

"Not yet. You still require training, and the men I have given you needs to be equipped... as much as they can their new weapons from the Dwarves. My most humble condolences Dolmond." Uldin said.

"You humble me more with your clemency your Imperial Majesty." Dolmond bowed.

"This is outrageous!" Faithleann exclaimed. "I myself must be out there! Slaying demons and protecting the Realm! Not here!" he protested.

He impatiently and childishly stomped the wood floor of the Archbishop's Chamber imprudently making unwise to straight up imbecilic demands from one that knows better.

"Marchog Garmhaic behave yourself! Have you forgotten you are in MY PRESCENCE!?" Uldin shouted, his limits now stretched beyond his reticence that he can hold.

The Emperor was now collapsing onto the pressure the crisis has lambasted him with. He was already balancing a fine line between the risks and yields his calculated decisions he has made to preserve his Realm and his position and this child, plucked from the masses to be the God's Chosen One is starting to undermine the Crystal Heart's very own purpose. Faithleann was like many of the young-blooded Noble Children of Today, hiding behind and wielding their privilege without any grace or the tact that a respectable Noble would swim themselves to the rhythm of social norms of and written law for. He had thought that assigning Faithleann a responsibility with a few mentors to keep him in check would mature him to the ideal Hero, one that is brave, selfless, clever and justly preeminent. Instead, the power amplified Faithleann's worst aspects: his naivete, his childlike idealism, impetuousness and recalcitrance in the pursuit of surpassing Heroic Deeds. If this was any of his children, he would have sent them far away to a monastery to learn proper manners and not let them return until they learn how to properly behave oneself at the cruel outside world.

"Hello?" a faint voice creaked from behind the Archbishop's door.

Two children, a boy and a girl, wearing their champagne manes alike peeked over the door and their eyes staring deeply at the scene before them as they made themselves inside.

"Who let these Imps into the Cathederal?!" Faithleann bawled. "This is discussion so for the more ripened of us." He scolded the intruders.

"Marchog Garmhaic! That is no way to address the Imperial Scions!" General Huguet rebuked, revealing the identity of these two newcomers.

"A hundred apologies, my Prince and Princess! I did not know of your arrival at all." Faithleann bowed, his heart racing by the disciplinary admonishment. He didn't want to offend the Emperor again with his brashness again, not whilst his Imperial Majesty is carrying so much burden now that he stopped to understand the full extent of the crisis.

"Those are your children Uldin?" Mogul Dolmond asked.

"Arthurfrir! Estrice! Were you bending your ears again?" the Emperor asked them.

"Forgive us Father..." Estrice stepped forward daringly but with a slight gist of fear shaking on her foot. "But me and my brother have worried about you... and now you we had heard you shouting from the other side of the hall."

"Are you furious at us? Did we do something wrong?" Arturfrir meekly asked.

"By the Gods no! I can never be furious at you two!" Uldin climbed up from his chair and hugged his two twins warmly. "Father is just... working hard right now." He explained.

"Work? Like Ruling? Commanding the Legions? Oh, how lively!" Estrice gleefully cantered. "Who are we fighting against now? Pirates? Marauders? Bandits?" she pestered.

"Oh, it's ... quite troublesome to describe." Uldin blushed. He was still reluctant to expose his two children, the product of love from his late wife Erynn gave to the world before Neneth took her away, the harsh realities of ruling a dozen million strong Empire.

"Who is that handsome fellow with Yncl Huguet?" Estrice pointed to Faithleann.

"A hundred more apologies your highness!" Faithleann bowed again. "I am Marchog Faithleann Garmhaic."

"The Bane Chosen One! The Hero?" Estrice gasped excitedly. "I am so delighted to meet your acquaintance! I am Princess Estrice Slaegiac, the first of my name and... ahem! Princess of the Imperial Throne." She bowed elegantly.

Her feminine aura alongside her stylish dress raised the Chosen One from the depths of his recent humiliation into a new paradigm. Estrice was beautiful beyond compare that he has seen before, only words describing Princesses like her from passing bards that graced his little hometown with their songs that they captured to melodize aforesaid grace with romantic hymns.

"This is my brother, Arthurfrir Slaegiac, fourth of his name and of course the Crown Prince of the Imperial Throne... if he can just stop lazing about in his room..." Estrice teases.

"It is an honor to meet both of you." Faithleann forced himself to smile to not break his repairing rectitude.

"No, it is an honor to meet you!" she aureately flattered him. "Such a handsome and brave boy in armor is such an... imposing presence to be in front of me." she blushed.

Faithleann embarrassingly turned his neck to the Emperor, his eyes locking on to his master with nervous intent before turning back to Estrice.

"How many villains have you righteously slain today? You must have bested dozens or thousands of them right? You must show me your prowess in battle one day my brave Knight. I always desire to be a mighty Knight like you. But you? You are the Hero of the Realm..." Estrice innocently acclaims. "And my hero too...~" she flushed as he gently grasps the Chosen One's hand.

