Chapter 98 - The response of the giants!

The media was provoked by the media, and Tang's entanglement between himself and Lyon was revealed. There is no joy in his heart, only ease. This page of Lyon is turned over, and he has a lot of matches. He is going to score goals in the game and help Saint-Germain win more. This is the key.

  At the end of the game, Tang never went home. He called his parents and explained the reason. Saint-Germain will be resting at the hotel in Lyon tonight and will fly to Porto tomorrow morning.

  On the plane the next morning, Tang did not hold the newspaper of the team newspaper in his hand. The above comment was made on the game last night. The title is: grievances, Tang kills the old master!

  "I was abandoned by Lyon, the Chinese striker went to Paris. In the Saint-Germain Don, the club paid attention to it. In the case of two main strikers injured, Tang was recruited to a team two months later. The Chinese striker seized the opportunity. In the first match with Metz's French Cup, came off the bench and used two goals to tell everyone that he is coming!

  In the next few games, the Chinese striker proved himself with constant goals. He was telling Lyon with his actions. Their short-sightedness was stupid.

  With such a mood, the Chinese striker showed his speed perfectly in the game last night. One goal, one assist, just like two swords, the Chinese striker killed the old master at the Gerland Stadium. He told Lyon officials at the Gerland Stadium that he is better than Benzema. Their original decision was ridiculous.

  Tang dedicated his own goal to his enlightenment coach. At that moment, the entire Gerland stadium was full of warmth. Tang used his own actions to tell everyone that the Chinese are full of kindness.

  We wish the Chinese striker a good performance in the three days later. "

  Tang always looked at the words in the newspaper and exhaled a heavy breath.


  Three days later, Saint-Germain met Porto at the Dragon Stadium. On the second day of the game, Tang and his teammates took the plane back to Paris. Looking at the team report on the hand, Tang couldn't help but tilt slightly. He took a sip of orange juice and the words in the newspaper reflected in his eyes.

  The title of the team report is: The Chinese striker is in power, and the defending champion is shameful at home!

  "The defending champion who was forced to go to the road, the 442 formation was discharged last night. Saint-Germain also discharged the formation of 442. The same is the 442 formation, Porto played offensive football, and Saint-Germain played a defensive counterattack.

  Porto started a fierce attack at the start of the game. The two forwards were very excited. Portuguese striker Quaresma had a total of five shots and scored twice in the game. Brazilian striker Fabiano had four shots and scored in the doorframe.

  The two added a total of nine shots, three more times than the entire team of Saint-Germain. However, under the intensive defense of Saint-Germain, they did not convert the shot into a goal.

  In the first half to thirty-one minutes, Porto took advantage of the corner kick, and Greek central defender Setaridis used the header to break the door that Leticzi guarded. After the goal, Porto once saw the dawn of victory.

  In the last six games, Saint-Germain has adopted defensive counterattack tactics. They have won six straight games, showing that they have a very thorough understanding of defensive counterattack tactics.

  Behind the score, Saint-Germain did not panic, they looked for opportunities to fight back quickly. At the end of the first half, Dewu had a long pass and found Tang in the frontcourt. Tang took the ball to break through the defense of Costiga and Setaridis, and angered in front of the penalty area, but unfortunately the veteran Bai Ya saved the bottom line.

  The shot inspired Saint-Germain's fighting spirit. After the start of the second half, Saint-Germain made a crazy counterattack. For a time, Saint-Germain returned to the previous style of play, and the gorgeous offense was unable to find a chance to shoot under the strict defense of Porto. Under the strict defense of the Porto defenders, Chinese striker Tang did not get more chances to shoot.

For ten minutes, Saint-Germain has been in the half of Porto, but only Boscovic has made a long-range shot.

  Gorgeous can't get a shot, Saint-Germain returns to the defensive counterattack track. They recovered their own half and built a line of defense with their bodies. Recycling your own half means there will be more room in the frontcourt. The weapon of Saint-Germain's defensive counterattack, Tang, has a space for super fast speed.

