Chapter 111-Girlfriend?

At seven o'clock in the morning, Tang absolutely woke up. He felt something on his arm. Turning his head, blond Kulikova was sleeping in his arms. The room was dark and Kulikova's appearance was unclear. Remembering to fight with Pauletta last night, Tang couldn't help but smile slightly.

  Tang Jue comfortably squeezed Kulikova on the soft ground with her right hand. Kulikova opened her eyes in the dark. She thought Tang Jue still needed, so she got into the quilt ...

  An hour later, Tang Ju dragged his tired body into the bathroom. Kulikova continued to sleep lazily with a contented smile.


  Saint-Germain finished the game and began to rest during the winter break. They will fight on three fronts after the winter break. After thinking about it, Wyid Alilozick decided to give the players more rest. He announced that the team would concentrate on January 10 to prepare for the Ligue 1 match with Sosso on the 13th.

  At 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the return flight, many team members started to sleep on the flight. It looks like they were fighting hard in another battlefield last night. Pauletta went to bed as soon as she got on the plane, and didn't even eat lunch at noon. This morning Deu and Renaldo helped him back to the hotel, and he drank too much last night.

  Where is this like the team that has won the battle, obviously like a group of soldiers who have lost the battle.

  They defeated the CSKA on the pitch but lost to the Russian beauty on the bed.

  Tang Jue looked at the sleeping Sak next to him, thinking about the scenes last night and early morning. He felt the same way. The Russian beauty was really powerful, even harder than the competition with the Central Army.

  Tang Jue even thought that if he was Gazaev, he must send a group of beautiful women to console Saint Germain the night before the game. In this way, the Central Army can easily win.

  Tang absolutely did not expect that after a few years, he really encountered this situation!

  He called Alice before boarding the plane. Alice was on vacation these days and was alone at home. Tang Jue told her to prepare luggage, and the two returned to Lyon to meet his parents. Alice was both surprised and worried. She was surprised that she could no longer stay bored at home; she was worried that she did not know what kind of people Tang Tang's parents were and whether they would get tired with them.

  Tang must comfort Alice. His parents are easy to get along with, so don't worry about it. Tang must bring Alice back to Lyon for a purpose. Alice's cooking skills are slowly increasing, but there is still a long way to go for delicious food. He wants Alice to go to his father to learn cooking.

  Thinking of Alice's beautiful face and the madness of last night, Tang Jue germinated a certain idea.

  Tang Ju breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself: It looks like he will be better to Alice in the future!

  He looked at the beautiful Russian stewardess and motioned for a newspaper. He is usually reluctant to read the newspaper. Now he always finds something to pass the boring time.

  The beautiful stewardess took a few newspapers with a smile, and Tang was surprised to find that there were team newspapers in it. He turned his head to think about it and was relieved. It was a flight from Moscow to Paris, and it was not surprising to have a French newspaper. There are a lot of stars in the sports world. Ordinary people like stars. It is easy to understand when there are team reports on the plane.

  Opening the fifth edition, a striking title reflected in Tang Jue's eyes: Tang staged a hat trick, and Saint Germain advanced to the top 16!

  Tang Jue raised his brow slightly and a smile appeared on his face. He was very satisfied with the title. He couldn't help looking down, and slowly, there were more and more smiles on his face.

  The team newspaper praised Saint-Germain's zero-two unfavorable situation, pulling four goals in a row, a shocking reversal. They implicitly criticized Gazayev's conservative tactics, saying that with a 2-0 lead, the CSKA was too conservative and just wanted to keep the result until the end of the game.

  The team newspaper commented: Saint-Germain had reversed many times in the past in the past when the score was behind, and they were full of tenacity. Moscow despised Saint-Germain's determination to advance to the top 16.

  The team newspaper made a very high evaluation of Tang Jue, saying that he and Barcelona's Messi and Manchester United's Ronaldo are leading figures in the world football in the next few years. At the age of seventeen, in the first professional season, he broke two consecutive Champions League records. The team reported that he has a great future.

  The team newspaper also specifically mentioned Tang Jue 's evaluation of the two head coaches after the game. The team newspaper believes that Tang Jue and Ronnie are not comparable, and the two do not belong to the same era. Ronnie is now at the end of his career, and Tang Jue has just entered his career. It's too early to say anything. Maybe Tang can reach Ronnie's height in a few years. Maybe Tang Rong, like Ronnie, will be plagued by injuries for a long time.

  Seeing Tang here couldn't help laughing in his heart, hurt? In the second laboratory of Lyon, after making the gene medicine, he made the medicine that strengthens the very ligament of muscle. According to Xiao Feifei, no one can let him lie on the bed in the green field of this world.


  On the second day after the match with the CSKA, Real Madrid raised the offer to 8 million euros. Bayern also offered a 7 million offer. Milan also offered a 7 million offer ...

  Gellert's offer to the giants was unmoved, and he thought the price was too far from his psychological price.


  It is night to return home. Paris is a city that never sleeps. On the bus home, Tang Jue received a call from Arendt downstairs. Arendt asked Tang Jue to invite him to drink tonight, because he scored three goals against the CSKA and made three million. franc.

  Tang Jue directly rejected Arendt, who is now short of money. But his excuse was that he was too tired last night. If Arendt doesn't believe it, he can ask Sack.

  Arendt inquired about the taste of his Russian beauties. Tang lied that he was drunk and did nothing last night.

