Chapter 106-Discard Pride!

Orange football looks like a cannonball.

  The snow is different from the turf. The cushion is greater. The height of Letizi jumping on the ground is a few centimeters lower than the turf. This is terrible. In an instant, the football passed from Letizi's fingertips!

  The football flew over the goal line and drilled into the net socket from the upper left corner of the goal. Shocking cheering broke out at Luzhniki Stadium, CSKA Moscow took its destiny in its own hands. The stand has become a world of fire, and the innumerable flames of fire have released the passion in your heart.

  CSKA's right forward Yarosek, using the header to knock on the door guarded by Letizi, CSKA leads by one!

  Saint-Germain's bench was silent, and the stands on the west side of the stadium were silent.

  A bigger blow appeared ten minutes later, and the CS Army sideline hand-drawn Simic broke through the sideline and passed the football to the penalty area. The Saint-Germain defender did not touch the football, and Wagler ran into the ball. Letizi did not respond, and the football once again penetrated his gate.

  CSKA leads 2-0!

  They kept the score until the end of the first half. Huang Jianxiang said during the intermission: "Snowfield operations, the Central Army is more adaptable than Saint-Germain. They play simple and use high strength conditions for aerial operations. The always gorgeous Saint-Germain cannot control the midfield in the snow. This is why they fell behind in the first half.

  The Chinese teenager's performance in the first half was remarkable, with three shots and two hits within the frame. Without the support of the midfield, he could not use his speed advantage. Playing in the snow, his sharp breakthrough in the past is hard to see. If he wants to score, he still has a lot to do.

  With a two-to-zero lead, the Central Army has entered the Champions League knockout with half a foot. "

  Commentator Zhang Lu took the topic and said, "Yeah, Saint-Germain is very difficult to reverse, unless there is a miracle. If Saint-Germain wants to improve in the second half, they should be more active. They should be more defensive Great protection for the middle road.

  In the offense, it is necessary to blossom more. In addition to the midway attack, the offense must be launched from two sides. Renaldo's header still has a certain threat. In this weather, his header should have a greater effect.

  From the perspective of Saint-Germain's offensive system, Tang Jue's performance is very important. If he can seize the opportunity in the second half, Saint-Germain can still create miracles. After all, the world of football is where miracles work. "


  The game started on time in the second half. Saint-Germain was already on a dead end. They didn't want to be eliminated by the Central Army. Tang Jue had a lot of pressure on him. In this kind of weather, his sharp breakthrough was difficult to play a role, and Pauletta sat on the bench with an eye for it. It is foreseeable that if he cannot score as soon as possible in the second half, it will be a matter of time before he is replaced by Pauletta.

  Thinking of what he said to Pauletta before the game, Tang frowned, almost speaking the words of letting Xiaofeifei help him. As proud as he is, he really does not want to rely on external forces, but to rely on his own ability to perform well.

  Tang Jue said in his heart: "Wait a minute! If it doesn't work, help me!"

  Xiaofeifei said happily, "Master, all right!"

  At the beginning of the game, Saint-Germain flowed like a tide to the opposing half. The Central Army waited closely. Two to zero was enough for them to advance. The main task of the second half was to defend and then counterattack.

  In its own half, the Central Army formed three lines of defense, the striker and the front waist forming the first line of defense, the midfield forming the second line of defense, and three defenders as the last line of defense. Between each line of defense is like seven or eight meters, like a fishing net, to block Saint-Germain attacking players.

  In the seventh minute of the game, Ben Assauer made a breakthrough on the left. After a sudden stop, Berezotz was left behind by Ben Assauer!

  Huang Jianxiang said quickly: "This is definitely a good opportunity!"

  Where will be Ben Assauer's pass? Where can I grab some points?

  Under tremendous pressure, Tang must have left pride aside. He said in his heart: "Quick! Predict the point!"

  As soon as the words fell, Tang appeared in front of two lines, a slightly thick red line pointing directly to the front of the small restricted area, where there was no one. A thin red line is in front of the small restricted area, where five or six people are standing. The picture in front of you is both virtual and real. The positions of the defensive players are clear, and even their movement in reality is exactly the same as the virtual picture!

  Tang must know that the slightly thicker line is the most likely fall point, and the position pointed by the slightly thinner red line is less likely to appear.

  Tang Jue moved from the fast to the falling point in the virtual picture. When Ben Assault passed the ball, there was only one red line left in the virtual picture!

  This red line is the slightly thick red line just now!

  Too late to sigh, Tang must rise on the snow!

  I saw a blue lightning moving towards the ball, and another red figure, quickly moving towards the ball from the middle of the small penalty area.

  Huang Jianxiang said excitedly: "Tang Jue went up! He jumped up! He wants to shoot with a header!"

  "Pong!" A crisp sound, Tang Jue's head was on the football. The moment his forehead touched the football, he shook his head to the right. The football changed direction and flew towards the upper right corner of the goal!