At first Faithleann was lauded by the Imperial Princess' bright words, but knowing he is under the scrutinizing eye of her Father, the Chosen One had to tactfully reel his hand.

"My Children, Marchog Garmhaic needs to... attend more time... at the Training Yard honing his skills in combat and etiquette." Uldin politely explained to them as best as he could while keeping a firm eye at Faithleann who was starting to get a little bit too close to his precious daughter for his own comfort.

"Oh, I can always watch...~" she tittered, her chest beating as she effeminately hid her guffaw from the young Knight.

"I know you would my little Dragon..." Uldin petted her at the back. "But Tad has important business to attend to."

"Father, you have been away from me and Sis' for a long time..." Arturfrir rubbed his eyes with his arms as he yawned. "Will you be able to spend some time with us today?"

The Emperor sighed, he maybe a calculative man who in his many years of ruling always followed the notion to shadow his next maneuver in secrecy, but he was the exact opposite when it comes to matters of Family.

"I cannot I am afraid..." he apologized to the two of them. "But... let me profess to you this. I love both of you." Uldin sincerely expressed.

"If you love us. then spend time with us. Read me a story!" Estrice pleaded.

"Teach me how to rule like you Father." Arthurfrir added.

"Again, I cannot, at least not now." Uldin stood up.

"Can you promise to tend to us tomorrow then?" Estrice asked.

"And may the Gods spirit me away if I break it." The Emperor raised his hand and swore.

The Twin's Personal Servants rallied forth to the door timely as they had searched frantically for the two scions. They humbly bowed to his Imperial Majesty as they shepherded the children away from his sight. Uldin sighed as he returned to his chair. He was never the perfect father for Estrice and Arthurfrir. At best he was more of a sponsor for their upbringing, materially providing the best of everything a future Imperial Royal would need to bud into the next generation of the Slaegian Lineage. But as he thought of his children, he cursed himself and beg forgiveness to his late wife Erynn. He promised her that he will carry both of them into his caring arms the same way he swept her onto his when they were first bethrothed. Uldin concludes that perhaps it was not prayers to the Gods that would give him solace but instead the company of the few joys he had left in his drained life in the form of Princess Estrice and Prince Arthurfrir IV. But for now, he has a Realm to protect. He needed to protect not only his people but his children as well.

"Cyffredinol, please proceed..." he prompted Huguet to continue.


It was brief but nervous tour descending through the Cathederal's Underground. They passed by reliquaries, tombs and several shrines before the Priests ordered them to kneel respectively as they find themselves before golden shrine adorned with jewelry and the statues of several ancient saints. The Crystal Heart itself lay inside a glass chest adorned with runic symbols and sitting itself below a velvet pillow. Complementing the display was a mosaic display both below their feet and below their heads depicting the mythology-wrapped story of the Sacred Crystal Heart.

According to the Legends, Caldell Slaegiac during his quest to defeat Alboen stumbled inside a mythical cave when he rested to find the Sacred Crystal Heart when heard of a rumor of a power that can strengthen him for the coming confrontation with the Dark Lord Alboen. The Crystal Heart spoke to him and he asked the Crystal Heart to help him defeat Alboen and his army to save Glisiea. The Holy Relic gave Caldell his mythical strength to defeat the Demons and he brought the Crystal back to his clan's holy shrine of whose ancient grounds became the foundation for the Grand Cathedral of Haringpoint. After the end of the First Demonic Invasion and Caldell disappearance, the Crystal Heart remained in its place at the Shrine, now revered as a Divine Boon from the Gods to help Gliesia in times of need whenever Dark Forces or great Trials befall their chosen peoples.

A brief prayer was sung as the Clerics and Priests, the only people allowed to lay a finger on the holy relic, slowly and respectfully brought the crystalline object out on full unmitigated display atop of a pedestal. Finishing their Prayers, the Mages and the Priestly congregation began to enchant their Magicks onto the relic to rouse it from its slumber.

"Before you continue!" a young masculine voice echoed the hallowed halls of the Cathederal Underground spoke.

It was Faithleann, who came running across the sacred grounds of the Cathederal as bluntly as he was hurriedly approaching the group waved his hands.

"Chosen One! Do you have no courtesy? You are in the prescence of the Divine Gods!" Karliah scolded him.

"I am sorry... but I was told by the Emperor that I should see the Crystal Heart again. I too must consult it." He huffed beneath his breathes.

"Very well, but please do be more respectful for once!" Karliah hesitantly gave him amnesty. They were all down here for the same purpose after all.

"Shall we begin?" Olayra asked the Archbishop.

The Pontiff nodded quietly as he turned about face to the Crystal Heart and lead the ritual.

"O Great Crystal Heart! Whose wisdom is infinite and benevolence knows no bounds. We humbly but warily aroused you from your slumber once again to seek your guidance." The Archbishop beseeched the Relic.

"What is it... you ask of me children?" the Sacred Crystal Heart softly answered, its form flickering like the beating of a heart.

