Chapter 101 - Change the Pass!

On December 13th, Saint-Germain played away to Sochaux.

  Vaid Alilozik is under tremendous pressure from the outside world and continues to make Tang the first to start. Tang has won three consecutive games, no goals, no assists, and faced the defender's double-team in the game. His former breakthrough has disappeared. Tang is in a downturn.

  Vaid Alilozik believes that even a famous star, the success rate is very low in the face of multi-person double-team. Tang is only seventeen years old, and his football path has just begun. Therefore, although Tang is not satisfactory in three games, Vaid Alilozik believes that he should be trusted and give him more opportunities.

  Kana returned from injury in this game, which increased the strength of Saint-Germain's defense. Vaid Alilozik did not put Dewu in the position of the central defender, but let him play with Kana.

  The rapid growth of Sack is an important reason for Vaid Alilozik to make this decision.

  There is another good news for Saint-Germain. The top star on the front line, Pauletta, has started training with his teammates. According to the advice of the team doctor, Pauleta will appear in the next game.

  For Saint-Germain, this is good news, but for Tang, it is a huge pressure. If there is no good performance in the game with Sochaux, he will be replaced by Pauletta!

  Pauleta has long been famous and has won the title of Ligue 1 Archer for many times. It was one of the greatest heroes of Saint-Germain last season and the French runner-up. He returned from injury and Vaid Alilozik had no reason to put him on the bench.

  For Tang, he has no retreat. Either score in the game, or in the next game, sit on the bench and watch the match between Pauleta and Renaldo. Pride is like him, and that situation is more uncomfortable than killing him.

  However, the reality is that the defenders of the French team have found a way to deal with him. If Tang does not change during the game, he will fall into the baggage of the Sochaux defender and be easily intercepted by them.

  For Tang, this is a game without a retreat!


  Standing in the middle circle, Tang's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he exhaled a long breath. Renaldo looked at Tang's dignified expression, and he knew that Tang's condensed expression was the reason. Renaldo smiled and said: "Tang, relax a little. Believe in yourself!"

  Tang turned his head and looked at Renaldo. His mouth was slightly tilted and he said with a smile: "You guess I can score a few balls?"

  How many balls?

  In one of the three games, none of the goals were scored, and the defenders of the Ligue 1 found weaknesses. In the previous game, Tang's most goals were shot through a breakthrough. The sharp breakthrough is not happening. What does he use to score?

  Renaldo shook his head, and Tang turned his eyes and counted his heart. He said, "Let's gamble like this?"

  "I bet I can score two goals, one ball for ten thousand francs!"

  In the first Champions League match of Tang, he opened a gamble and gambled that he could score two goals. The odds are one to two. Many players from Saint-Germain have participated. In that game he finished the bet and earned 4.26 million francs. At the time, Renaldo made a 200,000 bet.

  Renaldo listened to Tang's words and almost laughed. He shook his head and said, "No, one ball is 100,000!". If Tang does not have any grain in this game, he will recover 200,000 of his losses.

  Tang is a brow!

  Then his brow wrinkled again, and after a moment he looked at Renaldo:

  "it is good!"


  "Hey!..." The referee whistled and the match between Saint-Germain and Sochaux officially began. Renaldo took over the football from Tang and kicked the ball to the backcourt.

  Sochaux launched a storm on the start of the game, and St. Germain's two consecutive draws were the source of their confidence. The front is weak, Saint-Germain did not score a goal in two games.

  He is sick and wants him!

  This is my own home,

Sochaux wants to end the unbeaten record of Saint-Germain's nine games. A wave of offensives, like the tide of rushing to the restricted area of ​​Saint-Germain. Saint-Germain's double mid-back played an important role at this moment, and Kana and Deu built a strong defense line in front of the back line. Do not let Sochaux attack in front of the penalty area.

  Sosho tried to attack the situation and attacked from both sides. Football is frequently passed from two sides to the restricted area of ​​Saint-Germain. The busy figure of Sack and Yepes in the penalty area shows how ferocious the side attack of Sochaux is.

