Chapter 110-Life is a battlefield everywhere!

While Gazaev was fighting with reporters, the Saint-Germain players took a shower in the hotel, drove a large army, and under the cover of the night, they went to another battlefield. Having just defeated the Russian men on the field, they have to defeat the Russian women on another battlefield, as if this was the way to make this trip a success.

  Just like defending champion Porto with a double-kill, they want to double-kill the Russians.

  Saint-Germain players pack four boxes, six for each box. Tang Jue and Dewu, Boskovich, Renaldo, and Pauletta were in a box.

  When Sack assigned his room in Boskovich, his eyes flashed with surprise, but then he calmed down again. Tang Jue is the biggest contributor to helping the team get out of the downturn. In the minds of the team leaders, they have long regarded Tang Jue as an important person in the team.

  Other players seemed to have anticipated this arrangement long ago, and there was no jealousy in their eyes. Those players who have not played the game are extremely excited. They did not have the opportunity to play with Russian men, and now they want to play their energy on another battlefield.

  So they screamed inside, wanting to overcome the Russian woman eagerly.


  In the box, there is a Russian beauty beside each person. Pauletta called two bottles of vodka, Dewu and others frowned, shook their heads at Pauletta, they didn't want to drink spirits, and tonight they opened a second battlefield with the beauties around them. Pauletta poured Tang a glass of wine, raised the glass and said, "Congratulations on your hat-trick!"

  He looked at Tang Jue and poured it into his mouth before Tang Jue spoke. Pauletta put down the wine glass, and the beauties around him were ready to pour his wine glass, and Pauletta waved his hand to signal that the work was done by himself. He fixedly looked at Tang Jue.

  Tang must know that his alcohol consumption is not good, his brows are slightly frowned, and the vodka of nearly 70 degrees is a knife to him. The beauty around him looked at Tang Jue and gently said to Tang Jue in less pure English: "I'll help you drink!"

  After that, the beauties were about to hold the cup, and Pauletta reached out to stop her. Dewu looked at the tense atmosphere and quickly said, "Pauletta, Don's drink is not good. He was drunk the last time. Should he drink red wine?"

  Boskovich also said, "Yes, let's have a toast together!" After he said that, he raised his goblet.

  The beauty around Tang Jue could n't understand French. She stared blankly at the men in front of her. From their expressions, the atmosphere was a little tense. Did they have revenge? Did they come here tonight to solve the problem?

  Thinking of this, she could not help raising her eyebrows. She had encountered such a situation before. Once she was injured by a wine glass and forehead, which caused her to be injured at home for half a month.

  So she became careful, sitting alertly beside Tang Jue, and could run out of the box at any time.

  Seeing Dewu talking to Tang Jue, Pauletta's face became gloomier. He thought to himself: Within a few days, so many people actually supported.

  Pauletta shook her hand and said, "As long as he says he can't, I'll let him go!"

  Naked challenge!

  Dewu They knew the amount of Pauletta's alcohol, and they quickly gave Tang Jue a clear look, meaning that he wanted to give in.

  Tang is proud, from the first family in the world thousands of years later. Tang is absolutely proud. He is in his youth, and the pride of youth is running in the blood!

  Face the challenge and head up!

  Xiaofeifei said in Tang Jue's mind: "Master, you don't have enough alcohol, just drink a red bar!"

  Tang Jue said in his heart, "Don't say you have no way to hang out, say it!"

  The battle must be fought, but it cannot be fought without certainty. Xiaofeifei is a supercomputer, it knows everything. Xiaofeifei searched out a method from the database and quickly told Tang Jue.

  Tang is overjoyed. If you want to fight, then fight!

  Tang never paid attention to Dewu's eyes, raised his glass and said, "Okay! I will drink with you!" As soon as the words fell, he poured vodka like a knife into his mouth. Vodka is really a knife, cutting along the esophagus, all the way to the stomach.

  Tang Jue dropped his glass and frowned. Pauletta looked at Tang Jue and laughed, "Good! Come again!"

  Dewu shook his head, Boskovich remembered Tang Jue's last drunken state, and sighed helplessly. Renaldo didn't say a word from start to finish, and he helped everyone in this case with the sequelae. Because all three are forwards, there is competition.

  The beauties around Tang Jue were finally relieved that the war had not broken out yet, but she was still very alert. Tang Jue spoke a few words in her ears in less standard Russian. The beauty turned her head in surprise, looking at the handsome Asian boy, he also spoke Russian!

  So she was kind to Tang Jue's attitude, she smiled and nodded to Tang Jue, and left the box.

  Pauletta didn't bother about why the beauties around Tang Jue had to leave. He had only one purpose tonight, to pour Tang Jue down. He is the first star of Saint-Germain, and has won the archer king in Ligue 1 for many years. Such an important game can only be seen from the sidelines. All this is caused by Tang Jue.

  He wants to find his dignity on another battlefield!

  Pauletta constantly pours the beauties around her, Dewu and they have let go. Since you are fighting, you are going to fight. Some things can't be solved by others. They believe that after this fight for wine, there will be no jealousy in the hearts of the two.

  Embracing the beauties around her, Dewu communicates with her in English, stroking her fat places from time to time, and the beauties whisper from time to time. The beauty around Pauletta did not enjoy such treatment, her task was to pour alcohol.

  Half a bottle of vodka was drunk in a blink of an eye, and Tang Jue's beauties had not returned yet. Tang Jue's eyes began to blur, and his heart was anxious, but his face made a clouded expression.

  Tang was so impatient that he said to Pauletta, "Senior, tell me about your professional experience!"