"The Shareholder, one whom you in your infinite wisdom chose to lead our peoples against the coming darkness is said to have been enthralled by the Demons themselves and being made to fight against us!" Grandmaster Owyne said. "I humbly ask if there is a way, we can break the Enthralling spell that befell the Chosen One so that she may see the light of her error and fight alongside the Bane to fulfill the Prophecy for the new age." He asked the Crystal.

"The Scholar to! It is said that the Demon's are searching for him and we fear the worst if both the Share Holder and the Scholar Chosen Ones combine their strengths so that they may devour all that is sacred, beautiful and just through all of our Realms. We humbly ask you to help us search for the Scholar before Alboen's Hordes finds him first." The Archbishop asked.

"Crystal Heart." Faithleann piously interjects. "As your champion, can you reveal to me the most decisive means to fulfill my great destiny as the Savior of Glisiea? Can you grant me more power so I can ride south to Tyr Rian and vanquish Alboen and his armies to save this realm like the Founder King Caldell Slaegiac before?" he asked.

"Is that ALL you ask of me?" the Relic said as if perplexed by their so-called inquiries. "Then, I have nothing more to speak of." The Crystal Heart declares before the light that once illuminate the holy chamber so brilliant now so dispiritedly overshadow.

"By the Gods! What is the meaning of this?!" Owyne quickly stood up and attempted to beseech the Crystal Heart.

"Hurry! Reinvigorate the Relic with Magicks!" the Archbishop ordered.

The Mages frantically channeled their Mana energies onto the Sacred Crystal Heart, exhaustively pushing their bodies beyond their limits. One by one, they collapsed to the Cathedral's floors suffering the debilitating effects of Mana Consumption, Karliah included...

"This is pointless!" Owyne bellowed. He was the last Mage to stop his channeling when he saw his fellow Magic-users collapse.

He looked towards the Crystal Heart once again, still inert and unresponsive to external input. He panted and sweated as he leaned over a pillar to catch himself.

"Grandmaster? What do we do?" the Archbishop turned to him, his desperation breathing through his mouth.

"I...I... I do not understand..." Owyne answered.

"You do not understand?" the Archbishop hesitated. "How can you not know?" he pleaded.

"The Crystal Heart it is... it is... I..." Owyne stuttered as he looked at the people who were left stunned by the Relic's for lack of a more suitable term 'revelation' which was no revelation at all.

"Grandmaster you have to know of a way." One of the Mages begged him. That same mage was followed by more of them who beseech for answers, answers that he has, for the first time in all of his long tenure, cannot provide.

The Grandmaster of Magicks, humbled down by a horizon he could not fathom. He had always taken pride of his vast intellectual capacity to understand every fundamental aspect of Magicks, Rinc (Illusion), Foqal (Conjuration), Lug (Alteration), Nengui (Restoration) and Decaui (Destruction). In all of his knowledge nothing could bring an answer to what had transpired before him. And for all of his bravado of his supremacy over all things Arcane, he was left in most ungracefully scorned by this embarrassment.

"Grandmaster? What are we to do?" Karliah asked him.

"I...uh..." Owyne stuttered. "Head for the College! Look for anything related to the arts of Divination, Magical Channeling and about the Chosen One branding." Owyne ordered.


A couple of sunrises passed over since the incident at the Cathedral and the College of Magi were still left clueless of what had happened. The Imperial Powers that be were left in a frenzy of panicked storms as men and women scrambled to figure out how to revive the Sacred Crystal Heart. It was only through the stoic leadership of Emperor Uldin that prevented chaos from erupting at such an inopportune time in Haringpoint. But only barely: The Legionnaires working in tandem with the Dwarven Recruits had recently marched off to the front lines as scheduled in the same vein that both the Ethuilen and Black Tree Elf reinforcements would arrive at their designated positions would too.

However, although the military aspect of the Defense of the Imperial Heartlands were going smoothly, the more magically inclined and logistical facets were far more troublesome.

The Harvest scheduled this week had been severely damaged causing a short supply in fresh produce as food resources that were being diverted to feed the soldiers leaving most common folks to ration or scrap by pre-masticated morsels to live through the cold nights ahead. According to the estimates by the Empire's Agricultural Overseers over 3 out of 5 plots of the Empire's farmlands were damaged to varying degrees with those closer to the Ostalrocs bearing the heaviest strain on the Imperial Foodstocks. To matters even more dire, there were also several reports of food-related riots sparking across the Imperial Lands which further drained manpower that the Imperial Army needed for their war effort. Emperor Uldin had sent forth in response not only several heavy handed approaches but a wave of rehabilitative works to address the food shortages such as reducing taxes on the most severely affected areas farmlands and sending out Restoration Mages from the College to help salvage whatever still edible produce that can still be saved before the irreversible happened.

