Chapter 129: Smart Alice!

  Alice got dressed angrily and walked out of Tang Jue's bedroom. Tang Jue was lying on the sofa and talking to Bei Qiang about their future plans. Alice looked at Tang Jue angrily, and then sat in front of Tang Jue. Tang absolutely moved his legs inside to make room for Alice's ass.

  A faint scent of fragrance floated from Alice, and Tang couldn't help taking a few greedy breaths. Looking at Alice's angry expression, Tang Jue yelled: No! Why did you forget it!

  Tang absolutely spoke into the microphone and said, "Okay, let's stop here and prepare what I said."

  As soon as Tang Jue hung up, he sat up, and he approached Alice and wanted to hug her.

  "Don't move!" Alice said angrily, "Why are you doing this?"

  Tang Jie said quickly: "Alice, this is the case. I just took a call and then made a call. Don't be angry, we still have things to do."

  Alice was even more angry and shy. She said, "We do have something that is not done, but that thing is not what you imagine."

  Tang Jue looked at the pink Alice on her cheek, and her eyes were angry. Think about what you did wrong just now. Let a beautiful woman wait in bed, but make a phone call in the living room. You will get angry if you change.

  To quench Alice's anger, Tang asked with a smile, "What is my imagination?"

  Alice was even more angry and more certain of the thought in her heart: this wicked guy was playing with her!

  Actually asked me what is your imagination, what else besides that?

  The French are romantic and open, but Alice has never been in love, and her skin is slightly thinner. Alice blushed and said, "Don't let me sleep with you, don't think about it forever!"

  Tang Jue is not angry. She thinks Alice's expression is very beautiful when she is angry. He said in surprise, "Alice, you originally wanted to live with me for a lifetime, I have to consider this. Well, it looks pretty good, and it's good, just ..."

  "Just what?" Alice asked, looking at Tang Jue. She said disdainfully, "How can I say that my figure is not bad? My figure is the best in the world!"

  "Well, even if your body is the best in the world, one day your body will change. At that time ..."

  Alice stared at Tang Jue and said, "You haven't answered my question just now, just what? And even if I get older and change my shape, I'm still the most beautiful at that age level."

  Tang Jue looked at Alice's red lips and said, "It's just that you have a bad personality. No man wants you."

  Alice sneered: "My personality is bad, hum, is there any man asking me, that's my business, don't worry about you." She smiled angrily: "I don't want anyone? Every time I walk down the T Taiwan, I don't know how many people send me flowers! "

  Tang Jue saw that Alice was really angry, so he said softly, "Alice, we don't really need to quarrel. Well, I apologize to you, I shouldn't take that call, I should talk to you ..."

  "Shut up, don't say it!" Alice knew what Tang Jue was going to say, and she interrupted Tang Jue in time.

  "Well, I won't say anymore." Having said that, Tang Jue continued to say, "I was just discussing the construction of a pharmaceutical factory with Bay."

  Tang Jue's words aroused Alice's interest, and her expression eased a little. She asked, "Do you want to build a pharmaceutical factory? What medicines will be produced?"

  Alice suddenly remembered that her illness was cured by Tang Jue. Even the best doctors in the world were at a loss, but Tang Jue's medicine cured her. Is this medicine?

  If so, why didn't he build a factory earlier?

  Tang Jue saw Alice no longer angry and relieved, but he talked bluntly: "Oh, diet pills, obesity is the number one killer of health. This market is vast!"

  "Slimming pills?" Alice asked, disappointed, Tang nodded.

  Alice lowered her head for a moment, then looked at Tang Jue and said, "It takes a lot of money to build a factory, and you have time to manage it."

  Tang Jue nodded and said, "Money is indeed a big problem, but I will find a way to solve it. As for management, I was just calculating with Shell and was going to let him manage it. He just learned economic management."

  Alice tilted her head and looked at Tang Jue. Ru Yun's hair dangled to her body with the movement of her head. Alice said: "If the money is not enough, I can borrow some from you. But why do you use shellfish, he has not graduated from college and lacks practical experience, so why not find an experienced person to manage?"

  Money, the little girl has a few dollars. Even if you are very famous now, you have taken a few advertisements and endorsed a few brands ... My god, she is really rich!