  In the face of Sochaux's oppressive style of play, Saint-Germain, under the command of Captain Dewu, calmly fought. This wave of Sochaux's offensive lasted for ten minutes.

  In the first ten minutes of the difficult start of the game, Saint-Germain gradually stabilized his position and slowly got an offensive. Under the leadership of Boscovic, Saint-Germain's midfielders played a gorgeous match.

  This is the usual routine of Saint-Germain. Before Vaid Alilozik proposed defensive counterattack tactics, they all attacked by controlling the midfield.

  The reason why Saint-Germain can play gorgeous football is because their midfielders have a tacit understanding in the offense. However, it is surprising that in this game, Tang has actually added it!

  Holding the ball in the back, Tang did not forcefully turn around as in the past, but directly passed the football to his teammates!

  Holding the ball sideways, facing the multi-person baggage of Sochaux, Tang will not wait for the actual formation of the bag, and directly pass the ball to the teammates!

  Even if there is no angle to pass the ball to the teammates, in the face of multi-person double-team, the line of Tang's smashing ball has also undergone tremendous changes. In the past, the direction of the ball was the only one, and that was to kill the opponent's restricted area. Today, he actually takes the ball horizontally and even takes the ball backwards!

  Standing in front of the restricted area, Sac looked at the scene, his brow furrowed, and he muttered to himself: "Is this still him?". Since August this year, Tang has come to the Saint-Germain II team. Whether it is participating in the U17, U19 or the Youth League, Sak's Tang Dynasty is always with a decisive temper and directly kills the opponent's restricted area. Even if he fails, he will still do the following.

  The two went to a team together, and Tang did not play in Ligue or Champions League. The sharp breakthrough has almost become his synonym. Now, the Tang, who loves to break through, does not break through, but chooses to cooperate with teammates.

  There is a doubt in Sac's mind: Isn't the breakthrough, or the original butcher?

  Renaldo looked at the black hair fluttering in his head and had a strange feeling in his heart. He is still not sure whether the change in Tang is good or bad. But the change of Tang, at least let his gambling contract have the possibility of completion. He could not help but ask in his heart: Is this the source of his confidence?

  The guards of Sochaux are in awe. They studied the video of the Champions League match between Saint-Germain and Chelsea yesterday, and passed through the channel with the defenders of the Lille team. They think that finding a way to deal with the Chinese striker, when the football is passed to Tang, the guards of Sochaux are inexplicably excited.

  It seems to be a very exciting thing to stop the Chinese striker.

  However, the changes in the Tang Dynasty made their plans before the game unsuccessful. If it is a heavy punch on cotton, there is no point at all. The subtle changes in the hearts of the Sochaux guards, they can not help but suddenly, as time goes by, suddenly change slowly, and finally become fear!

  Sochaux's head coach began to dignified. The Chinese striker was amazing in the previous period. Not only did he create the youngest goal record in the Champions League, but he also played a hat trick in the third game of the French League. This is definitely an extremely difficult striker.

  In the past three games, the Chinese striker has no revenue. He thought that his defenders can easily complete the task of freezing the Chinese striker today. Now it seems that there are variables!

  Sitting on the bench, Vaid Alilezic has a hint of joy in his eyes!

  Change it!

  Change is the king. The sharp breakthrough is through constant change, shifting, and fake action, so that the other party can make mistakes in the prejudgment, thus breaking through the past!

  Unchanging tactical routines are easy to be seen by the other side. Only the ever-changing tactics can kill the enemy!

  The child is extremely savvy and wakes up in just a few days. Other players may take months or even years to realize this truth.

  It is not easy!


  In the twenty-seventh minute, Boscovich slanted in the first ten meters of the restricted area and passed directly to the foot of Tang. Back to the goal, Tang never stopped the ball, "Hey!" A cracked sound, Tang directly returned to Boscovic!

  After the passing of the Tang, such as lightning, ran towards the Sochaux restricted area!

  Tang's absolutely running position, reminding Boscovic, the two can come back and knock back and turn around and play together!