Chapter 125: Happy Ox Party!

After the game, the French media commented on the game. They interpreted Tang Jue's five goals, thinking that he was fighting back the Chinese Football Association with five goals to declare his existence. Unfortunately, Bordeaux became Tang Jue. The offering at his feet became the object of his anger.

  They even mentioned that the game against Lyon on November 20 last year, that Tang must use a goal and an assist to help Saint-Germain to defeat Lyon, that is, Tang must avenge Lyon's shortsightedness. After Tang Ju scored, he knelt down on one knee to the coach of the youth team Pintori.

  They think that Tang must be a man with clear grudges.


  In order to win the Ligue 1 title from Lyon, Saint-Germain was very united. Pauletta temporarily suspended his transfer application. For Tang Jue's transfer, Gellert also suspended negotiations with Real Madrid, Ac Milan and Bayern. Glelie told them that everything will wait until the end of the season.

  As a Ligue 1 champion for three consecutive years, how could Lyon easily give up his four consecutive championships. They continued to sing along all the way to keep the difference between Lyon and Saint-Germain at more than four points.

  On the 18th round of Ligue 1 on April 18th, Saint-Germain will meet the challenge of Lyon at the Princes Park stadium. The outcome of this game is likely to determine the title of the season. If Saint-Germain wins, the difference between the two sides is only 1 point, with five games remaining, Saint-Germain has a chance to surpass Lyon.

  If Lyon wins the game away, the difference between the two sides will increase to seven points, it is almost impossible for Saint-Germain to win the final championship. The point difference is not the key. Losing this game will greatly hurt the confidence of Saint-Germain players.

  If the two sides are tied, the last five games will be the key.

  Before the game began, the media had already started a war. The Paris media carefully analyzed the recent performances of the two sides. They believe that the momentum of both sides is very strong, but Saint Germain, who wants to dismount Lyon, has the psychological advantage, and they are home games.

  Saint-Germain has never failed at home since last November. Since the 11th round of Ligue 1, they have achieved 8 wins and 2 draws in 10 home games of Ligue 1. This result surpassed Lyon's home result over the same period. Lyon scored 7 wins and 4 draws in eleven home games.

  Lyon's media believes that their team will definitely create the four consecutive championships in Ligue 1 and set a new Ligue 1 record. Lyon has an advantage in terms of overall strength. Lyon's media even moved out of the Champions League. Lyon reached the Champions League quarter-finals, while Saint-Germain stopped with the semi-finals.

  Saint-Germain's media refuted the Lyon media one by one. They moved out of the game on November 20, and they said: They can beat Lyon away and there is no accident to win Lyon at home.

  Although Lyon has an advantage in overall strength, Saint Germain is stronger than Lyon in individual positions. They took Tang Jue out, thinking that Tang Jue has scored 22 goals in Ligue 1 and 8 goals in the Champions League. No one in Lyon can stop him from scoring.

  Regarding the Champions League game, the Paris media believe that Milan is much stronger than Bremen. Saint Germain was able to make a three-to-three match with the opponent in two games, which is already a victory. For Lyon and Milan, their score may be uglier than Saint-Germain.

  The war of words was first conducted between the media, and then the head coaches of both sides also participated. Vayd Alilocik said that winning Lyon at home is the team's idea. Saint-Germain not only won Lyon at home, but also pulled Lyon off the top of the standings. Saint-Germain's goal is the Ligue 1.

  Legon said: Saint-Germain wants to win the championship, at most it is just thinking, no one can stop Lyon how to win the four consecutive Ligue 1 champions. The winner of the game on April 18 will only be Lyon.

  The players from both sides also joined the war of words, Juninho said: "Last year we could have a one-point advantage over Saint Germain to win the championship. This year we can do the same."

  It was Saint-Germain's pain that he was runner-up by one point last year. And they led Lyon by two points before the final match. Who knew that in the last game, they lost to promoted to Mabasti, but Lyon defeated Lille 3-0 at home, Saint Germain gave up the championship.

  This is Saint-Germain's pain forever. The reason why Saint-Germain showed such a downturn at the beginning of this season, in addition to the reasons for the injury, last season's injury has affected them too much.