  In the second half of the 19th minute and twenty-five minutes, Tang used a sharp breakthrough to tear open the line of defense of Porto, once to pass the ball to Renaldo, and once shot himself. Both shots failed to break the door that veteran Beyer guarded.

  The game went to thirty-one minutes, and Tang used a sharp breakthrough to win a direct free kick in front of the penalty area. Saint-Germain's midfielder Boscovich made it easy, and Saint-Germain struggled to equalize the score.

  Both sides returned to the same starting line again. Boscovic's goal puts Porto on the road. If they can't win at home, they will really be eliminated in the group stage. Dutchman Adrians began to gamble, he replaced Alenichev, replaced Delray, and turned the formation into 433.

  Ke Adrian's gambling was unsuccessful, and under the tight defense of Saint-Germain, the three forwards did not get a good shot. When the game went to forty-three minutes, the scores of the two sides were still one to one. Just when people think that this game will end in a draw, the situation is abrupt!

  Tang received Rothen's extraterrestrial ball on the sidewalk and once again launched a sharp breakthrough. After bypassing Porto's three defenders, Tang was knocked down by Costiga in the first ten meters of the penalty area. The referee awarded Saint-Germain a free kick and gave Costi a yellow card. Kostiga became a red and was sent off.

  Boscovic will hang directly into the restricted area of ​​Porto, and under the push, both players have not reached the ball. At the moment when football is about to fall on the turf, a blue lightning appears!

  Tang used his right foot to put the football into the goalkeeper of Baia!

  The score became two to one. Saint-Germain kept the score until the end of the game.

  At the press conference after the game, Dutchman Adrien Say praised Saint-Germain and highly praised Chinese striker Tang, who considered his performance to be great. And believe that Tang will become a great striker.

  On another site, the CSKA Moscow lost to Chelsea at home. This way Chelsea scored 12 points after four rounds and has already made it out of the group. Ranked second is Saint-Germain, they scored 6 points, ranked third is the Moscow Central Army, with 4 points, the bottom of the ranking is the defending champion Porto, they only have 1 point.

  If Saint-Germain can defeat the CSKA Moscow in the next round, they will qualify from the group in advance. With the victory of this game, Saint-Germain has already taken the fate in his own hands. "

  Sac, who sat next to Tang, has already entered a dream, and Tang's sight has shifted to the window. Through the glass on the window, Tang will see white clouds like cotton wool, moving slowly backwards. In the last time, you can kill the opponent and help the team win. Tang is in a good mood.

  At this moment his heart is like a white cloud outside the window, leisurely and comfortable!


  At this time, the office of AC Milan Vice President Galliani.

  A scouting report is placed on the table. Under his inspiration, scouts at the Gerland Stadium, after watching the match between Lyon and Saint-Germain, flew to Porto. Two key games are enough to see the ability of a player.

  There was no hair on the bright head, and Galliani picked up the report on the table. His brows slowly stretched and his mouth curled slightly. After half a ring, he looked up at the ceiling and muttered to himself: "Break through 8 points, the speed is superb, and both games have goals!"

  He couldn't help but nod, and a word appeared in his mouth: "Not bad!"

  His brow wrinkled slightly and muttered to himself: "Tactical awareness 6 points?"

  After half a ring, he started laughing again!

  Tactical awareness can be continuously improved through the accumulation of competition experience, but the technology is difficult to improve. He thought that the age of Tang was only seventeen years old, and his heart began to speed up!

  Just use the tactical awareness to reduce the price!

  So Galliani laughed a few times!

  After Abu entered Chelsea, he repeatedly asked AC Milan to buy Ukrainian striker Shevchenko. And Shevchenko also intends to go to Chelsea, he must find a new striker.

  Galliani laughed and said: "Defensive counterattack!"


  The eyes of Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Bayern, and even Barcelona are also aimed at Tang. In the two Champions League games, Tang scored a total of three goals to help Saint-Germain double-kill the defending champion. In this way, he entered the eyes of the European giants!

  Sharp breakthrough, super fast speed, plus his age of seventeen, he has become a treasure in the eyes of European giants. The season is not over yet, and many giants are chasing the 17-year-old Chinese striker!