  Tang Jue's words evoke Pauletta's memories. Pauletta leaned back against the brown sofa, leaning her left hand on her soft body. After a pause, he began to talk about his career. Start from the Portuguese low league, and then step forward, to the peak of your career ...

  Tang was relieved, finally relieved the pressure temporarily. Damn it, hurry up!

  In order to make Pauletta remember more, Tang inserts a few words from time to time. While waiting anxiously, the beauties came in from outside the box. Tang Jue looked at the beauties and the two had a brief eye contact.

  After getting a positive response from the beauty, Tang Jue raised his eyebrows, watching Pauletta holding up his glass and saying, "Senior, I admire you, come, toast!"

  The beautiful girl beside Pauletta brought a wine glass from the table and handed it to Pauletta. Pauletta held the wine glass and smiled: "Come, toast!"

  The beauty sat next to Tang Jue, and touched her right hand gently. After drinking, Tang put down his glass, looked at Pauletta with a smile, raised his hands and applauded, and said, "Okay!"

  Tang stared at the beauties around him with a dim look, and said in French, "Where is the bathroom?"

  The beautiful girl looked at Tang Jue dullly. She couldn't understand French. She was very strange in her heart. He clearly spoke Russian!

  Pauletta said with a smile: "Don, you want to speak English!"

  Tang Ju patted his head and said with a smile, "Oh, I forgot this!"

  Pauletta smiled very well. He knew that Tang was about to get drunk, and he actually spoke French to Russian beauties. Then on this battlefield, the winner is himself!

  Dewu shook his head and said to Tang Jue: "Tang, drink less. Tonight you can't treat the beauties around you!". After speaking, he squeezed his eyes towards Tang.

  Tang Ju stood up shaking and said loudly, "Where am I drunk? I must have three drinks with you when I go to the bathroom!"

  Pauletta laughed: "Okay!"

  Tang Jue walked to the bathroom with the help of the beauties. Pauletta happily raised her glass and said to the three, "Brothers, come and toast to advance to the top 16!"


  Tang Ju didn't install it before entering the bathroom. He was really drunk and couldn't control his body shaking. In the bathroom, he took several pills of different colors in the hands of the beauties and swallowed them. The Russian beauty asked strangely: "Sir, these kinds of medicines can hang up together?"

  Tang said with a smile: "Yes! You have been the queen of the wine table ever since!"

  The beauty's eyes flashed with luster. If it was true, her future "Qian Cheng" was bright, and a picture that made her happy appeared in front of her eyes: the man next to him pointed at the glass and said, "After drinking this glass!", She raised The glass drank vodka and the man shoved a few bills into her bra. She kept drinking, and the men around her kept stuffing money in her bra!

  The beauty kissed on Tang Jue's face and said, "Sir, I will serve you tonight for free!"

  After hearing this, Tang Jue was totally hot, and he smiled awkwardly. The beauty did not say, "Sir, if you are not drunk tonight, I will serve you for free.". Because it doesn't make sense. If Tang Jue is telling lies, even if Pauletta does not fight with Tang Jue next time, she must find a way to make him drink more.

  If Tang Jue is telling lies, and he is unconscious after being drunk, then she does not need to serve, and she can re-search for the client.

  The beauty has been thanking Tang Jue for many years. Whenever she saw Tang Jue on TV, she always kissed him. When the TV said that Tang must come to Moscow, she would always meet him at the airport and then serve him well!


  Leaving the bathroom, Tang Jue was still shaking with the help of the beauty. Sitting on the sofa, Tang Jue shook with Dewu and they toasted three glasses, and then he shook toast with Pauletta.

  Soon two bottles of vodka drank, Tang said shakingly to the beauty around him: "Two more bottles!"

  There was a change in Pauletta's face, his eyes widened, Tang Ju shaking in his eyes so much that he was almost drunk. Dewu shook his hand and said, "Don, you can't drink any more!"

  Tang Jue shook loudly and said, "We Chinese have the saying," There is a thousand cups of wine for every confidant! ", Don't get drunk tonight!"

  Tang Jue 's words inspired Pauletta 's fighting spirit. His purpose tonight is to defeat Tang Jue on the rink. Since Tang Jue wants to drink, it means that he still has the fighting ability. Pauletta laughed, "OK! Cool!"


  The third bottle of vodka was not finished. Pauletta leaned back on the sofa and said to Tang Jue with blurry eyes: "Don, I didn't expect your wine was so good. Let's toast!"

  At this point, Pauletta was drunk, and he could not hold up the glass. The glass was lifted by the beauties around him, and placed by his mouth. The intense and stimulating taste of wine drifted into Pauletta's nasal cavity, and Pauletta's face turned pale. Suddenly, he vomited with a "wow!"

  The beauty around him was accustomed to this kind of scene. When Pauletta was forward, she had already lifted her legs from the ground, and even a drop of wine from the glass in her hand was not spilled!


  Pauletta was taken away by the hotel staff, Tang said with a smile to the three of Dewu: "Come, let's continue drinking!"

  The three looked at the four vodka bottles on the table, shook their heads, and they had another battlefield tonight. They rarely spend the night out like this in Paris, and there is no wife in Moscow, this is a great opportunity to find beauty.

  Renaldo finally spoke, and he said with a smile: "Tang! You are the king of the country of wine! We do not compete with you to drink!"

  Tang laughed and said to the beauties around him, "Come, Kulikova, let's drink!"


  An hour later, the four of them, led by the beauties, walked into the predetermined rooms. Spring night, the night outside is still cold!