  Dewu fired back: "Yesterday is different from today, this year is different from last year. I was still 11th in the 11th round, and now we have ranked second. This is a miracle, and we will continue to let this The miracle continues. Until the end of the season. "

  As the most dazzling star of Ligue 1 this season, how can the media not let him talk. Tang Jue said in front of the media: "We can win Lyon away, and we will win at home. Lyon is not a tiger. Even if he is a tiger, I am Wu Song."

  The French media did not know who Wu Song was, and Tang had to spread them to the Water Margin and tell them the story of Wu Song fighting tigers. Tang Jue spoke vividly and even added body language. The story was very exciting, which aroused French journalists' interest in "Water Margin". After some press conferences, he actually went to the library to find the French version "Water Margin".

  The word of mouth battle between the media, the head coach, and the players on both sides made this game a Ligue 1 game with the highest attention this season. Critical matches related to this season's championship fight are on the verge of breaking out!


  Anlis is an ordinary fan in Paris and he rarely goes to the field to watch the ball. The bombardment of media in the two cities has inspired him to go to the scene to watch the ball. So he went to buy tickets three days before the game, but the staff told him that the tickets had been sold out two days ago.

  Anlis was disappointed. When he left the ticket window in disappointment, a young man with a peaked cap came to him and asked softly, "Brother, I have a ticket."

  Anlis couldn't help exulting and asked, "How much?"

  "five hundred!"

  Anlis was shocked. The ox party was too fierce, and it grew five times in an instant. Anlis shook his head, unwilling to spend money unjustly. Back home at night, browsing the web, the Internet is full of news about this battle of focus. He made a ruthless decision to buy a scalper for five hundred. So the next day, he found the cap and took out five hundred francs. The cap shook his head and said, "The price today is eight hundred!"

  Anlis tried to suppress the anger in her heart, and it rose by three hundred a day. He started bargaining with the peaked cap and drooled a lot, but the peaked cap didn't let it go, which annoyed Anlis. He even threatened the cap with an alarm, where the cap would be threatened by him.

  The peaked cap said: "The police station is my house. Don't try to threaten me. Now you have to get a thousand francs to buy a ticket."

  A word of threat not only failed to achieve the expected results, but increased the fare to one thousand. Anlis was very annoyed, but he couldn't always grab it.

  He decided to leave here, and the cap did not hold him, he was used to seeing such people. Sure enough, Amris didn't go far before returning. The two sides started a rhetoric again and ended up trading for 800 francs.

  At 7 pm on April 18, half an hour before the game.

  The Princes Park stadium was already packed, and Anlis wore a blue jersey and sat in the place he bought for eight hundred francs. He was still cursing the cruel peaked cap: "Damn, one hundred tickets sold for eight hundred."

  The middle-aged man next to him patted his shoulder and said, "It's not too much eighty, I'm spending twelve thousand this morning!"

  Anlis felt a joy and felt that she was not a loss. At this moment a fat man on his left was panting out of the crowd panting. The fat man was sitting on his seat panting heavily. Anlis asked the fat man curiously, "Dude, how much did you pay for the ticket?"

  The reason why Anlis was so certain was that the fat people's votes were also bought from the ox party because the ox party's votes must be together. The middle-aged man on his right confirms this truth.

  The fat man said with his fan, "Two thousand!"

  Anlis felt that he was wise and did not come to buy tickets until today. The fat man continued: "My fare is not high. I just paid the bill and I have a buddy to buy tickets. Guess how much he spent?"

  After thinking about it, Anlis boldly said, "Two thousand five!"

  After talking about Anlis, he regretted it. He felt that he was talking too high. The two were up to one minute apart in time.

  The fat man shook his head, and Anlis more affirmed his thoughts. The fat man said, "Three thousand!"

  Anlis almost fell to the ground, and it rose by a thousand in a minute!

  The fat man seems to often buy ox tickets, he said very experienced: "The ox party slaughter one counts one, and they know that the closer to the game time, the more eager people want to enter the stadium. If I did not make a mistake, the ox 10 minutes before the opening Tickets will rise to five thousand. Last year's last match was this price! "

  Anlis thought it was worth eight hundred francs because there were still five thousand francs to watch!