Speaking about Mages, the College of Magi are barely faring any better. Research related to Demons were prepared and were being accelerated albeit due to the lack of any subjects to work with, it was effectively left in a standstill with only old written script from centuries past to refer by. Those Mages who are most proficient in combat related spells such as Alteration and Destruction were being sent off to the front lines accompanying the Legionnaires marching southwards. There was also a Circle of Mages dedicated to training Marchog Faithleann Garmhaic and research any means of reviving the Sacred Crystal Heart so that its guidance can be used again if they were to utilize all three of the Chosen Ones to their advantage against the coming Demon Tide. Karliah Silverdane and Olayra Ekroth were two such Collegiates:

"I know that Lyndis used to keep several of her letters somewhere in here... There has to be something we have missed." Karliah sputtered.

She had grown a growing premonition over the Seffydliad Agent's letters who was a reliable source of firsthand information for the College of Magi on the subject of the Otherworlder's behavioral patterns and their characteristics. Letters that she had magical sent out were stored within the College's Archive for safe keeping and thanks to a few connections within the college, the two Collegiates were given access to a typically restricted floor within the College. The College Mage turned Gold-ranked Adventurer was still physically tired from her harrowing experience back at the Cathederal but now just today she was able to stand upright without the help of a cane or someone else to hold her hand through.

"They should be somewhere here. Perhaps the Elf's findings on the Otherworlder's could somehow help figure out how we might be able to understand these Invaders, most especially the Share Holder, Samantha." Olayra said.

The girls quickly scoured about the Archive, dredging through the piles of paper, searching desperately for Lyndis' Reports.

"Here it is! This was her handwriting and her Seal." Karliah declared as she held a handful of circular Elven Scrolls with Lyndis' Elven signature written at its head.

Curling the paper roll around itself, Karliah begins to read out the papers that she can read intermediate levels of Elven calligraphy. So far most of what Lyndis had described has already been common knowledge by the learned scholars and demonologists such herself and Olayra. There was however the mention of a Spell called 'Holy Firefly' that she assumed was an Elven innovation she had not heard of. Her search produced no fruit to say the least.

"Nothing... at least we had tried..." Karliah sank her head.

"Athro? What will happen to us?" Olayra asked her.

"What do you speak of?" Karliah asked.

"The Apprentices? The blwyddyn gyntaf?" she asked. "There is a war going on. Will my Mage Friends be sent off to fight the war?" Olayra held the senior's hand and looked on worryingly to the Gold-Adventurer's eyes.

"Gods no, you are still my rhai-bach. You have your whole lives ahead of you." Karliah dismissed Olayra's fears. Most of the First-Year students of the College who were sent there have not yet been reached to adulthood yet.

She was always an exemplar to the younger students of the College thanks to her academic acumen, the tales of her exploits as an Adventurer and compliments by her fairness. Coming from the prestigious and noble Silverdane Family, Karliah was the latest in the line of one of the most influential familial figures in the College, her late father being a much beloved Professor in the Arcane Arts.

"Let me say to you this... if things go wrong, I will make sure, with all of my might that the First Years are never approached by the Caethwas." She reassured her.

"With gratitude athro." Olayra smiled. "Let's just get these Letters to the Elven Envoy and let us retire to our rooms for the night."

The two Collegiates quietly made their way out of the Archive but as they were about to leave, they heard a ghostly voice tingle their ears:

"It is done... that troublesome Guild have been wiped off the face of Gliesia. Now it is your turn for your end of the deal...." A voice spoke.

"You ask for too much Dolmond." another voice echoed.

"Did you hear that?" Olayra asked, careful to minimize the sound of her voice. "Who is saying that?" she asked.

"I do..." Karliah nodded quietly.

Their suspicions and curiosity piqued, the two tiptoed their way closer to the source of the sound. From their discernment, it had looked like it had come from Grandmaster Owyne's office which is adjacent to the Archive. Why is Mogul Dolmond doing here in the College so late into the night? It was rather strange however, normally at this hour most students and staff would have retired for the night especially in this area of the College, the duo being the exception thanks to Karliah's aforementioned influence.

The Adventurer placed her ear by the Grandmaster's door as she began to fully eavesdrop on the conversation being guarded behind it:

"Owyne, my friend, we have been... reciprocating collaborators for a very long time. I know what I asked of you is quite so soon but we are in a crisis here." Dolmond's voice told the second participant.

The Grandmaster is talking with the Dwarven Mogul at this hour? Karliah thought. The way those words were framed strike as being that the two had some sort of deal they had made. But that was outlandish. The Dwarves typically deal with Imperial Traders as middlemen to their Slaegian contacts. The College, although publicly funded outside of Alumni donations typically have no say and authority on how the deals for Mana Crystals, Actocolite, Scandanite and Ghyranite ingots would go directly.

"Mogul Dolmond, this crisis is why I cannot risk moving forward with our mutual goals at this moment. The Empire needs me to lead the Arcaneaeum during this war. As you have said I know of our deal but my powers have limits." Owyne tactfully declined.

