Chapter 121: The Thoughts of National Civil Servants!

At 11 pm that day, the Chinese Football Association held an emergency meeting in Beijing. Three Shaohui, the vice president of the Football Association and the national team leader, were present.

  Qi Shaohui told what happened with Tang Ju in the player channel. He finally said: "Tang Jue's behavior has seriously affected the image of the national team. It should be dealt with seriously now, otherwise this matter will have serious consequences. My opinion is to fire the national team!"

  The conference room was very quiet. Xie Yalong looked at the three of them. He took office in February this year, and now the most needed thing is to straighten out the relationship within the Football Association. As a politician, doing things safely is number one.

  Qi Shaohui told him what happened before he got on the plane at 6pm. This incident gave Xie Yalong a headache, and internal unity must be given priority. According to common sense, he must support Qi Shaohui's point of view, but Tang Ju's stunning performance in the European stadium made him unwilling to kill the killer.

  In his opinion, Tang is definitely a genius that is rare in China for a century.

  "Everyone talk about their views!" Xie Yalong rubbed his temples in pain.

  Nan Yong, sitting on his right, thought, "It's not up to you to decide how to decide." You don't just come here to exercise, you won't be as long as you are afraid to leave. It 's okay to fire, and I did n't make this decision anyway.

  If you have the opportunity to take power in the future, come back to chaos anyway and recall Tang Ju to the national team, not only will Tang thank me for Dade, but also the hearts of the fans and the media, but also buy it together!

  Thinking of this, Nan Yong said, "I support the suggestion of the leader Qi. Tang Jue 's behavior is undoubtedly the following offense. If it is not dealt with, how will the national team manage it in the future? The previous national team did not have strong means and made the team suffocate . "

  Sitting next to Nan Yong, Yang Yimin is a football expert, author of several books, and a training material for national coaches. He was very optimistic about Tang, but he did not expect such a thing to happen now. From the bottom of his heart, he opposed the expulsion of Tang Jue. However, is what he said useful?

  If he objected, it would not be against the comrades. This is very bad for future work. Hey kid, those words are all right in my heart, why do you say them?

  Yang Yimin said: "I agree!"

  Three of the four already agreed, and Xie Yalong did not hesitate, he nodded. Now we must keep pace with our comrades. Expulsion is also a lesson for you, as long as you have a sincere attitude of admitting mistakes and calling you back again!

  In this way, each of the four people with a ghost made a decision to fire Tang Jue!

  The following morning, the FA spokesman announced the news.

  At noon the next day, the news was broadcast in the afternoon news of major sports channels in China. The biggest news in domestic football is not that the national football team had a zero draw with Vietnam, but that Tang Ju was fired by the Football Association. Major portals also reported the news.

  The domestic fans were obviously stunned by the news, and then they became confused. China has such a talented player, but was fired? In their opinion, the Chinese striker who set two consecutive records in the Champions League will definitely lead the Chinese team to the World Cup finals, and even score a goal in the World Cup to win a game.

  However, this dream is now shattered.

  Even if Tang is absolutely wrong, but he is only 17 years old, who does not make mistakes, why not forgive him?

  Perhaps this incident itself is not Tang Jue's mistake. Look at the Football Association's rhetoric: abusive the team leader after the game, affecting the unity of the team.

  Could a newcomer insult the leader when he just entered the national team?

  Even if he abused the leader, why did he abuse it? Why is it after the game? Tang Ju was sitting on the bench for most of the game yesterday. Is it because he was only given two minutes to play ...

  Fans began to give full play to their imagination and compiled many versions. They talked about the Football Association's approach and stood on the side of Tang Jue, without him, because Tang Jue had brought them too much joy and too many surprises in the past six months. Let them deeply feel the spring of Chinese football.


  At this time, Tang must be in Hong Kong. Because Alice attended a fashion show in Hong Kong. He also learned the news through the domestic network at noon.

  Throughout this world, Tang Jue has always sought to control his own destiny. Use gene medicine to treat the body's diseases, choke your throat, and re-enter the greenery field. After healed, he didn't rush to return to Lyon, but chose to practice his breakthrough technology in the second big sycamore forest in Lyon, the purpose of which is to narrow the gap with Benzema.

  After the trial and humiliation of Lyon, he went to Paris ...

  All these things were done under his control.

  However, a notice from the Chinese Football Association expelled him from the national team. How should he control his destiny? For this reason, Tang must fall into deep thinking.

  Tang Ju was sitting under the T-stage. The models on the T-stage were walking in the sound of music. In addition to the stars in the entertainment industry, there were many celebrities in the business community. They looked at Qian Ying on the stage in a happy mood, and some rich people were booking their goals.

  When Alice came out, there was applause, and some rich eyes glowed green.

  Alice is like a fairy left in the dust, with elegant temperament. Ru Yun's dark brown hair floated behind her at will, and her blue eyes were a deep sea, thin lips that made all men in the world drunk. She has a great figure and a golden ratio.

