Chapter 99 - The complex situation of the Champions League group match!

Back in Paris, at the airport's exit, there are fans who welcome them!

  This made Tang very unexpected. Even the serious Wuyid Alilozik had a smile on his face and took a seven-game winning streak. Saint-Germain finally got rid of the downturn at the beginning of the season. He waved to the club officials and fans who greeted them.

  I do not know which fan first yelled: "Don! Don!". Then more than 30 other fans began to call for the name of Tang. Tang feels that his nose is slightly sour, and being cared for is very moving.

  The shouts of the fans let other passengers look at them. There is even a passenger in his twenties who quickly ran to the Saint-Germain players and asked for a signature.

  Deu patted Tang's shoulder and said, "Go! They don't want much, just a signature!"

  Tang must carry a sports bag and walk towards the fans outside the fence. Watching the idols in their hearts go to them, the fans began to scream. They watched the lore of Tang on the TV at home. At that moment, their screams and cheers almost knocked over the roof.

  Tang took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. He waved his hand to the fans. Coming to the fence, a female fan shuddered and reached out, holding the head of Tang, and gently kissed him. Tang glared at her shoulder and politely kissed her face.

  Screams come back!

  It becomes a sea of ​​joy!

  Tang must hold the hats, jerseys and other items handed over by the fans. In the above, I will seriously write down my name in Chinese.

  They don't really want much, maybe a victory, maybe just a signature.


  When I got home, it was already twelve o'clock. I opened the door, and the taste of the pork was poured into the nose of the Tang from the door of the kitchen. There is a sound of cooking in the kitchen.

  Tang always put down the sports bag at the door, lying on the sofa with his eyes open and happy. Some people cook cooking and some are waiting. This is the taste of home!

  "Hey!" The sound of cooking disappeared, and a fiery figure opened the glass door of the kitchen. Tang opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful face. The hair of the cloud was high, and it was a bit mature. The blue pupil shimmered with joy, and a white cartoon apron was wrapped around the slender waist.

  Tang smiled and stood up. He had not seen her for several days. Alice did not speak, she flew to the side of Tang, a mixture of faint body fragrance and the smell of food, into the nose of Tang. Tang felt that this smell was very good, so he put Alice in his arms and made these tastes closer to him.

  Alice gave a soft kiss on Tang's face and whispered in his ear: "Don, your performance last night was too great!"

  Taking advantage of Alice's soft waist, Tang did not correct the mistakes in Alice's voice this time. He was immersed in the taste of home.


  Looking at the table full of meals, Tang can not help but increase appetite. He has been eating western food for a few days, and his mouth has long since collapsed. Don't wait for Alice to start eating, Tang will start to eat!

  Looking at the innocent eating of the big boy in front of him, Alice is very happy and proud. In her opinion, the food she made must be so delicious, so she is proud. Her own work results are recognized by others, so she is happy.

  Tang wiped his mouth and looked up at Alice. He smiled and said: "Alice, the level of your cooking has increased a lot."

  There is praise for motivation. The food that Alice made can only be reluctantly passed. Compared with his father, there is a world of difference. But compared to the beginning, Alice's progress has been very large.

  "Really?" Alice's eyes were twinkling in the eyes.

  "How is the situation like learning?" Tang asked.

  Alice put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at Tang's excitement and said: "Don, tell you a good news, I have signed a contract with a brokerage company. Yesterday, the company said that I can take the T-stage next month. It!"

  For Alice to sign,

Tang is not surprised at all. Excellent body condition, perfect facial features, plus she had studied at the model school before, and changed to him, he had already signed Alice.

  Boarding the T-stage is Alice's pursuit, and she has to embark on her mother's path. Her mother once had a lot of scenery on the T-shaped stage, and she lost many men.

  Alice's beauty is even more so with her mother, Tang will never hear that Alice will set foot on the T-stage show next month. There is a feeling of unhappiness in his heart. This sentiment has just emerged from the bottom of my heart, and he will suppress them.

  Tang said in his heart to himself: "People can't be too selfish. Alice is the perfect embodiment created by God. She can't let her stay at home."

  "Everyone has the right to pursue their ideals!"

  He still has a lot to say, such as: I will not let her go to the T-stage, and five years later, when the contract expires, she will still set foot on the T-stage. Since it can't be stopped, then support it.

  For example: want to pursue greatness, even a woman can not get it, but also pursue a fart!

  There was a horrified look on Tang's face. He asked, "Really?"

  "Master, you started acting again!" Xiaofeifei's voice appeared in Tang's mind.

  "Really! I am going to give you the agreement." Alice would use evidence to prove it. Tang never stopped her action, he wants to make her happy.


  There is no hundred red flowers, and people are not worth a thousand days!

  The worry in Tang's heart finally appeared. This is not because Alice is about to board the T-stage, but he has encountered the greatest difficulty!