"I will not be a 'Mogul' for long once this war-crusade skirth fully walks on its legs. My title is no longer guaranteed. The other Moguls have way much more skill in leading warriors than I ever could. Now that my Mine is destroyed, I barely have any power left with the other Nobles, I am slowly becoming irrelevant! You have to, just use your sway in the Imperial Court to... 'discourage' any usurpation against me. I am still the Dwarven Mogul after all." Dolmond gravely tells him of his political situation.

"Why it is too much to ask 'Grandmaster'? We both have the same goals and that is maintaining our power over our people. I had completed my end of our bargain by ridding of those nuisance Tinkerer's Guild permanently. The demons might have destroyed the Ostalrocs but at in their destruction benefitted you now by totally removing the potential threat of the Mage class by destroying the knowledge and means to enable any more of those pestering Terrace Dwarves into creating that hideous Steam Drill." Dolmond coldly stated.

If the Steam Drill had fully been perfected without his intervention, Mogul Dolmond and his Geomancers would lose much useful value ergo political power over their ability to rule over the Terrace Dwarves if the commoner can drill down to the Gliesian earth just as easily as the Mages. Karliah and Olayra could feel their anger slowly boiling over at how apathetic that Mogul Dolmond talked about his oppressive rule against the plebian masses that he rules over. They remembered how he had only cared about himself and his fellow court to evacuate the Ostalroc Mountains but hearing his complacency of what he had done to the Terrace Dwarves added a new level of depth into the atrocious character that was the Kur Faldhur Mogul. But even worse than that, was how he was conspiring with Grandmaster Owyne, the epitome of all-things Arcane be so complacent, let alone promoting the oppressive ill-doing of the Dwarven social classes made Karliah's stomach broil.

"Again, I cannot at this or the next few days! At best what I compel the Emperor to do is to award you new lands that your people can resettle on. I simply bar your rivals for you without risking our Alliance." He continued to decline Dolmond's demands. "We are in crisis now and you are attempting to eat the whole pie too quickly during supper. We need the other Moguls to lead the remaining Dwarven Warriors into battle. We can discuss getting rid of your rivals so you may have sole reign over the Dwarven people AFTER we defeat the Demons."

"I will not last long enough to see the end of this war Grandmaster. You have to help me immediately or you will lose your 'Allies from the Mountains'. You owe me this for I have done so much." Dolmond pleaded.

"I owe you only for sabotaging the Steam Drill for you that killed your brother whom you were so willing to sacrifice so that you can blame it all on the Terrace Dwarves for their 'failure'. Should it not be that you owe me an equal favor now?" Owyne replied. "I ask you this, fight in the frontlines and 'donate' all that is left of your wealth to the College's 'Expedition' Coffers or I will sever ties with you here and now."

"I beg of you. Just one more favor and I will repay you back tenfold." Dolmond beseeched him.

But Owyne stood in front of him in silence. Not saying another word in the matter. It was either his way of political maneuvering or the dishonor of being dethroned. He knows what he wants and he will not continue to go on with his clandestine relationship with the Mogul until it begins to bear fruit.

"Then you have leave me no choice." Dolmond gritted his hands and teeth. "You and I both know that if anyone else knows of what we have done. We will both be unseated from our... lofty standings." He coyly hissed.

"Are you attempting to coerce me Mogul Dolmond?" the Grandmaster asked. "I can end you now if I wanted to. Your shallow words are meaningless to me." he ridiculed.

"Do you recall the name 'Kemar' Grandmaster?" Dolmond asked.

At the same time, as if fate both brought Karliah and Owyne together, their hearts skipped a beat upon hearing that name. They know that name so well, even if it was a long time that the mention of that name was broached for.

"Kemar Silverdane? My old friend? One of the best Professors of the College. Yes, I do." Owyne nodded.

"Do not deceive me. He was never your 'friend'. At least, not before the last Grandmaster, Ysberin told all of his students and all of his subordinates that he was slowly dying of an incurable illness." Dolmond discredit the Grandmaster's previous sentence.

"I do not know what are you talking about." Owyne feigned ignorance.

"Oh, I do know what I speak of... murderer." Dolmond said.

"H-how..." Owyne stuttered. In his weakness, he exposed himself and confirmed the Dwarf's suspicions.

"Old Ysberin had two candidates to choose for his successor, two Professors: You and Kemar. Yet you knew that it was likely going to be Kemar who will become the Grandmaster and not you." Dolmond badgered. Much to the Grandmaster's shaken form. "Oh Owyne, despite his daring and fiery attitude simply could not, would not and cannot accept that he, Yseberin's most shining and most daring protégé can be looked over to the more tranquil and reserved Kemar. So, you acted swiftly. You had a forger imitate Ysberin's handwriting on his Will by switching the names between your 'friend' Kemar and yourself. When the Silverdane got too close to the truth you arranged him to be 'sent on a Retrieval Expedition' where he suffered an 'unfortunate accident'." Dolmond said.

"How did you know?" the Grandmaster asked him.

"You are not the only person that uses the Crows for their... 'interests'." Dolmond smirked as he saw the Grandmaster cracked before him.

