Chapter 124: The French Football Association is in action!

Tang Jue returned to Paris with frustration and gains. Alice did not know how to comfort Tang Jue in words. She just made the food more fragrant and arranged the home more beautifully, hoping that this would reduce his pain.

  Saint-Germain's teammates also learned about this from television reports, and they comforted Tang Jue in different ways. Dewu said that the sky will not always be hazy, and the sun will definitely come out. Boskovich said, you are not a child that others don't want, you see, we are all your family ...

  Arendt downstairs was more direct. The night Tang Tang returned to Paris, he took Tang Ju to the hotel chic. Many teammates of the second team came. During the glass of wine, Sack said: "Don, it's too smooth. This God is always fair. You will receive as much as you can. That's it. It just takes a few steps to pass! "

  Vaid Alilotsik comforted him: Don, keep up your mind. This year we are going to win the double crown, we are going to pull Lyon off the horse, and we are going to take the French Cup.

  Even Cantona also found Tang Jue: Man, there are always ups and downs in life. If you want to be a great player, you have to put these bumps to the test. Yes, this time is a test for you, test whether your heart is strong enough.

  Tang was absolutely moved by this.


  Unlike the comfort of Saint Germain, after the French Football Association received the news, after a short shock, they began to surprise.

  Tang must be cultivated by Lyon, and French football flows in his blood!

  No in China, we want!

  A few big names in the Football Association discussed this for a long time, and they started their activities a few days later. In order to accomplish this, they split their troops and went all the way to understand everything about Tang Jue. For example, who has what relationship with him, who has great influence on him, what is Tang Jue's personality ...

  Another team carefully studied the relevant rules of FIFA ...

  Soon the first passers-by brought back the news, and the situation was quite satisfactory. However, the situation of the second passers-by is very bad, according to paragraph 2 of Article 15 of Chapter VII of the FIFA Provisions on the Status and Qualifications of Players: If a player has already represented an association, he has participated in part A formal match of levels. He would not be able to represent a team from another association.

  Paragraph 3: A player who has the nationality of more than one country, may have applied for a new nationality, or was called by a multinational team. He can change his nationality and play on behalf of the new national team. But it must be before the age of 21.

  This clause also has a principle: he did not participate or partly participated in the original international A-level competition of the national team. At the same time he has the nationality of the new country.

  The problem of nationality is very easy to solve, but the game at the Guangzhou Olympic Sports Center was an international A-level competition registered with FIFA, and more importantly, Tang must have played!

  It's going to be two minutes!

  Is it that the Chinese have been prepared for it and did it on purpose?

  According to the current rules of FIFA, even if Tang must become French nationality, he will not be able to play for France. A cup of cold water was poured on the heads of the French Football Association, and their eager hearts were poured into chicken soup. They did not know whether those dripping from the heart were water or tears.

  French Football Association President Ximone was very frustrated, and vice president Gleat flashed a glimmer of light. He said: "The regulations are not allowed, we will try to modify the regulations!"

  This sound is like a loud chicken humming before dawn, indicating that the night is about to pass!

  There is a lot of work to do in order to accomplish this. G. Simone shot a stern look in his eyes and said to Gleat: "You are responsible for the things on Don's side, fast! Things from other national football associations It's my responsibility. We need to do this before the Chinese wake up! "

  So the two most important members of the French Football Association began to work separately. Chairman Simone started to lobby other European football associations. To change the relevant rules of FIFA, he even asked Platini to help ...

  An event that triggered an international football quake was carried out in secret. This is something that absolutely must not have been thought of by Tang, because of him, because of the handling of an incident by the Chinese Football Association.


  Under the comfort of his teammates, Tang Jue's mentality began to change. In order to be safe, Vayd Alilozik challenged Tang Jue to sit on the bench in the Saint-Germain away challenge to Marseille. In this game, under the shelling of Pauletta outside the penalty area, Saint-Germain scored all three points with a one-zero away.

