Chapter 107-Football is a beautiful hydrangea!

After more than 50 minutes of stamping by the player, the snow became hard and slippery, and someone kept falling. Snowflakes did not stop, they floated on the shoulders and hats of the fans, and the fans became whiteheads.

  The hearts of the fans on both sides are hot. The two teams are one goal away, and any possibility may arise. They are hopeful about the game. CSKA fans hope to keep the score until the end of the game; Saint-Germain fans hope that their soldiers will score another goal to equalize the score.

  Saint-Germain scored a goal, and the Central Army did not panic. They strictly implemented the head coach's plan and kept their lead until the end of the game. They put most of their strength in the midfield and back, and focused their energy on defense.

  Gazaev's wishful thinking is not unreasonable. Under such weather conditions, players are difficult to move, let alone stand firm, it is difficult to break through, shoot, and break the goal. They were lucky, seizing the few chances and scoring two goals in the first half.

  Saint-Germain's sharpest weapon is Chinese striker Tang Jue. On the hard and slippery snow, he cannot show a sharp breakthrough, and what else can he use to break the door. For Tang Jue's header shot, Gazaev thought it was an accident. There will always be some surprises during the game.

  Saint-Germain's players haven't given up yet, and they hit the opponent's goal time and time again in the snowflakes.

  The cold air ran through the player's lungs like a knife. A knife stabbed here and stabbed there. The player's face turned pale. Endure the bitter cold weather, they have to run fast. Every run is difficult, even more difficult than the devil training they usually do.

  In addition to providing energy to the exercise system, limited physical energy is also used to protect against the cold. Saint-Germain players are still insisting on a strong fight, and they don't know how long they can persist.

  Although accustomed to snow battles, the Central Army players are flesh and blood, they are not made of steel. Even if they were cast from steel, their movements began to slow down at such low temperatures.

  This is the hope of Tang Jue!

  He has no fear of coldness in his genetically modified body. The energy stored in the body is continuously delivered. He became the most active person on the court.

  In the 25th minute of the second half, Tang Jue made a sharp breakthrough on the hard and slippery snow. The breakthrough technology reached the beginning of the star, and there were 600 changes under his feet. In the afterglow, Tang Jue broke out from the double team of the CSKA!

  Another CSKA player immediately came forward and he was going to block!

  Breaking through him is single-handed!

  Countless snowflakes are dancing around Tang Jue. At this moment, he looks like a peerless swordsman, waving his sharp sword in the snowflakes in the sky, piercing the opponent's heart!

  Left foot to the left, Tang must break to the left!

  After careful study, the Ligue 1 defenders saw his habits and found a way to deal with him. Tang Ju failed in two consecutive games. It is impossible for a striker to score every game, which has to do with state and luck.

  Tang Ju didn't score in those two games, it is not a matter of state and luck, but his technique is stuck in a dead end. So he felt pained, and with the help of Xiaofeifei, he found a solution. Every morning, while others are still sleeping, he trains his left foot skills on the training ground of Saint-Germain's second team.

  At this moment, instead of carrying the ball with his right foot, he used the ball with his left foot to show the training results these days.

  The football obediently rolled to the right of the opponent's body. Tang was like a Siberian tiger. He was aggressive and killed the past!

  The last moment football was very obedient, the next moment it would not listen to Tang Jue's command. Football rolls on hard and slippery snow. It rolls differently from turf, and it rolls faster.

  When Tang chased it aggressively, it suddenly accelerated. Berezotz, who quickly chased from behind, missed such an opportunity. He stepped forward and kicked the football out of the bottom line, disrupting Tang Jue's breakthrough.

  The home fans gave warm applause.

  Vaid Alilotsik shook his head and shouted. If Tang Ju breaks through, it will be a one-shot. But his heart started to heat up, and he saw hope!

  Tang Jue's face was gloomy. He was not discouraged. He believed that there would be a chance to continue this way.


  In the penalty area are red and blue CSKA players wearing red jerseys, standing between Saint-Germain players and the goal. Their hands were not idle, and they clung tightly to the blue jersey in front of them.

  Ben Assauer kicked the football, and the header was the most powerful attack in this weather. So far, three goals have been scored, two of which have been headers.

  If football looks like a hydrangea thrown by a beauty, a dozen men in the penalty area will grab the hydrangea in their own hands and grab it, and the beauty is theirs!

  Tang Jue stood outside the penalty area, and his header was not his strong point. In this case, the supercomputer Xiaofeifei could not calculate the final development of football. He had to stand outside the penalty area. If luck was enough and the football flew out of the penalty area, he would have a chance to shoot.

  The people fought bravely, and after unwilling, they pulled each other up from the snow!

  "Ping-pong!" With a crisp sound, De Uli pushed his defense against Sembras and reached the orange football. The football changed direction and blasted towards the goal like a cannonball!