"Ysberin was a fool to pass over me for Kemar when choosing his successor. I am Everything! I had the cunning, the wisdom and the drive and the intellect! What did Kemar had that I don't? Nothing! He is the very antithesis of me! Quiet, sluggish and always content. I had a dream! I had a desire! The desire to see Magicks rule all of the baw gúl! To serve us Mages! Kemar was and will always be a stubborn fool! He can never see what Magicks can truly do." Owyne raised his voice.

"Perhaps now I understand why Ysberin 'originally' chose Kemar Silverdane over you." Dolmond smugly grinned.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Karliah barged through the room, Olayra following suit. Her unexpected entrance jolted both of the old men in the room.

"My father was a wise and thoughtful man. He had served the College selflessly for all of his life." Karliah cried. "How dare you for not only desecrating his name but be in league with this despicable Dwarf who would kill his own people at his mines for Ducats and to stay on his ill-gotten throne." She denounced both of them.

"Grandmaster! I had always thought you were the wisest of the Arch Mages of the College. We had always looked up to you as 'the Paragon of Arcane Might'. But I renounce my patronage. How could you be so dishonorable? 'Expedition' Funds? Suppressing the poor Terrace Dwarves who are trying to better themselves? How could you?" Olayra joined in with her senior.

"Do you not understand that Magick is what separates us from many others Ladui Silverdane? Can you not see that we are all born with power? Kemar Silverdane was weak to not see what Magick can truly become! Like all the other so-called Wizards too! The Vampires, the Shamans? They do not understand what is the truest and purest of Magicks! Have you seen what I have built? The Monuments, the Great Inventions and Discoveries that I... I HAVE MADE?!" Owyne defended himself.

"Oh...I see perfectly Grandmaster..." Karliah puffed. "An Institution dedicated to selfish-gains, the domination of those lower than themselves, the inhibition of those who learn of Magick's ways differently and perverting the Teachings of Telin of using Magicks as a tool into a... a... parodical doctrine of highbrowing sloth? Is this what I am fighting for?!" Karliah shouted.

"This act of villainy will be your downfall! The Emperor will know of this." Olayra declared.

"Do you honestly think that anyone will believe you about what me and Dolmond have been doing to the Dwarven People after that brazen display of you two have done back at the Cathederal. Defending the Otherworlder's actions and directly questioning the Prophecy I had foreseen was it not?" Owyne challenged her. "If you truly want to be of help the Empire then get out there tomorrow and have you and the rest of the students prepare to march for battle." He ordered her.

"Then I have no reason to believe your stupid prophecy or the Otherworlders being the Demons of Old. Sam was right about you. You are just an old fool who dabbled in magicks you don't understand and try to hide your failings by quashing those who question you. Grandmaster Ysberin was right for not choosing you. As long that we still breathe we deliver justice for all the innocents you wrong, me among them." Karliah renounced.

"You two are the only Demons we see here." Olayra backed Karliah up.

"As long as you breathe.... eh?" Dolmond echoed ominously Karliah's words. He twitched his eyebrows as he looked before from what he see's as vermin that needed to be squashed before his house rots with their infectious influence.

"I never knew I would have to do this Ladui Silverdane. I thought I have to only deal with your father but it looks like the Gwaed Fruit does not fall far from the tree." He apologized.

Owyne conjured his Magicks from his hands as he charged his body for a spell.

"Look out!" Karliah shoved Olayra behind her as she shielded themselves with a quickly casted Ward that blocked Owyne's Thunderbolt.

"You have been a thorn at our side for long enough." Mogul Dolmond unsheathed his Hammer. "Time to end you."

Karliah and Olayra nimbly dodged the wild swing of the angered Dwarf as the two fled the Grandmaster's Office, quickly losing the two villain's line of sight.

"We have been found!" Dolmond mouth frothed at Owyne. "All because you would not let me have what I want."

"No we are not." Owyne quickly thinked at the skip of his feet. "Guards!" he yelled.

Before long a squad of patrolling College Guards entered the Mogul's room.

"What has happened? There seem's to be some sort of break in?" one of the Guards asked noting the disorderly scene that was produced in the wake of Owyne's earlier Thunderbolt spell.

"Me and Mogul Dolmond were discussing several plans for the war effort when suddenly Karliah Silverdane attempted to assassinate me. She screamed to me: 'Alboen shall return triumphant!'. I managed to protect the Mogul from her Magicks before she attempted to flee." Owyne lied.

He turned his head to the Dwarf, his eyes intently telling him without the need of being spoken to play along with his deceit.

"If you hurry you may catch her! She must be punished!" the Mogul said.

"At once Grandmaster." The Guard said.

The Guards quickly too their leave and hurriedly reported to the Captain of the College's Guards of the attempted treason. Before long, the bells of the College, typically used to either arouse the faculty and students from slumber or to signify important campus-related events was used to alarm all of the Mages of the College of the most horrifying of developments:

That Karliah Silverdane has turned her back on her Nation, her Liege, her People and the God's

"What do we do athro?" Olayra asked Karliah.