  Immediately after this sound, a dull sound followed by "嘭!" When returning to the penalty area to defend Gusev, when Tang Jue's header shot, his head also headed towards the football. It's just that he didn't hit the football, but on the temple on the right side of Tang Jue!

  The dull sound was made by Gusef on Tang Jue's temple.

  Tang Jue screamed, "Ah!"

  After screaming, his body lost his balance and fell heavily on the snow!

  When Tang Jue headed the goal, Achinfeffer stood in the middle of the goal line. The shooting distance was too close, and Achinfeff couldn't make a save action at all. Instantly, the football crossed the goal line and got into the net nest!

  Huang Jianxiang said aloud, "The goal has been scored!

  Tang must fall!

  The score became two to one, and Saint Germain was one goal behind. "

  The Saint-Germain players cheered at the moment of scoring. After a short while, they suddenly realized that they had made great contributions. Now they were lying on the icy snow, and they ran towards Tang absolutely!

  After scoring the goal, Vayd Alilozick walked into the command zone and looked at Tang Jue lying on the snow. He had no joy after scoring on his face, but was anxious.

  Assistant coach Rubier asked in his ear: "It's time to let Pauletta move!"

  Vaid Alilotsik hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He didn't know whether Tang Jue's injuries were serious. Judging from experience, Tang Jue was definitely a mild concussion. In this case, substitutions are inevitable!

  Vayd Alilocik consoled himself: he's done his job, he's only seventeen years old and he shouldn't put such a heavy load on his shoulders. The task of another ball is left to Pauletta!


  Gazaev, sitting on the bench, hugged his head in pain. He couldn't blame his team member for this conceded goal. The Chinese striker, unknown prophet, ran away like a football drop before Ben Assauer passed the ball, which is weird.

  He looked up with a stern look in his eyes. His location was only twenty meters from the center of the incident, and he even heard the dull sound. He thought to himself: It should be useless!


  The perpetrator Gusev looked at Tang Ju lying on the snow holding his head in pain, his heart faintly cold, he didn't know why Tang Ju could know the whereabouts of Ben Assauer's pass in advance, which was very unreasonable. . He thought of a possibility that Saint-Germain had already arranged such a tactic in ordinary training. Ben Assauer made a breakthrough and approached.

  Gusef said to himself in his heart: It must be so!


  To the west of the stadium, Saint-Germain fans cheered after they saw the football fly into the net nest. They saw hope to equalize the score, so they shouted neatly: Saint Germain! Saint Germain!

  When they found Tang Jue lying on the snow, they remembered the scene of Tang Jue's header. There was a lingering pain in their hearts, and a touch of emotion came from their hearts.

  This ball was made by Tang Jue!

  So they shouted, "Don! Don! Don!"

  They hoped that their shouts would allow him to get up from the snow and throw himself into the battle again. In their hearts, Tang must be the savior!

  Tang Jue has rescued their fallen hearts many times during the crisis, pulling them out of the abyss.

  A sound of truth, a hysterical sound!

  They will wake up the savior in their hearts, let him stand up and save them again!


  The severe pain made Tang extremely dizzy. He only remembers shooting with his head, and he didn't know what happened next. Tang Ju asked softly in his heart, "Did the goal?"

  Xiaofeifei said, "Master, the goal has been scored."

  Tang Ju laid a stone in his heart, and asked again: "Is the problem serious?"

  Xiaofeifei said, "Master, no problem. Your body has been genetically modified. This collision is just a small matter to you."

  Tang must breathe out in his heart!


  Huang Jianxiang's shocked voice sounded on the TV screen: " Tang must stand up!"

  In a room in a certain place in China, wearing a down jacket, a fan looked at Tang Ju, who was slowly rising from the snow, picked up the wine bottle at his hand, looked up, and was excited. It was late at night, and he could not cheer loudly, but could only vent some emotion in his heart by drinking.


  Tang Jue got up from the snow, he shook his head and shouted in the sky!

  The expression of joy on the player's face on Saint-Germain's field, the worry just now, fell on the snow falling in front of him with the loud howling of Tang Jue.

  The CSKA players looked at Tang Jue in shock, and the perpetrator Guseff even opened his mouth wide. Gazaev's eyes were gloomy. CSKA fans looked at Tang Jue who was looking up, wondering who applauded first, and then the whole Luzhniki stadium rang applause!

  The savior stood up again, and the Saint Germain fans thought it was their shouts that awakened him, so they were so excited that they exhausted their efforts again and shouted, "Don! Don! Don!"

  With a sound, joy is revealed!

  With a sound, full of hope!

  As long as he stands on the pitch, he can do wonders!

  The referee was still a bit uneasy. He asked Tang Jue to go to the sidelines for a doctor's examination. Tang was never entangled with the referee. Time was their biggest enemy. He went to the side and was examined by the team doctor.

  Before reopening, Tang Ju returned to the field. Neat applause rang out from the west of the stadium. This time they didn't shout, they want to use their energy when it matters most.