Chapter 108-Death War! bloody battle!

Neither of them grabbed the first spot. When the football rebounded from the snow, both raised their right feet and wanted to grab an orange football.

  In the embarrassing glances of Sembras, Tang must have a pad on his back and got in touch with football in advance.

  Football flies to the CSKA restricted area!

  The snow flies up suddenly, Tang is like a Siberian tiger in a snowy night, and football is his prey. Football does not have the consciousness of being a prey, and its speed of movement is not very fast. Tang must rise on the snow!

  With two lunges, Tang Ju pressed his right foot hard and pressed the football on the snow. Sembras did not give up, he was chasing after Tang Jue's right side.


  At this moment, Tang Jue's world entered into silence, no sound, no smell, only football in his eyes.

  At this moment, he increased his speed to the maximum.

  At this moment, Saint Germain fans on the west side of the stadium are intertwined with tension and excitement.

  At this moment, more than 80,000 CS Army fans fell into a deadly silence, and their only fear was in their eyes.

  After five steps, Tang Jue entered the restricted area!

  As the distance between Tang Jue and the goal gets closer, the joy in the eyes of Saint-Germain fans is even greater. The last trace of energy in the body is gathered. After the football crosses the goal line, they turn this energy into a cheer and let out. Own ecstasy.

  The hard and slippery snow cannot stop Tang Jue's dribble. After 80 minutes of playing, he has gradually adapted to the snow. Tang must be in a silent world, and every subtle change in football is clearly passed on to his eyes.

  Achinfeffer abandoned the door, and the black jersey looked like a bear from a distance. Luzhniki stadium staged a fierce rivalry, Tang Jue's face was unhappy and worry-free, and Achen Feife's face appeared sloppy!

  Tang Jue entered the shooting distance, but Tang Jue did not shoot. Saint Germain's players were not surprised. They all knew what Tang Jue was going to do. Achinfeffer also knew what Tang must do.

  He studied Tang Jue before the game. He knew that when the Chinese striker singled out, he must break through the goalkeeper and hit the goal. This was a great insult to the goalkeeper, and Achenfev decided to get back his face for the goalkeeper. The momentum on his body reached the zenith, really like a black bear about to riot!

  In an instant, they were three meters apart!

  Standard redirection distance, Tang must make a final breakthrough!

  Tang Jue looked to his left, and suddenly the outside of his left foot touched the football!

  Achinfeffer was astonished!

  In the pre-match research, he found that the Chinese forward used to shoot with his right foot, and Tang Ju broke the goalkeeper's direction to the right. So before Tang Jue made an action, he kept staring at Tang Jue's right!

  Achinfeffer yelled in confusion: "When did he change? Why didn't he find it in previous games?"

  In the official competition, this is the first time that Tang Jue made a breakthrough with his left foot. Not to mention he has not seen it, even the defenders of the Ligue 1 have not encountered it.

  Dewu's eyes passed through the snow flakes, and he saw the scene happening in the opponent's restricted area. He guessed that Tang must make a breakthrough from Achinfeve's right. In his mind, the picture of training in the team some time ago flashed. He sighed, "Tang's understanding is too high!"

  Achenfiff moved his center of gravity quickly. Tang Jue did not pay attention to Achen Feife at all. He completely entered his world and pressed forward. The next moment, Tang Jue had crossed Achen Feife's defense line!

  Empty door!

  Bear-tiger battle, Siberian tiger easily win!

  Saint-Germain fans began to open their mouths and took a deep breath. The cold air like a knife rushed into their lungs. There was no painful expression on their faces, but an excited look!

  Many home fans closed their eyes in pain. How they hope God bless them and let a miracle occur. The Chinese striker suddenly fell on the slippery snow.

  A miracle didn't appear, Tang must have done it overnight!

  A miracle appeared, Saint-Germain fell behind zero to two, scored three goals in a row and reversed the score!

  Huang Jianxiang's excited voice appeared on the live broadcast screen of Cctv-5: "The goal has been scored! Saint-Germain is leading by three to two! Tang Jumei scored twice!

  It was Chinese striker Tang Jue who pulled Saint Germain out of death. It was Chinese striker Tang Jue who slammed a Central Army into the knockout and pulled it back!

  Tonight's Luzhniki stadium belongs to Tang Jue, tonight's ecstasy belongs to Chinese fans, belongs to Saint-Germain fans! "


  Hard and slippery snow, football rolling irregularly. This is a nightmare for a technically sophisticated team. The previous three goals, two of which were scored by headers, illustrate this principle. Earlier Tang's mistakes with the ball many times also showed this reason. Dewu equalised the header, because of the field, after Tang broke through the double team, the Central Army defender was relieved, Saint-Germain won a corner kick, Deulli defeated Sembras and scored the football The opposing goal.

  However, this time Tang Jue took orange football and used a sharp breakthrough to wave the sharp sword in the snow to hit the opponent's key.

  This is absolutely shocking!