"If we can reach the Stables, we maybe able to escape." Karliah proposed.

"Escape where? The Grandmaster will likely send Bounty Hunters and Adventurers to find us no matter where we go." Olayra mentioned their abysmall odds of escape.

"Where else but the one place they will never march towards..." Karliah answered. "There is nowhere else to go but there."

"You are not proposing..." Olayra's eyes widened, knowing what her teacher is nominating the course of their next action.

"Tyr Rian." Karliah confirmed her radical decision. "We shall gamble our lives by seeking refuge their. If we are fortunate perhaps the Share Holder Sam can give us sanctuary from the Empire's wrath."

"What you propose is most perilous to even attempt to do." Olayra nervously gave comment.

"If we time our journey during the night, we can avoid most of the patrols until we reach that Principality. It is our only chance of survival Olayra." Karliah explained her plans.

"But what about the First-Year students? What will happen to them? You promised to protect them." Olayra reminded her.

"I cannot protect them if I am dead. Right now, we must leave Haringpoint and ride for Tyr Rian. Hurry!" Karliah pushed her junior forward.

The two young women scampered off, avoiding the search parties and rudely awakened Mages who were now frantically to varying degrees of aptitude searching for them to prevent them from escaping. Karliah's previous Mana Exhaustion not helping even out their chances of escape. But as if by the grace of the High Wills, the pair made it to the College's stables undetected.

"What will happen if we do reach Tyr Rian?" Olayra asked.

"Find Sam... she is the only person amongst the Otherworlders who can help us." Karliah answered.

They mounted up to one of the steeds on the College's Stables, Karliah taking the stirrup and the junior Olayra holding onto her back. With a quick kick from the adult mage, they galloped forth.

"Over there!" one of the Guards shouted as he spotted the two newly disgraced Collegiates bolted out of the College.

A barrage of Magic Missiles and arrow fire rained down upon Karliah and Olayra's steed as the raced towards a slowly closing gate that barred Harringpoint from the wilderness outside.

But just as the Steed was about to reach the threshold, Karliah heard a soft whimpering squeal behind her.

"Olayra!" she shouted.

The young girl lay down on the ground with a bleeding wound on her back. The College Mage cantered towards the girl before dismounting to tend to her docent pupil.

"Karliah... I... am so sorry..." Olayra coughed. "You need to... the Share Holder... only she... only she... can..."

"No, I promised to protect you..." Karliah shot her down, she could not accept seeing one of her juniors fall upon the very thing that she is trying to protect them from, to be a casualty in a war.

"Go!" Olayra's arm pushed through Karliah's breasts away as she made herself clear of what the young scholastic girl wanted her to do.

With great reluctance and deep regret, Karliah remounted her steed and galloped off. Leaving a slowly bleeding out Olayra to be cornered by their Pursuers.

"Olayra? I always knew you were corrupted all along..." Faithleann walked towards his former childhood friend.

"Little Fish... you are still that foolish little boy... after all these years." She laughed comically.

"You know the penalty for treachery Olayra?" Faithleann asks of her.

"My death will bring nothing, but let me tell you this Little Fish... you are among more Demons than you think..." Olayra spat at him.

"You are wrong Demon! I had enough of your lies and vicious mockeries!" Faithleann bawled madly as he pulled out his sword and with one swift slash, cut Olayra down.

"Rhannu-Prietar... save us..."

As if in one final insult to his ego, Olayra's mask laying now forever frozen, a slight smile of satisfaction as the girl willingly let go of her spirit from this mortal coil.

News eventually spread quickly about the attempted assassination attempt of the Grandmaster in Haringpoint, all of its citizens quick to condemn the cowardly attack and equally as eager to march to the nearest Recruiting Clerks to have them outfitted into the Slaegian Legion for their patriotic duty to defend their motherland from the Otherworldly threat.


Meanwhile as Haringpoint was left addled by the attempted assassination attempt. Karliah Silverdane wasted no time galloping at full speeds with her mount south of Haringpoint, only pausing to consume nourishments. The closest territory she can recall that was is considered Otherworlder Territory was through the newly-conquered Souviel in which she has to pass by several of nightly patrols and hastily dispatched bounty hunters to capture her. The harrowing journey lasted her two days... before she reached Marnia's Bluff, the northern most point of Souviel.

But as she began to rest easy now that she has made it towards the domain of the Invaders. An arrow struck the Mage's steed. Due to its exhaustive use thanks in no part to Karliah's haste, the colt collapsed to the ground as she wiggled off her crushed leg from the wounded mount before clumsily pushing herself southwards.

She simply cannot give up now, not while the lives of many people are at stake, not when her country aimlessly charges forth to a war that they cannot win, not while the machinations of Grandmaster Owyne causes the downward spiral that will cause its collapse. Karliah Silverdane must persevere!

"There she is! Get her!" one of the bounty hunters shouted.