  On the bus, he also received a call from CCTV correspondent Huang Juan in Paris, who told him he wanted to interview him in person. Tang absolutely told her that he was going to Lyon's home tomorrow because he had never been home since he arrived in Paris in August. On November 20, he will play in Lyon. In order to prepare for the Champions League match with Porto, he did not return home after the match with Lyon.

  Huang Juan understands that Tang Jue is eager to return home, and she has not returned to her home in China for a long time. In the end, Huang Juan told Tang Jue that he hoped that he would take time to accept her interview after returning to Paris, because domestic fans did not know him well. Tang agreed happily.


  Opening the door, a red figure was watching TV on the sofa in the living room. Alice greeted Tang Jue with a smile, because after Tang Jue went to Moscow, she called her many times. This pleased Alice. Without her relatives, Alice was most afraid of being lonely.

  Instead of having a contract with Tang Jue, she had to live with Tang Jue. She might as well be afraid of being lonely and willing to live with the big boy who saved her life.

  Over the past few months, she and Tang Jue have almost run in. Tang Jue has no bad hobbies. What's more important is that Tang Jue did not treat her as a maid like the contract said, and they are equal in many places. In particular, Tang Jue agreed to her attending the model training class, which made Alice very excited.

  Ten days ago, she was on the coveted runway. Looking at the stunning eyes of the audience, Alice was satisfied. After the first runway show, several young suitors showed her favor. Alice's vanity was most satisfied.

  What made Alice somewhat angry was that Tang Jue had promised her to go to the scene to see her first catwalk. But that day, Tang Jue actually said he wanted to train and didn't show up at the scene. Alice wanted to make Tang Jue look, and those amazing eyes in the audience looked at her. As for why she had this idea, she couldn't say clearly.

  Alice looked at Tang Ju and asked, "Don, are we really going to Lyon tomorrow?"

  Smelling Alice's faint body fragrance, Tang Jue said, "Yeah, you don't have to worry, my parents are very good. After arriving in Lyon, I have to study cooking with my dad carefully in these days."

  Alice wrinkled her nose and asked, "Isn't my Chinese food delicious?"

  Tang must know that Alice is not very happy. He laughed, "Alice, you are very good at cooking, but only a little worse than my dad. Really, it is only a little worse."

  Without a word overnight, the two got on the plane to Lyon the next morning. With a tense and happy mood, Alice followed Tang Jue to the "Sichuan Hotel" somewhere in Lyon II.

  Tang Jue dragged his suitcase, stood outside the store and pointed to a glass billboard hanging on the second floor, saying in Chinese: "These four words are 'Sichuan Hotel'."

  Alice looked up at the billboard and said in Chinese: "Sichuan Hotel!"


  Cuihua knew that Tang must come back a few days ago. She woke up this morning to count the time. Today is the day when Tang must return. Cuihua came here six years ago. She grew up watching Tang Jue. She always treats Tang Jue as her younger brother.

  Counting the time, Tang Jue has left home for more than four months. Has he grown taller? Have a beard? Do you have a girlfriend? ... Countless questions circled in her mind.

  Cuihua was rubbing the table and thinking: it was twelve noon, Tang Yuantian said that Tang would definitely come back for lunch. But why haven't you come back?

  At this moment she heard a familiar voice sounding outside, as if there was a woman's voice. Who is she? Is she his girlfriend? If so, take a look now!

  My girlfriend must pass this level!

  Cuihua didn't even put down the rag on her hand, and quickly walked to the door. She looked at Tang Jue, he seemed to grow taller. This abominable guy has really grown up!

  Sure enough, he brought his girlfriend back. Cuihua turned her eyes to Alice, and slowly her mouth grew up. This is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen!

  Dark brown hair, like a cloud, floats behind his head at will. Daimei's eyebrows are picturesque, her blue pupils, and her beautiful features are like western fairies. The upper body is wearing a red waist-shrinking leather jacket, showing the impressive figure, dark pants, a pair of white high-heeled leather shoes. Cuihua thought: The pants should be made of wool!

  Alice's temperament is just like the star on TV, elegant.

  Cuihua thought: Is it true that his girlfriend is a big star.

  Thinking of this, Cuihua hurried to the kitchen.

  In the kitchen, Tang Yuantian and his wife are busy preparing a rich lunch for their son. Cuihua hurried to the door of the kitchen. Chen Xiu'e was chopping vegetables on the chopping board. She glanced at Cuihua and said, "What are you doing, are there any customers?" After saying that Chen Xiu'e continued to cut vegetables.

  Cuihua swallowed a saliva and said, "Here you are!"

  Chen Xiu'e stopped the knife in her hand and looked up and asked, "Is the darling child back?"

  Cuihua nodded and shook her head, and Chen Xiu'e looked at Cuihua strangely.

  Cuihua said, "He and his girlfriend are back!"


  Tang Yuantian asked in unison. Tang Yuantian frowned. His son was only 17 years old and he dared to fall in love. If he did n't learn, he would learn some bad things and see that I would n't interrupt your legs!

  With a smile on Chen Xiu'e's face, his son finally grew up. He didn't need someone to introduce him and found his girlfriend. Take a look at the uncle's brave baby son, who is all 30 years old, and even his wife has not asked for it!

  Tang Yuantian angrily put the shovel in his hand into the cooking pot, turned off the fire, picked up the rolling pin on the chopping board, and went out angrily. Chen Xiu'e looked at her husband and suddenly woke up from a dream. After Tang Yuantian said aloud, "Finding your girlfriend is your son's ability, why are you angry?"

  After Cuihua was surprised, she quickly caught up!