Chapter 120: Back to China!

How could a powerful shot be blocked by Dida's free kick. The momentum of football continues unabated, and it crosses the goal line in an instant and lies in the net nest!

  The goal has been scored!

  The score became one to one, and Saint Germain equalized the score in 68 minutes of the game!

  This was never thought of by anyone. Before the game, the media believed that Saint-Germain could hardly break the goal of AC Milan, and now Dewu broke the prediction before the match with a penalty. Not only that, AC Milan will fight for one less person in the next twenty minutes!

  Now the form is very good for Saint-Germain, Vayd Alilozik seems to see the hope of victory, he stood in the command area and shouted his disciples. Signaled players to take advantage of the situation in order to increase the offensive strength.

  Before the game restarted, Ancelotti used two substitutions in a row, replaced Thomassen and Seedorf, and replaced them with Inzaghi and Karadze. Inzaghi is a master of quick counterattack. Ancelotti's intention is very obvious, that is to fight back quickly.

  The game resumed soon, Saint-Germain increased its offensive strength, and Ac Milan, whose number was inferior, had to recycle to its own half. The initiative is in the hands of Saint Germain!

  Milan fans know the situation is very critical, they once again sang the magnificent "October of Milan", cheering on their generals. Each line of lyrics is full of power, which spreads through the air and penetrates into the body of Milan players. Their fighting spirit was high, their warfare was fierce, and they built a solid line of defense with their bodies.

  The tenacious Milan intercepted Saint Germain's fierce attacks again and again, and they launched a quick counterattack at the right time. Kaka and Inzaghi are both masters of counterattack. Tang is still trying to break through. Under the tight defense of Gattuso and Karaze, he never got a good shot.

  Saint-Germain was unable to attack for a long time, slowly backing the formation. Both sides entered into a state of equilibrium. This balance is maintained until the end of the game.

  One to one, Saint-Germain drew the strong Ac Milan in San Siro, this achievement is enough to make them proud, but they are still blocked by AC Milan in the Champions League quarter-finals. AC Milan advanced to the quarterfinals with away goals.

  Although Wyed Alilozick has regrets, he knows very well that his team is far from Milan. At the end of the game, as he shook hands with Ancelotti, Vayd Alilozik said: "Congratulations!"

  A rare smile on Ancelotti's face said, "Luckily! Luckily!"


  Saint-Germain was eliminated, however, after the game, major sports media in Europe praised Saint-Germain. It is believed that Saint-Germain's performance in this field is very colorful, especially in the second half, the sharp breakthrough of the Chinese striker led to a loophole in Milan's solid defense line.

  Milan fans played a banner during the game and welcomed Don to Milan. It seems that Milan fans have recognized the Chinese teenager. If Galliani can provide enough sincerity and funds, they may take the lead in the competition.

  Tang never lost after the game, he clearly realized that to win honors on the European battlefield, the team's strength is first, and luck cannot go far.

  After this game, Real Madrid and Milan simultaneously raised their offers!


  Time flies very quickly, and March is about to end. Blocked by Ac Milan outside the Champions League quarter-finals, Saint-Germain devoted all their energy to domestic competitions, they were desperately chasing Lyon.

  Lyon defeated Bremen 3-0 in the second round of the Champions League and advanced to the quarterfinals of the Champions League. They are now fighting on two fronts. In order to have a good performance in the Champions League, their pace in Ligue 1 has begun slowly. By the end of March, Saint-Germain had narrowed the points gap between the two sides to four points.

  There are eight more matches in Ligue 1 and Saint Germain has a chance to catch up.


  International match day on March 28, there are many matches between national teams on this day. On March 25, Tang Ju returned to China from Paris. He accepted the call of the national team, and Saint Germain agreed to let go because the Ligue 1 game only started on April 4.

  On March 28, the Chinese team will play in the Vietnamese national team at the Guangzhou Olympic Sports Center.

  Guangzhou is a strange city, and Tang Jue came to Guangzhou for the first time in his life. Equally unfamiliar is the teammates of the national team, he does not know any of them. Playing football overseas, Qi Shaohui arranged Tang Jue and Sun Jihai in the same room. Tang must know that Sun Jihai played in the Premier League Manchester City, but they have never met.

  Qi Shaohui's arrangement has another profound meaning, allowing Sun Jihai to tell Tang Jue of some hidden rules of the national team.

  Playing together overseas, the two have a lot in common. After gradually getting acquainted, Sun Jihai said something to Tang Jue, and Tang Jue's face suddenly began to change. He lowered his head and thought for a long time, and then looked at Sun Jihai and asked, "Is there really such a rule? Did you do the same?"

  Sun Jihai nodded helplessly. Tang had no intention to ask when this rule came into effect. He was grieved in his heart. Tang Jue looked at Sun Jihai and said, "Why didn't you resist then?"

  "The power is in the hands of others. What use is resistance?"

  There was a pain in Tang Jue's eyes, proud as how he would accept such bizarre rules. He exhaled and said, "I won't succumb to such bizarre rules!"

