Chapter 100 - Morning exercises in the cold wind!

Failed to win Chelsea from the bench at Stamford Bridge, Saint-Germain can only draw the CSKA Moscow in the final game to ensure the team qualify.

  For three consecutive games, Tang never scored a goal and did not have an assist. On the second day after the end of the game with Chelsea, the French media questioned Tang. In the 90-minute game, Tang only had one shot, which is the main place for the media to criticize.

  In connection with the previous two games, the French media shouted: "The weakness of the Chinese striker is obvious, and Saint-Germain is once again in a downturn."

  Tang's first gully on the professional football scene has finally arrived. His technique has entered a dead end!

  If he can't solve the problem that is currently happening, he will start to quiet and even sit on the bench and finish his football. How can Tang let this situation continue? His dream is to be the greatest striker of this era, let all the guards screaming forwards!

  Although Tang has already expected it before, after many games, those experienced guards will find their own flaws. However, what he did not expect is that they not only discovered this flaw, but even he himself Unexplained flaws were also discovered.

  The right foot with the ball, the right foot shot, so in the breakthrough to the end, must be to the right side of the ball. This is the flaw he has not noticed before.

  Supercomputer Xiaofeifei told Tang's analysis: "Master, your technology is too monotonous. There are three ways to change the current dilemma.

  The first road, increase the way of shooting, to avoid a single shooting technique.

  The second way, you have to train your left foot shot technique to avoid a situation that only breaks to the right before the final shot.

  The third way is the one you changed before the final breakthrough. "


  At this time, AC Milan retracted the quotation form to be handed out, and other giants took a wait-and-see attitude. Only Real Madrid gave Saint-Germain an intention to buy Tang, but their offer was only 5 million euros.

  Saint-Germain directly rejected Real Madrid and knew they were pressing the price. If the quotation is handed out before the three games, their offer must be higher than this price.

  Saint-Germain doesn't want to sell Tang now, the team needs him now. They expect to go further in the Champions League. When the team won seven consecutive victories, club president Greerle even suggested that Saint-Germain's goal this season is to win in Ligue 1 .

  Even if you want to sell, you have to sell a good price. Real Madrid's offer is too low, far below their expectations.

  The different reactions of the giants are doubts about the ability of Tang.


  At 10:30 in the evening, the living room was dark.

  Alice sat on the bed and looked at the laptop screen on her knees. In another room, Tang leaned against the bed and looked at the pale blue curtains, his brows locked.

  Xiaofeifei is a supercomputer. Its analytical ability is super strong. Tang has no reason not to believe it. The three roads proposed by Xiao Feifei are his best way to solve the current predicament.

  For the first road, Tang definitely agrees that as a striker, there should be a variety of means of breaking. For example, now, it is impossible to use a breakthrough shot. He can take a shot in the penalty area. He can also cooperate with his teammates in front of the penalty area. He can cut into the penalty area without a ball and then take the ball to shoot.

  Thinking of this, there are many scenes in which his striker has broken.

  After a long while, Tang nodded, and this road did not appear in the current predicament, and will definitely go in the future. A fresh trick, eating all over the sky, does not apply to modern football. Think of Ronnie, in addition to the sharp breakthrough shot, he will take a shot in the penalty area a lot of time.

  For the second road, Tang also believes that it is very correct. Both feet can shoot, this modern football demand for the striker. Only one shot can be shot, and his current situation will appear. The defenders will only pay attention to his last glimpse.

As long as his center of gravity has just turned to the right, the defenders are ready to destroy. Once the football is out of his right foot and out of his protection, the defenders will jump out of their feet and steal the football.

  If the left foot can also shoot, there are two breakthrough directions in front of the shot. Even if someone is behind him, he can't predict his breakthrough direction in advance. At their own super fast speed, if the defenders can't predict in advance, they will not be able to steal if they make their own actions!