  The applause awakened Tang Ji, who was thinking about it. These applauses reminded him of Prince Park Stadium. He was moving from the player channel to the playing field, and his blood began to flow rapidly.

  After looking up, he understood where he was now. So he sighed slightly in his heart, and the sigh had endless Xiaosuo, lost ...

  Alice had a charming smile on her face, and her eyes were searching during the march. When she saw Tang Jue, her smile was even stronger. Then her brow frowned slightly, because she found that Tang Jue was not emotional.

  When Alice's eyes stayed on Tang Jue for a long time, countless eyes looked at Tang Jue. Curious, unfriendly, jealous ...

  One of them had surprises, chunky eyes and thick lips. In other words, everyone in China knows him. He is the famous Hong Kong movie star Zeng Zhiwei.

  Zeng Zhiwei kept asking himself: Is it him? No. Why is it so similar? There are too many people who look like. Even if it was him, how could he come to Hong Kong? Yes, the noon news also said that he was seen by the national team, Guangzhou is very close to here. How did Alice know him? Yes, Alice is French!

  Thinking of this Zeng Zhiwei could not help but whisper a few words in his wife's ear, went to Tang Jue. There was an empty chair beside Tang Jue, and Zeng Zhiwei sat down.

  "Are you Tang Jue?" Zeng Zhiwei's Mandarin was difficult to understand, Tang Jue turned to look at him in doubt. Zeng Zhiwei patted his head and said in English, "Are you Tang Jue?"

  Tang Jue frowned and nodded, Zeng Zhiwei became happy. This Hong Kong star who left football because of his height has always liked football very much.

  "It's you!" Zeng Zhiwei's eyes flashed with radiance, as if seeing the beauty that made him tempted. Zeng Zhiwei is a self-familiar, so he started to speak in English, foaming. Tang must have become an audience because Zeng Zhiwei has been repeating his performance in the Champions League.


  The clothing conference ended an hour later, and the song ended, but Zeng Zhiwei didn't think of leaving. "You finally came to Hong Kong. You must have a meal tonight anyway." Zeng Zhiwei said eagerly. Tang definitely wants to refuse. He is in a bad mood right now. He has to think in a quiet environment.

  At this time Eason Chan found Zeng Zhiwei, he came over with a smile. Zeng Zhiwei showed his teeth in vain and introduced him with a smile: "Tang Jue! Saint Germain's Tang Jue!"

  Eason Chan looked at Tang Jue, opened his mouth wide, his eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't say a word, holding Tang Jue together, like meeting his long-time old friend again.

  The people of Hong Kong are enthusiastic, and they can't be separated. They must make sure that Tang never eats. The sentiment is difficult, Tang Ju exhaled and nodded. Zeng Zhi laughed great, Eason Chan smiled.

  Zeng Zhiwei's wife Song Lihua came over and Zeng Zhiwei introduced her to Tang Jue. Song Lihua politely shook hands with Tang Jue.

  Tang Jue said, "I'm going to pick someone up."

  Zeng Zhiwei remembered Alice's look for Tang Jue, he asked, "Alice?"

  Tang nodded.

  Song Lihua's eyes glowed, and she asked in shock: "Alice?"

  Tang smiled helplessly and nodded again. Eason Chan, who was calling again, looked at Tang Ju and asked, "Do you know Alice?"

  Tang Jue nodded for the third time.

  "What Alice, is your new horse?" Eason Chan called and asked. Eason Chan embarrassedly smiled at Tang Dynasty, because Andy Lau's voice was so loud that all four people present heard it.

  "Hua Brother, you're talking again, I don't have such a beautiful blessing. I said you must come tonight, it will definitely surprise you. If you don't come, you will regret it for life." Speaking to the phone.

  Tang must be unfamiliar with the environment here, and only Zeng Zhiwei could lead the way. At the back door, they found that there were many young men waiting with flowers in hand. At a glance, Tang knew that they had practiced, and he had also practiced in previous lives. Otherwise he would not be able to hit Tang Ba and Tang Liang on the ground.

  Many models came out of the door and were politely picked up by the man waiting at the door.

  When Alice stepped out of the door after removing her makeup, three young men greeted her immediately. After a brief stumble, Alice looked at them calmly. She often encountered this situation in France. After inheriting her mother's genes, after years of training, coupled with the transformation of genetic medicine, she attracted great attention from the French fashion industry as soon as she debuted.

  The famous French fashion magazine "L'OFFICIEL" made a special topic for her in March. Alice quickly became popular in France, faster than Tang's fame. Paris is the fashion capital of the world. Red in France is red in Europe. Red in Europe has a certain influence in the world. This is why Zeng Zhiwei's wife Song Lihua was shocked.

  There is three bunches of flowers in front of Alice. What should she do?