  Huang Jianxiang's excited voice sounded on the TV: "Dewu topped the football, Achenfeifu did not hit the football, the goal was empty! Ah ... the goal!

  Saint-Germain equalized the score!

  Incredible situations appeared. Saint Germain drew two goals in the second half after losing two goals in the first half. Now the score of the two sides is two to two. According to this score, Saint-Germain's points are seven points. Regardless of the result of another match, Saint-Germain will enter the Champions League semi-finals as the second group. "

  Zhang Lu took the topic and said: "The Central Army paid the price for its conservativeness. Since the beginning of the second half, they have been focusing their energies on defense. They thought that they were two goals ahead and they were already in victory.

  In contrast, Saint-Germain, two goals behind in the first half, forced the Jedi to launch a Jedi counterattack in the second half. They were very active in the game. Although they did not occupy the right place, they evened the score with their own efforts.

  Of course, this game is not over, and no one can predict the outcome of the game. Under this score, the Central Army has only one way, and that is to attack! "


  To the west of the Luzhniki stadium are Saint Germain fans from afar. They have only 2,000 people. Compared with more than 80,000 home fans, they are too small. At this moment, they cheered no less than 80,000 people!

  The home fans fell into silence, from two to zero to two to two, and they fell from heaven to hell. Their hearts were cold, and in order to dispel the chill in their hearts, after a short silence, they started shouting, "Red Army! Red Army! Red Army!"

  Doesn't the Red Army mean Liverpool?

  Xiaofeifei immediately puzzled Tang: "Master, CSKA Moscow had an army background at the beginning. The people of the former Soviet Union nicknamed them the" Red Army. " They won seven times in the former Soviet Football League, each time 1946 ... "

  Xiaofeifei started to show off everything he knew.

  Tang never ignored Xiao Feifei, he went to cheer with his teammates!


  In the shouts of the fans, the CSKA changed its opening tactics and launched a fierce attack. For a moment, the snow on the Luzhniki stadium became a world of fire!

  Saint-Germain quickly recovered their own half-time reorganized defense line. When they were short of major generals, they were often bombarded by opponents. They are used to this scene.

  So they are very calm.

  This situation contains the opportunity for a quick counterattack. Tang must be the arrow of a quick counterattack. His speed is very fast and he breaks through sharp. It was because of the emergence of Tang Jue that Vayd Alilozik changed Saint-Germain's tactics. In many games, they played defensive counterattacks.

  So at the moment Vaid Alilozick's mouth is slightly tilted!


  The red flame seemed to devour everything in front of it. Except for the three guards and other CSKA players, they rushed to Saint-Germain's half and they wanted to besiege their opponents.

  They have no retreat, and a draw means they will stop in the group stage with the Champions League.

  Pauletta was very depressed. When Tang Jue was injured, he began to warm up on the sidelines under Rubier's advice. However, when Tang Jue got up from the snow, no one noticed him. When he looked at Tang Jue's team doctor, he still had hope in his heart. When Tang Jue left the team doctor and went into the stadium, he returned to the bench, put on a thick sports jacket, and sat quietly in a chair.

  He is Saint-Germain's number one star. Key games cannot be played, all of which are caused by Tang Jue. An idea was slowly brewing in Pauletta's mind. The idea passed over time, and at the end of the season, he asked the club for a transfer.


  As Vayd Alilocik thought, 35 minutes into the game, Carner intercepted the ball in the backcourt, he directly passed to Dewu not far away. Dewu's long pass skills are the best in the team.

  Before receiving the ball, Dewu had already observed the situation in the frontcourt. Stopping, traversing, passing, reaching the initial level of the star, Dewu's moves are very consistent.

  Fight back quickly!

  Vaid Alilotsik's eyelids jumped a few times. He's hot!

  The football flew in the sky, and the snowflakes in the air gave way to it. This made the football very happy. It screamed cheerfully and flew towards the halftime field of the Central Army!

  Tang Jue 's feet were nailed to the snow like nails. Behind him was the right guard of the Central Army Berezotz. When the football fell on his chest, his chest was retracted slightly. When the football bounced through the chest in the air, he raised his right foot, and after the football fell on the snow, he passed the ball with one kick!

  Renaldo watched the football flying above him. He pressed CSKA left-back Ignashevich and stood up!

  After Tang Ju passed the ball, he quickly turned around and moved forward. Renaldo didn't even have to look at it to know that Tang Jue was out of position. He pushed the football in front of Tang Jue!

  A red figure rushed up. It was Sembras. At this moment, he was closest to his goal. If he couldn't grab the ball before Tang Jue, then their goal would be threatened!

  As if the two dragons were playing the ball, Tang Jue and Sempras rushed to the football!