A relentless barrage of arrows began to rain down on her position as Karliah scampered forward, but the area around her in Marnia's Bluff was desolate. It lacked any means of concealment nor cover. To make her predicament direr, the damp sand swamped her footing slowing her stunted attempt to escape. Only sparse green bedding, the crashing ocean waves of the Draguitoise Coast and the verdant sea breeze to witnessed her plight. It would not be long now before one of her pursuer's projectiles met its mark...

Yet none such arrows ever did...

Suddenly as it began with the thirsting cheers of her pursuers, so did they fell silent.

Daring to look behind her, she saw the bodies of her five hunters, fallen into the ground, their blood daubing the gray sand with its crimson paint. As if by divine intervention she was immediately saved!

"Halt!" a voice emerged from the silence. "You approach the territory of the United Federation of Earth! Raise your hands into the air and do not move." He said.

Seeing no other choice less she be struck down as suddenly as pointlessly as her pursuers, Karliah followed the voices orders.

Emerging as if from the very sands itself a cadre of humanoid figures appeared before Karliah. Golems carrying upon their backs as if growing by their bodies wet grasses while complemented by the grainy texture of sands that dotted their bodies approached her slowly. All while aiming their matching colored staves at her. She Karliah shuddered in fear, barely standing upright to maintain her none threatening mien to these strangers. She had not recalled any monsters that dressed like those before her. They were likely the Otherworlders soldiers, likely scouts who patrol the swampy isthmus of Marnia's Bluff.

"Please state your intentions for being here." One of the Otherworlder's ask her.

"I come here... to seek sanctuary from the Empire." Karliah explained herself remembering to not mince her words in front of these imposing entities.

"You have until the count of five to leave this place or my squad will shoot you down... one... two... three..." the Otherworlder asserted himself, thrusting his stave forward threateningly before counting down.

"I wish to seek Audience with one known as Sam! The Share Holder! I... I... know her!" Karliah desperately shrieked. "From... the Volcano... from the Dwarven Mountains." She added.

"Sam? Lew-ten-nan Rose?" the Otherworlder changed his tone. "Stand down." He urged the rest of his companions to lower their staves.

The strange being pressed his chest with his hand and leaned his head over. Was this some sort of spell or enhchantation the Otherworlder is enacting?

"Spearhead this is Owl Three-Two... reporting..." the Otherworlder spoke.

"This is Spearhead, Owl Three-Two. Did something happened?" a voice erupted from the stranger's chest.

"I would like to request a High-Value POW retrieval at Section Echo over." the Otherworlder said.

"Sergeant, were my orders not clear? Eliminate all who approaches Marnia's Bluff?" the Voice coldly reminded her.

Karliah's heart sank upon hearing the imposing voice of the unseen entity. Was this the Otherworlder's Leader? He sounded just like how a leader would, through strict discipline and a little dash of fear would enact upon those under his command.

"Major, this Ech-Vee Pee-Ooh said that she knows Samantha sir, Lieutenant Rose. From the Ostalrocs." The Otherworlder reported.

"From the Ostalrocs?" the mysterious voice questioned.

A moment of tense silence filled the beach's air as Karliah stared apprehensively at the Otherworlders of whom her fate rests upon.

"Request approved. Keep her in your custody until I can send someone over for pickup." The voice answered. "Eee-Tee-Ay twenty minutes."

Karliah's hope reinvigorated after her perilous journey that the College Mage collapsed onto the Otherworlder's arms. Exhausted but rested assured that she was now under their sanctuary.


A bright white light greeted Karliah Silverdane as she awoke from her slumber. She found herself in a bed within a jade-colored room. She noticed that her skin and her hand were attached to several intrusive pieces of strings that connected a collection of strange gizmos that seemed to throb so alive upon being attached symbiotically or perhaps parasitically onto her. Instinctively, the College Mage thought that these wires were some form of probing contraption.

"Don't touch that." a familiar voice entered her ears. "The doctors only just want to make sure your body is okay. You have been through a lot."

A familiar red-headed woman wearing a particularly exotic set of leather gambeson emerged from the side of Karliah's bed, gently holding her hand just as she was about to remove the sticky strings.

"The Share Holder... Samantha." Karliah addressed her.

"You are indeed right... she really is that woman you met at the Volcano." a pale-faced woman with raven hair emerges from the other side of Karliah's bed.

"She tastes exquisite." the raven haired one bantered as she licked her lips. To Karliah's horror it was frothed with blood-diluted saliva. Her blood!

The woman was a Vampire!

"Iris, come on! Don't say that to her. You will creep her out." Samantha reprimanded the Vampire.

"Sorry, but it was such... exhilarating to taste Mage blood..." the Vampire cupped her cheeks and blushed childishly.

"Captain Samantha Rose, if I may?" another man followed behind Samantha, this time emerging from a nearby door. He wore a soft-clothed suit with the cleanest of presses and texture who gave a polite bow as he and the Share Holder faced her.

"Go ahead Agent." the Share Holder nods.

"You are awake now Miss Silverdane. Welcome to New Albany." the man said. "We have much to discuss."