  Sun Jihai was reticent. He lived abroad for several years and knew the thoughts of Europeans. Tang Ju grew up in France from a young age, and his response should be normal.

  Sun Jihai said: "Don't talk about these unpleasant things, can you tell me about the match against Milan. Nesta is not good enough?"


  At 3 pm on March 28, Guangzhou Olympic Sports Center.

  The match between the Chinese national team and the Vietnamese national team started. Tang must sit alone on the bench. There are many teammates around him, but he still looks very lonely.

  As the game progressed, Tang Jue's face became more and more gloomy. Xiaofeifei told him long ago that the highest combat power of the national team was Sun Jihai, and his technical level reached the high level of the professional level.

  Playing against a small country like Vietnam, the two sides actually scored zero to zero in the first half.

  After the intermission, Tang Ju was still sitting on the bench in the second half. Seeing the situation could not be opened, the fans in the stands still shouted Tang Jue's name. They came here today to a large extent to see Tang Jue play. In the first UEFA Champions League, he scored two goals and played against AC Milan. Tang Jue scored twice. In the hearts of fans, although Tang Jue is only seventeen years old, he is the deserved first star of the Chinese team.

  This was the first time Tang Jue heard his own name in the country, and the voice seemed to awaken, his patriotism buried in his heart. Tang Jue's blood began to accelerate, his blood was hot, ready to play at any time, and fight for the country!

  The national team leader Qi Shaohui sat on the bench, his brows raised slightly, his face still expressionless.

  Ali Han glanced at Qi Shaohui, and Qi Shaohui still had no expression on his face. Ali Han had to turn his head and watch the stadium.

  The game time passed quickly, the score remained unchanged, and the fans shouted louder: "Substitution! Substitution! Tang Jue! Tang Jue!"

  Tang Jue began to pile up blocks, and he finally understood a fact. What Sun Jihai said was really true. He couldn't play today!

  However, just two minutes before the end of the game, Ali Han asked Tang to better prepare for the game. Tang Jue had no surprises, only indignation. When he and the fourth official stood on the sidelines, there was a huge applause from the Olympic Sports Center. Many fans shouted his name excitedly.

  Tang Jue's heart was even more sad.

  He had ten minutes to try out in Lyon. Tang Jue thought it was a great insult to him, so he later rejected Lyon's request to invite him to try again. He returned home with joy, but only gave him two minutes of playing time. What can I do in two minutes? Tang Ju made only one breakthrough and one shot in two minutes without a goal.

  The referee sounded two short and one long whistle, and the two sides were tied with zero to zero. The Vietnamese players started cheering.

  For Tang Jue, this is absolutely a shame. This score is a shame. It is a shame to give him two minutes to play. Where can Tang Tang, who is pursuing victory, bear such a result, because Xiao Feifei told Tang Jue that the highest combat capability of the Vietnamese team is only the beginning of the professional level. This level is similar to his fifteen-year-old.

  The fans began to scold Ali Han, and Ali Han quickly entered the player channel and fled the scene. Tang Ju stood on the pitch, watching the fans on the stands, watching their angry faces, and a sore heart. In Saint-Germain, the relationship between players and the team is very harmonious. No matter how poor the team's performance is, they will always support their team as always.

  Today's shameful draw is a war of right and wrong!

  Tang Ju's footsteps began to speed up, and he wanted to ask Qi Shaohui for an explanation. Qi Shaohui called him for the first time to teach him with national justice. Now that he is back, why only give him two minutes of playing time. He wanted to ask Qi Shaohui, was Sun Jihai's rule true?


  Player channel.

  Two minutes of playing time, proud as how he can endure such insults. Tang Ju asked Qi Shaohui: "Leader, why can I only play for two minutes?"

  Qi Shaohui looked at Tang Jue strangely and said with a smile: "You should ask Ali Han, this is the head coach."

  "Is it because I have no respect for you?"

  Qi Shaohui's face began to look difficult. He said angrily: "Tang Jue, who plays the game is the head coach's business, you can't count this responsibility on my head."

  Tang absolutely sneered a few times and said, "The first time you called me, you were pressed by national and national justice. I am back now because you have not honored you, so you only let me play for two minutes. You see, what kind of team Vietnam is actually tied with such a bad team. Haven't you heard the shouts of the fans? "

  In the previous life, he had a block in his heart, and punched Tang Ba with a punch. Now that he had a block in his heart, he waved his sword to Qi Shaohui. In previous lives, the Tang family was the largest family in China, so government officials were very kind to the Tang family's children. Where can he now suffer such humiliation.

  "Should I ask Lao Tzu to send you money! Don't even think about it!"

  Qi Shaohui's face was somber that a thunder shower was about to begin. However, years of experience in government departments let him know that this is not the time to get angry. Even if you want to make a person, you must have a smile on your face!

  "I don't care about you, you are only seventeen years old and don't understand a lot. I still have something to do, let's go!"

  After Qi Shaohui said, he left Tang Jue in the player channel and left alone. At this time, Sun Jihai came out from the locker room to comfort Tang Jue.