  In the away game against Porto, the fate of the Champions League team is firmly in their hands. Saint-Germain challenged Nice on the road three days later. In the end, with the two goals of Rothen and Renaldo, he defeated the opponent 2-0 in the away game and continued the pace of winning streak.

  Tang's consecutive consecutive goal record was terminated, and Nice played against him in this game. A player blocks his connection with the midfielder in front of him. Once he gets the ball to turn around, someone will foul and turn him to the ground. After many hardships and turns, he will have at least two defensive players behind him.

  For the follow-up of the opposing team members, Tang has no accidents. In the previous game, the other party did the same. The real difficulty lies with him. When he makes a final breakthrough, he always has to look at it.

  That one really became the flaw before his breakthrough!

  When he first arrived at the team, Dewu stared at him. He asked Dewu in the training interval, Dewu told him that the one he saw was a flaw.

  Dewu told him to solve this problem, there are two ways. One is the road that Ronnie walks, and he does not look at the direction that will break through before the breakthrough. One is the way Ronaldinho walks. Before the breakthrough, he deliberately glanced at the other side.

  However, in order to pursue the great Tang, the third way was chosen. Before he broke through, he continued to look at the direction of the breakthrough. He wanted to use speed to complete his breakthrough. This is a road to death!

  In order to let him walk through this road, he went to the club's gym and speed training while others were resting. The already strong nerve connection was broken by him, and his speed was slowly increasing.


  The defenders of Nice asked the defenders who had played against Saint-Germain before the game. The defenders told Tang that before the breakthrough, they always had to look at the direction of the breakthrough.

  This is undoubtedly very valuable information, the defenders of Nice through the video of the game, but also studied the other habit of Tang. That is, Tang is used to shooting with his right foot, so in the breakthrough before the shot, he must be a breakthrough on his right side.

  Based on these two points, they finally found a way to deal with Tang.

  In this game, when Tang broke through to the restricted area of ​​Nice, or made a final breakthrough in the restricted area, his eyes just looked at it. When his body's center of gravity fell to the right, the Nice team behind him would Stretch your legs, or shovel the ball!

  No accident, the football was finally destroyed by the Nice team!

  With the first success, the confidence of the Nice defense players increased rapidly. The Nice team kicked the football again and again, and Tang was caught in a huge trouble.

  No sharp breakthrough, no shots, how can break the door.

  Fortunately, Renaldo played very well in this game. He used his own head to break the other side. Then Rothen seized the opportunity in front of the penalty area, shot a strong goal and once again broke the door of Nice, ensuring Saint-Germain's winning streak.

  After the game, the media raised doubts about Tang. This kind of question was confirmed in the following two games.

  The first game was the Ligue 1 match. On December 5th, at the home match against the Lille team, Saint-Germain stopped the winning streak and the two sides exchanged each other's goals and shook hands with zero to zero. In this game, Tang only had two breakthroughs. He shot from outside the penalty area and once missed the bottom line. Once the goalkeeper saved the bottom line.

  The second game was the Champions League group stage. On December 8, Saint-Germain traveled to England to challenge Chelsea. In the first four rounds of Chelsea, they achieved a full victory. They have already made two rounds in advance. So in this game, the Magic Bird sent a bench lineup.

  This is the best time to defeat Chelsea, but in the game, Chelsea's substitutes did not give St. German too many opportunities, Tang must be under Chelsea's double-team, only one shot. The arrow couldn't be powerful, and Saint-Germain's flowering and unproductive situation was once again staged.

  The two sides ended in a draw with zero to zero.

  In another match at the same time, CSKA Moscow lost to Porto at zero. The results of the two games made the situation in Group H intricate.

  After five rounds, Chelsea scored 13 points with four wins and one draw, ranking first in the group. Saint-Germain has two wins, one draw and two losses, with 7 points and a second place in the group. Porto has one win, one draw and three losses and the same with Moscow CSKA. Points, because the winning and losing relationship ranks third in the group.

  In addition to Chelsea has already been ahead of the line, among the remaining three teams, the defending champion Porto is actually out. If they beat Chelsea in the final game by 7 points, the Central Army can also beat Saint-Germain at home, so the three teams have 7 points. According to the rules of the Champions League, the points are the same, and they compare each other's winning and losing relationship.

  In the three teams, Porto has only one win, one draw and two losses, the worst; the Central Army is two wins, one draw and one loss, the best; Saint-Germain is two wins and two losses, centered.

  If this situation arises, the Central Army will rank second in the winning and losing relationship and will qualify from the group.

  For Saint-Germain, in the final group match, they must at least draw the Central Army to ensure the team qualify. However, in the face of the Central Army, which also has the hope of qualifying, they will definitely give up their lives, leaving Saint-Germain at home and qualifying from the group.

  Twenty days later, the game that decided to qualify for the group is about to start!