  As for the third road proposed by Xiao Feifei, Tang did not hesitate at all, he directly denied it!

  When Dewu provided himself with two roads, he chose the third road, which is a road. Tang is absolutely proud. He has to go without others to succeed, so that he can have a sense of accomplishment. And he has always believed that he can succeed. He wants to tell all the guards in the world. It is not a flaw, but a prelude before the lore!

  In the eyes of Tang, the reason why no one has taken this road before is because they think that this road is too difficult and meaningless. Tang believes that according to Ronnie's speed, he may succeed in this path. Why did Ronnie not go this way? Tang never knows that if there is a chance, he will definitely ask Ronnie.

  I want to understand the problem and find the way forward. Tang feels relaxed and relaxed. He exhales a long breath and exhales the depression in the chest.

  Tang has definitely worked out a specific training plan in his heart, taking the ball with his left foot and shooting with his left foot. This is the first thing to do now.

  In addition, in the current stage of the game, you should cooperate with your teammates. Once you find yourself facing multiple opponents, you must find a way to pass the football to your teammates. If the opponent is a person to defend himself, then make a breakthrough!

  Breakthrough is a must-have weapon for great forwards, and it is the sharpest weapon!


  At 7 o'clock the next morning, Tang never got out of bed on time. With the determination to smash the media, he set foot on the training ground of the second team in the cold morning wind. At this time, the sun has not yet broken away from the shackles of the night, and in the bright sky, the stars are faintly visible. Even the pigeons are still asleep, they buried their heads in the warm fluff under the wings, looking for grass seeds buried in the grass in their dreams.

  At this point, most people are in sleep. Arendt, who was mixed up at the hotel last night at the hotel, was holding a beautiful woman and sleeping in bed.

  Xiaofeifei told Tang that the temperature was only five degrees at this time. Tang was wearing a sports jacket and began to run around the football field. The cold air is like a knife, straying straight in his nose. The hot air exhaled from the nostrils meets the cold air and turns into two white dragons!

  Success has always come from hard work. Even if Tang is extremely talented, he will also be more successful than others. For the dream of the past life, he is like a lone wolf in the cold winter night, stepping on the foot of loneliness, using a sensitive sense of smell, looking for the taste left by the prey!

  Waiting for Tang to run around the football field for ten laps, the winter is free from the shackles of the night, and the half of the face is exposed in the east side. Perhaps it is the effort to get rid of the night, the sun is blushing, the faint sunshine, no trace of temperature.

  Tang will take off his sports jacket and reveal the shorts inside. Suddenly, Tang's body was wrapped in white mist, as if bathed in hot water and wrapped in white steam.

  The skin that is exposed to the outside reacts suddenly, and the tiny cockroaches erect on the skin like mushrooms. Tang never ignored this. He pulled his left foot and held the football under his feet. However, with the left foot, he took the football forward! forward!


  Tang is not alone. In the dormitory building opposite the stadium, on the balcony somewhere, someone is accompanying him in the cold wind. Such as the long hair of the cloud, draped in the back, the blue pupil, slightly upturned mouth corner. Her body was wrapped in a thick red coat, and Alice stood on the balcony and looked at the figure in the morning sun. Her heart was moving and moving.

  Alice remembered the conversation on the couch after dinner for two people last night. She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows!

  "Don, you have to relax. Don't pay attention to the media's comments. Everyone's state has ups and downs. I believe that you will get better soon!

  "Thank you! I am not nervous. Now I have to think about something. The media, I have never cared about them. They will blow you up when you are doing well. When you are not doing well, they will You scored eighteen layers of hell.

  The current predicament is only temporary. I will clarify this issue tonight and there will be changes tomorrow. What is this ups and downs? "

  Alice looked at Tang in the empty stadium and asked in her mouth: Why is this guy always so confident?

  On the fifth day after the match with Chelsea, Saint-Germain will challenge Sochaux on the road. The time left for Tang is only four days, is it still too late?