  Tang must feel that there is a bright light in front of him, why he never thought that there would be a rich woman at home. I would have thought that Alice was so rich, I would not have to be so distressed!

  It's a bank! Banks that can withdraw at any time!

  Alice's worth is already eight digits. The last time the endorsement merchant gave her five million. Alice said that there are still five merchants waiting for her to sign an endorsement contract.

  Alice is richer now than he is.

  Tang definitely thought of this and said with a smile: "Very good! I will speak when the time needs money. As for why Belle manages, I believe him. For an enterprise, the investors and managers This trust is very important. "

  "Without experience, he can exercise slowly, not to mention I have no experience in running a business."

  Alice seemed to think of other places. She said with a smile: "Tang, otherwise I can start investing now. I can invest with money. In addition, I can endorse our own products. As for the endorsement fee, now you It should be very short of money, and I can convert endorsement fees into shares! "

  Tang absolutely looked at Alice in surprise. Why did Alice have such a strong investment concept?

  It turned out that I had always looked down on this!

  Alice was waiting for Tang Ju to answer her question, she saw Tang Ju's surprised look. So she showed a sweet smile. Tang Juegang just affirmed that there are few people in the world who can not melt into Alice's smile.

  Research needs funding, factory construction needs funding, and advertising needs funding in the future ... Tang Jue is now short of money. His original vision was to slowly raise the money himself. But it can take a long time. Alice is no one else, and if she is willing to invest, that is a very good thing.

  Tang Jue said, "Okay!"

  So Alice said, "Then you draw up a contract for me, and I sign it as soon as I agree."

  Wen Ting agreed with Tang Jue's plan and decided to start researching weight loss pills. Tang Jue asked her if she needed a contract. Wen Ting refused, thinking that a contract was meaningless.

  Now, Alice has asked Tang to give her a contract.

  This may be the difference between French and Chinese. The French believe more in the law, while the Chinese believe more in human relationships.

  Tang never thought about it, and immediately agreed, and he directly left the contract to Xiaofeifei, a supercomputer.

  "Okay, I'll give you a plan and a contract tomorrow." Tang Jue looked at Alice and said, "Alice, look, we just haven't finished things yet. The night is already deep!"

  Alice nodded and said, "It's deep, go to sleep!"

  Tang almost howled, Alice went to her bedroom, and Tang followed her. Excited, he was imagining what posture to use, and he carefully recalled the night lingering with the Russian beauty. He asked in his heart, "Which posture should I use?"

  "Pong!", The bedroom door hit Tang Jue's forehead, waking him up.

  "Ah!" Tang Jue screamed. He didn't understand why the door hit his forehead.

  The door wouldn't hit Don by himself, the door was closed by Alice!

  Alice turned her head and looked at Tang Jue who was covering her forehead strangely, and asked in surprise: "Don, why don't you go to bed and run to my room?"

  Tang Ju was surprised this time. He rubbed his forehead and said, "Did you just say that we sleep together? Of course, I went to sleep in your room."

  Alice blinked and said, "When did I say we sleep together, why don't I remember?"

  Tang must think carefully about what Alice said before, as if Alice did not say that she would sleep with him.

  Why don't you explain it plainly, don't make me misunderstand!

  on purpose! Definitely intentional!

  Tang Jue finally knew that Alice was retaliating herself, and she called her and left her alone in the bedroom.

  Tang looked at Alice with sorrow and resentment, and Alice's conspiracy smile appeared on her face.

  Damn, even if you leave, you need to get some interest.

  Tang Jue walked towards Alice, and Alice looked at Tang Jue strangely. She never worried about what Tang would do to her. The two lived so long, and she knew him well. But she didn't know what Tang Jue was going to do to her?

  Tang Jue looked at Alice's rose-like red lips, remembering the smell of the two kissing, his heartbeat began to accelerate. Tang must hold Alice and said, "Alice, we should say good night to each other!"

  Alice understood, she kissed Tang Jue's cheek gently and said in his ear: "Don, good night!"

  Tang Jue moved Alice's head over, her eyes were opposite, and Alice's eyes were flustered. What was he going to do?

  Tang Jue's mouth was printed on Alice's red lips, Alice closed her eyes, her breathing gradually became thicker, and her heart felt strange, like a little rabbit beating in her heart!

  Then ... then come on!

  Alice has made up her mind, and tonight is the beginning of her new life!