  The blue field on the west side of the stadium was plunged into madness, and some fans' tears slipped on their faces. In a split second, those slightly salty, full of excitement and joy tears became small ice. These icings flew away from their cheeks in a violent shaking, crushing a few snowflakes in the air and falling somewhere!

  After a short while, there was only one voice at Luzhniki Stadium: "Don! Don! Don!"

  They are calling the name of the hero!

  Saint Germain's bench was jubilant for a while, and the substitutes jumped out of the chair, waving the jersey and leg guards on their hands, and made strange noises in their mouths!

  Pauletta also joined the carnival team. At this time, the collective honor is higher than the individual. He is really happy.


  After Tang Ju scored a goal, he had a frontal somersault in excitement and let go of his joy!

  The Saint-Germain players on the field fell into ecstasy. They only had one goal at this time, which was to catch Tang Jue and give him a passionate hug!

  In sharp contrast to them are CSKA players, who silently lowered their heads in the first half. Gazaev sat in a silent chair with a somber expression, and exhaled in pain. His brain is moving fast, and he must adjust the lineup and strengthen the offense to change the situation. Gazaev didn't have time to lament that the Chinese striker was too amazing, and he was figuring out how to substitute.

  Achinfeffer looked at the football in the net with frustration, and his heart was cold!

  They must score two more goals in order to push Saint-Germain into the Champions League semi-finals.

  Ten minutes, two balls?

  Unless a miracle occurs!

  Will a miracle occur?


  Standing in the command zone, Vaid Alilozik was quickly calculating Gazaev's adjustment, and the ecstasy on his face had faded. The Central Army will definitely launch the fiercest offensive, and then must strengthen the defense. Tang must be a master of fast counterattack. He is a threat on the field.


  The midfielder's performance is fairly stable, and the four guards have adapted to the snow game. So ... can only replace Renaldo, add a defensive midfielder, play three backs?

  Yes, three backs!

  Vayd Alilozick is quite satisfied with his ideas, because so far, no three backs have appeared in modern football games. This is definitely a bold plan!

  A year later, Chelsea in the Premier League, really under the command of the magic bird played a triple back.


  Before the game restarted, the two coaches dispatched troops to adjust the lineup. The Central Army will change the lineup to 352, and Saint-Germain will respond with 451. The coaches on the field are fighting wit, the players on the field are fighting hard!

  The game resumed, and the Central Army began a Jedi counterattack. They had no way back. The Central Army players wearing red jerseys were a fire, and the flames on the pitch shone the most dazzling light, illuminating the entire Luzhniki stadium.

  Saint Germain players wearing blue jerseys used their bodies to build a line of defense in their own half. They have taken fate in their own hands, and this time they must not let it be reversed!

  Dewu yelled, rising from the snow, competing for a header with Yarosek. The two heads slammed together at the highest point, screaming twice, and they both fell on the snow in pain.

  The referee whistled and the game was suspended. He waved for the team doctors to enter because he saw blood on both faces. Dewu's brow corner just cracked again!

  After a simple bandaging by the team doctor, the two stood up from the cold snow and started fighting again!

  These are two fierce men, and there is applause from Luzhniki Stadium!

  Boskovich, who has always played gorgeously, always gives an elegant feeling on the court. However, he also started to tackle the ball, which made Tang Jue very surprised. After being surprised, he was all over.


  Victory must not be allowed to slip away!

  The blood was hot, and the blood on Dewu's face had become ice.

  bloody battle!

  The Central Army launched shocks from the air again and again, frequent physical contact, The stadium did not make a dull sound, it was issued by the players from both sides in the air for a header.

  The high morale of the players on both sides caused fans to cheer again and again. The game entered a white heat, and even the snow flakes drifted away from these ruthless people. They floated to the stands and wanted to fall on the fans. However, their ideas failed, where the same passionate temperature and extremely high temperature did not want them. Melted away.

  The helpless snowflake had to rise abruptly and search for the target again. They landed on the heads and shoulders of reporters on the sidelines, on the heads and bodies of the two head coaches standing in the command zone, making them snowmen!

  As the game time elapsed, the hearts of the CSKA players became increasingly irritable, and they gradually appeared desperate. Forty-two minutes into the game, Tang Jue got them into real despair.

  Dewu made a long pass, and Tang Jue stepped on the snow. He wanted to catch up with the football that landed on the side!

  Just as he was about to go away, the irritable Berezoz extended his right hand, and he grabbed Tang Jue's clothes. Berezoz would rather be sent out than the Chinese striker to stage a single ride again!

  Tang has been repeatedly dragged by defenders in Ligue 1 and he is very experienced in dealing with this situation. Tang Jue fiercely afterburner, move forward again!

  Berezoznin pulled Tang Jue's clothes, fell into the snow, fell on the snow!

  The powerful Tang Jue told Berezoznin that he couldn't hold me!

  At the moment of the fall, Berezoznin's eyes appeared blank, and then blank was followed by fear!

  Get rid of Berezoznin, and Tang is absolutely gone!