  After the game, Tang must find Vayd Alilocik and tell him that he can play in the game. He is very strong and will not lose the motivation of the game because of that.

  On the 10th April, Vayd Alilozick arranged for Tang to start at home against Bordeaux. What makes Tang absolutely moved is that before the game began, he saw the banner played by Saint-Germain fans: Don, we will always be with you!

  When he encountered a cold weather in China, he received such high support at the Prince Park Stadium. Even though Tang must be iron-hearted, his mentality will change.

  Make him feel "here is my home".

  In Hangzhou, he told future Chinese leaders that he was frustrated with the National Football Association and wanted to change his mind. At that time, he only had this idea in his mind, and he was very worried, after all, it was a big deal for him. And more importantly, Xiaofeifei told him that according to the current FIFA regulations, even if he changes his nationality, he cannot participate in the World Cup.

  However, Tang Jue was not disappointed. His previous experience told him that any rule is human and any rule can be modified. In previous lives, whether it is domestic or international laws and regulations, as long as it is not good for their home, they will find ways to modify it.

  There are many famous stars in the world, because of the weakness of the national team, they have not been able to participate in the World Cup. For example, Via and Giggs ... Tang never knew what they thought.

  How sad it is that a player cannot participate in the World Cup. Tang Jue stepped onto the green field and pursued greatness. He couldn't play the World Cup, which Tang couldn't accept.

  In previous lives, he was a child of the first family in the world and had a vague idea of ​​the state. In many cases, as long as the principles of the state are not violated, the interests of the family will even exceed the interests of the state.

  There is a saying in the family instruction of the Tang family: everything must be based on family interests.

  The descendants of the Tang family interpreted this sentence as: For the benefit of the family, everything can be done as long as it does not violate the fundamentals of the country.

  In the family records, the presidents of four countries were killed, and the two leaders of the country were dismissed because of the peach-colored incidents, which are inextricably linked to the Tang family.

  He grew up in France in this life, and the concept of the country is still vague, and the country is just a name for him. The biggest blow to him was to return home happily and prepare to serve the country. However, because he did not respect the leader, he gave him small shoes. Two minutes of playing time is definitely a shame.

  Disappointed, discouraged, flooding his heart. He had to come up with another idea.

  As proud as he is, do n't you want me, do I still bow my head and ask you to wait for your resumption?

  For Tang Jue, this is absolutely impossible.

  For his business empire, he carefully tempted, and finally he got a positive answer. China's future leader told him that no matter which country he ended up playing, should not forget that he is a Chinese.

  There are many methods for patriotic nations. If Yang Zhenning is in China, it is absolutely impossible to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. He is a Chinese, and receiving the Nobel Prize is a great joy for the entire Chinese world.

  After receiving the Nobel Prize, Mr. Yang Zhenning did a lot for Chinese education. It is also a patriotic move to introduce American experts to teach at Chinese universities with their own influence, and let famous Chinese universities set up laboratories with famous American universities.


  Tang Jue looked at the banner of "Tang, we will always be with you!" And decided to reward them with goals. In this game, he was extremely excited, like a bull in heat, and like a stimulant. Raising the horns on his head, he daringly attacked the defender line of Bordeaux again and again.

  Tang, who was mad, was terrible. He let Xiaofeifei fully turn on its ability. Tang had different red lines of different thickness before and again, and he moved along that thick red line.

  For a time, Bordeaux's defender line became a display. Tang must always find a gap in their tight defense, and then wield a sharp sword in his hand to pierce Bordeaux's goal.

  Throughout the game, he shot a total of seven times and hit the opponent's heart five times.

  With a goal from Renaldo, Saint-Germain completed the massacre at home and beat Bordeaux 6-0. The unfortunate Bordeaux became the object of Tang's venting emotions. Every time Tang Jue took the ball, Saint Germain's fans cheered him on, and every time Tang Jue broke the goal, Saint Germain's fans called his name.

  This feeling was very warm and moved Tang Jue.